by Gladys Diaz

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It’s hard to believe that we’re already in February. If you’re like me, January went by in a blur. As I was meditating yesterday, I took a look at the goals and intentions I set for this year to hold myself accountable.

There are some goals I am right on-point with. I’ve stuck to my action plan and I feel very proud of myself for moving beyond my comfort zone and sticking to the promises I’ve made to myself.

There are a few, however, where I had to be real with myself.

How intentional have I been about taking an action step every day in the direction of meeting this goal?

Where did I allow my fears and doubts to get in the way?

Am I going to quit or recommit?

That last question is the most powerful one.


Because too often, the reason people do not hit their goals is because they quit – sometimes just centimeters from the finish line they can’t see because their fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs are so much bigger than the faith they have in themselves to actually have what they say they want.

Chances are that if you didn’t bother to set any goals or intentions for 2016, it’s because you have doubt.

You either doubt that you can have what you want, or you doubt that you can do what it takes to achieve it. More than likely, it’s a combination of both.


Self-doubt is what has you not put your heart out there.

You doubt your ability to be able to attract the kind of man you want.

You doubt that you can actually have the kind of relationship you want.

And, if you’re 100% honest with yourself, you doubt this because you either think that what you want is “unrealistic” or “too good to be true.”

That’s just another way of hiding the fact that you doubt that you’re worth having that kind of love.

If you’re in a relationship, you pretend that everything is okay, even though your heart is breaking and things haven’t been remotely close to okay in a long time.

You keep holding onto a broken relationship, not doing anything to change it or yourself for fear that any changes you try to make won’t work.

It’s easier to ignore what’s not working, to keep wishing things (especially him) will change on their own.

Again, this goes back to doubting your ability to have the kind of relationship your heart truly desires.

Staying stuck in the same rut is only going to give you the same results.

Things only change when you make a change.

That’s it. There’s no magic bullet, no secret formula.

If you want to have a different experience and different results in your love life, you need to trust that there IS a way for you to have the love and happiness you want.

Now, I get that you may not know how to do that.

If you did, chances are you probably would have made the changes already, right?

Well, that’s when you need to choose: Do I quit or recommit?

If you’re ready to recommit to yourself and your desire to have a happy, loving, intimate relationship where you get to feel loved and cherished, accepted and adored for the amazing woman you are, then it’s time to recommit to YOU!

And if you’re unsure of how to do that, which steps to take first, and you’d like some support, click the link below to schedule time to talk.

Click here and let’s talk!

Doing nothing is going to give you the same results you have right now.

Choosing to recommit to yourself, your relationship goals and the love your heart desires is how you can make sure that 2016 is the year of making your relationship dreams come true!

By the way… If the little voice of doubt in your head is saying things like, “Why bother?” or “What’s the point?” I want to challenge you to move beyond the safety of listening to that voice — the one that’s kept you stuck right where you are — and click the link below! This is the first step in your love breakthrough!

Click here and let’s talk!