by Gladys Diaz


A few weeks ago, Michelle and I hosted a Live Group Coaching Call, where we had the opportunity to coach some of the women in our community on what has been stopping them from attracting love into their lives.

Each woman had a unique story and each demonstrated courage and vulnerability as she opened up her heart and allowed Michelle and I to guide her through taking a look within to identify something that was hidden in her blind spot that was causing her to repeat patterns that were blocking love from entering into her life.

In today’s Coaching Clip we’d like to share one of those coaching sessions with you, so that you can experience what it’s like to have a real breakthrough.

As you listen to the coaching session, we invite you to take the coaching in and make it apply to what you are experiencing in your own life. 

  • What are you hiding from in relationships?
  • Who are you pretending to be in your relationships?
  • What is it you don’t want your date, lover, or husband to see?
  • What are you afraid will happen if he discovers who you really are – behind the mask?
  • What patterns have you been repeating in your relationships?
  • And what do you think is standing in the way of you breaking free from past fears, patterns, and beliefs so that you can experience the love you dream of?


Click below to listen to our coaching session with Vivi and how she was about to clearly see what had been standing in the way of her experiencing the kind of relationships her heart desires.

Vivi’s Coaching Session


Today is the last day to register for the “Ready to Love Again” 6-Week Course!

There will be a Group Coaching Call at the end of each training session so that we can help guide you through your own inner journey and identify the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that are stopping you from experiencing the love you desire.

Click here to register now!


Comments? Questions?  Let us know below.  We love hearing from you!