by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever wonder whether or not extraordinary love is possible for you?

Do you fear you’ll never find someone who will see you, love you, hear you and want to share a life with you? 

If you answered yes to either of those questions, you’re not alone and… 

I know how you feel because I felt the exact same way for years.

After my husband cheated on me and we got divorced, putting myself out in the dating game again was not only hard and terrifying – it left me feeling doubtful and discouraged that I’d ever find someone who would love me again. 

It wasn’t until I discovered the secret I’m going to share with you today that my love life, and whole life actually, were transformed. 

This secret isn’t about doing something “more” or “better” than you’ve done in the past. 

It points back to ONE fundamental thing and if you don’t know how to create this ONE thing, it will lead you to 5, 10, 20 more years of not creating the love and life that you want.

When I look back at who I was and what my life looked like BEFORE I learned this secret and who I became and how my life transformed AFTER, it’s like looking at 2 different lives!

What it all boiled down to was this… 

Really being IN the experience of being in love with myself. 

And not in a conceited, arrogant or entitled way. 

And not in a weekly massages and pedicures kind of way either. 

Loving myself at a deep, raw, true level so that when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t compare myself to my best friend or the actress on TV. I didn’t wish my thighs were smaller or that my teeth were straighter.

And when I looked myself in the eyes, I didn’t wish I was funnier, smarter or more successful. 

I knew in my heart that I was enough, that I was love-able and that I would find someone else who felt the same. 

And once I became whole in that way – only then was I able to create something extraordinary with someone else. 

That’s the secret to creating real love and that’s why we’re hosting the Self-Love Secret Mission Challenge this week! 

When you develop this type of love within yourself you: 

💖 Have the courage to be who you really are

💖 Don’t have to spend days, months, years, (or even minutes!) recovering when someone makes you feel unloveable 

💖 Communicate in a way that exemplifies true love and true power

💖 Speak your “truth” without having it look like your anger on a loud speaker. 

💖Know at the ultimate level that you’re enough and be able to create an extraordinary relationship with another human being who knows and feels the same

Because until you develop this deep love within yourself, no one else’s love will make a difference. 

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and we’re committed to YOU elevating what you’re doing in life and love so that you can have everything you dream of!

The Self-Love Secret Mission Challenge begins TONIGHT at 6pm EST and you get to be there!

This week can be the week that bridges the gap between where you are now and where you want to be because your love for yourself expands.

Here’s what ladies have said about the transformation this challenge created for them:

“My biggest takeaway from the Self-Love Secret Mission is that I am more than enough just as I am, and that I am my biggest champion! I now believe with all my heart that I will attract a high-quality man with whom I will create the relationship of my dreams! I highly recommend this challenge to anyone willing to love themselves like never before. You will truly fall in love with yourself!” -Cari

“Before I did The Self-Love Secret Mission, I  felt stuck and like I needed  change in my life and some direction. During the mission, I learned that self-love is a holistic act in that you feed your self with love, talk to yourself with love, eat food and think loving thoughts about yourself. I realized that I’ve been so negative about being in a relationship for years so now it’s just a process of noticing my self-talk, changing my limiting beliefs, and knowing I don’t have to do it all on my own. I seriously felt the best when I was doing this, and I totally want to get back into that energy again, where crazy magical things were happening!” -Anna

You get to experience extraordinary love from the INSIDE OUT!

When you learn to love yourself at this deep level, your confidence, compassion, trust, communication increase. And the list goes on – because it touches everything