Courage, Hope, and Love

Courage, Hope, and Love

by Gladys Diaz

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Courage is like love; it must have hope for nourishment.
~ Napoleon Bonaparte

This past weekend, Michelle and I spoke at the 28th Singles’ Expo in Boca Raton, FL.  We had a great time meeting some wonderful single women and seeing some of our clients at the event!  We closed out the Seminars portion of the event with one of our favorite talks: “Dating FUN-damentals,” where we give both men and women tips for how to make dating exciting, fulfilling, and FUN!

At some point during tour talk, there was a magical moment where the connection between us and the men and women in the room was palpable.  It’s one of those moments Michelle and I will never forget!

As we were driving back home, Michelle said to me, “Something magical happened in that room.  I don’t know what it was or when it happened, but I felt it!”

I agreed with her, and we began trying to pinpoint when it was that the energy of the room shifted.

All of a sudden, I remembered!

“It was the moment when you acknowledged their courage!”

“Yes! That’s it!”

One of the things we like to do when we speak, is to invite members of the audience to ask questions. It gives us an opportunity to really connect with the people in the room, provide some coaching, and to answer some of their burning questions.  During the Q&A session, one of the women who had not dated for a several years began to talk about how she felt she was ready to begin dating again.  She shared some of her fears with us, and gave us the gift of being able to contribute to and make a difference for her and the other people in the room.

Before we moved on to the next question, Michelle did something beautiful.  She began acknowledging, not just this woman, but every person in the room for  their courage.

The courage to attend and event in the hopes of learning more about dating and relationships.

The courage to participate in the speed dating sessions and in the dance that would complete the night.

The courage to honor their desire to share their lives with someone else.

It was at that moment that the room was filled with so much love that I could actually feel it.

I noticed people looking at each other and smiling  at one another in admiration. And Michelle and I both struggled to hold back our tears.  It was one of those moments that you can’t plan for, you can’t “fake.  It was one of those moments that “just happen.”

A moment of connection.  A moment of shared intimacy.

And it’s those moments that make us so grateful for the privilege of doing what we do!

So, today, we honor you for your courage! For having the courage to hope and believe, and for the courage to take the steps and make the changes that will allow love to enter your life and heart!


Questions? Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!

Life Begins At the End of Your Comfort Zone

Life Begins At the End of Your Comfort Zone

by Gladys Diaz

Life Begins At the End of Your Comfort Zone

Yesterday was a real exercise for me in being willing to step outside of my comfort zone.

On Wednesday night, I worked into the wee hours of the morning on a big project, and quite frankly did not feel very perky or pretty on Thursday!  I was tired and knew I had a long day ahead of me of phone calls, research, and a webinar I was presenting that night.

At about 3:30 in the afternoon I received a call from someone who works at a local TV station saying he needed to speak with me ASAP.  I called him back and he wanted to know if I could come to the studio for a segment they were doing about the benefits of online dating.  Immediately I said, “Yes, of course.”  That’s when he told me I needed to be there in four hours!  I thought it was an upcoming interview… Not one happening that night!

I tried to get out of it.  I told him I was tired and that I could pack clothes in the bags under my eyes.  I also told him I had to lead a webinar at 9:00 and the segment was not airing until 8:30, and that I was sorry, but I couldn’t see how it was going to work.

That’s when he said he’d send a car to pick me up and drop me off so that I would not have drive, that he’d have a makeup artist ready to greet me when I got there, and that he’d arrange for me to have a private conference room with Internet connection so that I could go upstairs after the interview and conduct my webinar.

I thought about cancelling my webinar, but I didn’t want to do that. If this was going to work for me, I needed to be able to have it all!

At that moment, I chose to do what wasn’t comfortable.

I hurried up and finished my work; got ready, dressed and out the door, and let the ladies who’d be attending the webinar know that we might start a few minutes late.

After the webinar, I rushed upstairs, sat in an office that wasn’t my comfy home office, battled with technology to get connected to the Internet, and started the webinar 20 minutes late. Not what I like or what I’m used to.

