How to Step Out of Fear and Into Your Power!

How to Step Out of Fear and Into Your Power!

by Gladys Diaz

I have a quick question for you:

Have you ever felt helpless?

It’s one of the most vulnerable feelings in the world!

And I have to admit that I do not like feeling that way… at all!

So, it goes without saying that the last couple of weeks – between prepping for, living through, and cleaning up after Hurricane Irma –have been a bit challenging, to say the least.

(Before I go on, I just want to say that, if you or your loved ones were affected by the storm – or any of the storms and natural disasters that have been impacting us lately – know that you are in Michelle’s and my prayers and that we hope you are safe and that you have not experienced too much damage or displacement.)

Going through the storm brought up so many fears and anxieties.


There is something about the feeling of helplessness that comes with not knowing what to expect, what is coming next, whether what you have done to prepare is enough, and what will happen to the people you love and your possessions.

I spent days running around, going from store to store, looking for the most basic things, like water, only to find that the shelves were bare, no one could tell me when a new shipment would arrive, and wondering if what we had at home was enough. It was so scary to see that some of the things I was taking for granted would be there when I got to the store were gone and not knowing whether I would be able to get the things I knew I needed to take care of my family.

Then came the actual storm – the howling wind; the terrifying alarm on our weather radio, letting us know that there was yet another tornado in the area, and the sound of the trees in our backyard cracking and crashing to the ground.

And, all the while, there were the fearful thoughts:

What do I do?
Have I done enough?

How long will this last?
Will we be okay?


What’s interesting is that those feelings of helplessness don’t only come up around nature’s storms.

You feel them during life’s storms, too.

When you’re going through a breakup…

When you keep attracting and experiencing heartache after heartache…

When you see your relationship is falling apart…

Those same feelings of fear, uncertainty, and wondering whether what you have done is enough to prevent further pain and disappointment is enough fill us and can shake us to our core.

So, what can you do during life’s storms to not have fear and anxiety take over and rob you of your peace and happiness?

1. Stay present. I know this one is sometimes easier said than done, but it is the FIRST step in reducing fear and anxiety.  Why?  Because fear is always a “future experience.”  While you may be afraid of repeating something that happened in the past, the fact is that what you fear is that it will happen again, in the future.

What’s more, fear is never “real.” It is only ever an imagined thought

Now, hear me out on this.  Am I saying that what you fear will never happen?


What I am saying is that 99.999% of the time, the thing that you fear and/or are anxious about isn’t something that is actually happening right now, in the present moment.  Instead, your thoughts are about what you are afraid may or may not happen in the future.

The problem with this is that, while you are imagining something that may or may not happen in the future, you are allowing it to rob you of your peace in the present.

So, the only way to interrupt the fearful thought pattern is to remind yourself that here and now, in the present moment, you are safe and the thing that you are thinking of is not actually happening.

This practice is life-changing. 

Left unattended, fearful thoughts will rob you of your peace, of your ability to appreciate and experience what you DO have, and block future happiness – and love – from making its way to you. 

This is why developing a powerful and empowering relationship with your fears is one of the first things we teach our clients when they begin working with us. 

Imagine how incredibly empowering it would be to learn how to distinguish, dismantle, and replace a fear in 60 seconds or less

As I said: Life-Changing!


2. Focus on what you CAN control. During the storm, there were many things I could not control – the force, sound, or direction of the wind; the path the storm was taking, the power going out or coming back on. 

There were, however, many things I WAS able to control: Making sure our home was safe; ensuring we had enough food, water, and ice; being calm and strong for my kids.

Similarly, during life’s storms, there are things you can’t control, such as whether or not someone calls you or asks you out on a second date; how your partner chooses to feel; what your guy wants to say or do.

However, there are many things you can control, such as your thoughts, words, actions and reactions; what you allow to upset or trigger you; the feelings and thoughts you choose to have and how you choose to express them.

When you begin focusing your time, energy, and attention on the things you CAN control, you begin to feel more peaceful, confident, and empowered.  You are not at the mercy of the storm.  Instead, you get to choose how you will navigate through it with dignity, ease, and grace.


