by Gladys Diaz

We know that as you date in your desire to create an extraordinary relationship, the pursuit of a genuine connection with a high-quality and respectful man is important! 

If you’re having the experience that every single man you date wants to get physical right out the gate, pushes you to more than you’re comfortable with or doesn’t respect your boundaries it can cause you to not enjoy dating very much and start to believe that men only want something from you. 

While the dating experience may seem challenging at times, there are effective strategies that can empower you to attract the kind of men who align with your values, aspirations, and dreams.

Here’s the truth – a high-quality man will still want to sleep with you. 

But as you respect the boundaries you place for yourself, he’ll honor them as well. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into actionable steps you can utilize to make dating more fun and successful. By clearing any fears and thoughts that may be running in the background, deciding on your own boundaries and communicating them clearly, you’ll attract the type of high-quality men you’re looking for and enjoy getting to know them through dating.

  • Clear the Fears, Limiting Beliefs, and Thoughts that May Be Running in the Background. 

If you have any fears or limiting beliefs about men only wanting sex, wanting to take something from you, or anything similar you need to clear them out through the HeartWork or you will continue to attract exactly what you’re afraid of. 

Shifting your mindset has the power to transform your dating experiences. 

As you approach dating with an open heart, maintaining an optimistic outlook even if you meet men here and there that aren’t a match for your values, you’ll be able to view each interaction as an opportunity for growth. 

  • Audit Your Online Profile

Look at your online profile and make sure there’s nothing that suggests you’re looking for anything other than a committed, monogamous relationship. 

Sometimes in your desire to look attractive to men, especially if there’s any of the above mentioned fears or beliefs running in the background, you may include things on your profile that suggest something other than what you really want. 

  • Set Your Boundaries

To attract respectful men, it’s imperative to set clear standards and boundaries for yourself. Instead of trying to conform to outside ideas or attempting to fit into a mold, embrace your true self. 

Remember – your boundaries are for you. Boundaries aren’t for others to follow. You’re the one that gets to stand inside the line. 

What causes a lot of heartache and confusion is when you decide to move the line because you’re feeling such a great connection or you think “maybe just this once” and then get frustrated and angry when a man wants to get physical every time he sees you. 

Know your worth, what’s important to you and set your boundaries accordingly. Then stick to them no matter what. You can only expect men to respect your boundaries to the point that you do. 

  • Communicate Clearly  

Communicate your boundaries and expectations early on. Respectful men will demonstrate their willingness to invest in a relationship built on mutual respect and understanding. 

Whether it’s communication preferences, personal values, or emotional needs, articulate your boundaries with confidence and grace.

And remember – he doesn’t have to share your values to be a high-quality man. Some men (and some women) are okay with having sex on the first date – it’s not what we coach because we know it creates emotional attachment inside the woman too soon – however, it’s a preference

If you state your boundary clearly and he doesn’t feel the same, be respectful and move on. I love cheese and my husband won’t eat it on anything except pizza. We’re all different and that’s okay. 

As you clear out any fears and limiting beliefs that may be blocking you, you’ll attract high-quality and respectful men who will honor and respect your boundaries. 

By embracing your authenticity, defining your own boundaries, and communicating clearly, you’ll create meaningful connections with men who will cherish and respect you for who you truly are.