The webinar, however, went great.  The ladies waited patiently for me to get set up and were so understanding about all of the glitches that took place.  Everyone participated actively, and the insights they shared at the end of the night reminded me that everything I’d done that day was worth it!

When I got up to put my things away, I looked up and saw the frame that you see as the image on this page.  It read:

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

~ Neal Diamond Walsh


So, what about you?  Have you been willing to step out of your comfort zone?

Have you set up that online dating profile you’ve been putting off because you feel that online dating is “unnatural” or not your cup of tea, even though it might actually be fun and you might end up meeting the man of your dreams?

Have you started smiling and flirting whenever you’re out, even though it feels “weird” or you’re afraid of being rejected?

Have you chosen to forgive your husband or boyfriend?  To let go of any resentments or judgments regarding what he “should” do to make things right between you?

Have you been willing to be open, vulnerable, and allow love to flow in, to, and through you?

If you have, great!  I’m excited for you and would love to hear about how you’ve been able to break out of your comfort zone and create some amazing results!

If you haven’t, would you consider stepping out in faith?

Life happens right outside of our comfort zone, and there are miracles just waiting to be manifested and experienced by you!


So, go ahead!  I dare you to be happy!


Questions?  Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!

It’s Our Birthday and We Want to Give YOU a Gift!

It’s Our Birthday and We Want to Give YOU a Gift!

by Gladys Diaz

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Today is our birthday!!! 

And because we’re so grateful for the gift of another year of life, Michelle and I are feeling really generous and want to give you a gift!

So, in honor of Birthday Week, we are slashing the price of the “From Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Telesummit Interview Series Library by 20%!  This means that you can get mp3 recordings of all 27 of the interviews with some of the leading experts in dating, relationships, healing, and transformation for the telesummit price of $77!

If you’ve experienced a heartache of any kind — a breakup, divorce, loss of a loved one, having fallen in love with who just wasn’t right for you, or you’re wondering how to heal a present relationship — these interviews will help you break through the the pain and fear of moving forward and begin to experience the life and the love your heart truly desires!

Here is what some of the women who have listened to the interview series are saying:

What an incredible interview with Julie-Anne Shapiro! I loved the part where she encouraged us to visualize our inner child and “provide her with what her heart desires”! That was a huge AHA for me! I was actually able to see the inner child in me…now I think I have an idea of what she desires Thank you again you Gladys Diaz for the incredible messages during the telesummit!!! I am so excited!!! ~ D


Hi Gladys, I just want to thank you for the love, support and wealth of inner personal growth and healing you’ve provided with those priceless presentations on your telesummit. Phenomenal is all I can say. Thank you. ~ G


Gladys, this telesummit has been informative, inspiring and very eye and heart-opening! Thank you for putting it together!!! One of my “ah-ha moments” was learning about how our negative relationship patterns get created during Stefan Gonick’s interview! ~ M

So far, these are all great! You’ve created something really wonderful :)…Thank you! ~ E

Thanks so much for putting all of these tele-interviews together, keep up the good work.
I just felt I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the talk with Marcy Neumann – wow!  Everything she said just echoed so deeply within me, it all made so much sense, I kept taking notes and re-listening to some of the parts.  She has so much wisdom to share.
Thank you again.~ L


Gladys & Michelle_Small2Click here to purchase the “From Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Telesummit Library, for 20% off the regular price now!
Lots of Love,

Michelle & Gladys

“The Twin Love Coaches”


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Facing and Overcoming Fear

Facing and Overcoming Fear

by Gladys Diaz

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As I mentioned in my previous post, this past week I attended a Mastermind meeting that was led by my business coach with over 80 other entrepreneurs.  One of the assignments we were given prior to the meeting was to be ready to present a 2-minute talk on stage.  To say that I was terrified is quite the understatement!

As soon as I read those instructions – and the sentence stating that we couldn’t ask any questions regarding the assignment – I went into full-out panic mode.  In an instant, all of my fears, doubts and insecurities came bubbling up to the surface. I was even angry that we were not only being told what we needed to do, but that we weren’t being given any directions except to “breathe” and do our best!

