The “Secret Sauce” for True Love!

The “Secret Sauce” for True Love!

by Gladys Diaz

Well, you’d have to be blind not to see the signs, because they’re everywhere!

All you have to do is walk into a store and you’re bombarded by the overwhelming amount of pink, red, and chocolate to know that this means Valentine’s Day is almost here!

For many women – both single and in relationships, alike – this can be difficult holiday right on the heels of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s Eve!

Unlike the other holidays, however, this one is specifically about love and relationships, and it can be heartbreaking if you’re not in a happy, loving relationship of your own.

I get it and I’m not going to try to minimize it, because I know it hurts.

However, I certainly don’t want you feeling sad or like you want to avoid thinking about love and relationships for the next several days!

It’s okay to want to be in a relationship.

It’s okay to feel sad if you’re not in one.

What’s not okay is thinking that it’s impossible for things to change for you!

It’s also not okay to think that there is something wrong you because you’re not in a relationship yet!

There are ways to begin shifting your feelings from hopeless to hope-full and from lonely to loved!

The key to creating this shift is to begin a new love affair!

Not with a man, but with yourself!

That’s because falling in love with YOU is the secret sauce for attracting true love!

Think about it!

What would it be like if for the next 21 days all you did was speak loving words to yourself?

What if for the next 21 days, you sent yourself a love or gratitude note for something you truly admire or are grateful for about YOU?

What if for the next 21 days your top priority was doing at least one thing that you find fun, peaceful, and fulfilling?

How might that change the way you see yourself?

How might that change the way others see you?

And, quite frankly, how FUN would that be?!?

If you’re up for a Self-Love Challenge, then you’re in the right place, because we have prepared a 21-day SELF-LOVE FEST especially for YOU!


Learn the Self-Love Secret!

When you join us for The Self-Love Secret, you will learn:

  • The ways you are stopping yourself from having a happy, fulfilling and loving relationship (and how it has nothing to do with the man you’re with!)
  • The exact steps you can take to stop self-sabotaging your happiness and relationships so that you can start attracting more love into your life
  • Real and practical ways to become simply irresistible and draw in the extraordinary levels of love and happiness you want and deserve

Here’s what you get in the Self-Love Secret Bundle:

  • Our eBook 30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU!: A 30-Day Journey to Discovering Self-Love
  • Members-only access to the teleclass “The Self-Love Secret: How Falling In Love with YOU is the Key to Attracting the Love You Want!”
  • An MP3 recording of the teleclass so that you can download and have it whenever you want or need to listen to it
  • 21 Daily Self-Love Challenges to inspire you in your self-love affair
  • A Private Facebook Group where you can receive coaching, connect with us, and share posts and pics of yourself completing your daily self-love challenges
  • A 30-minute Private Love Breakthrough Call so that you can continue your self-love journey beyond the 21 days and manifest the love your heart desires

All together this is a $417 value!

But, you can get it today at our Valentine’s Day Special Price of $47!!!

Here’s the deal:

You can’t expect someone else to fall madly and deeply in love with you if you’re not willing to dedicate 21 days to falling in love with you!

BE the love you want to see and join us for 21 days of fun, life-changing breakthroughs, and more LOVE than you ever imagined was possible!

We already have several women signed up and the journey begins this weekend, so make sure click on the link below and join us now!


Click now to start falling madly, deeply in love with YOU!


Ready to Quit on Love?

Ready to Quit on Love?

by Gladys Diaz

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It’s hard to believe that we’re already in February. If you’re like me, January went by in a blur. As I was meditating yesterday, I took a look at the goals and intentions I set for this year to hold myself accountable.

There are some goals I am right on-point with. I’ve stuck to my action plan and I feel very proud of myself for moving beyond my comfort zone and sticking to the promises I’ve made to myself.

There are a few, however, where I had to be real with myself.

How intentional have I been about taking an action step every day in the direction of meeting this goal?

Where did I allow my fears and doubts to get in the way?

Am I going to quit or recommit?

That last question is the most powerful one.


Because too often, the reason people do not hit their goals is because they quit – sometimes just centimeters from the finish line they can’t see because their fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs are so much bigger than the faith they have in themselves to actually have what they say they want.

