Why it’s Difficult for Successful Women to Have Success in Love

Why it’s Difficult for Successful Women to Have Success in Love

by Gladys Diaz


If you’ve been feeling like it’s harder for you to have love than other women, you may actually be RIGHT!

See, if you’re a powerful, successful woman who wants to have success in love, but you’ve found that it’s difficult for you to attract the right kind of man or to have the loving connection with the man you’re currently with, it’s probably because there are some things you’re unconsciously doing that are sabotaging your chances of having the kind of relationship you truly want.

This is because, as a successful woman, you’ve discovered the kinds of skills and strategies that have propelled you in your career.  You are strong, powerful, and a go-getter.  You know how to manage and direct others, and you’re probably often selected to be the leader in almost every job or project.  These are great characteristics to have in you professional life because they are the kinds of behaviors that can propel your rise to success.

The problem is that these same characteristics (and others) actually repel love, intimacy and success in romantic relationships.  Your man wants to love you, not be managed by you. He wants to provide for and please you, not be directed, corrected, or led by you.

So, what are the skills and ways of being that inspire a man to be with you, rather than push him away?

This is exactly what my friend and mentor, Nancy Matthews, co-founder of Women’s Prosperity Network, and I spoke about this week on a truly powerful and information-packed interview.  During our conversation, I revealed some of the secrets to BEing the Unstoppable Woman at work and the Irresistible Woman in your love life!

Check out the interview below and let me know what your biggest takeaway or question is by replying to this email.


[Note: You will hear an announcement I made during this interview that was specifically for members of WPN and the special coupon I offered has already expired and you will not be able to access it. If you’d like to access the special, reply to this email and I’ll send you a different coupon code! Why? Because I love you!]

 While you may have been unintentionally doing things to self-sabotage your success in love and relationships, the great news is that you can learn the skills and ways of being that DO work to create love and intimacy in relationships!  Listen to this interview (take good notes) and let me know what your biggest takeaway from the interview is!

P.S. If you want access to the same special offer I announced on the interview, all you have to do is send an email to gladys@heartsdesireintl.com, and i will send you a special coupon code!



3 Simple Ways to Manifest More Love this Valentine’s Day!

3 Simple Ways to Manifest More Love this Valentine’s Day!

by Gladys Diaz

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I realize that today can be a bitter-sweet days for some people, given that the day is focused on love — primarily romantic love — and it can be painful if you’re not in a relationship, or in a relationship that’s not going well at the moment.  If you’re not focused — truly focused — on the love that’s all around and within you, you can actually find yourself feeling Toxic Emotions, such as jealousy, sadness, or loneliness.

So, what can you do to make today a happy day, and one where you are able to see, receive, and give love, no matter what your relationship status is? 

1. Gather evidence of love all around you. 

Rather than trying to resist or reject all of the signs of love around you today, look for evidence of love and pull it toward you.  One thing you can do is put your hands over your heart when you see evidence of love today — whether it is a picture of flowers someone received, or a couple holding hands, or anything having to do with love and romance — and, rather than get hurt, angry, or resentful, with your hand on your heart, say something like, “I’m so happy for her/them, and I can’t wait to feel that way, too!” or “I’m so happy for her/them!  I send them love and receive that love as it comes back to me!”

2. Make a Love Plan for yourself. 

If you haven’t already planned out what you are going to do to fill your day with love, take the time to do it now! Plan to do something nice for yourself, get yourself a token of your own love for yourself, and make plans with friends or family.  Isolating yourself only reinforces the belief “I am alone,” and that only deepens any feelings of sadness or separation you may be feeling today.  So, rather than being reactive and closing yourself off, surround yourself with the people and things you love and enjoy.  You, more than anyone else in the world, deserve your own love, so be generous in giving that love to YOU!  

3. Bask in Gratitude. 

One of the most powerful and transformative energies we can embody and practice is gratitude.  As you gather evidence of love and fill yourself up with love, remember to truly feel and express thanks for the things, people, and blessings you have in your life.  It’s virtually impossible to be angry and grateful or upset and grateful at the same time.  When you choose to turn your heart and thoughts to the things for which you are grateful, you are making a conscious choice to not allow negative thoughts and feelings to overtake you.  Does this mean you have to “pretend” you don’t feel the sadness or upset?  No. Resistance only has those feelings strengthen and persist.  Instead, feel the feelings, acknowledge that they are there, and then choose to release them. And, as you release them, fill the space left by the negative feelings with thoughts of the things, people, and blessings for which you are grateful.  This practice can leave you feeling empowered, rather than disempowered, as you will come to see just how able you are of navigating through and your emotions with power, grace, and ease!

Putting these simple practices in place today (and every day) can help you manifest and experience love, joy, peace, and gratitude, which are highly magnetic emotions and can truly shift your state as well as your experience of living and loving!

