by Gladys Diaz 

Do you have any of these thoughts (or do you maybe even say these things out loud to your girlfriends or family)?

“Dating is the worst!”

“I’m better off alone with my dog.”

“I’m tired of wasting my time!”

“Meeting lots of men just doesn’t fulfill me.” 

“I’m over it.”

Do you want to understand why you keep having the same experience over and over with dating, when you want so deeply to find the relationship of your dreams? 

Dating doesn’t have to be hard or complicated.

If there’s a gap between the type of men you’d like to be attracting and the men you actually are attracting – there’s something in the way. 

If there are fears in the background (or maybe not so much in the background) swirling around like a hurricane in your head – it’s impossible to attract a man that’s right for you. 

You either attract what you want or you attract what you fear.

When those fears are swirling around in your mind, you will attract what you fear. Each time you do, you gather more and more evidence that what you fear is your truth – and nothing changes. 

If you’re attracting what you don’t want – it’s not your fault! It’s not because something’s wrong with you – so if that’s what you’re hearing… stop and listen. 

It’s okay. 

Let us support you in finding out what fears and limiting beliefs are in your space. Let’s get to the bottom of what you see (or what you don’t see) that’s having you have that looping experience.  

When you clear up those fears and get clear on what you really want – you WILL attract the man that is absolutely, 100% right for YOU.

We want to support you in clearing up those fears so you can attract the relationship of your dreams!! 

Truly, when you do – everything changes.