Shifting Into Your Feminine Power!

Shifting Into Your Feminine Power!

by Gladys Diaz

I don’t know if this happens to you, but I love what I do for a living!  Sometimes, especially if I’m working on a new and exciting project, I can work for hours without even noticing time go by!  This has been especially true for me this week, since the time changed and we are now an hour ahead.  The sun is bright outside my window, I look at my clock and see that it’s 7:00pm!  Enter the mad rush to get dinner on the table!

While it’s great to get lost in doing what I love, I also enjoy making time for the people and things that I love.

I love having time off to do things for myself and spend time with my family.  I love feeling a little “guilty” about snuggling up in my chaise lounge reading a book for the pure pleasure of it!  I enjoy being in the living room with my 3 guys all around me – not doing anything “special” – just being with one another.  I love that time in the evening, when it’s just my husband and me, and we can speak or kiss for 5 consecutive minutes without being interrupted! (smile)

Being a successful professional woman – whether you are single, married, or in a relationship – requires the ability to turn off “work mode,” which often involves taking on a lot of masculine energy, and turning up your feminine energy.

It means finding the sweet spot where you shift from being what Michelle and I call being “The Invincible Woman” and “The Irresistible Woman” – that strong-yet-soft-and-sensual, capable-yet-receptive, and powerful-yet-vulnerable feminine energy that is what makes you attractive and alluring to men!

If you find that it’s difficult for you to shed your Invincible Woman cape to wrap yourself in your Irresistible Woman radiance, you’ll want to join us over the next few months, because we are going to be offering several live and virtual events you can attend that will show you how to go From Invincible to Irresistible in your love life!

If you’d like a close-and-personal sneak peek of upcoming events, join Michelle and me this coming Friday, March 20th at the Jazz in the Gardens Women’s Impact Luncheon!

We will be speaking about how you can be Invincible at work and Simply Irresistible in your love life!

We’re excited to be speaking at this event which sells out year after year, sharing the secrets to becoming a Simply Irresistible Woman.

To join us, check out the information below!

Can’t make to the live event? Not to worry!  We are planning some very cool virtual events just for you so, make sure you are subscribed to receive our emails!

There IS a way you can have everything your heart desires in life, career, and love!  Let us share the secrets that we have used in our own lives and marriages to help you become a Simply Irresistible Woman in your love life!


Jazz in the Gardens_Women's Impact Luncheon_Banner

In honor of Women’s History Month and in conjunction with the 10th Annual Jazz in the Gardens Music Festival, the City of Miami Gardens will host the 2015 WOMEN’S IMPACT CONFERENCE & LUNCHEON, created in 2010. At the conference, women of varied races, creed and cultures are exposed to:

  • ideas and strategies for how to take time for self-discovery
  • essential activities associated with inspiration and motivation
  • ways women can live centered and complete lives by taking advantage of all of life’s endless possibilities.

Attendees will be entertained and engaged, as distinguished experts deliver the tips, tools and information on topics to inspire women.

Michelle and I are honored to be speaking at this created to event to inspire and empower women!

Michelle and I are honored to be speaking at this created to event to inspire and empower women!

Jazz in the Gardens_Women's Impact Luncheon_Gladys & Michelle_banner

This highly anticipated, and historically “sold-out” event, will take place at the beautiful property ofMiramar Cultural Center, Miramar, Florida, from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm on Friday, March 20th, 2015!

Click here to learn more and purchase tickets TODAY!

P.S. We can’t wait to let the cat out of the bag and share some of the amazing upcoming events with you!  Keep an eye out for our emails!


Comments?  Questions?  Let us know below! We love hearing from you!

Are You Ready to Be UNreasonable?

Are You Ready to Be UNreasonable?

by Gladys Diaz


I have been thinking about you non-stop for the past few days, so I took a few moments to shoot this quick video!

It includes an exciting announcement and a quick training on what you can do to be UNreasonable and stop letting your reasons stand you in your way of experiencing the life and love your heart desires!