3. Ask for and receive help.  This is another one that can be difficult, especially for powerful, successful women.  You’re used to being strong, the one in charge, the one people come to for help and answers to their questions. Asking for help makes you feel vulnerable, because you can make it mean that you’re not strong or capable enough to do things on your own.  You fear that the vulnerability may be interpreted as weakness or incompetence.

However, quite the opposite is true! 

It takes so much courage, authenticity, and inner strength to reach out for help.  It takes even more of these to accept and receive the help.

I can’t tell you how many people I offered to come stay with us so they could have air-conditioning once our power came back, to take the water we had left over when they shared that they were under a boil-water order, and to use our generator when their power was still out.  What I can tell you is that every one of these offers was not accepted at least once!

I heard responses like, “I’m used to toughing things out,” “I’m okay with sacrificing,” “Don’t worry about me. I’ll figure something out” – even after a week of not having power or being able to drink or use the tap water!

And so many powerful women do the same thing during life’s storms! 

You don’t reach out for help or support so that you won’t seem weak.

You believe that struggling and “suffering” through the heartache is somehow “noble” or makes you stronger.

You deny help and support because you feel as if you “should be able to figure this ‘relationship thing’ out on my own.”

And, so, the suffering, pain, and heartache persist – many times for much longer than is necessary – when, instead you could turn the situation around, end the suffering, and begin enjoying the love and happiness much, much sooner, which is what you really want.

There’s no honor or glory in unnecessary martyrdom or sacrificing.

Instead, reach within, acknowledge that you could use some help, a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear, the right guidance to help you get to the other side of the storm with the results your heart desires.


Life’s storms will come. You don’t have much choice in that… That part’s not “optional.”

What you can choose is to face the storm with peace of mind and heart, strength, and the commitment to get to the other side of it.

What is optional is whether or not you make the time you spend in the eye of the storm peaceful, short-lived, and empowering.


I know what my choice is! 

Let me know if there is any way I can support you with yours!





Are You Believing These Lies About Love?

by Gladys Diaz

I don’t know if you’re aware of it, because these things are usually going on in the subconscious, as blind spots, but there are things that you are telling yourself that are actually stopping you from having the love you want.

The frustrating part about it is that, because you’re not aware that they are lies, you actually believe them. To you, they are the truth!  And, unfortunately, these are the very thoughts and words that are keeping you stuck in your love life!

I shot a really quick raw-and-real, tough love video, and I hope you’ll give yourself a few minutes to watch it because this could actually transform your life as you know it!

Most people in your life won’t tell you what I’m telling you in this video. In fact, many of them are agreeing with you and helping you to continue believing the lies. So, it’s with an incredible amount of love that I want to share this with you, because I see you bigger than any thought or fear or excuse you may have! To me you are amazing and you deserve everything your heart desires!
Watch the video and tell me what you think!
P.S. You really can get unstuck and it doesn’t have to be hard.  Simply stop believing the lies I talk about in this video and trust me!  We can get to the other side of this together!
Are You Giving Off “Relationship Kryptonite”?

Are You Giving Off “Relationship Kryptonite”?

by Gladys Diaz

There’s a real problem affecting women – especially smart, successful women like you – and it pushes good men away.

See, there’s something that many powerful women don’t realize that they are doing to self-sabotage their relationships.  And the energy being given off by doing this is like “relationship kryptonite”!

What is it?

It’s leaking masculine energy in the form of control!

Now, before you bounce off the page or get triggered, let me explain, because, if you’re not in a happy, intimate relationship right now, and you knew you could learn what you can stop doing to sabotage your love life and happiness, isn’t that worth just a few minutes of your time?

Here’s the deal. 

More than anything, a good man – the kind of man who is interested in loving, supporting, and spending his life with an amazing woman like you – wants one thing more than anything else.  (And, no, it’s not sex!)

See, one of a good man’s greatest superpowers is his need to make the woman that he cares about happy. Honestly, it’s like a drug he can’t get enough of when he sees that you are smiling and he knows that he had something to do with the smile on your face!

Now, perhaps you don’t believe me, especially if this hasn’t been your experience with men – or the man you’re with.

However, consider that there may be somethings you’re doing to either attract the kind of man who isn’t interested in making you happy, or you may subconsciously and unintentionally saying and doing things that stop him from being able to make you happy.

