Easy Ways to Love Through the Holidays

by Gladys Diaz


During the next few weeks, many of us will be celebrating a variety of different holidays. This time of the year can be very stressful if we are not intentional about handling all of the events, tasks, and celebrations with love. grace, and ease!

Since I don’t want to add too much more to your “Holiday To-Do List,” I came up with a short-but-sweet list of things you can do to get through the holidays feeling love, peace, and joy! Whether you are single or in a relationship, you’ll want to have this list handy during the next few weeks!


If You’re Single During the Holidays…

The holidays can feel especially lonely, if you don’t have someone special to share them with. It can seem like everyone else has someone to cuddle and laugh with. You may be attending parties and events where there are couples and not too many (if any) singles present, and you may hear that ever-dreaded question about when you plan to settle down, get married, and start a family!

If you’re single during the holidays, here are some things that can help you get through them with hope and a smile!

  • Accept as many invitations as possible for dates, holiday parties and social events. While what you really want is to share these days with that someone special, it’s helpful to surround yourself with family and friends who make you smile and bring out the best in you. Plus, you never know who you are going to meet at your cousin’s tacky sweater party or the last-minute holiday work party you were invited to. Resist the urge to want to be alone (unless you need to take a break), and accept as many invitations as possible. This goes for dates, too! Some people are “selective” about who they will see and spend time with during the holidays. While you may not want to bring someone you don’t know very well to your family gathering, going to a party or put to dinner is a great way to have fun and get to know someone new! (Plus, as I said before… you never know!)


  • Plan some girls’ nights out with your friends. Aside from attending events solo or with a date, be intentional about spending time with your girlfriends. Whether they are single or in relationships, I promise you that everyone wants to disconnect and just have fun for the sake of having fun! Don’t wait until the last minute, since it may take some creative thinking to have everyone arrange their schedules. Also, let your friends know that this is your way of creating a new holiday tradition that is stress-free, feminine, and fun!


If You’re in a Relationship During the Holidays…

Sharing the holidays with someone is nice, but it can also bring about feelings of stress, especially if you’re trying to create time to spend with two families! It can be even more stressful if you are not close to or don’t have a great relationship with your partner’s family.

If you are married or in a relationship during the holidays, here are some things that can help you get through them feeling closer to your partner!

  • Remember that your partner may want to be with his family just as much as you’d like to be with yours. It can be tricky to fit in time to be with both families over a short amount of time, especially if one or both families don’t live in your city or the same city. Create a plan together, but, rather than telling him what you “should do,” let him know what you would like to do and then ask him what he’d like to do. See if there is a way to create a win-win situation. If in-person visiting isn’t possible, then plan a video chat family reunion, where you can all share some treats as you speak over Skype or Facetime. Block out enough time so that no one feels rushed and you can really connect with one another. If you’ve sent and received gifts from distant family members, plan to open them when you’re on camera so that you can enjoy the moment together!


  • Remember to share some “couple time.” Let’s be honest. Being with family and in-laws can be really stressful. Make some time to disconnect from the crowd and just share some alone time with your partner. If you’re visiting with or having family visit you, consider that you may have some readily available babysitters to watch the kids or pets so that the two of you can sneak away for a romantic walk or dinner! Plan your time for when the kids will be sleeping so that you don’t have rush back and you can stay out as long as you like with your honey!


Whether You Are Single or In a Relationship.

  • Remember to put yourself at the top of your holiday list. Take time to practice self-care by scheduling time to relax and replenish your mind, body, and soul. Yes, it’s the season for giving, but you need to give to yourself, too. If you are going to be traveling to visit family members, bring some of your favorite books and music with you, and see if there is a gym nearby where you can exercise to get some of those endorphins moving! This also gives you a reason to spend some time alone, especially if being with family is becoming a bit too much to handle (Don’t feel guilty… We all have that one – or two, or three – family member we need a time out from!)  Also remember to ask for help if you need it. This will help you feel more grateful and less exhausted (and resentful), and gives others a chance to do something for you, too!


