by Gladys Diaz

We’re sure you’ve heard the saying, “Fake it til you make it” right?

Do you ever feel like you’re doing that when you’re on a date, in a job interview, working on a project or meeting someone new?

What if we told you that you never need to feel that way again?! That there’s no need to fake it until you make anything!

We believe the real magic is in the phrase, “Be It and Believe It and then You Will See It!”

What does that mean?

If you’re not in the relationship, job, house (or anything really) of your dreams, there’s something about the authentic you that’s not showing up.

The laws of the universe make it so that when you’re really authentically being you and accepting all of that – your frequency is elevated so high that you naturally attract exactly what you want to you.

When you’re BEing authentically YOU – your vibration is elevated so high that a high quality man that wants exactly who you are is drawn to you!

Well, if that’s true then why aren’t we all walking around being authentically ourselves all the time?

Why do we still sometimes feel like we have to “fake it”?

Here are 5 ways you may not be being authentic (that you may or may not be aware of): 

  1. Hiding – When you hide part of yourself, keep a mask up, don’t say what you want or that something’s hurting you – those are all examples of hiding and not being authentic


  2. Fighting – Having a “take it or leave it” attitude because of residue from past heartbreak, being reactive because of fear, getting angry when you’re afraid to get vulnerable


  3. Running Away – You stop responding to a guy if you don’t like something he says/does, break something off that you’re still enjoying because you’re afraid to get hurt


  4. Settling – Pretending you’re happy in a relationship when you know it’s not what you want, convincing yourself that you’re in a relationship when you’re actually not, thinking that something is better than nothing
  5. Holding on – Not letting go of something that’s over or that should be over because it’s not everything you/the other person really want

If you’re not being yourself a man simply can’t fall in love with YOU because he can only fall in love with what you’re showing him.

If there’s parts of you that aren’t being 100% yourself then whatever relationship you create is only a reflection of that and will never be complete. 

When you do the HeartWork to develop the type of relationship with yourself that has you know and accept yourself – flaws and all – then your entire experience of life changes and what you attract into your life is a reflection of that!

That’s why you’ve got to join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU 5-Day Challenge next week!

In this challenge we’ll be showing you how to:

  • take off the masks you’re wearing
  • break through the walls you have up
  • take the things you’re doing to sabotage your goals and show you what to do instead

In 5 days you’ll be able to see the vulnerable, inspiring, authentic, magnetic, real beautiful YOU!!

Yes, I’m ready to fall in love with ME!

Here’s your opportunity. You can either keep doing this on your own, or you can do it with a coach by your side. So many women in our community have gotten engaged and married as a result of participating in this challenge – and that can soon be you!

Don’t miss out!

Sign up for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge Now.