by heartsdesireintl | Jan 6, 2014 | Heart's Desire International, Love, Relationship Advice
by Gladys Diaz
Every year, I try to pick a theme which I will live throughout the year. In past years, some of my theme have been “Faith,” “Hope,” “Power,” and “Abundance.” God used me in a special way on January 1st and gave me confirmation that wherever I am is where I’m meant to be. The experience also helped me discover what my theme for 2014 is.
While we were waiting to be seated at a restaurant, I saw a young man roll a woman in a wheelchair into the ladies’ room. I decided to wait so that they could have some privacy.
A few minutes later, we were still waiting, so I decided to go in. An older (different) gentleman stopped me at the door and said, “There’s a woman in a wheelchair in there. Can you please see if she’s okay? Her name is Helen*.”
I went in and the restroom seemed empty. I called out her name and asked if she was okay. A soft voice said, “Yes.” Then, after a short pause, she said, “Actually, I’m not. I fell and I don’t think I can get up.”
I asked her if I could go into the stall, and when I walked in, she was lying on the floor, with her pants pulled down, trying to reach the handrail. My heart broke and I was immediately filled with love for her. Not pity, but a surge of love! The courage she demonstrated in having wanted to do it alone, her vulnerability in allowing a stranger to come in and help her… all of it hit me with a wave of love.
I didn’t know if I could lift her, but I tried. It took me a couple of tries to get her only half-way up and I asked God to please help me help her. It was then that I heard another woman’s voice ask if we needed help. I said yes, and a large woman came in and helped me lift her onto the toilet seat. The other woman left the stall and I saw that Helen was still unsteady. I asked her if she wanted me to move her further back on the seat, and she said, yes, so I lifted her again. Then I stepped out of the stall to give her privacy, but told her to let me know when she was done so I could help her.
As I waited for her to finish, I used the restroom myself, and I was fully aware of every movement I was able to make on my own, unassisted. I thanked God with every move I made for all of the millions of things that go unnoticed and that I take for granted because I am healthy.
When she was done, she called my name and I helped her onto her wheelchair and rolled her to the sink. I became very conscious of the fact that I really didn’t know how to maneuver the chair, and asked her to forgive me if I did something wrong. She smiled at me sweetly said, “You’re doing a great job! Thank you.”
I rolled her out the door, where the older gentleman was waiting. Soon, the younger gentleman came and asked her if she was okay, and I knew that Helen would continue being surrounded by love in my absence.
I thought about how she kept thanking me and how all I wanted to do was hug her and thank her for allowing me to help her and for helping me realize how blessed I am to be healthy and able to help others. I also wanted to thank her for being so gracious in the way she received my help. She wasn’t embarrassed or uncomfortable, which made it easier for me to give my help easily and freely.
I don’t know how long she had been laying there or how much longer she would have been there if I hadn’t come in and called out her name. I just know that I’m so grateful I went in when I did and that, on the very first day of 2014 I discovered my theme for the year: “In Loving Service.” That is how I resolve to live my life this year – a life that’s been forever changed by a sweet, woman named Helen who allowed me into hers for a few moments.
So, what will your life’s theme be in 2014? Let us know below!
P.S. If you haven’t discovered your theme or set your 2014 Love Resolutions, please make sure you join us for the free Love and Intimacy Resolutions teleconference call on Thursday, January 9th at 9:00pm ET.
Join us on Thursday and begin making 2014 The Year of Love and Intimacy for YOU!
*The person’s name has been changed to maintain privacy.
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by heartsdesireintl | Jan 1, 2014 | Dating, Heart's Desire International, Intimacy, Love, Relationship Advice, Success
As 2013 comes to an end and we ring in 2014, Michelle and I want to wish you a very Happy New Year!
We know that the end of the year can fill you with a mixture of disappointment at not having accomplished everything you wanted to experience this year, along with excitement about what may be possible in the upcoming one.
No matter where you are in terms of your 2013 love and relationship goals, we want you to start 2014 open to a a whole new world of possibilities and the fresh start you need to make your dreams come true. This is why we will be hosting a FREE Love and Intimacy Resolutions teleconference call on Thursday, January 9th at 9:00pm ET.
On this call, you will:
- identify and bring closure to the fears, resentments and regrets that have kept you from achieving your love and intimacy goals
- create and declare what the relationship of your dreams will look like in 2014
- identify the steps you need to take to make those dreams come true!
