by Gladys Diaz 

Would you like to be able to feel confident in any situation or conversation you encounter that you’ll be able to handle it with grace and ease? 

How would it feel to experience less reactivity or emotional meltdown and experience more happiness and joy? 

Imagine what it would mean for your life if you were able to maintain peace inside of you no matter what happens around you? 

See if this scenario sounds familiar: 

Something happens…

… your boyfriend says something in a “tone”

… a guy you’ve been texting stops responding 

… your boss calls you in for an unscheduled meeting

… a co-worker doesn’t do something they promised they’d do

… someone cuts you off on the highway

And all of the sudden you feel disrespected, rejected, worried or angry. 

You get “triggered.” 

A memory, fear or limiting belief was opened up and like a domino effect sets off a series of other thoughts and associated behaviors.

The switch has been flipped and you have an emotional reaction that has you say or do things you later regret. Your mind and mouth take on a mind of their own and it’s not until after the dust has settled that you regret your behavior and see the line of carnage in your wake. 

We’ve all been there. 

There was a time when Ric and I couldn’t even talk about some things for longer than 5 minutes because one of us would explode.

Sometimes the fall-out you create from these emotional reactions is short-lived. 

But sometimes, the result is a complete loss of a relationship, future relationship, or opportunity. 

The result is always a loss of personal peace and confidence and the impact on you and those around you is loss of time, energy, intimacy, connection, happiness and joy.

What if you didn’t have to experience things that way? 

What if you could turn off the “trigger” in an instant before it spiraled out of control? 

What if you could have mastery over your emotions instead of being a reaction waiting to happen? 

That’s what we teach you in the Girl, It’s Not Personal! Workshop. 

You’ll learn how to: 

  • Identify the emotional triggers that have you react, strike back, or shut down in conversations and relationships.
  • Break through the automatic and limiting thought patterns that are negatively impacting your communication and relationships, so that you can attract and keep the love your heart desires
  • Increase your level of self awareness and master managing your emotions , so that you are able to have empowering conversations and build a strong, happy, and loving relationship

The reason why marriages aren’t working right now is because most people don’t have the skills to not have a reaction to what others say and do. 

Ric and I almost lost our marriage because of this. 

But we didn’t because we up-leveled our emotional intelligence by learning the tools and skills that work in communicating and relationships. Now we can discuss anything for as long as we want to and maintain connection, love and peace in the space. 

And that’s what we want for you too. 

Click HERE to grab a recording of the Girl, It’s Not Personal! Workshop

Learn how to stop getting emotionally triggered by taking things personally and how to start experiencing more fun and joy in life, dating, and relationships!

Grab your copy now!