I recently got back from a week-long vacation with my family, and I learned a lot of interesting things about myself while on this trip.
During the trip, I made a commitment to let go of control. I’ve been working pretty hard since last November, and I just wanted to relax. I didn’t want to have to be the one making decisions, doing some of the driving, or having to handle much of anything. My primary focus was to have as much fun as possible with my family!
In giving up control, one of the things I got to do a lot of was receiving.
Now, I teach women how one of the most powerful ways to embrace our femininity is to receive.
Knowing that two of a man’s primary needs are to know that he can provide for and please the woman he loves, in receiving a man’s gifts, time, help, and affection, I am clear that I give my husband the gift of fulfilling on his purpose and myself the gift of feeling cherished and taken care of! It truly is a win-win situation!
So, receiving in and of itself is not difficult for me…
…Until it comes to really expensive or extravagant gifts.
Then I seem to get a bit uncomfortable.
While on the trip, my husband and I were presented with an opportunity to make one of my dreams come true. It’s a big dream, so, consequently, it comes with a big price tag. Nevertheless, I have had this dream for a long time and I am the kind of person who, when I want something, I find a way to make it happen!
This time, however, my husband was the one making it happen for me!
I noticed how I got a little nervous and uncomfortable at the thought of this.
As happy as I was that my dream was coming true, I also felt a little guilty. I had all types of thoughts running through my head.
This is too much…
He’s only doing this for me.
Maybe we should wait a while.
When it came time to make the final decision, my husband asked me, “So, what do you think?”
I could have honored and shared with him all of the feelings, fears and concerns running through my head.
I could have given him some ideas about what to do or how to handle the negotiations.
I could have told him that it was okay. Knowing that he wanted to make this happen for me was enough. I could wait.
In other words, I could have stepped in, taken over, taken charge, and not gotten what I really wanted.
But I didn’t want to. I just wanted to bask in the warmth of seeing how excited he was to be figuring out a way to make this dream happen for me!
So, instead of stepping in and giving into my limiting thoughts and beliefs, I chose to step back and trust. I chose to receive.
I simply said, “I’m so excited! I’ve wanted this for a long time. I don’t know if we ‘should’ do it, but I want this, and I know you. You always make the best decisions for us. And if you’re thinking of doing this, then I know you’ve thought it through, and I trust you. Thank you!”
I wish I’d had my phone ready to take a picture of my husband’s face. (smile)
He looked so happy and confident.
In that moment, I realized just how much making me happy means to him. I mean, I knew it before, but I got really present and I could seeit in that moment!
And it was awesome!
Was I still a little scared? Yes.
Was I going to cheat him out of the pleasure of knowing he is making one of my dreams come true? Heck, no!
One of the blessings of being in a relationship with a man who truly loves you is being able to openly receive his love – even when it makes you a little uncomfortable.
Receiving is a gift you give yourself and the person who is giving to you.
In allowing my husband to provide me with something he knew I wanted, I gave him the gift of seeing my happiness and gratitude.
In allowing myself to receive the gift, I was able to experience seeing the joy that he experiences when he’s able to make me happy.
It’s not the type or size of the gift that makes the difference, either.
Yes, this happened to be something big, but I also have the pleasure of receiving compliments; “I love you’s”; “for-no-reason-roses” (those roses he shows up with for absolutely no reason!); as well as offers to help me do the dishes, make dinner, and watch the boys so I can go get my hair done. All of these things make me feel happy and loved
So, what about you? How open are you to receiving?
Are you dismissing or joking away compliments?
Are you refusing to allow people – especially men – to open doors, carry objects, or help you with a task that needs to get done?
Are you refusing gifts – both big and small – such as offers to pay for your coffee or meal, tickets to an event, or something you’ve been wanting for a long time?
Given that men thrive on feeling like they can provide for and please the woman they care about, when you receive, you are stepping into one of the highest states of your Feminine Essence! It creates a win-win experience for both of you, as he gets to feel great about making you happy and you get to experience feeling cherished!
If you aren’t having that kind of experience in your relationship – either because you are single or because the romance, tenderness, and intimacy in your relationship have been slowly (or quickly) deteriorating, know that you CANhave it!
This isn’t something special reserved for a few “lucky” women, and you aren’t the one woman in the world destined to not have this experience.
