by Gladys Diaz

Are you ready to have a breakthrough in love?

Do you know what a breakthrough feels like?

Did you know there’s a difference between a breakthrough and an insight?

Here’s how you can tell…

An insight is a logical experience where you suddenly realize or see something new that supports you in understanding why you’re creating what you have in your life.

An insight could be remembering an event from your childhood that created the fear of abandonment that’s running your love life or realizing that you keep creating the same experience over and over again with different men.

Those are all insights – and they’re super important to have!

However – a breakthrough is something more.

A breakthrough is a heart-changing experience that rises above and beyond what’s ordinary. Having a breakthrough creates an energetic shift that transforms you and the way you’re showing up in your life.

It’s powerful!!!

So how do you create one?

First of all – since a breakthrough is an experience above and beyond the ordinary – it’s usually not something you can create for yourself. A real breakthrough requires the support of someone who can see what you can’t see AND support you in transforming it.

Creating a breakthrough in your life requires the assistance of a coach.

On top of having a coach, you must be:

1) Committed to having a breakthrough and declaring what you want.
2) Willing to move past what’s comfortable
3) Ready and excited to apply the coaching

So let’s dive deeper.

1) Committed to Having a Breakthrough and Declaring What You Want.

A declaration is not a list of things you don’t want or what you’re tired of creating.

A declaration is a powerful statement with crystal clarity of what you do want.

If you can’t articulate what you want, you’re not going to get it.

So what do you want?

What’s the thing that if it was no longer in your way would accelerate your experience and have you create the relationship of your dreams?

Once you know that – that’s the first step to creating a breakthrough!

2) Willing to Move Past What’s Comfortable

Doing what you’ve always done will get you the same results you’ve always gotten. The relationship you’ve always dreamt of is outside your comfort zone!

3) Be Ready and Excited to Apply the Coaching

Again, since a breakthrough is something above and beyond the ordinary, it’s going to take doing something above and beyond what you’ve always done.

The coaching you receive might not make perfect sense because it’s going to be something different. But if you’ll trust your coach and apply the coaching they give – you will have a transformation!

You get to have a breakthrough so that you don’t keep doing the same patterns over and over forever and never create the results you want. 

And the best news of all is that tomorrow we’ve got the perfect opportunity for you at Love Breakthrough LIVE! 

Register for Love Breakthrough LIVE Now!

If you want to attract more love and are frustrated that you’re doing all the things and still not getting the results you desire.

If you keep thinking you have more time, but are realizing that the time keeps ticking and nothing is changing.

If you want to have conversations with your partner that don’t require a breakdown or a fight to get resolved.

If you’re ready to have the loving, supportive, connected, safe love you desire – then you get to have a breakthrough NOW!

Join us tomorrow (and be open and willing to receive) and we promise you’ll walk away with a breakthrough.

Allow us to help you break through the bricks that are up and blocking you.

This really can be the moment everything changes.