by Gladys Diaz
I just want to warn yo right off the bat that you might not like what you’re about to hear, but I have to say it anyway because I care entirely way too much about you to not tell you what I see is happening!
I actually had an entirely different message and video ready to send to you today, but I did some heart-and-soul searching, and I decided I needed to send this message instead.
And, like I said, you may not like it. It may upset you. And I’m aware that you may even choose to unsubscribe.
However, I’m practicing what I teach and I’m not going to allow my fear of not being liked or of you getting upset to stop me, because I know that everything I’m saying is coming from a place of pure love!
So, please watch this video and, whatever your reaction is, go ahead and send me an email. I’m a big girl and I’ll be okay! 🙂
P.S. If this video upsets you in any way, then know that means we need to talk! 😉