by Gladys Diaz


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Today is such a happy day!  Ric and I are celebrating our 15th Wedding Anniversary!

This morning, he called me over to the stairs so that we could watch our boys playing together.  I looked over at him and said, “We made that!”  It was such an intimate moment!

He hugged me, and, when we finished hugging, I noticed we were standing in front of our wedding photo.

Looking at how happy we looked in that picture had so many memories start floating through my head!

I remember asking myself that night, “Is this really happening?  Is this dream really coming true?”

See, before meeting Ric, I was flat out heartbroken.  The pain I felt after losing my first husband was so deep and so overwhelming that I could physically feel it at time.

I was so lost in the heartache that I seriously wondered whether I would ever be able to laugh or smile again.

And I honestly believed that I would never be able to stop loving my first husband and open my heart to loving someone again.

To me, he had been my “The One,” and, with him gone, I felt like all of my hopes and dreams, as well as my chances at having a lifetime love had died with him.

I was terrified that I’d feel that pain and loneliness for the rest of my life, and I simply could not bear it!

I was convinced that I would be alone for the rest of my life.

As a smart and intelligent woman, I pride myself on being right a lot of the time, but I have to tell you that I’m so glad I was wrong!

Once I began doing my inner work, dealing powerfully with my fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs, I was able to break through them and attract the most loving, amazing, generous man into my life!

Had I held on to those fears and doubts, I would have stayed stuck in my misery, holding on to my heartache and pain, and cheated myself out of having more love and happiness in my life than I could have ever dreamed was possible!

And, I want the same level of love and heartache-free joy for you, too!

That’s why I am so excited about the the “Ready to Love Again: Moving Beyond Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Webinar Michelle and I are hosting on Monday, July 20th at 9:00pm ET!

In this webinar, we are going to show you how to break free from heartache so that you can welcome love back into your heart and life!

If you’ve been holding onto a past or dead-end relationship, unable to let go of the man you thought was you’re “The One”…

If you’ve been trying to get out there and meet someone but you just can’t seem to find anyone who compares to the man you loved…

And, if you’re tired of feeling lonely and hopeless about your chances of finding the love of your life…

…you need to be there!


In this webinar you will learn:

  • What makes it difficult to move beyond the heartache of a breakup
  • The steps you can take to move beyond your heartache and toward a new future
  • How to begin attracting new love into your life NOW!


To participate, simply click here to register and we’ll send you an email with the webinar details.


If you’re tired of feeling heartbroken and you’re ready to break free from the past and welcome love in, then make sure you attend the “Ready to Love Again: Moving Beyond Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Webinar on Monday, July 20th!


If I hadn’t let go of my heartache, it would have robbed me of the happiness I feel today as I celebrate 15 years of loving, being loved, and being blissfully married to Ric.

You deserve to be this happy, too, and this webinar could be the answer you’ve been hoping and praying for!

So make sure you click here to reserve your spot now!


P.S. I know you’re afraid.  I know you’re doubtful. I’m asking you trust us.

Let us show you how to leave your heartache behind!

Click here to reserve your spot now!