by Gladys Diaz


Nothing makes us happier than when we see one of our clients in a happy, loving relationship – especially when her belief when she started working with was that it would never happen for her!

This is what happened for our client, Melisa! Those of you who were on our list last year may have heard Melisa’s incredible coaching conversation with Michelle. Melisa had gotten out of a painful breakup with her boyfriend who had cheated on her and, a week later, was already with someone else.  She was feeling hurt and wondered if anyone would ever really love and accept her fully.

Melisa shared how she had a pattern of ignoring the red flags she saw early in relationships and attracting men who were liars, cheaters, and unavailable to be in a relationship with her, leading her to repeatedly experience heartache and pain.

What Melisa discovered during her session with Michelle was that she was playing a very real and active role in perpetuating this vicious cycle. She uncovered the limiting beliefs that were having her attract men who would not love and accept her, and it all began with the way she saw and was relating to herself because of her physical disability.

During the session, Michelle said the words to Melisa, “The good news is that, if you created all of that, you can create something else… Something authentic, true, and bigger than the disability you were born with, because you are so much more than that!”

Well, we’re happy to say that Melisa listened, not only to Michelle, but to her heart, and, after working with us last year, she is now in a very happy and loving relationship!

And she’ll be sharing more about the steps she took to attract new love into her life on the  “Ready to Love Again: Moving Beyond Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Webinar on Monday, July 20th!

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CLICK HERE to join us on Monday evening for the “Ready to Love Again” Webinar!

Join us on Monday night to hear the steps Melisa took to break free from her old familiar patterns and attract a man who is not only available but loves and accepts her exactly the way she is!

CLICK HERE to reserve your spot now!