  • Be Present. Getting caught up in all of the activities, visits, and shopping can actually rob you of actually BEing with your loved ones. If you’re hosting the holiday get-together, don’t worry about planning out every single moment of the day. Allow for everyone (including yourself) to have some downtime. As you’re sitting around the table, take a moment to really look at and appreciate each person in the room. If you find yourself getting irritable or feeling exhausted, take a time out so that you can recharge (see the tip above) and so that you can really BE with the people you love!


  • Begin thinking about what you’d like your love life and relationship to look like in 2015. As we begin to close out this year and move into next year, take a moment to take inventory of your love life.


If you’re single, ask yourself –

  • What do I want my experience of dating to be like?
  • What do I want the experience of being in a relationship to be like?
  • What kind of girlfriend do I want to be?
  • When I take a moment to stop and reflect on December 31st next year, how will I describe myself and my love life/relationship?


If you’re married or in a relationship, ask yourself –

  • What do I want the experience of being in a relationship to be like?
  • What do I want to see more/less of in my relationship?
  • When I take a moment to stop and reflect December 31st next year, how will I describe myself and my relationship?

Are You Ready for Your Love Breakthrough?

Are You Ready for Your Love Breakthrough?

by Gladys Diaz

Love Breakthrough

This weekend, I had an amazing breakthrough! I’ve gone back and forth about whether or not to share this, because it has to do with money, and I know that some people have “an issue” with that. But my breakthrough had so much more to do with things other than money, that I feel I need to share it with you, because it would be selfish not to!

Over the past two months I have invested more time and money in receiving coaching and training on running my business than ever before.

At every conference, meeting, and on every training call, I listened and took notes as if my life depended on it (because, in the big scheme of things, it does!). I made sure to spend time with the people who were shining most brightly, to connect with the leaders of the events (leaders by example – ALL of them), and to invest in further growth and development.

As I did this, a feeling of excitement began to brew in me. You know, like when you begin getting butterflies in your stomach at just the thought of something wonderful that is about to happen? Well, I began approaching life as if something wonderful was about to happen at any moment!

All of this Hopeful Anticipation came to a head this weekend at a Speaking Bootcamp, when I stood in front of a group of fellow entrepreneurs – many of them strangers – and gave a 5-minute talk about “Being The Invincible Woman in Your Work Life and The Absolutely Irresistible Woman in Your Love Life!”

As part of the talk, I extended the invitation for the ladies in the room to attend an upcoming event we are having for professional and entrepreneurial women who want to experience new levels of success in both their professional lives AND their love lives.

I spoke from my heart and with passion, because I knew what it cost me to not leave the office and “Vice-President Gladys” at the office, and bring a lot of the masculine energy I had to embody at work into my home. It was absolutely killing the romance and intimacy in my relationship.

I spoke with authority and conviction, because I knew what I did to turn that around and bring love, intimacy, and passion back into my marriage.

And yes, even though I was shaking a little, I spoke directly to every woman who in there with confidence and courage, because, my faith in what I was saying and the opportunity I was extending were bigger than my fear!

The result? An amazing breakthrough!

When I looked up, before I’d even finished speaking, there were four women standing in the back of the room, waiting to sign up for The Irresistible Woman Seminar that will be held in February!

So, why do I share this with you?

I share this so that you will know that whatever is stopping you from having and experiencing the kind of loving relationship your heart desires, your faith that you can have it needs to be bigger than your fear!

I share this because what made the difference for me was surrounding myself with like-minded women and inspirational thought leaders who are living what they teach. And that’s important to me, because that is what I commit to doing every single day in my marriage!

I share this because I am going to be extending several opportunities with you over the next few weeks and months that are going to guide you in being invincible in the workplace and absolutely irresistible in your love life!

And, finally, I share this because we have about two and half months left in the year, and, if you think that it’s too late to make a real change that will result in you meeting your love goals for 2014, I’m going to flat-out tell you that you are wrong. It’s not too late!

On the first day of the Speaking Bootcamp, we were asked to share our goal regarding what we wanted to get out of the weekend. I wrote down that I wanted to speak in such a way that women were moved to take immediate and decisive action to purchase the products and services that would allow them to achieve their hearts’ desires.” I also shared that I wanted to be able to inspire 20%-30% of the women in the room to work with me.

