Another Relationship Dream Come True!

Another Relationship Dream Come True!

by Gladys Diaz

 When Jeanie first came to work with us, she was an incredibly successful woman in a high-powered, high-paying job that allowed her to live a life of luxury – traveling and vacationing wherever she wanted, dining in fine restaurants, living in her dream apartment. 

She was “living the dream.”

Except for one thing. She didn’t have someone to share this wonderful amazing life with, and she wanted that, too! 

Jeanie took the steps to figure out what was standing in the way of her attracting and experiencing the love her heart desired! She worked with us in our programs, received and applied the coaching, and believed that it could and would happen for her!

Fast forward to last month…

Jeanie Hernandez_Jeanie & Jim Engagement Pic



We received the great news that she was getting married to an amazing, wonderful man who, in her own words, makes her feel loved and adored in ways she’s never known before!




Then, a few weeks ago, we received a beautiful invitation to their engagement party, and just Jeanie Hernandez_It's a boyyesterday we learned that she and her fiancé are having a baby boy!





Talk about a year of dreams coming true!


When she spoke on our Success Panel last month, at The Irresistible Woman Seminar, Jeanie shared how it was the coaching that she received through working with us that had her attract such an amazing man into her life. She learned the keys to loving and honoring herself so that she could attract a man who lives for doing the same for her!

Jeanie Hernandez_IWS2

We know that this love and happiness is possible for you, too!  That’s why we are excited to be able to connect with and answer your questions tomorrow night on our “Love Breakthrough” Live Q&A Call! On this call we’ll be sharing with you the same coaching we’ve given to women like Jeanie and the hundreds of other women around the world who are making their relationship dreams come true!

Just click here to join us on Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:00pm!

Then come ready to have your own breakthrough so that you, too, can have the love your heart desires!

 HDI Love Breakthrough Q&A Call2


On this call, we will be answering YOUR questions about love, dating, and relationships.

  • What’s your greatest fear when it comes to love and relationships?
  • What patterns keep showing up in your relationships?
  • What’s causing you the biggest amount of pain right now in your love life?
  • Where do you feel “stuck” and unable to move forward, toward new love?

Ask us your question now!

Do you trust yourself when it comes to love?

Do you trust yourself when it comes to love?

by Gladys Diaz

Last night was rough.  We dropped my older son off at Church and I watched him leave on a big white bus without me – for a week!

Now, I know that there are millions of parents out there doing the same thing this summer. And I know he’ll have fun. And I know that it’s normal to miss him.

Knowing all of that simply didn’t lessen the pain and sadness of missing him last night.  It also didn’t lessen the fear I felt.

See, the truth is that, aside from missing him, I’m afraid.

Nico and me

My son has Asperger’s Syndrome – a mild form of autism that affects his social skills – so it takes a lot of courage and faith for me to be able to let go and trust that he will be okay when I’m not there at his side.I’m afraid of not being there with him while he’s thousands of miles away.  I don’t like knowing that I won’t be there to protect and reassure him if something goes wrong or he makes a mistake. I won’t be there to buy him something I may have forgotten to pack.  I won’t be there if he needs or misses me.So, I cried myself to sleep last night, and I prayed a lot

As I prayed, I reminded myself that I trust myself enough to know that I made a good choice in letting him go on the trip. 

I reminded myself to trust the leaders who reassured me time and again that they would be looking out for him, would make sure he’s okay, and would keep me posted as to how he’s doing.

I reminded myself that this kid is extraordinary and never ceases to amaze me in how he does not let autism stop him – ever!  


His courage and willingness to try and move beyond his fears inspire me every day to trust myself and break through my own fears!

I reminded myself that I want my son to have these experiences because I want him to learn to trust himself, too. I want him to see that he is able to get through difficult times, that he’s capable of solving problems and making good choices, and that he can have fun, even if everything does not go exactly according to plan.  

So, in the end, I chose to trust!

So, what about you?

Where are you not trusting yourself or others?

Where are you allowing your fears to stop you and get in the way of experiencing the love and happiness you want and deserve?

Where are you not letting go and allowing yourself to take a risk when it comes to love?

I want to invite you to trust yourself. You may have made mistakes before, and maybe you made some choices that didn’t turn out exactly the way you thought they would, but you can learn to trust yourself again.

If you want to learn to trust yourself again but have questions about how to do that, I want to invite you to join us for a very special “Love Breakthrough” Live Q&A Call Michelle and I are hosting on Tuesday night at 9:00pm Eastern!

On this call we will be answering your questions about love, dating, and relationships.