This is powerful, life-changing information!  

Just click the image below and create a breakthrough in your life TODAY!


If you want different results, need to break through your resistance, your reasons, and excuses!

Let the message of this video really speak to you and then take action today!

Then email me and let me know which action you are taking today!


Love Resolution Social Media Pic FINAL

Join us for the 2015 Love Resolution Workshop and begin making 2015 The Year of Love and Dreams Come True for YOU!

There are only 4 seats left, so be UNreasonable and claim YOUR seat NOW!

Commitment vs. Fear: Size DOES Matter!

Commitment vs. Fear: Size DOES Matter!

by Gladys Diaz

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There are some instances when bigger doesn’t necessarily mean “better.” There are, however, times when size does matter, and one of the most important is when it comes to commitment.

When you make a commitment – to yourself, your partners, or anyone with whom you in a relationship – there are going to be times when you feel your commitment – your resolve – is shaken.

It’s during these times – times of upset, disappointment, and uncertainty – that you need to ask yourself:

What I am I truly committed to?


Unless your commitment is bigger than your fear, you’ll stop yourself from making choices and taking steps that are outside of your comfort zone.

Unless your commitment is bigger than your feelings, you’ll quit the moment you feel upset, sad, or disappointed.

And, unless your commitment is bigger than your ego, you’ll run in the other direction at the first sign that things are not going the way you thought they would.


When it comes to making changes in your life, your commitment MUST be bigger than any fear, doubt, or feeling you may have.


In relationships, commitment is the industrial-strength duct tape that holds things together during times of struggle and uncertainty. Because they involve someone aside from yourself, it can be difficult to let down your guard and trust someone else to enter into and take care of your heart. It can be terrifying at times to know that you can’t control the other person; what he wants, says, or does; or whether or not he feels the same way about you.

It takes a tremendous amount of courage to walk with faith and to do what you say you are committed to, even when there isn’t agreement for or any evidence that what you want will actually happen.

In fact, when it comes to relationships, it takes a daily – sometimes even a moment-by-moment – willingness to recommit time and time again.


I want you think about your love life right now and ask yourself the question:

What am I really committed to creating in my love life?


If you are single, and your commitment is to attract and create an extraordinary relationship, or you are in a relationship – whether things are going well or you feel that things are falling apart – and your commitment is to create and live in an extraordinary relationship, then ask yourself:

  • What steps am I taking every day that honor my commitment?
  • What evidence is there in my life that I am honoring my commitment?
  • What am I going to do or say to myself when I don’t feel like or want to honor my commitment, so that I can recommit?
  • Who am I going to ask to be my partner in supporting and holding me accountable to honoring my commitment?

Without a plan and concrete actions steps, your dreams and goals are nothing but wishes that may or may not come true…someday… maybe.

However, when you make a commitment that inspires, fills, and calls you into taking real, concrete, daily steps that are aligned with that commitment, you truly can create the life and love your heart desires!

For those of you who are ready NOW to truly commit to creating the relationship of your dreams, we invite you to join us for the 2015 Love Resolution Workshop.

At this workshop, you will:

  • Distinguish and release the fears, doubts, resentment and regrets of the past
  • Create a Love Resolution that inspires you and calls you into action
  • Develop an action plan that will have you living and experiencing your Love Resolution every day of 2015


Discounted Pricing ends Saturday, January 17th. After that, ticket prices will go to full-price!


Want to REALLY ensure your success? Come with a friend! We’ve made it easy for you!

Both you and a friend can attend the workshop together for almost 50% off the regular price!

THAT’S how committed we are to you having the life and the love your heart desires this year!

Now, how committed are you?


Join us for the 2015 Love Resolution Workshop and begin making 2015 The Year of Love and Dreams Come True for YOU!

Yes, Your Dreams CAN Come True!

by Gladys Diaz

If your inbox is anything like mine, you have been flooded with emails and videos over the past few days about how to make 2015 your year!

