by heartsdesireintl | Jun 5, 2013 | breakups, Dating, Forgiveness, Gratitude, HDI Blog, Heart's Desire International, heartache, Intimacy, Love, Marriage, Parenting, Relationship Advice, Romance
by Gladys Diaz

One of my favorite parts about the work that I do is being able to connect with and make a real difference for the people with whom I work. There really is nothing more rewarding to me than guiding a woman through her biggest fears, greatest blocks, and limiting beliefs, and having her come through more empowered and confident than ever, with the promise of her heart’s desires being fulfilled on the other side!
I don’t always get an opportunity to connect with everyone in our community on a personal level, but lately I’ve been trying to think of ways to create opportunities for more personal connections, where I can hear from and share with you on a more consistent basis.
Well, those of you who know me know that I don’t believe in coincidences, and that I do believe that everything that happens does so at the perfect time and for a specific reason. That’s why yesterday, when I read about a 30-Day Challenge yesterday, I got excited!
And the best part is YOU get to be part of it, too!
One of the groups I’m very proud to be part of is the Social Media Club of South Florida. The members are participating in a 30-Day Blogging Challenge during the month of June.
So, why is this exciting and how can you be part of it?
The 30-Day Blogging Challenge I participated in last year is what helped me to start blogging on a more consistent basis. I joined the group right before the last challenge began and it motivated me to create “Your Heart’s Desire Thought of the Day,” where, for 30 days, I blogged about a different dating and relationship topic each day. People enjoyed it, I loved reading and responding to the comments, and, when the challenge ended, I had several requests to continue with the daily messages (If you were one of those people, consider this your request being granted!).
Another reason I’m so excited is because I’ll be doing things a little differently this time. Instead of me coming up with the 30 topics I’ll be blogging about, this time, I will be answering your questions about love, dating, and relationships! That’s right! All you have to do is ask me a question via email or our Facebook page, and I will answer your question in one of the blog posts during the month of June! Your name will be kept confidential on the blog post, and you’ll have the opportunity to have some of your burning questions answered!
Here’s all you need to do:
- Type the words “Burning Question” in the subject line of your email or in your Facebook comment.
- Send your question via email to or post your question on our Facebook page at
- Once the question gets answered, I’ll send you an email or Facebook message letting you know that your question’s been answered on Heart’s Desire’s blog.
That’s it!
Now, I really need your help, because today is June 5th, and the challenge began on June 1st! Believing that it’s never too late for anything wonderful to happen (in life or relationships!), I want to get started right away – as in tomorrow, June 6th! So, if you have a question (or 2… or 3) that you’d like answered, just send me an email or go to our Facebook page and ask it NOW! And, please don’t wait to see if someone else asks first. I need to answer 30 questions in 30 days and I want yours to be one of them.
Just send me any questions you have about:
- dating
- love
- sex
- relationships
- parenting
- romance
- marriage
- breakups
- avoiding divorce
- intimacy
- any other burning questions you have
So, go ahead! Make my day and partner with me to make this next 30 days ones that make a huge difference for you and the thousands of others people who are going to benefit from reading the answer to your question!
Questions? Comments? Let us know! We love hearing from you!
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by heartsdesireintl | May 30, 2013 | Dating, Heart's Desire International, Intimacy, Love, Marriage, Relationship Advice, Romance, Success
by Gladys Diaz

Last week, I had the privilege of attending the seventh Women’s Success Summit in Miami, FL. Heart’s Desire has been a Partner since the first Summit for several reasons. One is because its founder, Michelle Villalobos, is not only a trusted mentor and friend, but she’s one of our happiest clients, having met her wonderful boyfriend after attending our workshops! Aside from our love and admiration of Michelle, the networking opportunities, connections we’ve made (both personally and professionally), and the incredible content we’ve received over the years has helped us to grow our business both locally and abroad.
I’m a people person, so the opportunity to see and spend time with my friends, colleagues, and some of my clients is something I always look forward to. I have to say, however, that there’s something special about being introduced to someone by having the person say something like,“This is my dating coaching. She’s the one who’s teaching me how to love dating again,” or “This is Gladys, the one who helped me attract my amazing boyfriend into my life.” Perhaps my favorite moment was when a woman came up to me and said, “You probably don’t remember me, but I took your workshop last year, and I just wanted to thank you, because, thanks to giving up the checklist, I met a wonderful man and we’re getting married!” The next day, I had the pleasure of meeting her fiancé who is moving across the country to marry and spend his life with her! How does it get any better than that?
