by heartsdesireintl | Sep 3, 2014 | Coaching, Dating, Heart's Desire International, Intimacy, Love, Marriage, Relationship Advice, Romance, Success
by Gladys Diaz

This week marks the official end of summer and start of the new school year for kids around the country. Each fall I’m reminded of how much I used to love this time of year when I was a teacher.
See, as teachers and students, we get the opportunity to start fresh and set new goals for ourselves 3 quarters into the “new year”!
Isn’t that great?
You know what’s even better?!?
You don’t have to be a parent, teacher or student to celebrate a Happy New Year today!
Think back to January of this year.
Did you create a Love Resolution for yourself?
Many of you joined us for our Love Resolution Call and created some truly amazing resolutions describing who you were resolving to be this year to attract and create the loving relationship your heart desires.
So… Did you do it?
What I mean is, did you write out your Love Resolution and read it aloud to yourself twice a day, every day?
And, if so, did you reach your goal? Are you now in a happy, loving, intimate relationship? The relationship of your dreams?
If you did, please, contact us and let us know. Send us a picture! Let us celebrate your love with you and the rest of the world! (Make sure you read Patricia’s testimonial, below!)
If you didn’t…
First, stop making yourself “wrong” about it! You didn’t do what you didn’t do. That’s true.
What’s also true is that you can start your new year TODAY!
There are still 4 months left in this calendar year and so much can happen in four months if you commit to taking the steps right now to transform yourself and your love life!
I’ve had clients meet the man of their dreams in less than four months.
I’ve had clients turn their marriages – the ones they were ready to give up on – in less than four months.
I’ve had women who had been waiting to hear that magical question for years get proposed to in less than four months!
Miracles can happen in less than four months, and some of those miracles can be YOURS!
But you have to be willing to do what you’ve been unwilling to do until now.
You have to be willing to stop resisting, putting off, and excusing away the thing you say is important to you!
If you’re like most people, too many times you pretend that the things that are most important to you – like being in a loving, passionate, intimate, and fun relationship – don’t really matter.
You minimize just how much your heart desires it.
You let yourself off the hook and make excuses for not taking the steps you know will lead you in the direction of making that dream come true.
You start focusing on other things – work, school, hobbies – to ignore the pain and disappointment of having another year go by where you find yourself either alone or lonely inside of a relationship.
Why do you do that?
Well, if you’ve been on our list for even a little while, you know the answer: Fear.
You’re afraid you want what you really want.
Most of all, you’re so afraid you won’t have what you really want that you’ll self-sabotage your way out of having and experiencing it.
So, here’s my invitation.
Take a good look at yourself and your life – especially your love life.
Is it everything you want and hope for it to be?
Are you experiencing and living the life and love your heart desires?
If you are, as I said before, please share with us!
If you’re not, then it’s time for you to get real with yourself and choose whether or not you are willing to start making your goals and dreams come true.
Today is the day you can choose to begin taking committed and inspired action that is aligned with your goals and dreams of being in the type of relationship your heart desires with an absolutely amazing man!
Today can be the beginning of your very own Happy New Year!
I have only 2 more spots left in my private coaching program for the remainder of this year. That’s it. After that, you’ll have to wait until 2015 to begin working with me, which means putting your dreams offeven longer. That’s not what I want for you.
So, don’t keep waiting for something to somehow, magically change or happen on its own. This is up toyou!
You have the power to create and make that relationship a reality, and I can teach you the skills and tools you need to start making it happen now!
Just click the link below and reserve a time to speak with me now!
<<<Click here to schedule your Ready for Love Session now!>>>
Again, I have only 2 spots left.
Time’s not stopping.
The clock’s still ticking.
This is your time to make your relationship dreams come true!
Here’s a message my client, Patricia, just sent me:

I created my Love Resolution for myself in January and happy to say I reached my goal! I am now living a happy, loving, intimate relationship, the relationship of my dreams with my fiancee, Ruvin! We were engaged after 4 months!
<<<Click here to schedule time to talk now!>>>
Right now really is the time. Think about where you were four months ago.
Is where you are now where you hoped you would be? If not, then stop wasting precious time!
Reach out and set up a time to talk with me so that I can help you get started on making your dreams come true before 2015 gets here!
by heartsdesireintl | Aug 27, 2014 | Gratitude, Heart's Desire International, heartache, Loss of a Spouse, Love, Marriage, Relationship Advice
by Gladys Diaz

I’ve been going back and forth about whether or not to write this post, and I decided that, since it’s been on my mind so much, I need to.