Guess what? Both of those goals were met that day!

So the question to ask yourself is not whether it’s too late to achieve your love goals. What there is for you to decide is whether or not you are ready to do whatever it takes to start taking action that will lead you toward achieving those goals.

If you are – and, please, only if you are truly ready – to begin working toward your love goals, click here to schedule an appointment for a Ready for Love Breakthrough Session, and let’s create an action plan that will help you begin taking decisive action toward achieving those goals.

Nothing is sweeter than experiencing a breakthrough that you know is going to change your life forever. That’s what I experienced this weekend, and that’s what I would love to guide you in experiencing, too!

Here’s to creating and living a life of all of your heart’s desires fulfilled!

Click here to schedule your Ready for Love Breakthrough Session!


Questions? Comments?  Let us know below! We love hearing from you!

How to Attract Your Soulmate

How to Attract Your Soulmate

by Gladys Diaz



“How do I find my soulmate?

“How do I know if he’s my soulmate?”

Those are probably two of the most-frequently asked questions I hear from women!  And who can blame them?  Everyone wants to know that the next person they date or the man who they are with is, in fact, “The One,” their soulmate.

When my first husband, Andy, passed away, I swore that that was it for me.  I was so upset and saddened at the thought that my once-in-a lifetime love – my soulmate – had come and gone and I’d no longer have the experience of sharing my life and soul with someone who truly and unconditionally loved me as much as I loved him.

Thankfully, I was wrong!

When I met and began falling in love with Ric, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was the one I’d be spending the rest of my life with. I was ecstatic that I had been wrong about there only being one person in all the world who would I would love and who would love me in such a powerful, passionate, incredible way!

While the idea of having one soulmate that has been predestined to share his life with you can seem very romantic, that belief is fed by a fear of scarcity, which is what has so many women – perhaps even you – think that you have to find that one, “perfect” guy, or your doomed to experience a lifetime of loneliness.

That is scary.  And depressing.

The truth is that there is an abundance of wonderful, loving, men who are also seeking out someone with whom they would like to spend their lives.  In fact, they are out there, looking for you!  And the great news is that, as you meet and get to know them, then you get to choose which ones you’d like to get to know better, and, eventually, which one you’d like to spend the rest of your life with.

So, the question remains: How do you find your soulmate?

Well, it begins with YOU.

Whether you are single and looking to attract your soulmate or you’re in a relationship with someone that doesn’t feel like everything you thought it would be, loving and being loved by your soulmate begins with being crystal-clear about what it is that you want to experience in a relationship.

If you want to experience love, passion, and fun in your relationship, then be loving, passionate, and fun NOW.

If you want to experience trust, compassion, and forgiveness in your relationship, be trusting and trustworthy, compassionate, and forgiving NOW.

If you want to experience a drama-free, peaceful, and easy-flowing relationship, then stop creating and inviting drama into your life, seek to be peaceful with others, and be open to not having to control and manage everything and everyone in your life.

How you attract your soulmate is that you are BEing everything you want to experience in your relationship in your life right now! 

And in BEing everything your  heart desires, you are living from your soul!

The love that you want, dream of, and long for isn’t something that is or that you will find anywhere outside of you. Like attracts like.  So, if you want to attract someone who is going to give you the experience you would like to have in love for the rest of your life, you need to start being that in your life NOW.

That is how he will recognize you!  And that is how he will be drawn to you!

This may sound “woo-woo” to you.  You can choose to believe it or not. But  if you haven’t found your soulmate yet, or if you thought the man you are with was your soulmate and you’re beginning to doubt it, consider that being with your soulmate is not about fate, or chance, or luck.  It’s about you BEing that amazing, irresistibly alluring love magnet that he simply can’t resist falling in love with!

If you’d like to hear more about how to BE the love you want to see and experience with a soulmate, I invite you to check out the interview that airs today on the Global Latino Summit!  One of my very good friends and internationally renowned author and speaker, Deborah Deras, interviewed me on How to Go From Heartbreak to Finding Your Soulmate.”