I had a great conversation with group of ladies about how something magical happens when women come together for a common purpose. Everyone who attends the Women’s Success Summit is there for a different reason, but we do all share something in common: We have a dream and that dream includes having a great business or career where we can do what we love and make a real difference in the world at the same time! And that’s why we choose to attend an event where we know we’re going to be inspired, informed, and connected with other women who are on a similar path. During the event, and as we create new business opportunities and refer one another to potential partners and clients, we also support, encourage, and celebrate one another’s successes!
So, what does all of this have to do with you, your dating life and romantic relationships?
It all goes back to a saying I used to hear a lot when growing up:
“Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.”
The people with whom you associate, to whom you listen, and who you emulate have a direct impact on you and the results you create in your relationships. Surrounding yourself with other women who are as committed as you are to creating loving and fulfilling relationships is crucial to helping you create new beliefs and habits that will lead to you having the type of relationship you want to experience.
When I began practicing the principles I now teach, I would meet with a small group of women who were all practicing the same principles in their lives and relationships. We’d meet in person and on the phone and listen to one another vent, remind each other what it was we were committed to creating and having in our lives, and celebrate our victories and breakthroughs. Now, years later, we are still there for one another, sharing in our lives and encouraging each other to have the loving, passionate relationships we have always dreamed of.
Think about the women with whom you are surrounding yourself. Are they committed to creating healthy, loving, lasting relationships or are do you all participate in male-bashing and discussing how there aren’t any good men out there? Do they encourage you to step beyond your comfort zone and practice new habits in order to experience new results, or do they criticize your attempts to have a new experience in dating and in your relationships? Do you feel uplifted and inspired after speaking with them, or do you feel like you’ve just spent time with an energy and hope vampire? Is there a woman in your life who is happily married to whom you can turn for advice and encouragement? And are you working with a coach or mentor who is not only giving you “good advice,” but whose life and relationship reflects the results of the practices he or she is teaching?
If it’s true that you are a reflection of the five people with whom you spend the most time, can you say that you are surrounding yourself with people who are up to creating and living in the types of relationships that you admire and wish to have. If not, it’s okay. You don’t have to get rid of all of your friends, but think about bringing some new people into your life who will set you on the path of actually experiencing the life and love your heart desires!
And, of course, it goes without saying, you can always reach out to me!
Questions? Comments? Let us know! We love hearing from you!
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by heartsdesireintl | May 23, 2013 | breakups, Dating, Forgiveness, Gratitude, heartache, Intimacy, Love, Marriage, Relationship Advice
by Gladys Diaz

“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.”
~ Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Every once in a while, you create something that not only inspires you, but you hope will inspire others. When I was invited to write an Inspiration for the Inspire Me Today website, I was asked to think about what I would say if I had to leave a message to the world in 500 words or less! I thought to myself, “I can do this! I have so much to share!” Well, I must have written at least 5 different drafts and several revisions of each one! Okay… Maybe this wasn’t as easy a writing task as I’d thought.
After all, this was going to go down in history (or at least in an online archive, somewhere) as my message to the world.
Just how was I supposed to select one message that captured my biggest lesson, my deepest beliefs, and the difference I want to make for people in 500 words or less? What could I say?
Well, after writing and revising several drafts, I finally hit “Submit” and sent in my Inspiration. The article was accepted and published on May 2nd, and I received wonderful feedback about it. Then, yesterday, I received a wonderful surprise! They liked my article so much, they chose to share it on the, which has over 22,000,000 subscribers! Over 22,000,000 lives may be touched my message!
Are there other messages I’d like to leave behind – about the power of love, the freedom of forgiveness, the transformational practice of gratitude, the gift of hope, the joy that it is to live a life where we have the power to create our own miracles, and so many more messages I have bubbling inside of me just waiting to be shared with the world? Absolutely!
But, for now, this is my message – my Inspiration – and I share it with all of my love, from my heart to yours.
Click here to read “Are You Choosing Fear Over Love?”
I’d really like to express my heartfelt thanks to Gail Lynne Goodwin and her team – especially Kristan Sartor – for, not only allowing me to share my Inspiration with the world, but for also helping me to promote the From Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires telesummit so that more people can join the thousands already participating and allowing the messages of love, healing, forgiveness, hope, and transformation to help them go from heartache to experiencing the life and loved their hearts desire!