Last Friday I attended the funeral of one of my very first clients. She was a young, vibrant woman who was into health and fitness, and left behind two beautiful teenage sons, and a loving husband.
When I first heard that she had passed away, I couldn’t believe it. She had done everything in her power to fight the cancer that was attacking her body, but never her spirit. She had thousands of people praying for and encouraging her. She was so loved that in just two days, her friends and family raised almost all of the $30,000 that was going to go toward helping pay for her to participate in a completely natural and holistic healing program.
Unfortunately, she passed away the day she was supposed to travel to the center to begin her treatment.
As I walked through a store the following day, I found myself hurrying to pay and get to my car because I knew I was about to break down in front of everyone. I just kept thinking about her and the time we spent working together when she attended one of my courses. I thought about how hopeless she felt at the beginning of the course. I remembered her sighing heavily and saying, “I don’t even know if there is hope for us” (referring to her and her husband’s marriage).
She wasn’t the “easiest” client. Almost every suggestion I made was met with resistance and a reason why it wouldn’t work for her and her husband. There were times when she felt hopeless, where she didn’t feel like doing the exercises I’d assign between sessions, and where I wondered if she would come around. I worked with her with loving compassion, because I know how scary it can be to get your hopes up when you wonder if things will ever really change.
Over the past five years we didn’t keep in touch very often, except for a few phone calls and commenting on and liking one another another’s Facebook posts. I did, however, always smile when she would post a picture of her and her husband. I’d observe their smiles, their eyes, and their body language. I could tell they were happy together, and it made me smile, too!
It was during that walk from the store to my car that it hit me that, while I hadn’t been able to do anything to stop the cancer from taking her life, because of the work we did together, she and her husband got to experience five more years together – five happy years together. I smiled through my tears as I realized that those five years may not have been possible, and that, instead of dying inside of a sad or broken marriage, she had left this world knowing that she had loved and been loved by her husband.
His eulogy of her was beautiful. He spoke of his wife, lover, and friend. He challenged us to live our lives as she did, trying to make this world a better place. Having lost my first husband, I couldn’t help feeling my heart break for him as I thought of painful days to come as he works through his grief and the reality of her not being here any longer begins to set in.
But I also thanked God that I had the opportunity to make a difference for him and his wife. That, in some small way, I was able to help them experience and share their love for just a little bit longer.
As I sat by the ocean after the funeral, thanking God for my husband and kids and the gift that it is to be alive and love and be loved by them, I thought about what her husband said about living our lives to make a difference in this world. I thought about all of the women I’ve worked with and who I’ve been able to make a difference for, and said a prayer of thanks for them. I thought about all of the women out there who haven’t had the courage to reach out for help as she did, and I prayed they’d find the strength to do so. And I thought about the difference there is still to make!
I don’t know where you are right now in your love life. I don’t know if you’ve begun to give up hope on whether you’ll ever be able to have the type of loving relationship you dream of and your heart desires. I don’t know what it’s going to take for you to gather the courage to reach out for support so that you can begin to make that dream a reality.
What I do know is that tomorrow is not promised and that continuing to wait, expecting for things to change on their own, isn’t going to have you create and experience the love and happiness you truly want.
So, just as I did that day by the ocean, I’m saying a prayer for you today and hope it moves you to take one step in the direction of your dreams.
And, as for my former client, I know that wherever you are, you are radiating love, beauty and joy. Thank you for allowing me to make a small difference in your life. I love and will miss you! Rest in peace and know that you are loved!
I sent this message to my community today and was overwhelmed by the emails that came in response — women sharing what opened up for them as they read the message.
What about you? Has anything begun to open up for you? If so, please share it with us in the comments below. We love hearing from you!
P.S. If you’re moved to talk and take that first step, you can always reach out and set up a time to talk with me so that I can help you get started on making your dreams come true.
by heartsdesireintl | Aug 12, 2014 | Coaching, Gratitude, Heart's Desire International, Intimacy, Relationship Advice, Success
by Gladys Diaz
In June I had the opportunity to be interviewed by friend and colleague, Gina Hussar. She was hosting The “IT” Factor Master Class I invited you to attend. The other day, as I was listening to the recording of the interview, I thought, “Everyone in our community needs to hear this! I need to share this with them!”
Gina has been generous enough to allow me to share this short interview with you so that you can eavesdrop on our conversation! I invite you grab something with which to take notes and soak up some of the tips and secrets that have lead me to having the life, business, and relationship my heart desires!
In this interview, I share:
- My story – which was not always “pretty” or easy – of how I came to be where I am today, which is where I believe heart, body, and soul is where I was created to be!