My heart-felt wish for you today is that you are able to see, feel, and create love all around and within you and that you come to the indisputable realization that…


Discover the Secret to Having Lasting Love

Discover the Secret to Having Lasting Love

by Gladys Diaz

Today we are are celebrating one of my FAVORITE love stories of all time!

Six years ago today, I stood with tears of joy streaming down my face as I watched my twin sister, Michelle, and Arnie promise to love one another for a lifetime.

As I watched her walking down the aisle with her two sons, I just couldn’t stop the tears, remembering the painful road full of heartache and disappointment that Michelle had walked down before finally attracting Arnie into her life.

Michelle had felt the pain of being in a marriage that had been falling apart for many years, followed by a string of micro- and non-relationships to men who were unavailable, addicts, and who did not treat her with the love and tenderness she so longed for and deserved.

She came very close to giving up on love.

Thankfully, Michelle was willing to do her HeartWork, remove the Love Barriers that were stopping her from attracting the kind of love she truly desired, and she began attracting amazing men, including the one who was promising to love, adore, and make her dreams come true for the rest of her life!

See, in doing her HeartWork, Michelle discovered what had been missing in her life that had led her to stay in an happy marriage for so long, attract, date, and hold onto dead-end relationships with men who were unwilling or unable to love her the way she longed to be loved painful time, and it’s what had her wondering whether there was something wrong with her and if she would ever experience happiness in a loving relationship.

One of my favorite passages in our ebook, 30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU!, is the part where Michelle shares the secret to her discovering true love:

I decided to take a deeper look into my relationship patterns so that I could begin to uncover what was at the source of the results I was producing.

I discovered that in the 5 years I had been dating, there was something fundamental missing in all of my dating and relationship experiences…ME! I had been trying to be the “perfect woman” to hide who I really was, because I was terrified that if a man discovered who I really was, he could never fall in love with me. I had convinced myself that the real me was unlovable.

I began to write down all the things about myself that I felt were unlovable…it was a long list! Then one by one, I began to forgive myself. I realized there was nothing I could do to change the past. All I could do now was learn the lessons and forget the details.

I gave myself permission to let it all go for good. As I let each one go, something beautiful began to happen – I began to fall in love with me! I discovered that the only love that was missing was my own. I was now free to love and to be loved!

See, what Michelle discovered is that what stops you from creating a happy and loving relationship you want is not online dating; it’s not what happened in your past; and it’s not your current partner, your ex, or the guy who didn’t love you back.

The #1 difference between the woman who is not experiencing love and happiness in her relationships and the one who IS comes down to one thing:

The relationship the woman has with herself.

Think about it…

If you do not love, accept, honor, and prioritize yourself, it is impossible for you to attract someone into your life who will love, accept, honor, and make you a priority in his life!

In fact, it’s unfair to expect a man to love you and give to you the soul-level kind of love that you are not giving yourself.

And what happens when you don’t have a deep level of self love is that you continue repeating the same dysfunctional patterns and having the same painful experiences over and over again.  

So, you do things like:

Attracting men who you hope will love and accept you, but don’t.

Turning yourself inside out trying to be the woman you think the man wants you to be, hoping that that’s what will maybe get him to love you.

Losing yourself in the relationship, forgetting about your own needs and desires, and trying to make him the center of your world in the hope that you will finally feel loved.

And the reason this continues to happen again and again is because, on a fundamental level, you do not believe that you are worthy of or able to have the kind of love you truly desire.

So you settle.

You settle for less than what you really want.

You pretend that you’re okay being single and that you don’t want to share your life with a great man.

You convince yourself that what you have is what you want.

And, at the end of yet another heartbreaking dating experience or broken relationship, you’re left feeling lost, empty, lonely, and afraid – wondering if you’ll ever really have the love and happiness your heart desires.

This is why we created The Self-Love Secret Mission.

We know it’s not easy to break through long-lasting limiting beliefs and patterns on your own.

Think about it…

If you knew what to do to change those beliefs and patterns on your own, you would have probably already done it… right?

So we created a fun, transformative and interactive program where we will take you on a 21-day journey to falling in love with YOU!

Click here to join the Self-Love Secret Mission now!

The best thing about The Self-Love Secret Mission is that, not only is it FREE – our Valentine’s Day Gift to you –but we are starting tomorrow,February 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day – which means you won’t be alone on Valentine’s Day, you’ll be having fun, AND you’re going to experience what it’s like to feel truly loved by the person with whom you’ll have the longest lasting loving relationship of your life: YOU!

So, hurry up!

Join The Self-Love Secret now, and take the first step toward creating the love affair of a lifetime!