If you’d like to experience the messages of 27 of the leading experts in dating, relationships, healing, and transformation, you can sign up here.
Questions? Comments? Let us know! We love hearing from you!
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by heartsdesireintl | May 20, 2013 | breakups, Dating, Forgiveness, HDI Blog, heartache, Intimacy, Love, Marriage, Relationship Advice, Romance
by Gladys Diaz

When I began working on the From Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires Telesummit, I didn’t know exactly what it would look like, who the experts would be, or who, if anyone would register to participate. I only knew that, if I was going to put that much time and effort into something, I wanted it to make a real difference! So I made myself and all of the future participants a promise that I would do everything in my power to make sure that the telesummit was something of value – something that would cause hearts to open and lives to change. I made a promise that, at the end of this telesummit, people would feel empowered to break through the pain and fear of the past and the heartache they had experienced and feel ready to step out boldly and courageously into a new future filled with the possibility of loving and being loved again.
Well, based on the testimonials I’ve been getting from participants, I can confidently say that the promise is being fulfilled! But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself the difference that this telesummit is making in people’s lives!
“I am ready to find love again. I actually believe!”
I just wanted to let you know that your telesummit is the BEST love telesummit I have yet to participate in!
What is so incredible about yours is that the entire hour or less, even 50 or 55 minutes is filled with 50 minutes of deep valuable context, tips, tools, questions, techniques that the listener can use RIGHT AWAY in our lives. I mean, we can get off the phone and live from that context or use those tips or questions or that process immediately.
AND to boot! There really is SOMETHING for every single person on the call whether you are single or married in every single interview. I don’t have to miss an interview about partnerships or incredible sex as you always bring what there is for single people listening or someone not quite ready to date and getting over heartache! Hello…this one is me, not quite ready to let the last dream go!
What is incredible is that from participating in your telesummit – and this never happened to me in other telesummit – I am ready to find love again. I actually believe! I really believe he is out there and the love I will bring will be better than ever, healthier than ever, all because of the soul nurturing, spirit expanding and honoring context I have gained from listening to your telesummit. I never believed it was possible after 50, and now I do! And I can learn to do the deep work within and not make it about anyone or him out there or about something lacking in me. But I can learn with self love and forgiveness and compassion and bring that out into the world. I feel expansive and larger in some way. Like my spirit has opened again and so has my heart.
In short (ha ha ha), I am just so grateful and appreciative of you, this telesummit you have put together and your hostess abilities. Thank-you, from the bottom of my unclosed heart that is ready to love again and believe in love again. I really didn’t expect that to come out of this summit. I really thought I would grieve for another few years about my husband who got away because I blew it and should know better at the age of 50! Thank-you is not enough to say but thank-you for healing my broken heart and opening me up to the possibility of love again, even better, even healthier!
I feel like I am having a spiritual awakening in the area of self love, self care and how I am thinking about and who I am being in relationship. From a telesummit! I never would have thought that was possible. On some level, it’s like the context that each speaker brings is resonating and touching my soul. I am willing to do the deep work. ~ L
So, there you have it! The power of a promise fulfilled! And this is just one of the many testimonials I receive daily via emails and our Facebook page! It’s simply inspiring!
The promise is there for you, too!
If you are ready to break through the pain, fear, and resignation that have been holding you back, keeping you stuck, and not allowing you to let love flow to, through, and from you so that you can begin to experience the love of your dreams, then I invite you to join the telesummit. It’s not too late! (It never is!) There are several interviews posted and there will be a few All-Access Replay Days this week, where you can listen to ALL of the interviews that have been featured throughout the interview.
Just do it! Take a leap of faith and up, make sure you confirm your email address (or you won’t receive follow-up emails), and begin listening to the interviews that most call out to you.
You deserve happiness. You deserve freedom from the past. And you deserve to experience the life and love your heart desires!
See you on the other side!
P.S. If you missed the interviews featured during Weeks 1 or 2, there is no need to worry! If you’d really prefer to not have to wait to listen to recordings until they air or replay, after signing up you can upgrade your subscription to VIP Membership, where you’ll receive MP3 recordings of all of the interviews and links to all of the free gifts! But, first, you need to register, so go to: NOW!
To read more testimonials, just visit Heart’s Desire International’s Facebook page and look at the pinned post at the top of the page!
Comments? Questions? Let us know! We love hearing from you!
