by Gladys Diaz

Genie-Lamp-300x200_bingDuring our Q&A call a few weeks ago, we answered a lot of your questions, but were only able to get to a few of the  questions during the 60-minute call.  Many of you raised your hand when we asked if you’d like us to offer more calls where you could have your questions answered.

You asked for it, you got it! 

To make sure we can answer more of your questions, we’ve scheduled a “Ready for Love” Live Coaching Call for this Saturday, February 22nd!  We’ve extended the time of Saturday’s call to 90 minutes, and, instead of making it just a Q&A format, we’re going to go a little deeper and give you some real coaching on the call!

 Click Here to Register and Receive Call-in Details for the “Ready for Love” Live Coaching Call

Wondering whether a few minutes of coaching can make a difference?

Last Wednesday I spent just a few minutes on the phone with a woman who reached out to me for coaching about her marriage.  She and her husband had been living completely separate lives inside of the same home for years. She felt lonely, abandoned, and afraid that it was too late to change things around.  We looked at some of the fears, limiting beliefs, and habits that were standing in her way of having the relationship she wanted with her husband. She saw where she could make some changes, and I gave her an “assignment” to do that night.

On Friday morning – Valentine’s Day – I received an email from her with a picture of her holding a huge bouquet of roses! I asked her how long it had been since he’d done something like that. She said she couldn’t even remember, but that it had probably been about 8 years! I asked what she felt caused the shift. She responded that she had done the exercise I gave her during that short call.

From living separate lives to sharing precious moments in two short days! 

Still wondering if a few minutes of coaching can make a difference for you?

Not too long ago, I spoke to another woman who had not dated for several years. After a coaching call, she accepted an online date, then another, then another, and she is now enjoying dating while also getting to know really great guys, including one who is really into her and who she is beginning to fall for, too!

Now, while it takes consistency and working with us over time to transform old thoughts, beliefs, and habits into new ones, a laser coaching call can help you see what’s blocking you from attracting love into your life and help you achieve some results now that give you the motivation to continue making the necessary changes!

So, if you’d like to receive some laser coaching on Saturday and/or listen in while other women receive their coaching, just click the link below and register!  You will receive call-in details, as well as information on how to submit your request for coaching.

If there’s one thing you can count on from us is that we listen and we’re here to serve!  

We’re excited about the opportunity to connect with you and make a difference in your life!

Click Here to Register and Receive Call-in Details for the “Ready for Love” Live Coaching Call