You Deserve Love and Happiness, Too!

You Deserve Love and Happiness, Too!

by Gladys Diaz


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Today is such a happy day!  Ric and I are celebrating our 15th Wedding Anniversary!

This morning, he called me over to the stairs so that we could watch our boys playing together.  I looked over at him and said, “We made that!”  It was such an intimate moment!

He hugged me, and, when we finished hugging, I noticed we were standing in front of our wedding photo.

Looking at how happy we looked in that picture had so many memories start floating through my head!

I remember asking myself that night, “Is this really happening?  Is this dream really coming true?”

See, before meeting Ric, I was flat out heartbroken.  The pain I felt after losing my first husband was so deep and so overwhelming that I could physically feel it at time.

I was so lost in the heartache that I seriously wondered whether I would ever be able to laugh or smile again.

And I honestly believed that I would never be able to stop loving my first husband and open my heart to loving someone again.

To me, he had been my “The One,” and, with him gone, I felt like all of my hopes and dreams, as well as my chances at having a lifetime love had died with him.

I was terrified that I’d feel that pain and loneliness for the rest of my life, and I simply could not bear it!

I was convinced that I would be alone for the rest of my life.

As a smart and intelligent woman, I pride myself on being right a lot of the time, but I have to tell you that I’m so glad I was wrong!

Once I began doing my inner work, dealing powerfully with my fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs, I was able to break through them and attract the most loving, amazing, generous man into my life!

Had I held on to those fears and doubts, I would have stayed stuck in my misery, holding on to my heartache and pain, and cheated myself out of having more love and happiness in my life than I could have ever dreamed was possible!

And, I want the same level of love and heartache-free joy for you, too!

That’s why I am so excited about the the “Ready to Love Again: Moving Beyond Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Webinar Michelle and I are hosting on Monday, July 20th at 9:00pm ET!

In this webinar, we are going to show you how to break free from heartache so that you can welcome love back into your heart and life!

If you’ve been holding onto a past or dead-end relationship, unable to let go of the man you thought was you’re “The One”…

If you’ve been trying to get out there and meet someone but you just can’t seem to find anyone who compares to the man you loved…

And, if you’re tired of feeling lonely and hopeless about your chances of finding the love of your life…

…you need to be there!


In this webinar you will learn:

  • What makes it difficult to move beyond the heartache of a breakup
  • The steps you can take to move beyond your heartache and toward a new future
  • How to begin attracting new love into your life NOW!


To participate, simply click here to register and we’ll send you an email with the webinar details.


If you’re tired of feeling heartbroken and you’re ready to break free from the past and welcome love in, then make sure you attend the “Ready to Love Again: Moving Beyond Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Webinar on Monday, July 20th!


If I hadn’t let go of my heartache, it would have robbed me of the happiness I feel today as I celebrate 15 years of loving, being loved, and being blissfully married to Ric.

You deserve to be this happy, too, and this webinar could be the answer you’ve been hoping and praying for!

So make sure you click here to reserve your spot now!


P.S. I know you’re afraid.  I know you’re doubtful. I’m asking you trust us.

Let us show you how to leave your heartache behind!

Click here to reserve your spot now!

How can I break through my love barriers and attract new and extraordinary love?

How can I break through my love barriers and attract new and extraordinary love?


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Are you tired of feeling lonely, frustrated, and hopeless about love and relationships? 


What if you could learn the skills to attracting and creating the kind of love and romance your heart truly desires?

If you are ready to break through your love barriers and finally experience the happiness and love you have always dreamed of, click below to listen to how you can end the struggle and suffering around dating and relationships and get ready to love again!


How can I break through my love barriers and attract new and extraordinary love? (Very Special Offer!)

Still have a question you’d like answered?  

How can I break the patterns that keep sabotaging my relationships?

How can I break the patterns that keep sabotaging my relationships?


Are there patterns that keep showing up in your relationships?

  • Dating unfaithful or unavailable men?
  • Short-lived romances that end after a few dates?
  • Getting emotionally attached too quickly to a man?
  • Having sex too early in a relationship?


Knowing that there is a pattern is only the first step in possibly breaking through it.  To truly break through a pattern, you need to know how to distinguish and dismantle the pattern!

In the recording below, you can go through an exercise to identify one of your patterns and listen in on a live coaching session with a participant on our “Love Breakthrough” Live Q&A Call.  You’ll also learn the steps you can take to break through your own self-sabotaging patterns once and for all!


How can I break the patterns that keep sabotaging my relationships? (Exercise and Live Coaching Session)

Still have a question you’d like answered?  

Confused about your relationship?

Confused about your relationship?

by Gladys Diaz


Have you ever been in what you thought was a relationship, only to find out that the guy you thought you were in a relationship with was actually “just dating” you?

Ouch! I’ve been there, and can be a rude awakening, to say the least!  

It’s why it’s so important to be clear about what the difference is between dating and being in a relationship with someone.

In today’s video, I answer a question from a reader who is confused because the guy she was dating seemed to be treating her like his girlfriend on one week, but then blowing her off on the other.  This hot-then-cold cycle took a toll on her and she reacted in a not-so-effective way that ended up pushing him away!


 Got questions of your own?


If you have a question you’d like answered about love, dating, and relationships, join Michelle and me for a LIVE “Love Breakthrough” Q&A Call on Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:00pm Eastern!


On this FREE call, we will be providing you with the answers to your questions LIVE and giving you the same coaching we give our private and group coaching clients to help them have the breakthroughs in love that lead to them attracting and having the relationship of their dreams!

