by Gladys Diaz 

Would you like dating to be easier?

Would you like relationships to be more fulfilling?

Would you like things in life to work out with less heartache or frustration?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, we want you to know that the answer is to increase your confidence

When you lack self-confidence you…

… question yourself.

… feel like you can’t trust yourself.

… make decisions that aren’t aligned with what you want to create in your life. 

One of the most important things you can know in life is that the relationship you have with YOU supercedes all the other relationships in your life. 


Because the relationship you have with you determines how all your other relationships will be!
Real confidence is about creating an intimate relationship with you. 

It’s about answering the question: “Who am I and how am I being with ME?

If you find that you: 

– Question yourself

– stay in relationships, jobs, friendships, etc knowing that the experience you’re having is not what you want

– consistently fall in love with potential instead of reality

– make excuses for disrespectful or even abusive behavior

– hold onto something that you know is not for you

– don’t honor your values

… then it’s time to look in and reflect on the relationship you have with you!

You want to ask yourself: 

  1. What am I seeing?
    What experiences do I keep repeating?
    What is the pattern?


  2. What am I creating?
    What actions did I take to create this?
    What did I do that brought this result?


  3. What had me take those actions?
    What thoughts are behind the action? 

The thoughts behind the actions are where you uncover the limiting beliefs that are creating the patterns that are bringing you the results you don’t want!

Looking for patterns in your thoughts, words, actions and results will give you the biggest insight into what’s not working.

And when you’re open to seeing it, and you then you do, – then you have a shot at breaking through those sabotaging patterns so you can increase your confidence!

This is GOLD!

Life gets good when you have enough confidence to receive the feedback life is giving you (whether through the results you’re having or through what others are telling you) and then take action doing the HeartWork to shift these patterns!

It’s not about being perfect.

If you’re human you’re going to make mistakes (and so is he!)

When you learn to trust yourself and know that you have what it takes to do what you need to do and be who you need to be, life (and dating) get easier. 

You know that if you get it wrong (because sometimes you will) it doesn’t have to shake your confidence. You can move forward with grace and take the actions that will make it right for you.

It all comes down to your relationship with you. 

Which is why we’re so excited about the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge that begins next Monday!

This challenge is all about falling in love with you.

In this challenge you will:

  • Remove the mask you hide behind that’s blocking you from the love you want
  • Find your voice and say what you want and feel without being afraid of pushing him away
  • Stop pretending or not honoring your boundaries in order to “get” someone to love you
  • Stop settling for less than you want and deserve in relationships
  • Stop doubting yourself and your ability to attract the right man or the relationship of your dreams

Join the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge NOW!

These 5 days will change your life because when you create the kind of relationship with yourself that gives you the kind of confidence you want to have – your life will go to a whole new level!