by Gladys Diaz

What happens when it all goes to (you know where)?!”

Do you ever have the feeling that something bad is inevitably going to happen, even when things are going great?

Things are going really well…

… but somewhere in the back of your mind there’s a little voice that’s saying, “Is this too good to be true?” 

If that ever happens to you – listen up. 

You have a fear or a limiting belief that when things are good, eventually they’re going to fall apart or go wrong. 

Sound familiar? 

We see this all the time with our clients  – and we’ve experienced it many times ourselves! 

You’re just about to have your breakthrough – and you’ll self-sabotage. 

Or things are going better than ever, in your job, your relationship, financially – and then you start to doubt and it all falls apart.

Here’s the thing… 

If you find yourself feeling uncertain, confused or like you don’t know what to do, there’s one thing that’s happening under all of it. 

You’re having a worthiness conversation. 

You’re wondering…

“Can I really have this?”

“Can I trust myself to be able to create this?”

“Can I actually handle all of this goodness?!”

At some point you created a belief that has you believe you can’t actually have the things you want. 

If you ever worry that you’ll have to “settle”… 

Then you don’t actually believe you can have exactly what you want. 

If you worry that even if you do meet him, it won’t last… 

Then deep down you don’t believe you can have and keep the relationship that you want. 

 So how do you shift these sabotaging thought patterns?

 Ask yourself these three questions: 

  1. What am I afraid of? 
  2. What created that belief? 
  3. Where did the belief come from? 

The first step to dismantling a belief that’s not serving you is to uncover what your current beliefs are. 

Once you understand what the belief is and where it came from, then you can begin to do the HeartWork to break apart the belief and dismantle it in order to create a new belief. 

And not just an affirmation or nice idea… 

We mean NEW neural pathways in your brain that actually transform the belief in the cells of your body so you begin to attract and manifest exactly what you want – and know that you can have it! 

This is exactly what we do at the Extraordinary Love Intensive, which is coming up in February 2024!

3 full days of shifting these dysfunctional patterns so that you can create everything you want NOW! 

The event is life-changing because I promise you, if this is impacting your love life, it’s impacting other areas, finances, career, family relationships, too. 

If you want to start your New Year empowered to create everything you want (and more!) then click below to claim your ticket for the Extraordinary Love Intensive!

YES! I Want to Create Extraordinary Love in 2024! 

Every single moment of every single day is an opportunity to have a breakthrough and transform an area of your life.