- How our book 30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU! was created
- Universal Values for Success in life, business, and love
- One of my favorite rituals, which has gotten and still gets me through some of the scariest moments of my life!
I hope you enjoy this interview and that you’ll share with me the what you feel were you biggest take-aways you will use in your own life!
Click below to listen to this life-changing interview
Questions? Comments? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!
You can learn more about Gina and the amazing work she does by visiting her website:
by heartsdesireintl | Aug 5, 2014 | Dating, Gratitude, Heart's Desire International, Love, Relationship Advice
by Gladys Diaz

I’m sitting here, writing from our vacation home, feeling happy, relaxed, and so blessed! The cruise I had been Hopefully Anticipating* was a dream-come-true for all of us, and we had a wonderful time!
Aside from all of the fun family things we did with the kids, Ric and I took advantage of the on-ship child care center and were able to sip champagne together, talk, share a couples’ massage, and be “just us” for a little while. Having that couple time is so important to keeping the love alive in our relationship.
Now, before you begin to thinks that everything was “perfect,” I can tell you that it was not!
The day we arrived at our vacation home, I was disappointed, to say the least! The 2-bedroom apartment was absolutely breath-taking, but after being told that it wouldn’t be ready for several hours because it was being cleaned, as I walked around unpacking and putting things away, I noticed that it was anything but clean and had to call housekeeping and ask them re-clean the apartment.
Then, at about 9:30pm I kept hearing the sound of running water. I ran into the master bathroom to find the toilet was overflowing and there was about an inch of water running through the entire huge bathroom and that the water was beginning to seep into the master bedroom carpet! I was horrified and started freaking out, calling to my kids to bring me every dry towel they could find!
After figuring out how to turn off the water and calling housekeeping and maintenance again, I did what I could to contain the flood while I waited for someone to come rescue me! When my husband came in and saw me cleaning up, he said nothing, but the look on his face said it all, and I knew he had gone to complain that I was cleaning up a mess on vacation. I have to say that in the midst of the panic, I was so glad to know he had my back.
A few minutes later he came back and told me not to stop cleaning up, that he’d handled it and they were sending people over. Soon, our apartment was swarming with people who were cleaning, drying, and moving mountains for us to get moved to another apartment (after they had told my husband that there weren’t any other apartments available for the rest of the week)!
Thirty minutes later, we were in another beautiful apartment, overlooking the golf course and my kids were tucked snuggly in their beds!
I won’t lie. There were moments where my mind when to “the dark side” I’m human and I was upset and disappointed by the circumstances. There was a moment where I found myself thinking that our vacation had been “ruined.” I immediately stopped myself and began thinking of the cruise we had just experienced, the fact that this was just a few hours out of our 11 days of vacation, and all of the reasons I have to be grateful! Immediately, my mood shifted and I was soon able to fall into a deep and peaceful sleep next to my hero!
Life is not always going to turn out “perfectly.” Sometimes things happen that are outside of your control. It’s easy (and tempting) to allow those circumstances and events to “ruin” things for you.
You can choose to make a bad date or a series of unsuccessful dates or relationships “ruin” you chances for experiencing love and happiness.
You can choose to have your unrealistic expectations “ruin” a relationship with a great guy.
You can choose to have a flooded bathroom ruin an otherwise wonderful vacation.
Or you can make another choice.
You can choose to not allow circumstances and unmet expectations dictate how you feel.
You can choose to focus on all of the good in your life and feel and express gratitude for it.
You choose the attitude with which you handle the circumstances that come your way.
I’ve found that gratitude is one of the most powerful practices for dealing with life’s unexpected twists and turns. When you switch your focus from the things you don’t have, the things that seem to be going wrong, and results that aren’t quite what you’d hoped for, while none the actual circumstances may change, everything seems to appear different!
You can hear more about how I use a ritual of gratitude to create the life of my dreams in an interview I’ll be sharing with you later this week!
But, for now, I’m signing off because I have two beautiful pairs of brown eyes looking at me with Hopeful Anticipation*, waiting for me to take them to the theme park!
*If you didn’t read the article on living life in Hopeful Anticipation*, you can read it here.
Comments? Questions? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!
by heartsdesireintl | Jul 31, 2014 | Communication, Dating, Forgiveness, Heart's Desire International, Infidelity, Intimacy, Love, Marriage, Parenting, Relationship Advice, Romance, Self-Love, Sex
by Gladys Diaz
The other day, Michelle and I had a very powerful interview with Bill Weil for his “Conscious Couples Conversation” program.