Why FAITH Matters in Your Love Life

Why FAITH Matters in Your Love Life

by Gladys Diaz

Today we’re celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the United States, and, aside from relishing having a day to spend with my family, I also wanted to take a few minutes to reflect and remember why this day is so important.

If I had to use just three words to describe Dr. King and his life, the words would be faith, love, and hope.  And, of course, all of these were enveloped in his dream.

As I was looking through some of his inspirational quotes, I came across this one:

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

As soon as I read it, I immediately thought back to my family’s vacation to Hawaii in November, and the way I felt when I stood inside the volcano crater and looked up at the tiny staircase that was miles and miles away, at the top of the mountain (see the photo below, and you’ll see the staircase at the upper left-hand corner).  

I remember thinking, “How in the world will I ever make it up there, especially with my fear of heights and the pain in my knee?”

I didn’t know how I’d make it, but I did know one thing:

I was NOT going to allow my fear to stop me from getting to the top of that mountain and witnessing the view from up there!

So, I started climbing.  

And, yes, I was scared.  I got dizzy a few times.  My feet slipped on the rocks. And the pain in my knee became almost unbearable the higher we climbed.  

But I had faith that something beautiful, something I’d never seen or experienced before, was waiting for me at the top of that mountain and on the other side of my fear.  So I climbed!

And, when I got to the top of the mountain, it was so worth it!  I’d climbed my first mountain, the view was absolutely breathtaking, and I was experiencing it all with the three guys I love most in this world!

Honestly, it was MORE than worth it!

So, why am I telling you this?

I know that love and relationships can be scary. There is so much uncertainty because there aren’t any guarantees.  

You don’t know if it’s going to work out with the guy you are seeing.

You’re afraid of having your heart broken again.

It feels safer to stay where you are, even though it’s not where you want to be.

I get it.

However, staying where you are — whether you are single or in a relationship that is stagnant or not working — is the surefire way to NOT get to where you truly desire to be: The place where you feel loved and adored.  That amazing place where you know that you know that you are loved!

Maybe it’s been a long journey for you.

Maybe you feel like the pain is more than you can take.  

Or maybe you’re just tired of trying.

Whatever your “mountain” is, I promise you that if you will have your faith be stronger than your fear, if you are willing to focus on your desire more than your doubt, and if you are courageous enough to take that first step in the direction of your dreams, with the right guidance and support, you WILL get to the place where you are in the relationship your heart desires with the man who is absolutely right for you.

If you’re ready to take that first step and you want to know exactly how to do that, then it’s time for you to have a Love Breakthrough!  Simply use the link below to schedule time for us to talk and together we will take a look at what your personal love goals are, distinguish what has been stopping you from attracting that loving relationship to you, and what your best first step is for getting the happy, loving relationship your heart desires.

CLICK HERE to have your Love Breakthrough!

Having the love you want isn’t about learning a bunch of generic tips, tricks or strategies. Your personal love goals are yours to achieve, and knowing the right steps for you to take is critical in order for you to have the love you want!  Take that first step of FAITH, and I’ll be waiting to help guide you to the other side!

CLICK HERE and take your first step in FAITH!

What to Do if You’re Feeling “Stuck” in Your Relationship

What to Do if You’re Feeling “Stuck” in Your Relationship

by Gladys Diaz


I remember just four years ago, how hopelessly stuck I felt in my job.

Yes, I was making great money, but I was miserable! I honestly felt like part of me was dying inside every time I sat at my computer.

See, I have been a coach, speaker, teacher, and trainer since I was 17 years old.

My heart beats to connect with and help people go from wherever they are to levels they can’t even begin to imagine.

But, due to downsizing and restructuring, my boss, in an effort to avoid letting me go, had put me in a department where all I did for 8-12 hours (or more) per day was type up questions for online courses.

As I said, I could feel my soul cringing and a little bit of life escaping me every time I was up until 2:00am, crying at my computer, wondering why the heck I was so afraid to let go of that paycheck!

It wasn’t until I received the call that my position was being eliminated that everything changed.

See, even though I was being told that I was being laid off, they offered me another job, making the same amount of money, but it would require me traveling 80% of the time. I thought about my husband and kids, and, as afraid as I was of losing 60% of our income in one full swoop, I refused to spend my life on a plane away from the three people I love most in this world.

So, I walked away.

And it was both the scariest and most liberating moment of my life, because, thanks to walking away from that position, I now have the opportunity to do what I love and was born to do as a relationship coach!

There is NOTHING more rewarding than knowing that I am living my purpose and helping women’s dreams come true! And now I also get to help relationship coaches build successful coaching practices so that they can help other women’s dreams come true, too!  The love just keeps on spreading!

Oh! And I’m making more money than I ever did in my old job!

So, what does this have to do with you and your love life?

