by Gladys Diaz 

Do you ever feel… 

… like you don’t feel comfortable being yourself? 

… afraid you’ll be rejected again? 

… that when you show up as yourself, you’re not accepted? 

… like you hold back around other people and don’t show up as you? 

… that you can’t connect with others or like there’s a block between you and others?

The good news is that you can break through those barriers!

 You can show up as the authentic YOU and attract those that will love and accept you to you! 

Here’s the thing. 

In your life, you’ve either learned you were supposed to be “fill-in-the-blank” in order to be liked. 

Or you had an experience that made you believe that if you showed up that way then you would be rejected. 

But here’s the truth… 

The longer you pretend to be someone you’re not, the more you risk forgetting who you really are.

It’s our Heartwork that will support you in having the courage to show up as yourself and know that when you do, you will attract the man that will adore you!

When you do this Heartwork:

💜 You heal yourself and break free from the love barriers that are holding you down.

💜 You break free from your limiting beliefs that tell you something is wrong with you or that you’re “broken”

💜 You create new experiences and thought patterns for yourself 

💜 You learn to believe that real confidence looks like knowing you’re going to make mistakes and that you’re not always going to have it all together, and that’s okay

💜 You get clear on what you want and who you are so that you can be crystal-clear about the kind of woman you are and the kind of love you want to experience

The absolute truth is this… you haven’t forgotten who you are. 

Underneath all of the experiences, stories you’ve created in your head, junk and limiting beliefs, is your true self. 

And you get to uncover her and let her shine! 

That’s the kind of shift that will have you attracting the RIGHT man and manifesting the life and love your heart desires!

Clarity and certainty in who you are lead to confidence.