We’re excited about 2014 and all of the magic and miracles that we’re going to create, and we want the same for you!
Imagine what it will feel like on December 31, 2014, when you look back on the Love and Intimacy resolutions you set in January and the happiness you will feel at knowing that not only did keep them, but that the the life and love you’re experiencing are beyond your wildest dreams!
Join us on Thursday, January 9th, and begin making 2014 The Year of Love and Intimacy for YOU!
Date: Thursday, January 9, 2014
Time: 9:00pm ET
Cost: FREE
Call-in Details will be sent shortly after you submit your information here.
by heartsdesireintl | Dec 20, 2013 | Dating, Heart's Desire International, Love, Marriage, Relationship Advice, Self-Love
by Gladys Diaz
As the end of the year fast-approaches, it’s easy to feel either really excited or upset. If this year has been one where you have realized a lot of the goals you set out to accomplish at the beginning of the year, it can be exciting to look back and see how far you’ve come and look forward to setting new goals that take you even further in the upcoming year.
If you haven’t done many (or any) of the things you committed to doing at the beginning of the year, then it can be a depressing, and you may think that there’s nothing you can do in just two short weeks. This thought process can stop you from wanting to set goals – or dream new dreams – in the upcoming year.
That’s where you’d be wrong!
Think about it. How many times in your life have you stopped yourself just short of reaching a goal or making a dream come true because you were afraid that it’s too late? That you blew it? That nothing is going change, anyway?
All of these thoughts are just your brain’s way of doing its job to protect you. What is it protecting you from? From your fear of being hurt and disappointed. And nowhere does this fear show up more than when it comes to the area of love and relationships!
The fear stems from the deep-rooted belief that, while true love may exist, it doesn’t really exist for you.
I don’t often use the word “wrong,” but I have to use it for a second time in this message, especially when it comes to this point!
The truth is that you were created to love and be loved.
You were not created, not to spend your life alone or feeling unhappy inside of a relationship.
You were created with the primary purpose of living, giving, and experiencing love!
It’s your birthright.
You are not the one person on the planet who was created without that intention.
So, why is it so difficult for you to believe that?
Probably because somewhere in your past – whether it was recently or very long ago – you had the experience of feeling unloved.
So you made a decision.
You decided that you didn’t deserve love. And you may have even decided that you did deserve the pain you were experiencing.
Inside of that decision, it becomes difficult – almost impossible – for you to ever allow another person to get that close and risk allowing someone else to have that much ability to ever hurt you ever again.
It also becomes very easy to associate love with pain, disappointment, and “suffering,” which could lead to you attracting one heartache after another into your life.
Either way, the result is the same: You block love.
You resist love. Even when the possibility of having a healthy, happy, intimate relationship presents itself, you won’t see it. You won’t allow yourself to see it.
So, what can you do to begin letting love into your heart?
- Accept that you deserve love. This isn’t about “fooling yourself” or telling yourself something to make yourself feel better. It’s about really embracing and accepting the idea that you are love-able: able to love and be loved.
- Release the past so that you can create a new future. The stronger you hold on to that pain and disappointment from the past, the thicker the wall between you and experiencing the love you deserve becomes. It can be scary to let go of the past, simply because you’d have to acknowledge that whatever happened already happened and is no longer happening. And you’d have to have the courage to accept that something new – something different – is possible for you!
- If either (or both) of the two points above feel almost impossible for you, then reach out for help. You are not in this alone and you don’t have to do it alone. Being vulnerable enough to reach out for help is not a sign of weakness.
Reaching out for help is a sign of strength – the type of strength that it takes to transform yourself and your life so that you can finally begin to experience the love and dreams you’ve been longing for.
I think that it goes without saying that we’re here to help you, if you are ready to shed the layers of pain, fear and doubt, and begin working with someone who has not only been where you are, but who has made it to the other side!
Michelle and I have overcome so much throughout our lives – neglect, poverty, infidelity, divorce, and the loss of a spouse. And, yet, in spite of those odds, we’ve figured out how to create the type of relationships that once existed only in our dreams! That’s because we don’t just talk or coach about how to attract and create a great relationship “in theory.” We live what we teach in our lives and our relationships each and every day! And we’d love for you to have that same type of experience in your own life!
So, whether you are single or already in a relationship, if you’re ready to begin working with a coach who can help you create your dream relationship, set up a time to speak with one of us. We have a few appointment times available around the holidays, and we’d love to save one for you!