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by heartsdesireintl | May 16, 2013 | breakups, Dating, Forgiveness, HDI Blog, heartache, Intimacy, Love, Marriage, Relationship Advice
by Gladys Diaz
Week 2 of the From Heartache to Your Heart’s Desire Telesummit has been no less amazing than the first week of empowering and transformational interviews! From the powerful messages, to the incredibly generous free gifts offered by the experts, to the amazing testimonials that fill my Inbox and our Facebook fan page every day, I can’t begin to express what a fascinating journey this has been.
My biggest take-away so far from this telesummit is the incredible privilege it is to be able to (1) live my purpose and bring this message of hope, healing, and transformation to the world, and (2) how much love there is in this amazing, beautiful world. The experts on this telesummit did not get paid, nor did they sell programs. They simply gave generously of their time and themselves, and, in doing so, we came together and created something absolutely beautiful and powerful that is changing hearts and lives all over the world.
One of the testimonials that most moved me was from a woman who is homeless and living out of her car with her dog. She lost her young only son a few years ago, found out her husband had been unfaithful throughout most of their son’s life, lost her job and, consequently, her home. She uses the Internet in public libraries, free Internet cafes, and other places that provide free Wi-Fi, and came across the telesummit. She signed up and was listening to the interviews while applying for jobs. And, despite everything she is facing – all of the heartache that she has experienced and is still going through – all she could do was thank me for the interviews and the messages she was hearing and receiving.
As I posted on Facebook the day after I received her email: If you think for one minute that when you are living your purpose it doesn’t make a difference for others… Think again!
And there’s a reason this woman was expressing thanks for the interviews. This isn’t “just another love summit.” The messages in this telesummit are power-full and provide real, concrete information about inner healing, hope, living fearlessly, and attracting love into our lives!
- On Monday,l Dr. Margaret Paul talked about “The Profound Secret to Healing Heartache.” She walked us through a healing exercise that I did as she was explaining it, and experienced a wonderful sense of healing and peace – so much so that I was moved to tears during our interview!
- Laurel House came in with guns blaring and talked about “Screwing the (Dating) Rules: The No-Games Guide to Finding True Love.” She talked about the importance of identifying your core values and one of my favorite topics: getting rid of the checklist. You know “the checklist” – that insurmountable list of criteria that only a perfectly programmed robot could meet? Yeah, that one!
- On Tuesday, Rhonda Britten started the day off with her powerful message of “Fearless Living.” She brought a whole new perspective to the way we approach fear. Rather than fear being something we feel badly for experiencing, we can now have a more compassionate view of fear and the role it plays in protecting us. And once you see fear for what it is, you can work with it!
- Dr. Dar shared how “You Absolutely Can Find and Create a Happy Relationship!” She walked us through what we can do when we feel “triggered,” and how we can choose how we respond to that feeling. She also shared about how we get to choose between “heart” and “ache”! It was brilliant!
- On Wednesday, Allana Pratt started off by talking about “Trusting Your Vulnerability.” In our conversation, she shared how having the courage to look at the choices we’ve made and with love and compassion brings forth unconditional love and allowance, which makes us magnetic to those we are loving and allowing to love us.
- Ellen Smoak shared “The Secrets to Beating a Broken Heart BEFORE it Beats You!” One of my favorite parts of the interview was when she talked about not trying to “fall out of love,” but “repurposing” that love onto yourself!
- On Thursday, Susan Lazar Hart shared how to “Reclaim Your Life, Reclaim Your Self” and talked to us about the power of “Living in the question.” She gave us a list of questions to ask ourselves so that we can move past the blocks stopping us from allowing love into our lives.
- Kara Oh shared about “The Healing Power of Self-Love.” She talked about how going through a heartache and not learning the lessons is a waste. She also talked about how, in order to change our behaviors, we can’t simply toss them out. Instead we need to replace them with new ones. She also gave us a great exercise we can use to move past pain and see the blessings in the heartache.
- On Friday, Hemal Radia talked about “Manifesting a New Relationship After Heartache.” He also talked about how to maintain and renew love in an existing relationship. One of my favorite quotes was when he said that whatever you are feeling does not have to do with the other person. It has to do with the feelings you have about yourself. Powerful!
- And Rachel DeAlto talked to us about how to “Get Your Flirt On: How to Meet Him and Keep Him,” giving us the 5 Steps to Flirting. And I love that we talked about how continuing to flirt, even once you’re married, sends the message that “Even if we weren’t in a committed relationship, I’d still date you!” How awesome is that?