This was one of the most fun and heart-warming interviews I’ve done to date, and I know you’ll really enjoy it! Just click here to register for the Global Latino Summit, and you’ll receive instant access to the interview, as well as the other amazing interviews she is making available.  But hurry! This interview is only available for 24 hours, so you’ll want to head on over the GLS site now!

Questions? Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!


P.S. Ready to attract your soulmate or transform your relationship in 2015?  I’m opening enrollment for my VIP Private Coaching Program now! Click here to set up a time to talk and see if this program is right for you!  Let’s make 2015 the year your dreams come true!

What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

by Gladys Diaz

struggling isn't a curse - Shanda Sumpter

Have you ever felt like something is just too hard and it’s time to give up – even when it’s something you really want or believe in, like a dream or a goal you’ve been working on for some time?

Many times, when I’m on my runs, I tell myself I’m not going to stop until I reach a certain distance. There are times when my legs are aching, sweat is dripping into my eyes, and I feel like my chest will explode, and I just want to stop. And, sometimes, I do. But the moment I do, I check the app I use while running, and if I haven’t reached that preset distance, I will literally say to myself aloud, “Don’t you dare stop now!”

Pretty tough, right?

Well, I’ve found that sometimes I need to get real with myself, or else I’ll quit before it’s time to stop. If I don’t remind myself of what my goals are, the milestone I set, and why I’m doing something, left to my own devices, I’ll quit when things get a little too uncomfortable for me – whether it’s in running, a goal I’ve set for myself in business, my well-being, and, yes, my relationship.

What about you? Are you getting ready to give up on something?


I speak to a lot of women – women of all ages, cultures, and relationship statuses – and there’s common question that comes up:

“Do you think there’s hope for me?”

Maybe you’re a single woman who’s become frustrated with dating unavailable men or men you’re not really attracted to, or the fact you haven’t gone on a date for months (or years) and you’re wondering whether you’re just meant to be alone.

Maybe you’ve been in an on-again-off-again relationship for several years, or one in which you’ve been waiting for him to commit or proposed to you, or things just seem to be unraveling at the seams, and you wonder whether it’s time to call it quits.

Maybe you’re in a marriage where things have been on a downward spiral for a while, or you feel like you’re just housemates or co-parents, and you wonder whether it’s even worth possible to bring the love and romance you once shared together.

And maybe you’re like many of my clients and you’ve taken several courses, read many books, and done a ton of spiritual and inner work and you’re asking yourself why these thing seem to lead everyone else in the directions of their dreams, but not yours, and you’re wondering whether there’s simply something “broken” inside of you.

I don’t know where you are, but I do know this:

The only surefire way to not reach your goals and for your dreams not to come true is for you to decide to give up!

That’s the only thing that will guarantee that you won’t get what your heart desires.

So, I’m going to say this with all of my love:

Don’t you dare stop now!

What if there’s something you didn’t know you could do to turn your love life around?

What if there’s just a little more work to do to finally get the things that have been blocking love from coming to you out of your way?

What if the next guy you meet in person or online is the one who’s been looking for you all along?

What if the man you love is just waiting for a sign that you’re not ready to give up on your relationship?


What if there is still hope?


Are you seriously willing to give up without doing everything you can to make your dreams come true?


If you’re not ready to give up yet, then take out a piece of paper and answer these questions:

  1. What is it that my heart truly desires?


  1. What is making me want to stop and is in the way of me having this be realized in my life?


  1. Is there someone who or something that can help me discover how to get past this?


  1. Am I courageous enough to reach out for help and do what it takes and not give up?


  1. What’s the next action step I will take, rather than stop and give up?



I know you’re tired. I know you’re afraid. But I also know that you can be courageous and unstoppable. I know you can take that next action step. And I know that you don’t have to do it alone!

If you’d like support (and a nice, hard push) in taking that next step, then you can always reach out to me and step up a time to talk!

I’m not giving up on you, so don’t you dare give up on you, either!

Happy New Year (Again)!

