by Gladys Diaz 

What’s your initial reaction when a girlfriend offers to pay for your lunch? 

What do you respond with when someone offers you a compliment? 

What do you say when a man offers to help you out with something? 

As we’re in this holiday season of love, sharing and connecting we wanted to shed some light on a topic that most women don’t think of as something that’s holding them back in love, but that is key to creating the relationship of your dreams. 

In our work with thousands of women, we’ve found that for many of us, it’s hard to receive

We work with so many women who want to create a loving, connected relationship with an incredible partner, but then can’t accept a compliment when given, don’t feel comfortable allowing a man to pay for dinner on a date, or don’t know how to graciously receive a gift. 

Can you relate? 

Why does it feel uncomfortable to accept things from others? 

There’s vulnerability to receiving. 

You can only experience love and intimacy to the level that you’re willing to be vulnerable, which is why it’s so important to be able to receive well. 

The three things that are the most important to men are being able to:

1) Please

2) Protect 

3) Provide 

If you’re unable to receive from a man, it’s impossible for him to feel connected to you. He will either feel unappreciated and stop trying or he will interpret your behavior to mean you’re not interested. 

So… if you notice that you feel uncomfortable receiving, the next couple of weeks are the perfect time to practice! 

First, get curious about why receiving makes you uncomfortable. 

In most cases, it’s a worthiness conversation.

You may have a belief that you have to “do” something in order to “earn” love” 

You may think that you don’t deserve certain things. 

You may believe you’re simply not good enough. 

Whatever the underlying reason, get clear on where that feeling comes from for you so that you can break through it. 

Then, take the opportunity this holiday season to stretch into allowing others to contribute to you, give to you and receive with grace and gratitude. 

Being able to receive with grace and gratitude is the way to a man’s heart. It’s the key to turning on your feminine energy and attracting everything you desire to you. 

If you’d like support in clearing up what causes you discomfort in receiving, book a Love Breakthrough Session with one of our coaches! 

The first step in creating the relationship of your dreams is getting clear on what’s holding you back so you can clear the way. Like we said before, receiving with grace is something that many women struggle with, but don’t see as a problem. 

Take the first step in becoming a gracious and grateful receiver by booking your Love Breakthrough Session now. 

If you don’t see any times available when you click above, please click the words, “contact us” and submit a request with some days and times and our coaches will get back to you. 

Remember, you can only create love and connection to the degree you’re willing to be vulnerable. Get vulnerable this holiday season and receive the love you so freely deserve!