I put off working on my talk all week long.  I got really “busy” doing a bunch of other stuff.  It wasn’t until I landed in California and someone mentioned the assignment that I decided it would probably be a good idea to at least write something down. But nothing came.  I couldn’t think of anything to write, or say on stage.  And I was certain that my coach was going to call me on stage, I was going to bomb big time, and she was going to tear me apart in front of everyone!

My plan: To avoid eye contact with her and refuse to go up if she called on me!

Pretty wimpy, huh?  Especially for someone who talks to women about facing and overcoming their fears!


So, as usually happens during moments like this in my life, I thought of you. 

 I thought about what I would ask you to help you to see what it was you are really afraid of.

Are you afraid of not ever having what you really want? 

Or are you afraid that you might actually get what you really want?  (Sometimes, this can be just as scary as the fear of not getting what we want!)

I realized that I was afraid of “looking bad” and that, if I didn’t do it perfectly, it meant that I wouldn’t be able to succeed – ever.  I was terrified that I’d been wasting my time and that my dreams were never really going to come true.

And then, for a split second, I thought about how scary it would be if having what I want was really possible!  That would mean that having the life and business that I want is completely up to me!  That I would have to be responsible and be willing to do the work that it takes to make those dreams come true.

That’s what I was really afraid of!


I thought about how I’d encourage you to face your fear and do it anyway.

I thought about how I’d say to you:

That fear?  It’s just a thought. It’s not even “the truth”! 

It’s just a reminder of something that happened in the past – something that is not happening now. It’s not real.

I thought about how many times I’ve allowed my fears to stop me.  How the fear of repeating a mistake from the past has kept me from stepping out into a new future.  And how, I’ve always ended up regretting not having stepped up.

It was then that I began to sense something stirring inside of me.  What was it? 

Was it the determination not to have that happen again?  Was it the unwillingness to remain stagnant? Was that courage bubbling up inside of me?


I thought about how courageous you are when you are willing to take a risk and be vulnerable. 

I thought about how you inspire me when are courageous enough to step outside of your comfort zone and have a breakthrough that completely transforms your life.

I thought about the joy that I feel when you tell me how amazing you feel now that you have everything you’ve dreamed of and how you really didn’t believe it could happen sometimes, but you trusted me and yourself, and you did it anyway!


I thought about you…

And then, instead of waiting to be called on…

I raised my hand!

And I kept raising it… until my coach pointed at me… and I made my way to the stage!


I’d love to say that I wasn’t nervous.  That when I stepped on the stage I felt confident and everything came out exactly the way that I’d planned.

The truth is that I was shaking so hard I thought the people in the front row could see it!  I was so nervous that I felt as if I couldn’t take a complete breath.  But the longer I stood on the stage, the stronger I felt and the words began to flow!  And the feedback I was terrified of getting from my coach?  It was constructive – meant to build me up, not tear me down – and I used it, right then and there, on the stage!  It was amazing! I felt so empowered!

So, thank you!

Thank you for the difference you allow me to make in your life and for the incredible difference you make in mine. I’m so grateful our paths have crossed and that we’re part of one another’s journey.

And the next time you’re afraid – of admitting that you want to be in a loving, intimate relationship; of going out on a date with someone new; of apologizing to your boyfriend or husband for having said or done something you wish you hadn’t; of allowing yourself to love and be loved – I hope you’ll think of me and that you’ll be inspired to move past your fear so that you can experience the life and love your heart desires!


Question? Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!



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How to Let Go of the Past to Move Forward

How to Let Go of the Past to Move Forward

by Gladys Diaz

I remember when I used to play on the monkey bars as a little girl.  I’m afraid of heights, and the idea of hanging way up high terrified me, but not as much as knowing that, in order to move to the next bar, I had to completely open up one hand, let go of the bar, and move it to the next bar!  But I knew that if I didn’t, let go, I’d either be stuck in the same place, or my arms would eventually get too tired, and I’d end up falling off!