And we have even more incredible interviews coming up next week, when we’ll have Dr. Ray Doktor, James Allen Hanrahan, Innessa Freylekhman, and It’s All About Women’s “Queen Esther” Brandon sharing more information on how to break through the fears, pain and emotional and physical “clutter” that are stopping you from experiencing the life and love your heart desires and that you deserve!
If you missed the interviews featured during Weeks 1 or 2, there is no need to worry! There will be a “Replay Day” on Sunday, May 19th where you’ll have an all-access pass to all previously-aired interviews! If you’d really prefer to not have to wait to listen to recordings until they air, or having to listen to them within 72 hours, after signing up you can upgrade your subscription to VIP Membership, where you’ll receive MP3 recordings of all of the interviews and links to all of the free gifts! But, first, you need to register, so go to: NOW!
To read what people are saying about the From Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires Telesummit, see the testimonials below!
What an incredible interview with Julie-Anne Shapiro! I loved the part where she encouraged us to visualize our inner child and “provide her with what her heart desires”! That was a huge AHA for me! I was actually able to see the inner child in me…now I think I have an idea of what she desires 🙂 Thank you again you Gladys Diaz for the incredible messages during the telesummit!!! I am so excited!!! ~ D
I am trying to get the whole world to join in. It’s amazing! ~ Y
I am so grateful for this telesummit! I SO NEED it! Thank-you for putting it together. And for making the replays 72 hours instead of the usual 48 hours we see out there. You are FANTASTIC! ~ L
Hi Gladys, I just want to thank you for the love, support and wealth of inner personal growth and healing you’ve provided with those priceless presentations on your telesummit. Phenomenal is all I can say. Thank you. ~ G
Gladys, this telesummit has been informative, inspiring and very eye and heart-opening! Thank you for putting it together!!! One of my “ah-hah moments” was learning about how our negative relationship patterns get created during Stefan Gonick’s interview! ~ M
Questions? Comments? Let us know! We love hearing from you!
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by heartsdesireintl | May 14, 2013 | Dating, HDI Blog, Intimacy, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Relationship Advice, Romance
by Gladys Diaz

I came across this quote by Miguel Ruiz today and I had to smile! I often wonder if the angels are eavesdropping on my conversations when things like this happen!
See, I was coaching a client yesterday who was sharing what she wants to experience in her relationship. She was telling me that she worries some times because she sees that many of her married friends and family members have lost the passion, excitement, and romance has worn off, and they just seem to be “comfortable” with one another.
I explained to her that love, passion, romance does not have to die, dwindle, or fade away. While it’s true that love changes as we grow together in life, this does not necessarily mean that it begins to go away. It is possible for love, intimacy, and passion to deepen, rather than dwindle, over the years.
Intimacy is made up of thousands of little moments – conversations where we share our deepest fears and wildest dreams; moments of intense physical, spiritual, and emotional connection, where we have the experience of actually being one; silly moments where we’re laughing so hard we can’t catch our breath; and painful moments where we help one another stand and make it through to the other side of disappointment or grief. It’s through our shared life’s experiences – the simple and complicated, through good times and bad, for richer or poorer, and in sickness and in health – that our love can grow stronger and deeper than ever.
So, why is it that some couples manage to keep the love alive in their relationships and others don’t, and what can you do to keep the romance alive in your own relationship?
The answer may seem simple, but it’s profound: Love grows stronger through practice.
Just as the athlete grows stronger, the artist grows in her craft, and the dancer becomes more graceful through practice, so do we become better at giving and receiving love through practicing our love.
No matter how much an athlete wants to win, how much the artist wants to improve her artistry, or how much the dancer wants to glide effortlessly across the stage, without practice each of them will either stay stagnant or regress in their skill level.
Practicing love means being willing to listen, rather than always trying to be heard. It means being accepting and forgiving, compassionate and understanding. It means allowing the other person the freedom to be who he or she is, without trying to control, fix or change him or her. Practicing love means allowing the other person to be there for you, to support and love you. And practicing love means setting the intention every day to love a little more deeply, fully, and profoundly.
Love doesn’t have to dwindle and passion and romance do not have to fade. When we make it a point to make each new day – each new moment – an opportunity to practice loving and being loved a little more than the one before, the love, intimacy, and passion we feel for one another will grow stronger, deeper, and more fulfilling than we ever dreamed was possible!
Comments? Questions? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!
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