by Gladys Diaz

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There are few things more painful than losing someone you love, whether that’s due to a breakup, divorce, death, or because the person you love does not feel the same way about you.


Experiencing a loss of any kind can trigger different emotions and beliefs that can leave you feeling hurt, insecure, disempowered, and as if you are unable to move forward in your love life.


Which of these ring true for you?

  • You meet and date men, but they never quite match up to “the one who got away”
  • You still think about what you could have done/could do to work things out with him
  • You constantly talk about and bring him up when speaking with friends
  • You cyber-stalk or try to find out information about him and his life via social media and/or friends and family
  • You make yourself available to see and/or talk to him in the hopes that you will reconcile
  • You’ve agreed to a “friends-with-benefits” relationship with him in the hopes that he will come back to you


If any of these scenarios ring true for you, consider that you are not over the man in your past.


Of course it takes time to get over a breakup.  However, if it’s been more than a few months and you’re still pining over him, avoiding/resisting meeting someone else because you are still hoping and waiting that he’ll come back to you, or you find something wrong with every single man you meet, you’re actually stopping yourself from moving forward.
If what you really want is a happy, loving relationship with a man who you love and who loves you back, holding onto a previous man or relationship actually blocks you from welcoming new love into your life.

There are many reasons you may be doing this, and one of the main reasons is that staying stuck in the past – as painful and unpleasant as it may feel at times – gives you a false sense of being “safe.”
Safe from what?


Holding onto the past keeps you safe from –

  • being vulnerable and putting your heart back out there
  • admitting that perhaps he really wasn’t the right guy for you
  • risking more heartache

This false sense of safety is why we see so many women who months, years, and, yes, even decades, later, are still wondering why they can’t meet a good man, questioning what’s wrong with them, wondering whether they are meant to be happy in a relationship, and believing the lie that – for whatever reason – they are destined to not experience the joy of loving and being loved.
Nothing could be further from the truth!  However, as scary as it can feel, you have to be courageous enough to let go of the past so that you can open your hand and receive the love that is already waiting for you.
How do you do that?


  1. Realize that, while you may still love him, you need to love yourself even more.
  1. Be willing to accept that the relationship is over.
  1. Be committed to removing the love barriers that are blocking love from coming into your life so that you can experience the love, joy, and intimacy you truly desire.


If you’ve been holding onto a past relationship and you’re ready to take these steps – even if you’re scared or unsure of how to do it – click below to schedule time to talk with one of us.
Click here to schedule time to talk!


We can help you identify what is standing in your way and outline some clear steps you can take to release the past and welcome in the love that you desire and deserve!
You’re not alone! We’re here to help you get to the other side of heartache and experience the love that is already waiting there for you!

You deserve to be happy, to love and be loved, and to feel like the beautiful, lovable woman you are. And, while it may feel scary to let go, you don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to support you!

Just CLICK HERE and we’ll guide you through this!