The same is true when it comes to relationships.  In order to move toward the type of life and love you want to experience, you may need to let go of all of the things that aren’t working until you get to the other side!

“Moving on” from a past relationship or from something that is not working in your life can be much easier said than done.  When you love a person and have opened your heart to him, the thought of letting go moving on can be so scary it’s paralyzing!  When you’ve been hurt in the past, it can be difficult to open your heart and let love back in, or to do what it takes to turn a relationship into the kind of loving union you dream of.  This is what has many women holding on to a man, relationship, or limiting beliefs and behaviors that are clearly not giving them the experience they want for much longer than they need to.  It’s also what keeps them stuck, alone, and lonely.

Having the type of love you want – the kind where you know that you know that he loves you, where it feels safe and secure, and where you get to experience love, peace, and joy – the kind of relationship that works means you need to be willing to let go of what doesn’t!

So, what are some of the things you may need to let go of in order to get to the other side — the side where all of your dreams about what life and love can be are waiting for you?

  • Pain and resentment from the past: Holding on will keep you angry, bitter, upset, and either alone or lonely inside of a relationship.  When you bring forgiveness to yourself and others, you create a space for something new to show up in your life!
  • Your checklist of criteria or expectations: Consider that if you’re experiencing that one guy after another (or the man who you’re with) just isn’t “enough,” you may be holding on to a list of insurmountable criteria and expectations that are set up to help protect and keep you from being vulnerable, which is also keeping you from connecting and experiencing intimacy.
  •  The need to be right: Insisting on your way being the right way; being unwilling to accept, respect, or understand another’s ideas or point of view will keep you stuck in your own righteousness and does not allow for the possibility of intimacy.
  •  A dead-end relationship: If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, just waiting (and waiting, and waiting) for him to commit or propose to you, you may want to consider that either you’re not clear about what you really want, or you’re holding him responsible for you having what it is you want for your life.  It may be time to let go of that relationship and make room for the man who is ready to share and spend his life with you.

If you’re feeling frustrated with the way things are showing up in your love life, perhaps it’s time to take inventory of your life and your relationships and be really honest with yourself. 

Is there something that clearly is not working for you that you’re holding on to? Are you ready to finally let go and reach forward—toward the life and love you desire and deserve?

If so…

Take a deep breath and know that you are strong enough, you are worthy enough, and you will survive this.  More than anything, know that the life and love your heart desires are already waiting for you!

And if you need support with letting go, know that we are only an email away!  We’ll be right there beside you, cheering, encouraging, and holding you up until you get to the other side: The relationship you’ve always dreamed of!

Click here and let’s talk!  We’re here for you!

Questions?  Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!




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The Ripple Effect of Broken Promises on Relationships

The Ripple Effect of Broken Promises on Relationships

by Gladys Diaz


This weekend I broke a promise, and it’s been quite the learning experience to see how one broken promise can lead to a ripple effect of results and consequences, and how this can seriously impact our relationships.

As part of his responsibility to his Cub Scout Pack, my son has to sell popcorn in front of a store for 4 hours during the popcorn sale period.  They refer to it as each Cub doing his “fair share.”  I signed him up for two 2-hour shifts.  I realized I probably would not be able to make the second shift and mentioned it to his Cub Master.  Unfortunately, I did not follow up and communicate for which time I would like to reschedule, and I completely forgot that I was supposed to take my son to complete his second shift this past Sunday.

As soon as I woke up, I saw a missed calendar reminder and an email from the Scout Master 30 minutes after we were supposed to have arrived!  I immediately jumped out of bed, told my son to get dressed, and began emailing and texting anyone I could think of to try to communicate that we were on our way.

Unfortunately, we were too late.

Two other families failed to show up, so the sales were canceled for the day, which meant my and all of the other boys who had signed up for the day missed out on their opportunity to give their fair share to the Pack, and the Cub Master resigned, which means our Pack does not have a leader at the helm and all 20 or so families are being impacted.

