by Gladys Diaz

Have you ever felt frustrated with dating?

We’re going to guess the answer is a resounding yes because if you’re like most of our clients, the process of dating isn’t always easy. 

You probably have a demanding career, a bustling social life and family responsibilities and you may have had the thought that “taking a break” from dating seemed like a tempting respite. 

Perhaps you’ve thought:

“I simply can’t do this anymore.”

“Why is this so hard – this must not be God’s plan for me!”

“I’m not willing to put myself through this again!”

“Maybe I should pause and focus on healing myself first.”

The allure of focusing solely on personal growth and independence can be strong, but is stepping away from the dating scene truly the best course of action? 

There are many reasons why pausing isn’t the answer. 

Continue reading for why you might want to reconsider taking a break from dating and what to do instead to embrace the journey of finding love.

What’s underneath the desire to pause? 

When you really think about it, are you wanting to put a stop to creating the relationship of your dreams? 

No! Of course you want to create the loving, kind companionship with the extraordinary man you dream of! 

The truth, is that you’re wanting to pause the frustration, the pain, the yearning, and the feeling that it may never happen for you or that it’s taking too long.

And if you’re not attracting the type of men and dating experiences you desire…

You don’t have the necessary skills to succeed at dating or you have fears, limiting beliefs and things that need to be healed…

The desire to take a break can be even stronger. 

I remember when I was in the process of dating and it got to the point where I thought, “I can’t do this anymore!” I was so frustrated with not understanding why I was creating so much success in my career, as a mother and in all my other relationships but I couldn’t get a man to want to be with me. 

It wasn’t that I wanted to put away the possibility of being loved. But I did wish I could stop experiencing the pain and heartache that came from not being able to create what I wanted or be loved the way I yearned to be loved. 

We focus our attention on the things we’re good at because we don’t want to experience discomfort. 

The thing is, it’s not in the pause, but in the stretch that we grow!

So what have you been choosing as comfortable when you choose to pause? What is really underneath the desire to take a break? 

If you can connect with what you’re choosing instead, that is where the breakthrough lies! 

Choosing Commitment over Comfort

When you take a pause from dating, you’re choosing comfort over commitment and actually works against you!

Taking a break causes more frustration, more yearning, isn’t healthy for your self-esteem and simply delays you being in the love that you want. 

When you take a pause you’re literally training yourself to:

  • Procrastinate
  • Put off your desires
  • Not rise above your limiting thoughts and behavior
  • Believe the lies
  • And stay stuck! 

When you’re in the pause – what’s growing are your limiting beliefs, fears and doubts. The longer you pause, the longer you stay stuck and the more power you give to the very thing you don’t want! 

Taking a break from dating could also inadvertently lead to emotional withdrawal and guardedness. It’s essential to keep an open heart and remain receptive to the possibility of love. By staying in the dating scene, you increase your chances of finding that special someone who resonates with your values and aspirations 

The truth is that you can have everything you want! 

If you want to experience extraordinary results in love, life, spirituality, finances – you can!! 

PLUS – You can heal AND date simultaneously!

Dating provides an opportunity to reassess and refine your expectations. While taking a break might offer temporary relief from romantic disappointments, it could also cement unrealistic ideals. Engaging in relationships allows you to confront your expectations, evolve, and cultivate a more balanced perspective on love and companionship.

As you keep shifting and transforming, you rise into the woman who will create the relationship of your dreams!

Nothing happens until you commit to it! 

When you continue to date while you rise, you stay in the commitment, you witness the changes that occur as you heal, stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone, and your results will be a reflection!  

By taking action every single day toward your goal you create momentum. And that momentum is what provides the breakthroughs you need to create the relationship you dream of! 

The Next Step If You’re Committed to Creating Love NOW!

If you’re committed to creating the love of your life this year and you’re ready to become the woman who will keep her heart in the game and stay committed every single day – then you get to join us for this year’s Irresistible Woman LIVE! 

This 3-day event coming up in September is your opportunity to break through what’s in your way when it comes to love and relationships, learn how to unlock your Irresistible Essence and gain the skills to create success in love now. 

You won’t be the same person when you leave this event!

What you’re going to learn, see and experience in that (virtual) room is something you don’t want to miss!  

 Click HERE to claim your ticket the Irresistible Woman LIVE!

The fact is – How quickly you create the relationship of your dreams depends on how quickly you take your foot off the brake and get out of the gap that’s not working.

It’s up to you – and we want to see you there! 

Remember, while taking a break from dating might seem like a tempting escape, it’s important to consider the benefits of staying in the game. 

The journey of finding love is not just about the destination; it’s about the valuable experiences, personal growth, and lessons learned along the way. By embracing the challenges, rejections, and triumphs that come with dating, you position yourself for a more fulfilling and enriched romantic life. 

Rather than stepping away and keeping yourself stuck, consider committing even deeper to the relationship of your dreams and join us the Irresistible Woman LIVE.