Happy New Year (Again)!

by Gladys Diaz

Happy New Year in sparklers

This week marks the official end of summer and start of the new school year for kids around the country.  Each fall I’m reminded of how much I used to love this time of year when I was a teacher.

See, as teachers and students, we get the opportunity to start fresh and set new goals for ourselves 3 quarters into the “new year”!

Isn’t that great?

You know what’s even better?!?

You don’t have to be a parent, teacher or student to celebrate a Happy New Year today!

Think back to January of this year.

Did you create a Love Resolution for yourself?

Many of you joined us for our Love Resolution Call and created some truly amazing resolutions describing who you were resolving to be this year to attract and create the loving relationship your heart desires.

So… Did you do it? 

What I mean is, did you write out your Love Resolution and read it aloud to yourself twice a day, every day?

And, if so, did you reach your goal? Are you now in a happy, loving, intimate relationship? The relationship of your dreams?

If you did, please, contact us and let us know. Send us a picture!  Let us celebrate your love with you and the rest of the world! (Make sure you read Patricia’s testimonial, below!)

If you didn’t…

First, stop making yourself “wrong” about it!  You didn’t do what you didn’t do. That’s true.

What’s also true is that you can start your new year TODAY!

There are still 4 months left in this calendar year and so much can happen in four months if you commit to taking the steps right now to transform yourself and your love life!

I’ve had clients meet the man of their dreams in less than four months.

I’ve had clients turn their marriages – the ones they were ready to give up on – in less than four months.

I’ve had women who had been waiting to hear that magical question for years get proposed to in less than four months!

Miracles can happen in less than four months, and some of those miracles can be YOURS!

But you have to be willing to do what you’ve been unwilling to do until now.

You have to be willing to stop resisting, putting off, and excusing away the thing you say is important to you!

If you’re like most people, too many times you pretend that the things that are most important to you – like being in a loving, passionate, intimate, and fun relationship – don’t really matter.

You minimize just how much your heart desires it.

You let yourself off the hook and make excuses for not taking the steps you know will lead you in the direction of making that dream come true.

You start focusing on other things – work, school, hobbies –  to ignore the pain and disappointment of having another year go by where you find yourself either alone or lonely inside of a relationship.

Why do you do that?

Well, if you’ve been on our list for even a little while, you know the answer: Fear.

You’re afraid you want what  you really want.

Most of all, you’re so afraid you won’t have what you really want that you’ll self-sabotage your way out of having and experiencing it.

So, here’s my invitation.

Take a good look at yourself and your life – especially your love life.

Is it everything you want and hope for it to be?

Are you experiencing and living the life and love your heart desires?

If you are, as I said before, please share with us!

If you’re not, then it’s time for you to get real with yourself and choose whether or not you are willing to start making your goals and dreams come true.

Today is the day you can choose to begin taking committed and inspired action that is aligned with your goals and dreams of being in the type of relationship your heart desires with an absolutely amazing man!

Today can be the beginning of your very own Happy New Year!

I have only 2 more spots left in my private coaching program for the remainder of this year.  That’s it.  After that, you’ll have to wait until 2015 to begin working with me, which means putting your dreams offeven longer.  That’s not what I want for you.

So, don’t keep waiting for something to somehow, magically change or happen on its own.  This is up toyou!

You have the power to create and make that relationship a reality, and I can teach you the skills and tools you need to start making it happen now!

Just click the link below and reserve a time to speak with me now!

<<<Click here to schedule your Ready for Love Session now!>>>

Again, I have only 2 spots left.

Time’s not stopping.

The clock’s still ticking. 

This is your time to make your relationship dreams come true!

Here’s a message my client, Patricia, just sent me:

Patricia & Ruvin

I created my Love Resolution for myself in January and happy to say I reached my goal! I am now living a happy, loving, intimate relationship, the relationship of my dreams with my fiancee, Ruvin! We were engaged after 4 months!

<<<Click here to schedule time to talk now!>>>

Right now really is the time.  Think about where you were four months ago.

 Is where you are now where you hoped you would be? If not, then stop wasting precious time!

Reach out and set up a time to talk with me so that I can help you get started on making your dreams come true before 2015 gets here!