Are you in a relationship right now that you KNOW is not the right one for you?

Are you holding onto it because you are too afraid to let go and open your heart to loving and being loved again?

Or, are you in a relationship that you want to stay in, but you feel like it’s not going anywhere, like the love has stopped growing, and you feel stuck, frustrated and alone even though you’re “with” someone?

Whatever your version of “stuck” is, I want you to know that, as afraid as you are of letting go, that false sense of safety that continuing to hold on is giving you is robbing you of the opportunity to actually feel the love, joy, and fulfillment you can feel in a relationship that is loving, exciting, fulfilling, and fun!

But, just as when you were a kid playing on the monkey bars, in order to move forward, you’ve got to be willing to let go!

If you’re tired of feeling stuck and you want to know how to move forward, take a look at this quick video I shot for you.

In it, I explain the 3 steps you can take to begin moving forward in your relationship.


I know it can feel scary.

I know it feels “safer” to be stuck.

But the only thing that’s really happening is that you are cheating yourself out of the love and happiness that are waiting for you.

So, be brave…

Release that one hand from that monkey bar…

Watch the video…

And let’s move forward together!



Love Yourself MORE Than You Love Him!

Love Yourself MORE Than You Love Him!

by Gladys Diaz

Is there a man in your life that you’ve been afraid to let go of – either because you won’t break up or leave him, or because you’re still holding onto the memory of him?

Do you know that the very act of not letting go is what is stopping you from welcoming the right man – the one who is ready to love you NOW – from coming into your life?

Don’t believe me?

Just ask my client, Osmara!

If you follow us on Facebook, you saw the picture I posted earlier this week of the 3 new engagement rings 3 of my clients are sporting!

3 Engagment Rings_Facebook

Yes! That’s right! In the past 2 months, 3 beautiful women who once thought that they would never find the right man for them got engaged to the love of their lives! And we couldn’t be happier for them!

You see that beauty on the left? That one belongs to Osmara!

Osmara and I have been friends for a while and I’ve seen her go through both happy and painful times in her love life. After knowing each other for a few years, she began working with me as a client, and I was able to help her through a very difficult relationship and break up.

Well, rather than me telling you her story, here’s the comment she left in the FB post about her journey to love:

We first started working together when I was single in 2012 and ready to find love. Soon after, I manifested a man who would be my boyfriend for a year and a half. In this relationship (and the subsequent ending) I would be broken open and impelled to connect with myself on the deepest of levels.

When we broke up I was still holding on because I thought he was “the one” and I was scared he was “as good as it got.”

Talk about Lack Mentality!

You held my hand during very dark, scary times… And I will never forget that.

I could write a whole blog post on this story and maybe one day I will…

I was so infatuated with this relationship that I didn’t even realize, I actually met my fiance and future husband (I love saying that!) when I was with my ex! He was at a seminar we attended and I would have never guessed he’d be my true ONE then.

So I picked up the pieces of my shattered illusions and licked my wounds and came to love me and stand strong as just me. Single, in my solitude, I learned to come home to myself.Osmara & Ash

Then last September, Ash, my fiance, unexpectedly came into my life. Our first conversation was only
meant to be 45 min and it went on for 
over 4 hours. That was the first of many conversations that went on for hours and hours.

I’ve never felt more at home than w him. It’s not an effort or work, it flows. That’s not to say we don’t have to work on our s**t or that we don’t bump heads because, oh, boy, yes we do!

But the work I did with you, Gladys, helped prep me to be able to accept this love that is everything I’ve been dreaming of. It helped me to see where I was holding on to the old because of fear. And I’m so glad I let go, because right as I did, in a matter of days, mi amor (my love) came right into my reality.

Eternally grateful, humbled, and inspired. xx

Isn’t that amazing?

The man of her dreams was standing right in front of her all along, but she couldn’t see him because she was too afraid to let go of a relationship that was causing her more pain and heartache than she ever needed to feel.

It was only when she had the courage to let go and love herself more than she loved him that she was able to come to the place where she was ready to love and be loved again!

Maybe you can relate to this story…

Maybe you are so afraid to let go of the man who is not right for you, isn’t committing to you, or is not loving you the way you want and deserve to be loved because you are so afraid of being alone.

Maybe you’re afraid that you won’t ever find someone you connect with or love as much as him.

Or maybe you’re afraid that there isn’t anyone out there who can love you the way you dream of being loved.

Whatever your reason for not letting go, you need to realize that, in holding onto him, those clenched hands aren’t able to open up and receive the love that’s already there for you!

I’m not saying it’s “easy” to do. But, with the right support and guidance, you can do the Heart Work release yourself from a painful relationship and open your heart to give and receive the love your heart most desires.

Remember: You can still love him and choose to love yourself enough to let him go.