Chances are that if you didn’t bother to set any goals or intentions for 2016, it’s because you have doubt.

You either doubt that you can have what you want, or you doubt that you can do what it takes to achieve it. More than likely, it’s a combination of both.


Self-doubt is what has you not put your heart out there.

You doubt your ability to be able to attract the kind of man you want.

You doubt that you can actually have the kind of relationship you want.

And, if you’re 100% honest with yourself, you doubt this because you either think that what you want is “unrealistic” or “too good to be true.”

That’s just another way of hiding the fact that you doubt that you’re worth having that kind of love.

If you’re in a relationship, you pretend that everything is okay, even though your heart is breaking and things haven’t been remotely close to okay in a long time.

You keep holding onto a broken relationship, not doing anything to change it or yourself for fear that any changes you try to make won’t work.

It’s easier to ignore what’s not working, to keep wishing things (especially him) will change on their own.

Again, this goes back to doubting your ability to have the kind of relationship your heart truly desires.

Staying stuck in the same rut is only going to give you the same results.

Things only change when you make a change.

That’s it. There’s no magic bullet, no secret formula.

If you want to have a different experience and different results in your love life, you need to trust that there IS a way for you to have the love and happiness you want.

Now, I get that you may not know how to do that.

If you did, chances are you probably would have made the changes already, right?

Well, that’s when you need to choose: Do I quit or recommit?

If you’re ready to recommit to yourself and your desire to have a happy, loving, intimate relationship where you get to feel loved and cherished, accepted and adored for the amazing woman you are, then it’s time to recommit to YOU!

And if you’re unsure of how to do that, which steps to take first, and you’d like some support, click the link below to schedule time to talk.

Click here and let’s talk!

Doing nothing is going to give you the same results you have right now.

Choosing to recommit to yourself, your relationship goals and the love your heart desires is how you can make sure that 2016 is the year of making your relationship dreams come true!

By the way… If the little voice of doubt in your head is saying things like, “Why bother?” or “What’s the point?” I want to challenge you to move beyond the safety of listening to that voice — the one that’s kept you stuck right where you are — and click the link below! This is the first step in your love breakthrough!

Click here and let’s talk!


Take Your Heart Back to School!

Take Your Heart Back to School!

by Gladys Diaz


Today is the first day of school for my kids and I’m really missing them!  The house seems so quiet, and I find myself counting down the hours to when I can go pick them up!

As much as I would have liked summer to have lasted a little longer, I’m also excited for them! They have no idea how many new and exciting lessons they are going to learn, all of the amazing things they are not even aware that they don’t know!  It’s like a whole new world is waiting just to be discovered!

I’m also excited for the ladies who are just getting started our Ready to Love Again program!  They, too, are beginning a new journey filled with thrilling lessons, awesome discoveries, and breakthroughs too big for them to even imagine!

Already, we are hearing wonderful feedback from what is opening up for them after just one call!

Here are some of the comments we’ve received!


“I actually feel different, just from one call…That can’t be?!?

I feel somehow empowered.  Yes, I am still chicken on many things, but today I’m somehow standing taller, like a have a back up team or something… My love twins!”

~ Dalia



“The other day I had an a-ha moment after a meditation that was life changing! Out of nowhere I recognized that the past 15 years was what it took of me to grow, evolve and accept myself without shame or judgments and have the courage to step up to the Love Twins and say, “Help me break my patterns that have kept me prisoner to my own denial.”

I thanked the 17 years, to be exact, as if they were a friend, and, in that moment, I felt like years just lifted off my shoulders. I no longer feel it’s too late for me to find my partner!

Thanks to your advice, Gladys, the other day I was open, friendly and smiled with a man in the grocery store. He said, “I hope to see you then soon now that you maybe shopping here again.”

I felt like it was a dress rehearsal or practice for opening up to love.  I won’t tell myself that I am too old to find a loving relationship anymore!
Thanks, Love Twins and sisters on this journey!”

~ Y.E.


Another participant who was struggling with attracting men into her life that were either (1) unavailable, or (2) she was not interested in has already met a guy who is (1) available and (2) as interested in her as she is in him!


While these results are fast, they are not entirely surprising to us, because we know the difference it makes to work with coaches in a program that is completely centered around YOU attracting the love and happiness your heart desires!