Don’t miss out on having your questions answered on this Love Breakthrough call with the Love Twins!

Click here to reserve your spot now and send us your question!


Then click the image below to see what to do when you’re asking yourself the question, “Am I his girlfriend?”


Did you find this video helpful?  Then make sure you join us for our “Love Breakthrough” LIVE Q&A Call on Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:00pm ET! 
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Click here to reserve your spot now!
What’s Really Stopping You From Having the Love You Want

What’s Really Stopping You From Having the Love You Want

by Gladys Diaz




You’re successful.

You have great friends and a good life.

But one thing is missing.

You don’t have that special someone with whom to share it.

As successful as you feel in other areas of your life, you just can’t seem to figure out why you can’t attract the right man into your life.
Maybe you have no problem getting dates, but they just don’t end up going past the first or second date.

Maybe it’s been months or years since your last long-term relationship and you just haven’t found someone you really feel connected to.

Perhaps it’s just beginning to feel like this “relationship thing” just isn’t for you.

If you find yourself relating to any of these situations, we’ve got some great news for you.

First of all, there’s nothing broken or wrong with you, so you can stop trying to fix yourself!

The reason you’re not having the success you want in love is that there are barriers blocking you from attracting the right man.

And, because many of these barriers are “invisible” to you, it looks like online dating not working, guys not wanting to commit, and you being “cursed” with attracting emotionally unavailable guys!

Just like you’re unable to avoid a car that’s in your blind spot, it’s impossible for you to break through a love barrier you can’t see.

If you’re ready to stop suffering and start loving, join Michelle and me for a new teleclass we’ve created especially for you called, “Breaking Through Your Love Barriers to Attract the Love You Want!”

In this teleclass you will learn:

  • How to uncover your Love Barriers – those “invisible” emotional and behavioral patterns that are blocking you from attracting the right man into your life and experiencing the kind of love you really want
  • The practical steps you can take to break through these barriers, feel more confident in dating, trust your intuition to guide you to choose the man who will love and treat you the way you desire and deserve
  • The keys to attracting the right kind of man so that you can have more fun in dating and experience happiness and LOVE in your relationship


Seeing what’s in your blind spot can help you avoid a car accident.

Getting clear on what your love barriers are can help you avoid heartache so that you can start having more fun while dating, begin attracting men you are attracted to, and be in the kind of relationship your heart desires!

Join us for this FREE teleclass on Tuesday, June 9th and get ready for a love breakthrough!

<< Click here to reserve your spot! >>

It’s time to break through your barriers and experience the love you want!

Your happiness is your responsibility. If you’ve been feeling disappointed and frustrated with your experience of dating and relationships, it’s time to make a change! Join us and take the first step toward attracting the love you’ve been longing for!
<< Click here now>>


What Does “True Success” Mean to You?

What Does “True Success” Mean to You?

by Gladys Diaz


This weekend I attended a very powerful UN-Conference hosted by the Women’s Prosperity Network and there was a question that kept being asked all weekend long:

What does “success” mean to YOU?

When most people think about success, they think about the goals they have achieved, how much money they are making, and what position or title they hold in their career.

Certainly, those things make up a part of success, but there are so many other aspects to our lives: family, health, spirituality, and, of course, our love lives.

Do you include those things in your definition of success?

I do. Michelle does. And I hope you do, too!

See, when you experience success in some parts of our lives, it’s not surprising that, no matter how many achievements, accolades, and awards we receive, there is still a part of you that feels unfulfilled – empty, even, as if there is an insatiable hole that just can’t seem to be filled, no matter how good things appear to be going.

This is because success – true success – consists of feeling happy, secure, and fulfilled in all of the areas of our lives.  So, when we don’t feel that – and, even worse, when we deny that we want to feel successful in all of the areas of our lives (especially our romantic lives!) – there is a direct impact on our sense of aliveness, fulfillment, peace, and joy.

So, now I’ll ask you a different question:

Do you want to experience success in every area of your life?

If so, you just made my day, because I have several events I will be inviting you to attend this month that are going to not just going to tell you why it’s important to experience success in every area of your life, but they will show you how to do it!  

The first two events take place this weekso I wanted to make sure I sent you that information first, and I’ll let you know about the others in a separate email!

The first event begins today. 

It’s the Global Latino Summit, where 27 passionate, inspiring, and successful thought leaders (including yours truly) will be sharing our secrets to success in the personal, professional, and romantic areas of your life!   My interview will air in a few days and is titled: “How to Go from Heartbreak to Finding Your Soulmate.” (You are going to LOVE it!)

The great part about this event is that it’s global, so you can participate from any part of the world;  everyone can attend, and it’s absolutely FREE!

Click here to register now!

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Tphoto(31)he second event is for those of you living in South Florida!  

Come join me tomorrow, Tuesday, September 16th, where I will be speaking at the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce Women’s Business Network Luncheon about “You CAN  Have it All: How to Go from Invincible in the Workplace to Irresistible in Your Love Life!”

Not only will this event give you an opportunity to meet and network with some pretty amazing women, but you’ll get a delicious lunch, and I’ll get a chance to meet you in person, which I would love!!!  All of the information regarding this event is included in the image:


If you will be attending either or both of these events, please let me know by commenting below, so that I can welcome you personally


Success is about experiencing joy, peace, and fulfillment in every area of our lives.  Join me in participating in these two fantastic events so that together we can continue expanding our ability to learn, grow, and love!

P.S. Remember to reply and let me know if you’ll be coming to either or both events!  Knowing you’ll be there makes such a difference for me! 🙂