I don’t know how you’ve been receiving the messages, but each time I receive one of them, I affirm, “Yes, it is! My dreams are coming true!”

Did you notice how I stated those affirmations using positive words and in present tense?

Those are just two of the keys to anchoring a statement regarding a goal, dream, or resolution so that you are already living into making it come true!

Click on the image below to watch a video Michelle shot for you from one of her dreams come true and read on to learn more about the keys to making a goal or resolution a reality!


Key #1: State your goal, dream, or resolution using positive words.

Did you notice how Michelle said, “Someday I’m gonna’ come back”?

She didn’t say, “Someday I hope I can come back,” or “I wish I could come back someday.” She said, “I’m gonna’ come back!” And that’s exactly what she did!

When we state a goal, resolution or affirmation using positive words – words that focus on what we do want, rather than on what we don’t want or are afraid might happen or not happen, our mind grabs onto, or “anchors,” that statement and translates it into a command.

See, your brain believes what you tell it to believe. If you continuously feed it fears, doubts, limiting beliefs, resentments and regrets, that’s what it will grab onto and make happen. It’s why you may be wondering why it is that certain people and situations keep showing up and repeating themselves in your life.

Making a dream or a resolution a reality begins with believing that it can happen. And, sometimes, that means repeating the statement over and over again until you actually begin to believe what you keep telling yourself.


Key #2: State your goal, dream, or resolution in the present tense, as if it is already happening!

Rather than saying, “Maybe one day I will find someone and have a good relationship” declare what will happen: “Someday, I will have the relationship of my dreams!”

Want to make your statement even more powerful? State it as if it is already happening: I am creating the relationship of my dreams!

This may seem “woo-woo,” like wishful thinking, or as if you are lying to yourself…

Let me be clear.

When you are telling yourself things like, “There is something wrong with me,” or “Maybe I’m just not meant to be in a happy relationship,” or “There’s no way this relationship will ever get better,” you are lying to yourself!

And, what’s worse, not only are you affirming what you don’t want, but you are believing it!

Retraining your brain to create, declare, and manifest what you want takes some “rewiring,” but it’s not that difficult to do, once you know the steps to take.

These are just 2 of the keys you’ll learn about on how to manifest your goals and resolutions during the 2015 Love Resolution Workshop we’ll be hosting on January 24, 2015, and it’s why we want you to join us!

You’ll also learn other keys, such as how to create a vision of what you want your love life to be like and how to plan for success, so that you are living your resolution every day of 2015!

This will be a wonderful, life-changing experience, and we can’t wait to share it with you!

Just click here to register now!

We are close to being sold out and we don’t want you to miss out, so register now and then check your email for important information regarding the event!

One of our goals for 2015 is:

We are helping thousands of women around the world attract, create, and experience the life and love their hearts desire!

And we want you to be part of us making that resolution a reality!

Register now and let us know that you’re going to be part of us realizing our resolution!

Can’t wait to see you there!


Questions? Comments? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!

Are You Ready to Receive Your Blessings?

Are You Ready to Receive Your Blessings?

by Gladys Diaz


November is one of my favorite months of the year because it seems as if most of us are more present to the blessings we have in our lives. The more present we are to our blessings, the more gratitude we feel, the more we begin to see more of what we want in our lives. It’s pretty amazing the way that happens!

If you’re reading this, it’s likely that there is one thing in particular you desire to have more of in your life: LOVE!

Love is one of our purest and deepest desires because you are a loving being. You were made of love, to love, and for love. It’s simply who you are!

During the month of November, Michelle and I have partnered up with some amazing women who are just as committed as we are to guiding you to get more of what you want in your life! And, because we are all about you creating and experiencing the life and love your heart desires, we’re not keeping it only to attracting more romantic love into your life.

