by Gladys Diaz


I remember just four years ago, how hopelessly stuck I felt in my job.

Yes, I was making great money, but I was miserable! I honestly felt like part of me was dying inside every time I sat at my computer.

See, I have been a coach, speaker, teacher, and trainer since I was 17 years old.

My heart beats to connect with and help people go from wherever they are to levels they can’t even begin to imagine.

But, due to downsizing and restructuring, my boss, in an effort to avoid letting me go, had put me in a department where all I did for 8-12 hours (or more) per day was type up questions for online courses.

As I said, I could feel my soul cringing and a little bit of life escaping me every time I was up until 2:00am, crying at my computer, wondering why the heck I was so afraid to let go of that paycheck!

It wasn’t until I received the call that my position was being eliminated that everything changed.

See, even though I was being told that I was being laid off, they offered me another job, making the same amount of money, but it would require me traveling 80% of the time. I thought about my husband and kids, and, as afraid as I was of losing 60% of our income in one full swoop, I refused to spend my life on a plane away from the three people I love most in this world.

So, I walked away.

And it was both the scariest and most liberating moment of my life, because, thanks to walking away from that position, I now have the opportunity to do what I love and was born to do as a relationship coach!

There is NOTHING more rewarding than knowing that I am living my purpose and helping women’s dreams come true! And now I also get to help relationship coaches build successful coaching practices so that they can help other women’s dreams come true, too!  The love just keeps on spreading!

Oh! And I’m making more money than I ever did in my old job!

So, what does this have to do with you and your love life?

Are you in a relationship right now that you KNOW is not the right one for you?

Are you holding onto it because you are too afraid to let go and open your heart to loving and being loved again?

Or, are you in a relationship that you want to stay in, but you feel like it’s not going anywhere, like the love has stopped growing, and you feel stuck, frustrated and alone even though you’re “with” someone?

Whatever your version of “stuck” is, I want you to know that, as afraid as you are of letting go, that false sense of safety that continuing to hold on is giving you is robbing you of the opportunity to actually feel the love, joy, and fulfillment you can feel in a relationship that is loving, exciting, fulfilling, and fun!

But, just as when you were a kid playing on the monkey bars, in order to move forward, you’ve got to be willing to let go!

If you’re tired of feeling stuck and you want to know how to move forward, take a look at this quick video I shot for you.

In it, I explain the 3 steps you can take to begin moving forward in your relationship.


I know it can feel scary.

I know it feels “safer” to be stuck.

But the only thing that’s really happening is that you are cheating yourself out of the love and happiness that are waiting for you.

So, be brave…

Release that one hand from that monkey bar…

Watch the video…

And let’s move forward together!