Are YOU the Secret to His Success?

Are YOU the Secret to His Success?

by Gladys Diaz

Couple on mountaintop-success_FDP_ID-10048292

This month I have had the privilege of attending two informative and inspiring business conferences especially for women. Usually, at these events, the majority of the speakers are women who have reached high levels of success, so I was pleasantly surprised and excited to hear from five multimillionaire men who were sharing their secrets to success with us

But it’s what they shared that really caught me by surprise!

See, I was thinking they were going to tell us all about the steps they took to start a business, market themselves, and catapult their businesses into the millions. Instead, every single one of them told us the story of how difficult it was for them at the beginning, how they failed over and over again, and how one thing kept them going and believing in themselves through the darkest times: The support and trust of the women they loved!

Without fail, each of the men shared how, right when he was about to give up on himself and his dreams, his wife said the one thing that made the difference and had him make the decision to do whatever it took to succeed:

“I trust and believe in you.”


Now, granted, saying those words is a lot easier when the man you love is doing well, achieving success, and getting results.

But how do you find the strength and courage to authentically say that, even when all signs are pointing to failed attempts, one disappointment after another, and a lack of results?

  1. You remember why you fell in love with him in the first place. It can be easy to forget just how much you admired him and the greatness you saw in him when you first fell in love. It’s easier to allow your fears, doubts and disappointments to cloud the vision of who the man you love really is. However, if you can bring yourself back to remember what it was that had you decide that this man is the man who, at one time in your life, you were 100% certain you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, it makes it a whole lot easier to believe in him, because his courage, determination, and whatever other characteristics that drew you to him are still there! You just have to look more closely to see them.


  1. You stand next to him with unwavering trust. Our fears are sneaky things. They will convince us beyond a shadow of a doubt that things can’t change, that the worst-case scenario is inevitable and that we must protect ourselves and survive danger at all costs. Whether the fear you are experiencing during the difficult times is based in a fear of scarcity (not having your needs met), fear of abandonment, or a fear of being taken advantage of (especially if you’re having to work a little harder during those difficult times), feeling afraid and uncertain about the future can trigger that “fight-or-flight” response that can have you either complaining, criticizing, or chipping away at your man’s spirit, or wanting to run away and leave everything (including him) behind. It takes courage to trust him. It takes courage to trust that things will get better. And, most of all, it takes courage to trust in yourself and know that you made the right choice when you chose to love him!


  1. You speak words that lift him up, rather than tear him down. There may be times when your fear, sadness, and disappointment feel like they are getting the best of you. You may think that telling him and reminding him about what he needs to do will get him to do it. You may think that criticizing, questioning, or correcting his decisions will make him want to change. You may think that pointing out everything you feel he is doing wrong or should be doing differently will lead to different results. The truth, however, is that, if you want him to rise above the circumstances, you need to raise him up with your words.


True, your man is completely responsible for his own happiness and for the choices he makes. However, never underestimate the influence you have on him and how he comes to see and know himself. He sees himself and what he’s capable of through your eyes, and way you see him can either tear him down or lift him up. It can either discourage and deter or encourage and inspire him to new heights!


So, what does your man see when he looks into your eyes?

Does he see cynicism, doubt, and shame, or does he see trust, faith, and love?


If you have been tearing your man down out of your own fears and frustrations, the good news is that every moment gives us an opportunity to choose differently.


So, what will you choose to do and say today to help inspire your man to greatness?


Because, when it’s all said and done and he’s finally made it to the top, guess who he’s going to make sure is up there with him?


Let us know what you’re going to do today to inspire your man to greatness in the comments below! We love hearing from you!



Image courtesy of

What Does “True Success” Mean to You?

What Does “True Success” Mean to You?

by Gladys Diaz


This weekend I attended a very powerful UN-Conference hosted by the Women’s Prosperity Network and there was a question that kept being asked all weekend long:

What does “success” mean to YOU?

When most people think about success, they think about the goals they have achieved, how much money they are making, and what position or title they hold in their career.

Certainly, those things make up a part of success, but there are so many other aspects to our lives: family, health, spirituality, and, of course, our love lives.

Do you include those things in your definition of success?

I do. Michelle does. And I hope you do, too!

See, when you experience success in some parts of our lives, it’s not surprising that, no matter how many achievements, accolades, and awards we receive, there is still a part of you that feels unfulfilled – empty, even, as if there is an insatiable hole that just can’t seem to be filled, no matter how good things appear to be going.

