by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever feel like you keep repeating the same thing over and over again when it comes to dating and relationships?

Does it seem like you keep meeting the same man in a different body – and no matter how good it might seem in the beginning, it always ends the same way?

Do you have the same argument week in and week out with your boyfriend or husband? 

If you feel like you keep getting the same results – and you can’t figure out why – it’s likely there’s a dysfunctional pattern that’s running you! 

 The incredible thing about seeing and understanding your dysfunctional patterns is that once you do – you access the power to break through them! 

 And once you do that – you’re free to choose.

Below are the top 3 dysfunctional patterns that come up for women in love and relationships. While these may not be yours, keep reading because you may have a version of one of these! 

  1. The MOST common dysfunctional pattern in relationships – and what most other dysfunctional patterns come back to- is not trusting yourself. 

Do you overthink things, ruminate,  question your decisions or put them off?

If so, you have a dysfunctional pattern of not trusting yourself.

This pattern is developed at a young age when you do something that you thought was right and then get reprimanded for it. The little girl inside of you is still living in the decision of “When I think something’s right – it’s wrong” and you stop trusting yourself. 

Analysis paralysis is exhausting! Plus, every time you doubt yourself, you chip away a little bit more of your confidence.

2. The 2nd most common dysfunctional pattern is attracting the wrong men.

If you’re attracting the wrong men, there’s something energetically part of your belief system about what you think you deserve.

You might think that “someone” is better than “no one” or “better than the last guy” and it has you stay in something that’s not what you really want.

3. The 3rd most common dysfunctional pattern is that you have a hard time being vulnerable in relationships.

You hide and don’t dare show people who you really are.

You try to appear confident and end up coming off arrogant, entitled, or guarded. 

 So how do you overcome these dysfunctional patterns and unleash the confident, assured version of yourself?

How do you begin to trust yourself so you can attract the type of man you deserve and create the relationship with him that you dream of?

You have to break through your fears!

Underneath every dysfunctional pattern is a fear created from an experience from your past and a moment where you decided you couldn’t have what you really want. 

Here’s the thing.

We’re 23 days into the New Year and if those 23 days haven’t felt different for you – then you need to join us for the Love Vision Intensive happening next weekend, February 3rd-5th, 2023!

At this 3-day deep-dive event, you will uncover YOUR specific dysfunctional patterns, where they came from and break through them once and for all so you can begin to create the love that’s meant for you NOW! 

Click HERE to grab your ticket to the Love Vision Intensive NOW!

You’ll walk away from this event saying, “ I know I can have the relationship I want in 2023!

We know how powerful it is to overcome the fears and patterns that are holding you back in love and begin to experience more than you ever thought possible.