by Gladys Diaz

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Few things can be more detrimental to relationships than dysfunctional patterns.  Repeating the same painful experiences over and over again can be exhausting and can make you believe that perhaps there’s nothing you can do to change the results you keep producing!

Learning how to end dysfunctional patterns is one of the first things Michelle and I teach women because, until you address the underlying issues, thoughts, actions, and behaviors that have harmed your relationships in the past, you will continue to repeat them, no matter who your partner is!

So, ask yourself these questions:

Do you keep attracting the same type of man?

Do you keep having the same argument with your partner?

Do you keep having the same outcome, no matter who you are dating?

Do you keep experiencing heartache after heartache and wondering why the same thing keeps happening to you

In today’s video, I teach you the first step in “short-circuiting” a dysfunctional relationship pattern so that you can begin to experience fun, peace and LOVE in your relationships!

Click the image below to watch now!



This is just the first step in learning how break a dysfunctional behavior pattern once and for all. If you want to discuss your next steps, click below to schedule time to talk with me!

  1. CLICK HERE to schedule time to talk.
  2.  Tell me what dysfunctional pattern you’d like to break in the comment box.
  3. Come to your call ready to have a real breakthrough!