It’s true. Many of the things you are doing to kill a man’s desire to make you happy are happening subconsciously.

This means you’re not even aware of what you’re doing to self-sabotage your relationships!  

And that’s why, unless you learn exactly what is pushing away a man’s desire to be with and please you, it’s virtually impossible for you to stop doing it so that you can turn things around in your love life and have the kind of relationship you really want!

This is why I am doing a special masterclass called The Secret Formula to Attracting and Keeping a Lifelong Relationship!”


In this masterclass, you will learn:

  • The subconscious ways women sabotage their romantic relationships and what to do instead
  • The key steps you can take to remain in your power and still get the love you want 
  • The effortless ways you can draw a man, his attention and affection to you so that you can feel deeply connected to him

As a smart, successful woman, you know that getting what you want means, not only knowing exactly what to do, but how to get it in the easiest, most effective way!  And that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you on this online class, so make sure you grab your spot now!

Click here and get the love you want now!

You can’t change something you can’t see. If you’re not in the happy, loving relationship you truly want, and you want to learn the fastest, most effortless way to have that, make sure you join us for this online class!

Yes! Save my seat!

3 Simple Ways to Manifest More Love this Valentine’s Day!

3 Simple Ways to Manifest More Love this Valentine’s Day!

by Gladys Diaz

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I realize that today can be a bitter-sweet days for some people, given that the day is focused on love — primarily romantic love — and it can be painful if you’re not in a relationship, or in a relationship that’s not going well at the moment.  If you’re not focused — truly focused — on the love that’s all around and within you, you can actually find yourself feeling Toxic Emotions, such as jealousy, sadness, or loneliness.

So, what can you do to make today a happy day, and one where you are able to see, receive, and give love, no matter what your relationship status is? 

1. Gather evidence of love all around you. 

Rather than trying to resist or reject all of the signs of love around you today, look for evidence of love and pull it toward you.  One thing you can do is put your hands over your heart when you see evidence of love today — whether it is a picture of flowers someone received, or a couple holding hands, or anything having to do with love and romance — and, rather than get hurt, angry, or resentful, with your hand on your heart, say something like, “I’m so happy for her/them, and I can’t wait to feel that way, too!” or “I’m so happy for her/them!  I send them love and receive that love as it comes back to me!”

2. Make a Love Plan for yourself. 

If you haven’t already planned out what you are going to do to fill your day with love, take the time to do it now! Plan to do something nice for yourself, get yourself a token of your own love for yourself, and make plans with friends or family.  Isolating yourself only reinforces the belief “I am alone,” and that only deepens any feelings of sadness or separation you may be feeling today.  So, rather than being reactive and closing yourself off, surround yourself with the people and things you love and enjoy.  You, more than anyone else in the world, deserve your own love, so be generous in giving that love to YOU!  

3. Bask in Gratitude. 

One of the most powerful and transformative energies we can embody and practice is gratitude.  As you gather evidence of love and fill yourself up with love, remember to truly feel and express thanks for the things, people, and blessings you have in your life.  It’s virtually impossible to be angry and grateful or upset and grateful at the same time.  When you choose to turn your heart and thoughts to the things for which you are grateful, you are making a conscious choice to not allow negative thoughts and feelings to overtake you.  Does this mean you have to “pretend” you don’t feel the sadness or upset?  No. Resistance only has those feelings strengthen and persist.  Instead, feel the feelings, acknowledge that they are there, and then choose to release them. And, as you release them, fill the space left by the negative feelings with thoughts of the things, people, and blessings for which you are grateful.  This practice can leave you feeling empowered, rather than disempowered, as you will come to see just how able you are of navigating through and your emotions with power, grace, and ease!

Putting these simple practices in place today (and every day) can help you manifest and experience love, joy, peace, and gratitude, which are highly magnetic emotions and can truly shift your state as well as your experience of living and loving!

My heart-felt wish for you today is that you are able to see, feel, and create love all around and within you and that you come to the indisputable realization that…


Discover the Secret to Having Lasting Love

Discover the Secret to Having Lasting Love

by Gladys Diaz

Today we are are celebrating one of my FAVORITE love stories of all time!

Six years ago today, I stood with tears of joy streaming down my face as I watched my twin sister, Michelle, and Arnie promise to love one another for a lifetime.