This is because success – true success – consists of feeling happy, secure, and fulfilled in all of the areas of our lives.  So, when we don’t feel that – and, even worse, when we deny that we want to feel successful in all of the areas of our lives (especially our romantic lives!) – there is a direct impact on our sense of aliveness, fulfillment, peace, and joy.

So, now I’ll ask you a different question:

Do you want to experience success in every area of your life?

If so, you just made my day, because I have several events I will be inviting you to attend this month that are going to not just going to tell you why it’s important to experience success in every area of your life, but they will show you how to do it!  

The first two events take place this weekso I wanted to make sure I sent you that information first, and I’ll let you know about the others in a separate email!

The first event begins today. 

It’s the Global Latino Summit, where 27 passionate, inspiring, and successful thought leaders (including yours truly) will be sharing our secrets to success in the personal, professional, and romantic areas of your life!   My interview will air in a few days and is titled: “How to Go from Heartbreak to Finding Your Soulmate.” (You are going to LOVE it!)

The great part about this event is that it’s global, so you can participate from any part of the world;  everyone can attend, and it’s absolutely FREE!

Click here to register now!

Latino Summit FB Cover_Ver 4_091014


Tphoto(31)he second event is for those of you living in South Florida!  

Come join me tomorrow, Tuesday, September 16th, where I will be speaking at the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce Women’s Business Network Luncheon about “You CAN  Have it All: How to Go from Invincible in the Workplace to Irresistible in Your Love Life!”

Not only will this event give you an opportunity to meet and network with some pretty amazing women, but you’ll get a delicious lunch, and I’ll get a chance to meet you in person, which I would love!!!  All of the information regarding this event is included in the image:


If you will be attending either or both of these events, please let me know by commenting below, so that I can welcome you personally


Success is about experiencing joy, peace, and fulfillment in every area of our lives.  Join me in participating in these two fantastic events so that together we can continue expanding our ability to learn, grow, and love!

P.S. Remember to reply and let me know if you’ll be coming to either or both events!  Knowing you’ll be there makes such a difference for me! 🙂

What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

by Gladys Diaz

struggling isn't a curse - Shanda Sumpter

Have you ever felt like something is just too hard and it’s time to give up – even when it’s something you really want or believe in, like a dream or a goal you’ve been working on for some time?

Many times, when I’m on my runs, I tell myself I’m not going to stop until I reach a certain distance. There are times when my legs are aching, sweat is dripping into my eyes, and I feel like my chest will explode, and I just want to stop. And, sometimes, I do. But the moment I do, I check the app I use while running, and if I haven’t reached that preset distance, I will literally say to myself aloud, “Don’t you dare stop now!”

Pretty tough, right?

Well, I’ve found that sometimes I need to get real with myself, or else I’ll quit before it’s time to stop. If I don’t remind myself of what my goals are, the milestone I set, and why I’m doing something, left to my own devices, I’ll quit when things get a little too uncomfortable for me – whether it’s in running, a goal I’ve set for myself in business, my well-being, and, yes, my relationship.

What about you? Are you getting ready to give up on something?


I speak to a lot of women – women of all ages, cultures, and relationship statuses – and there’s common question that comes up:

“Do you think there’s hope for me?”

Maybe you’re a single woman who’s become frustrated with dating unavailable men or men you’re not really attracted to, or the fact you haven’t gone on a date for months (or years) and you’re wondering whether you’re just meant to be alone.

Maybe you’ve been in an on-again-off-again relationship for several years, or one in which you’ve been waiting for him to commit or proposed to you, or things just seem to be unraveling at the seams, and you wonder whether it’s time to call it quits.

Maybe you’re in a marriage where things have been on a downward spiral for a while, or you feel like you’re just housemates or co-parents, and you wonder whether it’s even worth possible to bring the love and romance you once shared together.

And maybe you’re like many of my clients and you’ve taken several courses, read many books, and done a ton of spiritual and inner work and you’re asking yourself why these thing seem to lead everyone else in the directions of their dreams, but not yours, and you’re wondering whether there’s simply something “broken” inside of you.

I don’t know where you are, but I do know this:

The only surefire way to not reach your goals and for your dreams not to come true is for you to decide to give up!

That’s the only thing that will guarantee that you won’t get what your heart desires.

So, I’m going to say this with all of my love:

Don’t you dare stop now!

What if there’s something you didn’t know you could do to turn your love life around?

What if there’s just a little more work to do to finally get the things that have been blocking love from coming to you out of your way?

What if the next guy you meet in person or online is the one who’s been looking for you all along?

What if the man you love is just waiting for a sign that you’re not ready to give up on your relationship?


What if there is still hope?


Are you seriously willing to give up without doing everything you can to make your dreams come true?