So, if you’re ready to take your heart back to school and learn the skills that lead to you creating the love that you want, take a moment right now to schedule a call to speak with one of us!

We are only keeping registration open for another week or two, or until the  last of the remaining 5 seats are taken – whichever comes first!


Our next call is this week, so make sure you schedule time to talk NOW so that you can join us!

The last thing you want is for another year (or 2, or 17) to go by with you wondering why it is that you haven’t been able to attract the love you desire and deserve. 

No one can do this work for you – it’s entirely up to you – but we are here to do the work with you and give you the support  that you need to break free from your love barriers and break through to the love and happiness that are waiting for you on the other side!

Click here now to schedule time to talk and see if this program is right for you!

No matter what you’ve been through, there is nothing standing in the way of you having the loving relationship you want except the stuff you’re holding onto from your past. Release the past and open your heart to new and extraordinary love!

Click here to schedule time to talk now!


The KEY to Having the Love You Want!

The KEY to Having the Love You Want!

by Gladys Diaz


If you have been reading our emails lately, you know that we are getting ready to start the Ready to Love Again program – the program that is designed to have you get ready to attract extraordinary love into your life! 

The first session of the program is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 11th, and we’re inviting you to join the amazing group of women who have made the decision to finally claim the love and happiness their hearts desire!

The response to the number of women who want to learn more about the program has been so great that we are doing something special for you this week!

I went ahead and recorded a short presentation to tell you a little bit more about why you want to be part of this program, so that you can go ahead and schedule time to speak with us right away!

Just click on the image below, and it will take you right to the presentation!


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If you’re thinking that you’ll come back to this email and watch later, we both know what’s going to happen!

You’re going to get busy, forget, and then remember when we send the email letting everyone know that the program is full and the doors are closed until next year!

So, just stop what you’re doing, make 10 minutes (okay, 13 minutes) for yourself and watch this presentation now!


Then CLICK HERE to schedule time to talk with one of us!

What to Do After a Relationship Ends

What to Do After a Relationship Ends

by Gladys Diaz

I’m keeping this post short and sweet because we are on vacation and my kids are waiting for me to go do something fun! 

However, I just had to take a few minutes to write because I wanted to tell you about two things!

First, we just heard that we have another new bride!  That’s right, another one of our clients just got married this past weekend!  (It’s getting so that it’s hard to keep count!)

It’s so amazing to see her dreams coming true after all the years she questioned and wondered whether that day would ever come for her!

THIS is why Michelle and I do what we do. THIS is why we are so incredibly committed to you moving beyond all of your fears and excuses and just breaking through the BS that has you feeling like you are stuck where you are.  Because THIS is what’s possible for YOU when you do!

I want you to get really honest with yourself as you ask yourself these questions:

Is it really possible that there are “no good men” out there? 

Or is it more likely that you haven’t attracted the good man who is right for you yet?


Is it really true that you can’t get over your ex?

Or is it that you are so afraid of having your heart broken again that you’ll just stay stuck on him to avoid having to get out there, meet people, and open your heart to loving someone again?


Is it really that you are just so busy with your career or business, your travel schedule, going out with your friends, etc.?

Or is it that you are so terrified of failing at love that you’d rather tell yourself that you’re “okay,” your life is already great, and there’s no need or desire for you to share it with someone else?


Look, my job is not to make you feel badly about where you are in your life, because I do believe that you need to be happy on your own before you can attract someone who will add to that happiness. 

But here’s the deal. It’s NOT that there aren’t any good guys, it’s NOT that you can’t get over your ex, and it’s NOT that your life is already so busy and fulfilled that you feel you don’t need a man with whom to share it.

All that stuff is NOT what is keeping you stuck!

What’s keeping you stuck where you are is all the stuff you keep telling yourself so that you don’t have to take the steps you need to take to have the love you really want.

I get it.  I’m a successful woman, too, and I don’t like failing any more than you do.


However, I’d much rather take a risk than be a victim of my circumstances and cheat myself out of the possibility of having everything my heart desires. 


Because failing sucks, but it doesn’t suck nearly as much as regret, which is what you feel when you look back and see that the only thing that really stood in the way of having the love and life you wanted was YOU!