Over the next several weeks, we’ll be sharing opportunities for you to participate in both live and virtual events that will enable you to:

  • Access more of what you want through practicing gratitude on a daily basis
  • Manifest more abundance and success in all of the areas of your life
  • Create harmony between your professional, personal, and family life
  • End 2014 powerfully so that you can move into 2015 with grace, ease, and equipped to fulfill the desires of your heart


And, of course, we’ll continue to provide you with the tools, skills, and solutions that guide you toward creating the extraordinary life and love you desire and deserve!


Now, we intend to give to our hearts’ content, and we want you to prepare yourself to receive.

We realize that may sound strange, but the truth is that receiving – particularly when you are being given more than you feel you desire or deserve – can sometimes feel uncomfortable.

Rather than receiving the blessings coming to us, we tend to block or push them away out of guilt, fear, or habit.

That’s why it’s important to prepare yourself and your heart to receive!

Here are a few steps to help prepare yourself to receive all of the gifts, information, and invitations we will be sharing with you, along with the other blessings that are coming your way!

  1. Remember that you are worthy of every gift, offer of assistance, compliment, and smile you receive. You are a beautiful loving being, and, because of that, you attract beauty and love. So, if you begin to feel overwhelmed, uncomfortable, or “weird” when you are begin given gifts of any kind, simply tell yourself: I am a beautiful, loving being, and I am worthy of all of the beauty and love I am attracting and receiving in my life!


  1. Remember that there are no strings attached to the gifts, offers, compliments, or smiles you receive. Part of what makes receiving difficult is that we somehow feel like we’ll owe the other person something of equal or greater value in return. That kind of thinking is associated with a feeling of unworthiness and keeps us from receiving what others freely want to give us. So, if you begin to feel those strings getting attached, cut them immediately by repeating the affirmation above, and add: I openly and willingly receive the loving gifts and gestures others freely give me.


  1. Remember to be grateful for everything! Whether you’re in a space right now where you feel like you don’t have enough of what you want or need, or you are relishing in a feeling of abundance, gratitude is the doorway to experiencing more happiness, peace, love, and everything else your heart desires. So, make it a practice to take just a few minutes each day to just take inventory of the blessings in your life and express gratitude for at least 5 things every day. You can write them down, or simply say them aloud or to yourself. However you choose to express it, just take a few moments at the beginning and end of each day to say, “I am grateful for…”


  1. Bonus: Remember to be grateful in anticipation of receiving what you want! One of my favorite practices of all time is expressing gratitude in anticipation of receiving what I want. After expressing thanks for the blessings that already surround me, I begin to express thanks for the blessings that are making their way to me. So, if you want to meet the man of your dreams, already give thanks for the fact that he is making his way to you. If you are married or in a relationship, express thanks for the love that is growing between the two of you and for all of the beautiful memories you will create together. If there is something you desire for your family, career, or business, give thanks in advance for those blessings that are being manifested. And, as you do this, allow yourself to actually feel and experience the love, happiness, freedom and peace in anticipation of receiving the blessing. I promise you, this will be life-changing!


If you practice these steps, you will begin to experience the joy of receiving. And, in doing so, you also give the people who are giving to you the joy of having their gift received and appreciated! It creates a beautiful cycle of giving, receiving, and appreciation that keeps growing and multiplying the blessings!

So, take a deep breath…

Open your heart…

And receive the love and blessings that are coming your way!

 give_heart_bing And, just because we love surprising you with gifts, here’s a sneak peek into the events you can take part in over the next few weeks!

  • Redefining Womanhood Series (Launches November 10, 2014): Discover 21 Creative Solutions for paving your own path to success in work, marriage, and parenting from top female leaders who are paving the way and redefining what it means to be “A Successful Woman” in today’s world! Click here to reserve your spot!



  • 10 Days of Gratitude Video Series (Launches November 20, 2014): Join Mia Saenz as she hosts 10 inspirational interviews all focused on the incredible power that gratitude has on our lives! (Registration link coming soon!)


Remember: Give thanks… Believe… Receive!


Questions? Comments? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!


Are You Ready for Your Love Breakthrough?