As I watched her walking down the aisle with her two sons, I just couldn’t stop the tears, remembering the painful road full of heartache and disappointment that Michelle had walked down before finally attracting Arnie into her life.

Michelle had felt the pain of being in a marriage that had been falling apart for many years, followed by a string of micro- and non-relationships to men who were unavailable, addicts, and who did not treat her with the love and tenderness she so longed for and deserved.

She came very close to giving up on love.

Thankfully, Michelle was willing to do her HeartWork, remove the Love Barriers that were stopping her from attracting the kind of love she truly desired, and she began attracting amazing men, including the one who was promising to love, adore, and make her dreams come true for the rest of her life!

See, in doing her HeartWork, Michelle discovered what had been missing in her life that had led her to stay in an happy marriage for so long, attract, date, and hold onto dead-end relationships with men who were unwilling or unable to love her the way she longed to be loved painful time, and it’s what had her wondering whether there was something wrong with her and if she would ever experience happiness in a loving relationship.

One of my favorite passages in our ebook, 30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU!, is the part where Michelle shares the secret to her discovering true love:

I decided to take a deeper look into my relationship patterns so that I could begin to uncover what was at the source of the results I was producing.

I discovered that in the 5 years I had been dating, there was something fundamental missing in all of my dating and relationship experiences…ME! I had been trying to be the “perfect woman” to hide who I really was, because I was terrified that if a man discovered who I really was, he could never fall in love with me. I had convinced myself that the real me was unlovable.

I began to write down all the things about myself that I felt were unlovable…it was a long list! Then one by one, I began to forgive myself. I realized there was nothing I could do to change the past. All I could do now was learn the lessons and forget the details.

I gave myself permission to let it all go for good. As I let each one go, something beautiful began to happen – I began to fall in love with me! I discovered that the only love that was missing was my own. I was now free to love and to be loved!

See, what Michelle discovered is that what stops you from creating a happy and loving relationship you want is not online dating; it’s not what happened in your past; and it’s not your current partner, your ex, or the guy who didn’t love you back.

The #1 difference between the woman who is not experiencing love and happiness in her relationships and the one who IS comes down to one thing:

The relationship the woman has with herself.

Think about it…

If you do not love, accept, honor, and prioritize yourself, it is impossible for you to attract someone into your life who will love, accept, honor, and make you a priority in his life!

In fact, it’s unfair to expect a man to love you and give to you the soul-level kind of love that you are not giving yourself.

And what happens when you don’t have a deep level of self love is that you continue repeating the same dysfunctional patterns and having the same painful experiences over and over again.  

So, you do things like:

Attracting men who you hope will love and accept you, but don’t.

Turning yourself inside out trying to be the woman you think the man wants you to be, hoping that that’s what will maybe get him to love you.

Losing yourself in the relationship, forgetting about your own needs and desires, and trying to make him the center of your world in the hope that you will finally feel loved.

And the reason this continues to happen again and again is because, on a fundamental level, you do not believe that you are worthy of or able to have the kind of love you truly desire.

So you settle.

You settle for less than what you really want.

You pretend that you’re okay being single and that you don’t want to share your life with a great man.

You convince yourself that what you have is what you want.

And, at the end of yet another heartbreaking dating experience or broken relationship, you’re left feeling lost, empty, lonely, and afraid – wondering if you’ll ever really have the love and happiness your heart desires.

This is why we created The Self-Love Secret Mission.

We know it’s not easy to break through long-lasting limiting beliefs and patterns on your own.

Think about it…

If you knew what to do to change those beliefs and patterns on your own, you would have probably already done it… right?

So we created a fun, transformative and interactive program where we will take you on a 21-day journey to falling in love with YOU!

Click here to join the Self-Love Secret Mission now!

The best thing about The Self-Love Secret Mission is that, not only is it FREE – our Valentine’s Day Gift to you –but we are starting tomorrow,February 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day – which means you won’t be alone on Valentine’s Day, you’ll be having fun, AND you’re going to experience what it’s like to feel truly loved by the person with whom you’ll have the longest lasting loving relationship of your life: YOU!

So, hurry up!

Join The Self-Love Secret now, and take the first step toward creating the love affair of a lifetime!