Comments? Questions? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!
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by heartsdesireintl | Dec 13, 2013 | Dating, Heart's Desire International, Love, Relationship Advice, Self-Love
by Gladys Diaz
If you’ve been reading our blog for a while, you know that we are big proponents of the idea that dating and relationships don’t have to be “hard work,” and that they can, in fact, be lots of fun! Well, what better way to prove that than to play a game and maybe win a makeover while you’re at it?
Well, if you like fun, learning, and looking great, then today is your lucky day!
We’d like to invite you to play a video trivia game for Video 1 in our “Meet Mr. Right-for-You” video series, “How to Meet More Great Guys”! Learn how you can easily begin attracting and meeting more quality men and having FUN while you’re at it!
The person who scores #1 on the leader board will win a $50 MAC Makeup gift card! The gift card can be used at MAC stores toward either a makeover or a purchase of some really fabulous makeup!
What a perfect way to put yourself at the top of your holiday gift list and look your best when you go out on all of those dates!
So, watch the video, get some great dating tips, play the game, and enter for a chance to win a makeover!
Let the games (and the FUN) begin!
To view all three videos in the “Meet Mr. Right for You!” video series, click here! (Scroll down to “Ongoing Events”)
by heartsdesireintl | Dec 9, 2013 | Dating, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Heart's Desire International, heartache, Love, Relationship Advice, Self-Love
by Gladys Diaz
Loneliness can be a difficult feeling to be with, especially during the holidays.
There’s a difference, however, between spending time alone and feeling lonely. It can be nice when you have time and space to yourself (Those of us with kids know what a rare luxury that can be!). Alone time can feel comforting. It can be relaxing to focus on yourself; do what you want when you want to do it; reflect, plan and dream.
But loneliness is another feeling altogether.
Loneliness can feel empty, painful, and depressing. During times of loneliness, we can mistakenly feel as if there is no one out there who thinks about, cares for, and loves us – even if we are completely surrounded by people who continuously let us know that we are, indeed, not alone.
Loneliness when you’re single can be difficult, particularly during the holidays. There are parties and gatherings to attend, there’s a feeling of wanting to share these moments with someone else – someone other than family and platonic friends. And then there’s the thought of the upcoming New Year (not to mention that midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve).
Loneliness when you are in a relationship can feel just has empty and painful. Knowing that there is someone with whom you could be sharing those moments, but, because of distance – whether that’s physical or emotional – you’re unable (or he’s unwilling) to, can be heartbreaking.
So, what can you do when you’re feeling lonely?
- Focus on the people in your life who love you.
I’m not talking about “kidding yourself,” just to make yourself feel better. I’m talking about really taking stock of the people who truly love you and are there for you . Even though it’s not the romantic type of love that your heart desires, it’s important to acknowledge, accept, and appreciate the love that is already surrounding you so that you can be ready to welcome more in!
One of the keys to receiving more of what you want is to be grateful for what you already have, so take the time to notice the love that is already there, and let the people in your life know that you love them, too!
If you’re feeling lonely inside of a relationship, take some time to think about what you can do to shift the tide. It’s going to take some vulnerability to make the first move and let down your guard, but if you really want things to change, you’ve got to be willing to take the risk. And, many times, the other person has been doing the same thing you have – waiting for you to make the first move – and all they need is a signal to know it’s safe to start growing closer again.
Sometimes, the reason certain people are not in our lives has less to do with physical distance and more to do with emotional distance caused by resentment and the unwillingness to forgive.
Forgiveness does not mean that you are condone or approve of whatever the person did to hurt you. It just means you’re no longer willing to allow that situation to cause you anger and pain or to keep you from the ones you love.
If what happened is too painful for you to allow the person back into your life, you don’t have to. But, at the very least, forgive them in your heart and make room for love to fill the space the resentment has been taking up. If you were the one responsible for the transgression, consider gathering the courage to apologize. It’s no guarantee that the other person will allow you back into his/her life, but at least you will have cleared the space for that possibility.
- Make plans with the people with whom you’d like to spend time.
Waiting for people to invite you to go out or attend an event may result in you spending more time than you would like to alone. It may also be a matter of pride and not being willing to be vulnerable enough to let people know that you’d like to spend time with them. If you know there are people in your life with whom you’d like to spend some time, call them up, invite them out or to a party you’re hosting or would like to attend, or just to have a cup of coffee and catch up with them. You’re the one responsible for your happiness, so avoid staying home alone to prove just how lonely you are!