No questions are off the table and we have a special gift for those who attend the call, so make sure you are there!

<<Click here to join us on this special call!>>

Listen, I know you’re scared.  I know that it can be scary to trust yourself enough to open your heart to someone enough to let them in.

I also know you deserve to love and be loved, and Michelle and I want to be there for you and help you break through your fears so that can begin to experience life and love on a whole new level! 

Helping you have the love you want is what we live for, so join us on Tuesday night!

 HDI Love Breakthrough Q&A Call2

On this call, we will be answering YOUR questions about love, dating, and relationships.
  • What’s your greatest fear when it comes to love and relationships?
  • What patterns keep showing up in your relationships?
  • What’s causing you the biggest amount of pain right now in your love life?
  • Where do you feel “stuck” and unable to move forward, toward new love?





Confused about your relationship?

Confused about your relationship?

by Gladys Diaz


Have you ever been in what you thought was a relationship, only to find out that the guy you thought you were in a relationship with was actually “just dating” you?

Ouch! I’ve been there, and can be a rude awakening, to say the least!  

It’s why it’s so important to be clear about what the difference is between dating and being in a relationship with someone.

In today’s video, I answer a question from a reader who is confused because the guy she was dating seemed to be treating her like his girlfriend on one week, but then blowing her off on the other.  This hot-then-cold cycle took a toll on her and she reacted in a not-so-effective way that ended up pushing him away!


 Got questions of your own?


If you have a question you’d like answered about love, dating, and relationships, join Michelle and me for a LIVE “Love Breakthrough” Q&A Call on Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:00pm Eastern!


On this FREE call, we will be providing you with the answers to your questions LIVE and giving you the same coaching we give our private and group coaching clients to help them have the breakthroughs in love that lead to them attracting and having the relationship of their dreams!

Don’t miss out on having your questions answered on this Love Breakthrough call with the Love Twins!

Click here to reserve your spot now and send us your question!


Then click the image below to see what to do when you’re asking yourself the question, “Am I his girlfriend?”


Did you find this video helpful?  Then make sure you join us for our “Love Breakthrough” LIVE Q&A Call on Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:00pm ET! 
HDI Love Breakthrough Q&A Call2
Click here to reserve your spot now!
Got a Love Question You Need Answered?

Got a Love Question You Need Answered?

by Gladys Diaz



One of our favorite parts of being relationship coaches is being able to help women through some of the difficult situations in their love lives. Many times, we are able to help a woman turn a difficult situation around in just a few minutes by helping her get clear about what is happening, help her set up some action steps, and then hold her accountable for completing those steps! 

That’s why we are hosting a LIVE Love Q&A Call on Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:00pm ET! 


On this call, we will be answering YOUR questions about love, dating, and relationships.

  • What’s causing you the biggest amount of pain right now in your love life?
  • Where do you feel “stuck” and unable to move forward in your love life?
  • What one question do you have that, if you had it answered, would help you move forward?

 Ask us your question now!


It takes courage to allow someone into your heart to help you break through the fear and pain that has been holding you back.  Michelle and I promise to give you real steps that you can take to bust through those barriers and move forward, toward the life and love your heart desires!


To have your question answered on the call, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Register for the call by clicking here.
  2. Type your question in the “Question” boxPlease be clear about the one thing you would like us to answer.
  3. Set a reminder on your phone for Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 9:00pm ET.
  4. Be on the call ready to have a breakthrough!


Don’t have a question, but want to join us and hear the answers anyway?  Click here to reserve your seat!


Whether you have a question or not, being on this call will be a powerful experience! You will learn relationship skills that will help you have a breakthrough in love!


Feel free to share this post with your friends so that they can join us, too!


So, what’s your question? 

Send it to us and register for the call now!


P.S. What if one answer is all you need to leave the past behind and move toward the future and the love that are waiting there for you?  Send us your question and register now!

What’s Really Stopping You From Having the Love You Want

What’s Really Stopping You From Having the Love You Want

by Gladys Diaz




You’re successful.

You have great friends and a good life.

But one thing is missing.

You don’t have that special someone with whom to share it.

As successful as you feel in other areas of your life, you just can’t seem to figure out why you can’t attract the right man into your life.
Maybe you have no problem getting dates, but they just don’t end up going past the first or second date.

Maybe it’s been months or years since your last long-term relationship and you just haven’t found someone you really feel connected to.

Perhaps it’s just beginning to feel like this “relationship thing” just isn’t for you.

If you find yourself relating to any of these situations, we’ve got some great news for you.

First of all, there’s nothing broken or wrong with you, so you can stop trying to fix yourself!

