by Gladys Diaz

This week my heart has been heavy.  I’ve heard from three different women who have reached out to tell me that their marriages are ending. 
It’s heartbreaking for me to hear news like this.  Marriage is such a sacred, precious union.  When two people choose to join their lives because they love each other, they do it fully expecting the love that they feel for one another to grow stronger over the years.  They do not get married hoping to hurt, disrespect, and kill the love they once felt for one another. 
I’m the first one to admit that having a wonderful marriage takes work. It’s a daily commitment to being my best self so that I can have the love, happiness, and peace in my marriage that envisioned when we first got married. It wasn’t always like this for us. We went through rough patches, just like every other couple.  There were times when I wondered if we’d make it. 
I remember noticing that things were changing between us. I remember asking myself where the love, passion and fun we used to share had gone.  We were arguing more often, rarely having fun together, and I carried my resentment like a badge of honor.  We were not hugging, kissing, or sleeping together as often and there were many nights when I cried myself to sleep. 
Our marriage didn’t get to that point over night.  There were signs along the way.  Things had been getting bad for a while.  And I silently prayed and hoped that things would change. 
One day I decided I couldn’t ignore what was happening any longer. I couldn’t just keep hoping and praying that things would get better.  I knew I had to do something in order to transform who I was being so that I could help turn my marriage around. 
I began doing my inner work, sought out mentors and coaches who would help and hold me accountable, and began experiencing the inner shift that began having a very real effect on my marriage. 
It took some work and it didn’t happen overnight, but soon the constant arguing stopped.  We were holding hands and smiling at each other again.  We began laughing and kissing and making love again.  My transformation helped transform my relationship and I began to see the man I’d fallen in love with in a whole new light! 
If you’re going through a difficult time in your marriage (or you know someone who is), don’t ignore the signs. Don’t pretend you don’t see them, and certainly don’t think that things are just magically going to get better on their own.  They won’t.

In today’s video I do something I rarely do because of how protective I am of the time I have with my family on the weekends.  However, I’m really committed to making a difference, so I’m offering to talk with a few of you who are ready to begin turning your marriage around this weekend.

Now, here’s the deal.

There are thousands of women reading this email right now and I’m only opening a few spots, because I still want to spend time with my husband and kids. I also only have two spots available in my private coaching program. So, I’m asking that you reach out to me only if you are serious about investing in and doing the work you’ll need to do to turn your marriage around before it’s too late.

I’m not giving you the link to my calendar. If you want to speak with me this weekend, send me an email. It will be a first-come-first serve basis and I will let you know the times I have available, which will be mid-morning/early afternoon Eastern time.

I know in my heart that you don’t have to suffer and that by applying certain skills and practices you can transform your marriage. I’ve helped hundreds of women do this and I want to help you, too.

The signs are there and the time is now. If you’re ready to turn things around, hit reply and let’s talk!