Reach out, connect with, and let the people in your life know that you love them, too!
And, if the people you reach out already have other plans, remember not to take it personally. Instead, schedule time together after the holidays. It will give you something to look forward to!
- Spend time taking care of others.
One of the most fulfilling ways to release feelings of sadness and loneliness is to care for others. Whether you volunteer to serve meals, collect or hand out presents, or visit people in the hospital or a nursing home, you will come away recognizing just how blessed you already are.
Giving love is another wonderful way to attract love – since like attracts like – so look for ways to give the gift of love to someone who may need it now more than ever!
- Fill your alone time doing things you love.
Even if you begin connecting and reconnecting with the people in your life, it’s likely that there are times when you are alone. Remember that alone time can be good for you, allowing you to pamper yourself and replenish your mind, body and spirit. So, make sure you’re doing at least one or two things a day that are just for you. Make a list of the things you enjoy doing, that relax you, and that make you feel loved and alive!
Giving love to others is one way to attract love, but so is loving ourselves!
For those of you who live in South Florida, a great way to connect with other amazing women is happening this Thursday, December 12th, at the South Florida Women’s Expo! Michelle and I will be talking about how to have it ALL in life AND love. And, not only will there be lots of great food, drinks, and shopping opportunities, but there will also be several women’s organizations and activities represented, and you may find one you’d in which you’d like to participate!
Loneliness can be difficult, especially during the holidays, but if you make this season a reason to reach out to and connect with others, you will come away feeling more love – and more loved – than you if you choose to spend it alone.
And, remember, the more love you give and receive, the more you will attract into your life!
If you have an idea for overcoming loneliness, especially during the holidays, please leave it below! We’d love to hear and share it!
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by heartsdesireintl | Dec 6, 2013 | Communication, Dating, Heart's Desire International, Love, Marriage, Relationship Advice
by Gladys Diaz
When working with clients, there are sometimes “themes” that come up during our conversations. What’s interesting about this is that the ladies are all different ages, in different stages of life and relationships – single, dating, in a committed relationship, or married – and living in different parts of the world. Yet, during our sessions these recurring themes begin to emerge.
One theme that has come up recently is that of wanting to know how things are going to turn out.
Whether you’re a single woman who is wary about going on a second date with the man you met online because you’re not sure if it’s going to work out, or you’re in a long-term relationship and wondering if he will eventually ask you to marry him, or you’re ready to make changes in yourself because you wants to transform the relationship you have with your husband, you’re probably asking yourself the same question:
How do I know if things are going to work out?
If you’ve asked yourself that question, know that there’s actually a fear behind it:
The fear that it won’t work out the way you hope it will.
See, every time you go out on another date or you’re with your boyfriend, wondering if he’s going to propose, you’re hoping that this is it. That you’ve finally met the one with whom you’ll share your life.
And, inside, you’re terrified that he might not be.
If you’re in a relationship or married, and you’ve finally come to the point where you realize that if there is going to be a change in this relationship, it’s going to start with you and the way you choose to treat and respond to your man, you’re also hoping that all of these changes you’re making will lead you back to that happy place you once knew together.
And, inside, you’re terrified that they won’t.
The first thing to realize is that the fear that you are feeling is normal.
When it comes to love and relationships, there simply are no guarantees.
Opening your heart to another human being, who, by the way, has his own hopes, fears, and insecurities, means being willing to take the risk that things might not turn out the way you hope they will.
The other side of that coin is that, when you are vulnerable and courageous enough to, for example, go out on one more date, let him know that you want to be married, and to show him that you’re committed enough to your marriage to do whatever is within your realm of control to make things better, there is that beautiful possibility that you will actually experience the love and happiness your heart desires!
The thing is that you’ve got to be willing to take that chance.
Yes, it can be scary.
And, no, I can’t predict that everything will work out exactly the way you want it to.
But I can promise you one thing:
The only way for there to even be a chance of experiencing the love and relationship of your dreams is to be willing to open your heart and mind up to that possibility and then taking the steps that lead you in that direction!
So, what is one step you’ve been afraid to take in your love life or relationship?
And are you willing to be courageous enough to take it and see what’s possible?
If so, leave a comment below and let me know what it is and how I might be able to support you!
Comments? Questions? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!
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