To say that I felt horrible is an understatement.  I contacted the Cub Master and his family and apologized for disrespecting him and his family.  I apologized to my son for forgetting to communicate a new day and time, had to comfort him while he cried when he learned that the Cub Master was resigning (he is wonderful man who has done so much for our Pack).  Today I sent an email to the entire Pack apologizing for my part in all of this.

The apologies were received well, but the impact of the broken promise is still there.  My son, the other boys and their parents, and an entire Pack were impacted all because of one broken promise.

Once I was able to forgive myself, I looked to see what the lesson in all of this was and how I could use it in my own life and as something I could share with you regarding how this lesson applies to dating and relationships.  Here are a few of the lessons I learned:

Whether the broken promise is regarding something you promised someone else, or yourself, the lack of integrity will impact the relationship.


Lesson 1: A broken promise – big or small – can have a big impact.  Whether the broken promise is regarding something you promised someone else, or yourself, the lack of integrity will impact the relationship.  The trust in the relationship is impacted, and the ripple effect can extend beyond just you and the person to whom the promise was made.

For example, if you’ve promised yourself and your partner that you are going to do whatever it takes to restore the intimacy in the relationship, and, yet, you speak disrespectfully to him, withhold love or tenderness out of anger, or continue bringing up past mistakes, you are breaking your promise to yourself, your partner, and, if you have a family, to your kids and extended family.

If you’re single, and you’ve promised yourself that you’re going to make changes so that you can have the relationship your heart desires, but you’ve continued repeating the same patterns and behaviors that have been blocking you from attracting love into your life – out of fear, pride, or the unwillingness to work through and break through them – then you’ve broken your promise to yourself, and you’re no closer to having that loving relationship you want and deserve (not to mention the impact it’s having on the man who’s waiting to step into your life when you’re ready!).

Taking responsibility simply means recognizing the role you played in what happened, owning it, and then doing what you can to restore your integrity.


Lesson 2: Be willing to accept responsibility.  Several people were so kind in letting me know that my actions were not the only contributing factor to everything that happened on Sunday.  The fact that we didn’t show up to sell the popcorn was one in a series of things that led to the Cub Master’s decision.  I knew they were trying to help me feel better, and I appreciated that.  I also realized that I needed to be 100% responsible for the role I played, because that’s the only thing for which I can be responsible. 

Taking responsibility is not about blaming or shaming yourself (although, I’ll admit I did a little of that).  Taking responsibility simply means recognizing the role you played in what happened, owning it, and then doing what you can to restore your integrity. In this case, I chose to apologize and re-promise, which meant I rearranged my schedule so that my son could sell popcorn at 4:30pm that day and fulfill on his commitment to do his fair share for the Pack.  Apologizing and restoring integrity will create a space for trust and intimacy to be restored in a relationship.

Taking responsibility and apologizing is part of what we can do to try to restore integrity, trust and intimacy.  But, ultimately, it’s up to the other person to choose if and when they are willing to accept the apology.


 Lesson 3: An apology doesn’t make everything “okay.”  I apologized to everyone I could.  I accepted 100% responsibility for the role I played in how everything turned out.  And, still, the results remained – kids didn’t get to fulfill on their promise, the Pack still doesn’t have a leader, and there may be other consequences that result from this.  My son also didn’t accept my apology right away, which was his prerogative.  He was upset and I just needed to respect that he wasn’t ready to stop being upset yet.

The same holds true in our relationships.  Taking responsibility and apologizing is part of what we can do to try to restore integrity, trust and intimacy.  But, ultimately, it’s up to the other person to choose if and when they are willing to accept the apology.  And, even if they do, the consequences will be what they will be, and we need to be willing to accept them as such.


Of course, the best path to follow would be to only make promises we will keep and to keep all of our promises.  Unfortunately, none of us is perfect and we may not always do that.  So, for those times when you don’t honor your word, it’s best to accept that the results are what they are, take responsibility for the role you  played, and restore your integrity as quickly as possible, realizing that, while it may not “fix” everything, it’s the best you can do – and that’s really all you can do!


Comments?  Questions?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!