Gladys Diaz

Language does have the power to change reality. Therefore, treat your words as the mighty instruments they are –  to heal, to bring into being, to remove, as if by magic, the terrible violations of childhood, to nurture, to cherish, to bless, to forgive –  to create from the whole cloth of your soul, true love.

~ Daphne Rose Kingma

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One of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal– second only to our thoughts – are our words.  Many of us don’t realize the incredible power our words have to create our reality.

Perhaps the most difficult time to harness the power of our words is when we are upset or disappointed.  In moments of anger, when we are not being conscious or aware of what we are doing and saying, we can say some of the most damaging things to the person we profess to love the most.  We will slice them up and tear them down with accusations, disrespect, and words that have every intention of causing pain.

Unfortunately, many times, it’s not until after the damage has been done that we realize what has already been said. We may feel and even express remorse.  But the words were said, and there is no taking them back.

We can also use our words to build up, edify, and honor the ones we love.  Affirming who they are for us, declaring the belief we have in them, expressing the gratitude we feel at having the opportunity to love and be loved by them. We can use our words to create what we want to see in the relationship, how we want the experience to be.  We can create “spouse-fulfilling prophesies” that communicate: “I choose you.  I trust you.  I believe in you.  I am standing by you,” even when things are not 100% where you would like them to be.  Words of encouragement go a much longer way toward inspiring change in ourselves and those we love than do words of criticism and complaint.

I know things are not always “rosy.” Each relationship has its own ups and downs, victories and challenges.  I also know that words are powerful, they can create or destroy, build up or tear down, bring hope or cynicism. And, because I believe in my own power to create the life, relationship, and world I want to experience, I will continue choosing to write, speak, share, and listen to words that manifest love, hope, peace, and empowerment!

How do you use your words to create your reality?

Photo credit:  Jennuine Captures via cc