by Gladys Diaz 

Would you like to know what the #1 complaint about dating is that we hear from women?

We think we’ve heard just about everything when it comes to the frustrations of dating, but there’s something that we hear more than anything else!

The thing that irks women the most about dating is feeling like it’s a waste of time. 

There’s nothing more annoying to a successful woman than a man who’s wasting her time because they don’t know what they want, are trying to scam her or are just plain players.

But here’s something we want you to understand.

There’s nothing on earth that will make less of a difference in your life than blaming someone else for your circumstances.

It’s simply that simple.

The only thing that will create change in your life is being responsible for what you’re creating and getting curious about why and how you can create something different.

So… if you’re tired of feeling like men are wasting your time, look inside!

Ask yourself:
– “What is having me attract this type of man?”
– “Am I holding onto a dead-end relationship?
– “Am I investing more time than I should with someone?
– “What could I be doing that’s inviting this type of experience?

Step back, get curious and see how you can adjust!

Are you not making plans for your weekend because you’re waiting and hoping that a certain someone will ask you out?

Are turning down dates with men who are showing up because you’re hoping something else will happen?

Are you spending time or engaging with someone who you know isn’t the kind of person for you?

Are you choosing to spend time with someone (either physically or emotionally) who’s already shown you he’s not the one?

These are just a couple examples of how you may be choosing to allow someone to waste your time – which is why YOU have the power to shift!

What can you do differently?

– talk to more people

– create more opportunities to meet other men

– get clear on what your limiting beliefs are so they can stop running the show!

– stop thinking dating has to be hard

The point is – it’s unnecessary to keep having the same experience over and over again.

Have you ever heard the saying, “If you make a mistake twice, it’s a decision”? 

If you’re having an experience over and over that you don’t like, get curious about why you’re choosing this!

You always get to choose what experiences you want to have!

Dating can be fun, exciting and fulfilling.

Remember this too – if you’re getting to know someone and genuinely interested in seeing where it could go and then after 3 or 4 dates you decide it’s not a match – that’s not a waste of time! That’s called dating! It is a waste of time if you aren’t giving men a chance, deciding it’s over too soon or continuing to spend time with someone that’s clearly not the type of person you’re looking for.

Claim the power you hold over your life and create the type of dating experiences you want to create! Once you do that, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you start to attract exactly what you want.