If you’re not ready to give up yet, then take out a piece of paper and answer these questions:

  1. What is it that my heart truly desires?


  1. What is making me want to stop and is in the way of me having this be realized in my life?


  1. Is there someone who or something that can help me discover how to get past this?


  1. Am I courageous enough to reach out for help and do what it takes and not give up?


  1. What’s the next action step I will take, rather than stop and give up?



I know you’re tired. I know you’re afraid. But I also know that you can be courageous and unstoppable. I know you can take that next action step. And I know that you don’t have to do it alone!

If you’d like support (and a nice, hard push) in taking that next step, then you can always reach out to me and step up a time to talk!

I’m not giving up on you, so don’t you dare give up on you, either!

Happy New Year (Again)!

Happy New Year (Again)!

by Gladys Diaz

Happy New Year in sparklers

This week marks the official end of summer and start of the new school year for kids around the country.  Each fall I’m reminded of how much I used to love this time of year when I was a teacher.

See, as teachers and students, we get the opportunity to start fresh and set new goals for ourselves 3 quarters into the “new year”!

Isn’t that great?

You know what’s even better?!?

You don’t have to be a parent, teacher or student to celebrate a Happy New Year today!

Think back to January of this year.

Did you create a Love Resolution for yourself?

Many of you joined us for our Love Resolution Call and created some truly amazing resolutions describing who you were resolving to be this year to attract and create the loving relationship your heart desires.

So… Did you do it? 

What I mean is, did you write out your Love Resolution and read it aloud to yourself twice a day, every day?

And, if so, did you reach your goal? Are you now in a happy, loving, intimate relationship? The relationship of your dreams?

If you did, please, contact us and let us know. Send us a picture!  Let us celebrate your love with you and the rest of the world! (Make sure you read Patricia’s testimonial, below!)

If you didn’t…

First, stop making yourself “wrong” about it!  You didn’t do what you didn’t do. That’s true.

What’s also true is that you can start your new year TODAY!

There are still 4 months left in this calendar year and so much can happen in four months if you commit to taking the steps right now to transform yourself and your love life!

I’ve had clients meet the man of their dreams in less than four months.

I’ve had clients turn their marriages – the ones they were ready to give up on – in less than four months.

I’ve had women who had been waiting to hear that magical question for years get proposed to in less than four months!

Miracles can happen in less than four months, and some of those miracles can be YOURS!

But you have to be willing to do what you’ve been unwilling to do until now.

You have to be willing to stop resisting, putting off, and excusing away the thing you say is important to you!

If you’re like most people, too many times you pretend that the things that are most important to you – like being in a loving, passionate, intimate, and fun relationship – don’t really matter.

You minimize just how much your heart desires it.

You let yourself off the hook and make excuses for not taking the steps you know will lead you in the direction of making that dream come true.

You start focusing on other things – work, school, hobbies –  to ignore the pain and disappointment of having another year go by where you find yourself either alone or lonely inside of a relationship.

Why do you do that?

Well, if you’ve been on our list for even a little while, you know the answer: Fear.

You’re afraid you want what  you really want.

Most of all, you’re so afraid you won’t have what you really want that you’ll self-sabotage your way out of having and experiencing it.

So, here’s my invitation.

Take a good look at yourself and your life – especially your love life.

Is it everything you want and hope for it to be?

Are you experiencing and living the life and love your heart desires?

If you are, as I said before, please share with us!

If you’re not, then it’s time for you to get real with yourself and choose whether or not you are willing to start making your goals and dreams come true.

Today is the day you can choose to begin taking committed and inspired action that is aligned with your goals and dreams of being in the type of relationship your heart desires with an absolutely amazing man!

Today can be the beginning of your very own Happy New Year!

I have only 2 more spots left in my private coaching program for the remainder of this year.  That’s it.  After that, you’ll have to wait until 2015 to begin working with me, which means putting your dreams offeven longer.  That’s not what I want for you.

So, don’t keep waiting for something to somehow, magically change or happen on its own.  This is up toyou!

You have the power to create and make that relationship a reality, and I can teach you the skills and tools you need to start making it happen now!

Just click the link below and reserve a time to speak with me now!

<<<Click here to schedule your Ready for Love Session now!>>>

Again, I have only 2 spots left.

Time’s not stopping.

The clock’s still ticking. 

This is your time to make your relationship dreams come true!

Here’s a message my client, Patricia, just sent me:

Patricia & Ruvin

I created my Love Resolution for myself in January and happy to say I reached my goal! I am now living a happy, loving, intimate relationship, the relationship of my dreams with my fiancee, Ruvin! We were engaged after 4 months!

