by Gladys Diaz

Oh my gosh, is that a red flag?

When you’re out there dating and getting to know men, do you often find yourself thinking that question?
Do you know the difference between a “red flag” and a “fear flag”?

The term “red flag” is thrown around a lot by women who are dating. If we had a dollar for every time we’ve heard it in our work – we’d have a lot, I mean a lot a lot – of dollars!!

There definitely are some red flags that you want to be aware of while dating. It’s important to be awake and aware when you’re getting to know men and thinking about who you’d like to spend your life with.

However, a lot of the things women think are red flags simply aren’t.

So, what is an actual red flag?

A red flag in dating is something that causes you real (versus imagined or feared), physical or emotional danger.

Primary examples of red flags in dating are:

  • Threats of physical abuse
  • Signs of physical anger
  • Hitting things (or you) when angry
  • Consistently rude, disrespectful with you/others
  • Makes fun of you or is degrading
  • Verbal abuse when angry
  • Actively addicted to alcohol, marijuana, substances, pornography, or gambling (just to name a few) 
  • A man that’s still married (even if he’s separated or in the process of divorce)

Red flags are things that are character flaws or character traits that don’t work in loving, committed, happy, long-term relationships.

Some of them are usually obvious from the get-go, but many of them usually don’t come out right away during the dating process.

This is why it’s so important to give yourself time to get to know someone.

Dating is simply the process of getting to know someone to see if you want to keep getting to know them.

When you give yourself that time, you can look for consistency of authenticity so you can discern for yourself if any of these true red flags are present. 

When you give yourself that time, you don’t need to be afraid that you’ll make a poor decision or that you won’t see everything you need to see.

The thing is, if you’re finding that every single man you’re attracting is bringing up the “red flag” question – why would you want to keep doing that?

Get curious about why you’re continuing to attract these types of issues into your life.

Your red flag is the one that’s waving in the wind letting you know there’s a pattern within you from an emotional wound from the past that’s begging to be healed. 

One of our clients recently got engaged to an incredible man who she’s madly in love with! When she messaged us to let us know the good news she said, “I almost didn’t date him because I thought he was a scammer.” It felt too good to be true to her, and she almost ran away. 

Good thing she had a coach who was able to support her through her “fear flags” so she could heal the emotional wounds inside of her while she took the time to get to know the incredible man that she now gets to love and be loved by for a lifetime! 

So, if you’re ready to attract the man that’s going to be your partner for a life-time, then you need to join us in September for Irresistible Woman LIVE! 

If you’re tired of attracting men who aren’t what you’re looking for….

If you’re sick of experiencing red flags in dating… 

If you’re simply tired of feeling afraid and not trusting yourself to see clearly and make the best decisions for you…. 

You get to do the HeartWork that will heal you from the patterns that are having you continue to experience “red flags” and “fear flags”! 

That’s what we’ll be teaching you at Irresistible Woman LIVE! 

The way you relate to yourself and the way you relate to men will be completely transformed! 

Grab your ticket here! 

When you’re out there dating, we want you to attract high-quality men, know that you’re safe and know that you have the power inside you to create everything you dream of.

That’s what you’ll get when you join us at Irresistible Woman LIVE. 

Claim your spot here.