Starting Over When It's Over_7-22-15


So, just in case one of your “reasons” for not having the love you want is that you can’t seem to move on from your past breakup, I wanted to share with you the recording of a radio show we did a few weeks ago with our very good friend, Simone Kelly, of Own Your Power Radio.  The show was about “Starting Over When It’s Over,” and you’ll hear some great advice on the things you can do to move on after a breakup, divorce, or losing your partner.


Here’s my invitation:

  1. Answer the questions above (be honest with yourself).
  2. Listen to the radio show.
  3. Then CLICK HERE and let us know that you are ready to have a conversation about moving on in a powerful way so that you can begin to have the love and happiness your heart desires! 

If you’re ready to start over, listen to our discussion and see which step you’re ready to take!


P.S. Michelle only has a few spots left on her calendar this week while I’m vacation! If you haven’t had the chance to be coached by Michelle, this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss! 

She’s one of the most powerful coaches I’ve ever worked with and was MY coach when Ric and I were having issues in our marriage!  Don’t miss out and sign up to speak with her now!

Click here to schedule time to talk NOW!

You Deserve Love and Happiness, Too!

You Deserve Love and Happiness, Too!

by Gladys Diaz


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Today is such a happy day!  Ric and I are celebrating our 15th Wedding Anniversary!

This morning, he called me over to the stairs so that we could watch our boys playing together.  I looked over at him and said, “We made that!”  It was such an intimate moment!

He hugged me, and, when we finished hugging, I noticed we were standing in front of our wedding photo.

Looking at how happy we looked in that picture had so many memories start floating through my head!

I remember asking myself that night, “Is this really happening?  Is this dream really coming true?”

See, before meeting Ric, I was flat out heartbroken.  The pain I felt after losing my first husband was so deep and so overwhelming that I could physically feel it at time.

I was so lost in the heartache that I seriously wondered whether I would ever be able to laugh or smile again.

And I honestly believed that I would never be able to stop loving my first husband and open my heart to loving someone again.

To me, he had been my “The One,” and, with him gone, I felt like all of my hopes and dreams, as well as my chances at having a lifetime love had died with him.

I was terrified that I’d feel that pain and loneliness for the rest of my life, and I simply could not bear it!

I was convinced that I would be alone for the rest of my life.

As a smart and intelligent woman, I pride myself on being right a lot of the time, but I have to tell you that I’m so glad I was wrong!

Once I began doing my inner work, dealing powerfully with my fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs, I was able to break through them and attract the most loving, amazing, generous man into my life!

Had I held on to those fears and doubts, I would have stayed stuck in my misery, holding on to my heartache and pain, and cheated myself out of having more love and happiness in my life than I could have ever dreamed was possible!

And, I want the same level of love and heartache-free joy for you, too!

That’s why I am so excited about the the “Ready to Love Again: Moving Beyond Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Webinar Michelle and I are hosting on Monday, July 20th at 9:00pm ET!

In this webinar, we are going to show you how to break free from heartache so that you can welcome love back into your heart and life!

If you’ve been holding onto a past or dead-end relationship, unable to let go of the man you thought was you’re “The One”…

If you’ve been trying to get out there and meet someone but you just can’t seem to find anyone who compares to the man you loved…

And, if you’re tired of feeling lonely and hopeless about your chances of finding the love of your life…

…you need to be there!


In this webinar you will learn:

  • What makes it difficult to move beyond the heartache of a breakup
  • The steps you can take to move beyond your heartache and toward a new future
  • How to begin attracting new love into your life NOW!


To participate, simply click here to register and we’ll send you an email with the webinar details.


If you’re tired of feeling heartbroken and you’re ready to break free from the past and welcome love in, then make sure you attend the “Ready to Love Again: Moving Beyond Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Webinar on Monday, July 20th!


If I hadn’t let go of my heartache, it would have robbed me of the happiness I feel today as I celebrate 15 years of loving, being loved, and being blissfully married to Ric.

You deserve to be this happy, too, and this webinar could be the answer you’ve been hoping and praying for!

So make sure you click here to reserve your spot now!


P.S. I know you’re afraid.  I know you’re doubtful. I’m asking you trust us.

Let us show you how to leave your heartache behind!

Click here to reserve your spot now!