<<<Click here to schedule time to talk now!>>>

Right now really is the time.  Think about where you were four months ago.

 Is where you are now where you hoped you would be? If not, then stop wasting precious time!

Reach out and set up a time to talk with me so that I can help you get started on making your dreams come true before 2015 gets here!


Success Secrets in Life and Love!

Success Secrets in Life and Love!

by Gladys Diaz


In June I had the opportunity to be interviewed by friend and colleague, Gina Hussar.  She was hosting The “IT” Factor Master Class I invited you to attend.  The other day, as I was listening to the recording of the interview, I thought, “Everyone in our community needs to hear this! I need to share this with them!”

Gina has been generous enough to allow me to share this short interview with you so that you can eavesdrop on our conversation!  I invite you grab something with which to take notes and soak up some of the tips and secrets that have lead me to having the life, business, and relationship my heart desires!

In this interview, I share:

  • My story – which was not always “pretty” or easy – of how I came to be where I am today, which is where I believe heart, body, and soul is where I was created to be!
  • How our book 30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU! was created
  • Universal Values for Success in life, business, and love
  • One of my favorite rituals, which has gotten and still gets me through some of the scariest moments of my life!
I hope you enjoy this interview and that you’ll share with me the what you feel were you biggest take-aways you will use in your own life!
Gina & Gladys
Click below to listen to this life-changing interview

Questions?  Comments? Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!

You can learn more about Gina and the amazing work she does by visiting  her website:

How to Break Through Life’s Scary Moments

How to Break Through Life’s Scary Moments

by Gladys Diaz

worried woman

This weekend, I did one of the scariest things I’ve ever done in my life, and I learned a lot about myself!

As many of you know, my older son has Asperger’s Syndrome – a mild form of autism. Recently, we told him about his diagnosis and we have taken on really empowering him to try new things, stretch outside of his comfort zone, and have confidence in himself.

Well, as they say: Be careful what you wish for!

This Saturday, I woke up at 4:30am to drop my son off at the church where his Boy Scouts troop was leaving for a full week of sleep-away summer camp!

I can’t tell you how incredibly nervous, unsure of myself, and terrified I was. This was the first time he’d be away from us for more than 48 hours – and in a completely different state!

I wish I could say that I was the picture of grace and ease.

I wasn’t.

As much as I tried, I simply could not hold back the tears. My baby was going far away and I would not be there if he got hurt, scared, or did not know how to do something. I had to trust that he would be able to communicate to those around him when he needed help. I had to believe that he would be able to problem solve and help himself.

I felt completely helpless and afraid. And it was written all over my face (in big, shiny tears)!

Thankfully, there are other mothers in the troop who have been through this and they gave me their phone numbers, have been reaching out, texting and emailing me to see how I’m doing.

Now, as a relationship coach, I’m usually the one who is helping and supporting other women through their own fears, pain, and insecurity. When it was my turn to be on the receiving end of that type of love and concern, and I have to admit that it wasn’t very comfortable for me!

I noticed how I was trying to play it cool at first, not completely open to receiving their genuine concern and affection. It made me feel so vulnerable to let them see how afraid I really was.

I also noticed how I kept thinking it was “worse” for me, because my son has special needs. I didn’t think they could understand what I was going through because they hadn’t been through my experience. How could they possibly know what it was like?

Then there was a moment where I stopped and thought about you – the women who trust me to guide you from some of the most heartbreaking and frightening moments of your lives to a place of hope and happiness.

I thought about how you open your heart in such a beautifully vulnerable way, sharing it with me and allowing me to see into the deepest parts of it because you trust that together we can find a way to the other side.

Realizing this gave me courage to allow these women who I don’t really know very well, but who I see want to offer comfort and reassurance, to be there for me. I’m allowing myself to be guided and taken care of, and to learn from their experiences. I’m still afraid and unsure, but I’m trusting, receiving, and releasing control and it feels great!

The best part is knowing that I’m not in this alone!

So, what about you?

Are you ready to open your heart and allow someone to help you break through your own fears, pain, and doubt?

Are you ready to talk to someone who’s been where you are and can show you how to get to the other side, where extraordinary love is already waiting for you?

If you are, go ahead and click here to schedule a Ready to Love Session. During this call, we’ll look to see where you are currently in your love life, what is standing in your way of having the love you want, and how to get to the other side of it so that you can experience the love and life your heart desires!

Remember: You’re not in this alone. There is hope. And I’m here to help!

Schedule your Ready to Love Session now!

Questions? Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!