The reason you’re not having the success you want in love is that there are barriers blocking you from attracting the right man.

And, because many of these barriers are “invisible” to you, it looks like online dating not working, guys not wanting to commit, and you being “cursed” with attracting emotionally unavailable guys!

Just like you’re unable to avoid a car that’s in your blind spot, it’s impossible for you to break through a love barrier you can’t see.

If you’re ready to stop suffering and start loving, join Michelle and me for a new teleclass we’ve created especially for you called, “Breaking Through Your Love Barriers to Attract the Love You Want!”

In this teleclass you will learn:

  • How to uncover your Love Barriers – those “invisible” emotional and behavioral patterns that are blocking you from attracting the right man into your life and experiencing the kind of love you really want
  • The practical steps you can take to break through these barriers, feel more confident in dating, trust your intuition to guide you to choose the man who will love and treat you the way you desire and deserve
  • The keys to attracting the right kind of man so that you can have more fun in dating and experience happiness and LOVE in your relationship


Seeing what’s in your blind spot can help you avoid a car accident.

Getting clear on what your love barriers are can help you avoid heartache so that you can start having more fun while dating, begin attracting men you are attracted to, and be in the kind of relationship your heart desires!

Join us for this FREE teleclass on Tuesday, June 9th and get ready for a love breakthrough!

<< Click here to reserve your spot! >>

It’s time to break through your barriers and experience the love you want!

Your happiness is your responsibility. If you’ve been feeling disappointed and frustrated with your experience of dating and relationships, it’s time to make a change! Join us and take the first step toward attracting the love you’ve been longing for!
<< Click here now>>


Stop Ignoring the Signs That Your Relationship is in Trouble

by Gladys Diaz

This week my heart has been heavy.  I’ve heard from three different women who have reached out to tell me that their marriages are ending. 
It’s heartbreaking for me to hear news like this.  Marriage is such a sacred, precious union.  When two people choose to join their lives because they love each other, they do it fully expecting the love that they feel for one another to grow stronger over the years.  They do not get married hoping to hurt, disrespect, and kill the love they once felt for one another. 
I’m the first one to admit that having a wonderful marriage takes work. It’s a daily commitment to being my best self so that I can have the love, happiness, and peace in my marriage that envisioned when we first got married. It wasn’t always like this for us. We went through rough patches, just like every other couple.  There were times when I wondered if we’d make it. 
I remember noticing that things were changing between us. I remember asking myself where the love, passion and fun we used to share had gone.  We were arguing more often, rarely having fun together, and I carried my resentment like a badge of honor.  We were not hugging, kissing, or sleeping together as often and there were many nights when I cried myself to sleep. 
Our marriage didn’t get to that point over night.  There were signs along the way.  Things had been getting bad for a while.  And I silently prayed and hoped that things would change. 
One day I decided I couldn’t ignore what was happening any longer. I couldn’t just keep hoping and praying that things would get better.  I knew I had to do something in order to transform who I was being so that I could help turn my marriage around. 
I began doing my inner work, sought out mentors and coaches who would help and hold me accountable, and began experiencing the inner shift that began having a very real effect on my marriage. 
It took some work and it didn’t happen overnight, but soon the constant arguing stopped.  We were holding hands and smiling at each other again.  We began laughing and kissing and making love again.  My transformation helped transform my relationship and I began to see the man I’d fallen in love with in a whole new light! 
If you’re going through a difficult time in your marriage (or you know someone who is), don’t ignore the signs. Don’t pretend you don’t see them, and certainly don’t think that things are just magically going to get better on their own.  They won’t.

In today’s video I do something I rarely do because of how protective I am of the time I have with my family on the weekends.  However, I’m really committed to making a difference, so I’m offering to talk with a few of you who are ready to begin turning your marriage around this weekend.

Now, here’s the deal.

There are thousands of women reading this email right now and I’m only opening a few spots, because I still want to spend time with my husband and kids. I also only have two spots available in my private coaching program. So, I’m asking that you reach out to me only if you are serious about investing in and doing the work you’ll need to do to turn your marriage around before it’s too late.

I’m not giving you the link to my calendar. If you want to speak with me this weekend, send me an email. It will be a first-come-first serve basis and I will let you know the times I have available, which will be mid-morning/early afternoon Eastern time.

I know in my heart that you don’t have to suffer and that by applying certain skills and practices you can transform your marriage. I’ve helped hundreds of women do this and I want to help you, too.

The signs are there and the time is now. If you’re ready to turn things around, hit reply and let’s talk!