by Gladys Diaz 

Do you feel blocked, stopped, stuck or frustrated about dating? 

Do you feel like you want to meet a wonderful man, but the dating process isn’t worth it?

Does it seem like dating just isn’t working for you? 

The thing is, as human beings, we don’t like to play games we’re not winning. 

So, why would you want to continue to date if you’re not getting the results — the kind of dates, the amazing relationship, and the experience you’re looking for?

Guess what?

Dating doesn’t have to be so hard.

Dating can be fun, exciting and easy!

When you’re experiencing joy, happiness and excitement, your energy shows it and you attract more of that into your life. 

The opposite is true when you’re not.

If you’re experiencing frustration, anxiety and disappointment, then your energy shows that, and you’ll attract more frustrating, anxiety-producing and disappointing experiences in dating.   

If your goal is to find the right man and create a beautiful, intimate, passionate, honest, supportive relationship, why not enjoy the process of getting there?

Because, that’s really the only way you’re going to create success, anyway. 

So, how do you break the dysfunctional dating patterns that are sabotaging your attempts at creating the relationship of your dreams? 

  • Be honest with yourself and get 100% clear on what you want. 

Do you want to create a loving, supportive, honest relationship? Say so. 

Do you want to get married again? Say so. 

Do you simply want to create a long-term relating relationship so you can stop dating? Say so. 🙂 

If you’re not being honest about what you really want, you know it. And underneath that knowing is a fear of NOT getting what you want that has you ignore what you’re really feeling. And you’ll  hear, see, and interpret everything you experience in dating through that fear. 

When you’re 100% honest with yourself and get clear on what you really want, then, and only then, will you be able to start attracting that into your life. 

  • Trust yourself.

Just because you had a bad experience or didn’t listen to your gut in the past, doesn’t mean your intuition is broken. 

When you don’t trust yourself to do the right thing and make the best decisions, then you’ll look for clarity and validation outside yourself. 

That leaves you powerless and simply doesn’t work.  

When you do the HeartWork to replace the fears that have you not trust yourself, you take back your power. You’re  able to clearly hear and see the bells, signals and red flags and take the steps you need to take so that you’re not wasting your time with the wrong person.. 

  • Have faith that what you want can actually happen.

This isn’t so much about who or what you believe in as much as it is about having faith and hope in a future that contains everything that you want. 

The only way to create the relationship of your dreams is to believe —  really believe —  that it can happen and that you will be able to create it.

If you’re struggling with any of these things, or simply feel like the dating game isn’t bringing you the results that you want, then we have something for you!


Join us this week for the Dating Detox 7-Day Challenge, we’re starting on Monday, April 19th!!

During  these 7 days we’re going to share with you the most effective, clear and proven steps that we have personally used and have shared with hundreds of women around the world that have allowed them to shift from being single and lonely to being successful in love!

Join the Dating Detox Challenge Now!

Things really can change in 7 days or less!

If you’re feeling blocked, stopped, stuck or frustrated with dating and your love life, then you want to click  right now and join us  for this detox! 

Get clear on what you want, trust yourself, and believe that you can create the relationship of your dreams now.

We’re going to show you exactly how to do that!

Join the Dating Detox Challenge Now!