by Gladys Diaz

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“The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you.”

~ Tom Bradley

Below is a revised version of a newsletter we sent out last year.  The message is so powerful I wanted to make sure it made it into our blog archives!

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

“I can’t seem to meet anyone I’m interested in.”

“I already tried that.”

“I’m too old.”

“I’m too busy.”

“I have kids.” 

“I’m not ready.”

It’s too late.

These are examples of some of the “reasons” we hear from women explaining why they feel they need to wait before (or completely avoid) working on creating the relationship of their dreams.

I understand how easy it is to fall into this type of trap. I’m a full-time married mom with her own business, a house to take care of, multiple projects going on at the same time, and family and friends with whom I want to spend time. Sometimes the “I am too busy” reason for not doing the things I’m committed to pops into my head and out of my mouth before I even realize it!

The same can be true when it comes to dating and relationships. It can seem like there’s just not enough time to do the things that can lead us to having the love and life we say we are committed to having and that we want more than anything else. The truth is that chances are pretty high that there will always be a lot of “stuff” – work, family, responsibilities, hobbies – keeping you busy. If you have kids, unless they are close to being adults, you will have them to take care of for a while. If you’re actively involved in the community, chances are that you’ll have projects to complete and events to attend. If you’ve had your heart broken, it’s natural to feel afraid of risking your heart again.  I’m not invalidating any of these reasons at all. I am however, inviting you to consider being “UNreasonable”!

What does being “unreasonable” mean? It means moving beyond where you would normally allow your reasons to stop you. It means pushing past the circumstances and doing what needs to be done anyway. It means allowing yourself to feel that familiar pang of fear and taking a leap of faith anyway. It means that you simply do not let your “reasons” stop you from having and experiencing all that you desire and deserve.

When you move beyond your reasons, you create a space – a space where new possibilities and opportunities that were not available to you just a minute ago are now possible! And it is in this space – the space right outside of your comfort zone – that breakthroughs occur and miracles happen!

If you feel like you’ve been “stuck” in any area of your life, and particularly in the areas of dating and relationships, consider that your reasons may be keeping you in that not-so-comfortable “comfort zone.” Consider moving beyond the reason, breaking through it, and seeing what opens up! I guarantee that you will experience yourself and your life in a completely different light!

What “reasons” have been stopping you from having the love and the life your heart desires?  Are you ready to move past them and be UNreasonable?

Photo credit: xurde via cc