In this interview, we dove deep and talking about some of the most common questions we get asked when it comes to relationships, including:
- The higher purpose of relationships
- The difference between how men and women define and experience love and respect
- The natural power women have to create and transform relationships
- The most common mistakes women make in relationships
- The essential ingredients for having a loving, intimate relationships
- The 3 R’s for keeping the love alive in your relationship
- How to have win-win arguments
And a lot more, including:
- An interesting story about the “twin connection” Michelle and I share
- How Michelle and I work together to coach women
- A beautiful excerpt from Michelle and Arnie’s wedding vows (so moving!)
Whether you are single or in a relationship, you will walk away from listening to this interview with a HUGE amount of information and inspiration for creating a loving, intimate, relationship!
Click the image below to listen to this POWER-FULL conversation!

Comment? Question about the interview? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!
by heartsdesireintl | Jul 31, 2014 | Dating, Heart's Desire International, Love, Marriage, Relationship Advice, Uncategorized
by Gladys Diaz

I could barely concentratethis week, because I am so in vacation mode! We are about to leave on the cruise I’ve been hoping and waiting to go on for years, and then taking another week of vacation. Needless to say, I have been having a very hard time focusing on anything else but the fun I hope to have with my family!
Do find that the same thing happens to you when you are really looking forward to something that means a lot to you?
I call this being in a state of Hopeful Anticipation.
Hopeful Anticipation is a state where you are hopefully and happily looking forward to the future, and you are experiencing the joy around it, here and now, in the present!
Being in Hopeful Anticipation is different from having “an expectation.”
See, with expectations, you “already know” how things “should” look, sound, and be like. This leaves very little room for the possibility of being pleasantly surprised. So, what usually happens when things or people (namely men) don’t show up in that exact way is that you are left feeling disappointed, upset and disillusioned. All of the joy you were expecting disappears the moment things don’t show up exactly the way you thought they would.
With Hopeful Anticipation, on the other hand, you look forward to the future and are already envisioning and feeling the happiness you hope to experience. You are in a state of wonder – where nothing is set in stone or must show up a certain way. You are open to possibilities. And, even though you don’t know exactly how things will turn out, there is a sense that it will all be good because you are hopefully anticipating the best outcome.
It really is a wonderful and empowering space from which to experience life!
What if you were looking at your love life from a space of Hopeful Anticipation?
What if you were standing here and now, in the present – regardless of what the present circumstances are – looking forward to experience the loving, intimate, passionate and fun relationship your heart desires?
What if you were open to the possibility of meeting an extraordinary man who was imperfectly perfect for you?
What if you were looking forward to the relationship you are currently in being more loving, tender, and exciting than you ever imagined – no matter what it looks like now?
Stop for a minute and imagine: What would that be like?
Hopefully anticipating the best is not about “kidding yourself” or living in a fantasy world that is all in your head. It’s about actually moving through life with an open heart and mind, fully anticipating that what you hope for and dream of is not only possible, but it’s possible for YOU!
Perhaps you’re feeling some resistance to the idea of living in Hopeful Anticipation.
Maybe you’re afraid of getting your hopes up, only to have them torn down.
Perhaps you believe that it’s easier to expect the worse. At least that way you’re never really disappointed.
Maybe you don’t even know how to begin to think of the future with hope, peace and joy, given what you’ve been through.
Your thoughts affect your beliefs and your beliefs affect your perception of the world, men, relationships, and even yourself. The more you focus on your fears, disappointments, what you don’t have yet, and anything else that reaffirms those disempowering thoughts, the less likely you are to experience what it is you truly desire.
You are 100% responsible for creating both the life and love your heart desires. The more you focus on what you want, without driving yourself crazy thinking about how it must or should look and what needs to happen for it to come about, the more likely you are to attract and draw those things into your life.
Looking forward to life and love in a space of Hopeful Anticipation will give you that sense of peace and joy you are longing for.
So, let me ask you.
What is it that you really want to experience in your life, especially when it comes to love and relationships?
- Write it out.
- Don’t worry about it being “too much,” “too big,” or “too unrealistic.” For most people, being “realistic” is just another name for being “pessimistic”!
- Just think about what you want to experience. What would make your heart dance?
Now I have an invitation – a challenge, if you will.
It takes courage to acknowledge your desires and even more courage to share them with others. So, if you are feeling courageous enough, go ahead and post what you are hopefully anticipating to experience in your love life in the comments below! Not only will you be declaring this to yourself, but you’ll be sharing it with others who will be just as excited about it and pulling for you to experience it!
Can’t wait to read your comments and hopefully anticipate and look forward to a life overflowing with love, happiness, and wonder right along with you!