Are You Ready for Your Love Breakthrough?

by Gladys Diaz

Love Breakthrough

This weekend, I had an amazing breakthrough! I’ve gone back and forth about whether or not to share this, because it has to do with money, and I know that some people have “an issue” with that. But my breakthrough had so much more to do with things other than money, that I feel I need to share it with you, because it would be selfish not to!

Over the past two months I have invested more time and money in receiving coaching and training on running my business than ever before.

At every conference, meeting, and on every training call, I listened and took notes as if my life depended on it (because, in the big scheme of things, it does!). I made sure to spend time with the people who were shining most brightly, to connect with the leaders of the events (leaders by example – ALL of them), and to invest in further growth and development.

As I did this, a feeling of excitement began to brew in me. You know, like when you begin getting butterflies in your stomach at just the thought of something wonderful that is about to happen? Well, I began approaching life as if something wonderful was about to happen at any moment!

All of this Hopeful Anticipation came to a head this weekend at a Speaking Bootcamp, when I stood in front of a group of fellow entrepreneurs – many of them strangers – and gave a 5-minute talk about “Being The Invincible Woman in Your Work Life and The Absolutely Irresistible Woman in Your Love Life!”

As part of the talk, I extended the invitation for the ladies in the room to attend an upcoming event we are having for professional and entrepreneurial women who want to experience new levels of success in both their professional lives AND their love lives.

I spoke from my heart and with passion, because I knew what it cost me to not leave the office and “Vice-President Gladys” at the office, and bring a lot of the masculine energy I had to embody at work into my home. It was absolutely killing the romance and intimacy in my relationship.

I spoke with authority and conviction, because I knew what I did to turn that around and bring love, intimacy, and passion back into my marriage.

And yes, even though I was shaking a little, I spoke directly to every woman who in there with confidence and courage, because, my faith in what I was saying and the opportunity I was extending were bigger than my fear!

The result? An amazing breakthrough!

When I looked up, before I’d even finished speaking, there were four women standing in the back of the room, waiting to sign up for The Irresistible Woman Seminar that will be held in February!

So, why do I share this with you?

I share this so that you will know that whatever is stopping you from having and experiencing the kind of loving relationship your heart desires, your faith that you can have it needs to be bigger than your fear!

I share this because what made the difference for me was surrounding myself with like-minded women and inspirational thought leaders who are living what they teach. And that’s important to me, because that is what I commit to doing every single day in my marriage!

I share this because I am going to be extending several opportunities with you over the next few weeks and months that are going to guide you in being invincible in the workplace and absolutely irresistible in your love life!

And, finally, I share this because we have about two and half months left in the year, and, if you think that it’s too late to make a real change that will result in you meeting your love goals for 2014, I’m going to flat-out tell you that you are wrong. It’s not too late!

On the first day of the Speaking Bootcamp, we were asked to share our goal regarding what we wanted to get out of the weekend. I wrote down that I wanted to speak in such a way that women were moved to take immediate and decisive action to purchase the products and services that would allow them to achieve their hearts’ desires.” I also shared that I wanted to be able to inspire 20%-30% of the women in the room to work with me.

Guess what? Both of those goals were met that day!

So the question to ask yourself is not whether it’s too late to achieve your love goals. What there is for you to decide is whether or not you are ready to do whatever it takes to start taking action that will lead you toward achieving those goals.

If you are – and, please, only if you are truly ready – to begin working toward your love goals, click here to schedule an appointment for a Ready for Love Breakthrough Session, and let’s create an action plan that will help you begin taking decisive action toward achieving those goals.

Nothing is sweeter than experiencing a breakthrough that you know is going to change your life forever. That’s what I experienced this weekend, and that’s what I would love to guide you in experiencing, too!

Here’s to creating and living a life of all of your heart’s desires fulfilled!

Click here to schedule your Ready for Love Breakthrough Session!


Questions? Comments?  Let us know below! We love hearing from you!