by Gladys Diaz

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As I continue to interview experts for the “From Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Telesummit, my heart smiles each time one of them says something that reaffirms the message Michelle and I are committed to sharing with the world: The relationship of your dreams is something you create!

I’ve gathered over 20 of the leading experts in dating, relationships, healing and transformation to share with women – whether they are single or in relationships – how they can move past the pain and fear of heartache and move toward creating and experiencing the life and love their hearts desires.  These experts are from all over the world.  And, while some of them know or have heard of one another, I have to believe that it’s more than a “coincidence” that a recurring theme in many of the interviews is this:

Love is something you create, and it begins with your thoughts and words!

The power of our thoughts and the words we think and speak about dating, love, and relationships create our experience of what dating and being in a relationship is like for us.  If you think and talk about how dating is a waste of time, that it’s “hard,” and that there are no good men out there, then you can expect to either not be approached for dates or go out on date after date that leads nowhere.  If you spend time thinking and talking about how relationships are hard, how marriages don’t last, and how love eventually fades away, then you can expect to struggle in your relationships, consider and threaten divorce when things get tough, and to have very little romance in your relationship or marriage.  And what we tell ourselves about how worthy we are of giving and receiving love has a huge impact on how “love-able” (able to love and be loved) we allow ourselves to be.

While it can seem like we have very little control over who we fall in love with, how the relationship turns out, and what our experience of being in the relationship is or will be, the truth is that everything that is happening (or not happening) in our lives and in our relationships is being influenced by our own thoughts and words.

That’s why creating this telesummit has become more than just a “great idea” or a nice project.  It’s become a mission.  A mission to end the trap of heartache – where remaining in the pain and sadness seems “safer” than moving forward, doing the work to heal and empower ourselves, and creating the love we say we desire!  With each interview you will hear about how to identify and remove the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that are keeping you from experiencing the love that is already waiting for you!

Whether you are single and looking to attract the love your heart desires, you are in a relationship where your heartache stems from wondering what happened and whether you can turn things around and experience the romance and intimacy you once shared, or you want to take your love to a new level, I invite you to sign up for the telesummit, and to share it with the women in your life.  There are people in our lives whose hearts are breaking, and we can bring a message of hope, healing, and new beginnings into their lives.

So, will you do it?  Will you join us on this beautiful journey within?  Will you share it with your friends who may be waiting to hear the message that is going to change their lives and help them open their hearts up to love?

I’m on a mission to end heartache and to let women know that they can have the love they deserve and that their hearts desire.  I’d love for you to join me in this mission. Together we can change the world one woman, one heart at a time!

Click here to learn more and sign up to participate in the “From Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Telesummit and to share it with the women in your life!


Questions? Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!


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