by Gladys Diaz

This week, as I’ve been speaking to some of my clients, it’s been wonderful to hear how happy they are in their new relationships and how they’ve transformed their existing relationships.

Aside from feeling happy for them, the reason this fills my heart is because I remember where they were when we first started working together!

Some of them were so afraid they would never stop being single, others were in toxic relationships that were robbing them of their happiness, and others were in relationships that seemed to be slowly (or quickly) falling apart.

Their fear showed up as hopelessness.  They were afraid to hope that things could get better, because… what if they didn’t?

Despite the fear they had that things might not change for them, these women did something that I have seen make one of the biggest differences in the love lives of women around the world!

In today’s video I share with you the simple steps to shifting from resignation to acceptance and how that one shift can be the first step to transforming the current – and, by the way, temporary state of your love life!



See, creating a shift in your life does take work, but it doesn’t have to be complicated!

Do this quick exercise in the video, then let’s talk about how to create a REAL shift in your love life!


Don’t allow resignation and hopelessness to rob you of your heart’s desires!  You CAN create a shift in your love life and begin experiencing the love you want! We’re here to guide you through it!

CLICK HERE to get started with creating a REAL shift your love life!



P.S. Our theme for February is :Falling In Love With YOU!

Another way to create a shift in your love life is to begin falling in love with YOU! There is still time to join The Self-Love Secret Challenge and start the best love affair of your life – The one you have with YOUrself!

Click now to learn the Self-Love Secret and start falling madly, deeply in love with YOU!