If you want to know what it’s like to love and be loved, to be cared for and taken care of (even though you are capable of taking care of yourself), and to have the feeling that your partner’s top priority is making you happy, then let’s set up time to talk.
During a Love Breakthrough Session you will see what has been standing in the way of you having the kind of love and relationship you dream of. Then we give you a plan for removing that love barrier and making a way for love to flow freely into your life.
You can either keep feeling sorry for yourself, blaming the man you are with for not having this kind of experience, or you can learn the steps you can take to turn your love life and your situation around.
It’s up to you!
There is nothing like the feeling that comes with knowing that the man you are with wants nothing more than to know that hehad something to do with the smile on your face! It’s time to make that smile permanent!
If you have been reading our emails lately, you know that we are getting ready to start the Ready to Love Again program – the program that is designed to have you get ready to attract extraordinary love into your life!
The first session of the program is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 11th, and we’re inviting you to join the amazing group of women who have made the decision to finally claim the love and happiness their hearts desire!
The response to the number of women who want to learn more about the program has been so great that we are doing something special for you this week!
I went ahead and recorded a short presentation to tell you a little bit more about why you want to be part of this program, so that you can go ahead and schedule time to speak with us right away!
Just click on the image below, and it will take you right to the presentation!
If you’re thinking that you’ll come back to this email and watch later, we both know what’s going to happen!
You’re going to get busy, forget, and then remember when we send the email letting everyone know that the program is full and the doors are closed until next year!
So, just stop what you’re doing, make 10 minutes (okay, 13 minutes) for yourself andwatch this presentation now!
Then CLICK HERE to schedule time to talk with one of us!
I’m keeping this post short and sweet because we are on vacation and my kids are waiting for me to go do something fun!
However, I just had to take a few minutes to write because I wanted to tell you about two things!
First, we just heard that we have another new bride! That’s right, another one of our clients just got married this past weekend! (It’s getting so that it’s hard to keep count!)
It’s so amazing to see her dreams coming true after all the years she questioned and wondered whether that day would ever come for her!
THIS is why Michelle and I do what we do. THIS is why we are so incredibly committed to you moving beyond all of your fears and excuses and just breaking through the BS that has you feeling like you are stuck where you are. Because THIS is what’s possible for YOU when you do!
I want you to get really honest with yourself as you ask yourself these questions:
Is itreallypossible that there are “no good men” out there?
Or is it more likely that you haven’t attracted the good man who is right for youyet?
Is itreally truethat you can’t get over your ex?
Or is it that you are so afraid of having your heart broken again that you’ll just stay stuck on him to avoid having to get out there, meet people, and open your heart to loving someone again?
Is itreallythat you are just so busy with your career or business, your travel schedule, going out with your friends, etc.?
Or is it that you are so terrified of failing at love that you’d rather tell yourself that you’re “okay,” your life is already great, and there’s no need or desire for you to share it with someone else?
Look, my job is not to make you feel badly about where you are in your life, because I do believe that you need to be happy on your own before you can attract someone who will add to that happiness.
But here’s the deal. It’s NOT that there aren’t any good guys, it’s NOT that you can’t get over your ex, and it’s NOT that your life is already so busy and fulfilled that you feel you don’t need a man with whom to share it.
All that stuff is NOT what is keeping you stuck!
What’s keeping you stuck where you are is all the stuff you keep telling yourself so that you don’t have to take the steps you need to take to have the love you really want.
I get it. I’m a successful woman, too, and I don’t like failing any more than you do.
However, I’d much rather take a risk than be a victim of my circumstances and cheat myself out of the possibility of having everything my heart desires.
Because failing sucks, but it doesn’t suck nearlyas much as regret, which is what you feel when you look back and see that the only thing that really stood in the way of having the love and life you wanted was YOU!
So, just in case one of your “reasons” for not having the love you want is that you can’t seem to move on from your past breakup, I wanted to share with you the recording of a radio show we did a few weeks ago with our very good friend, Simone Kelly, of Own Your Power Radio. The show was about “Starting Over When It’s Over,” and you’ll hear some great advice on the things you can do to move on after a breakup, divorce, or losing your partner.
Here’s my invitation:
Answer the questions above (be honest with yourself).
If you’re ready to start over, listen to our discussion and see which step you’re ready to take!
P.S. Michelle only has a few spots left on her calendar this week while I’m vacation!If you haven’t had the chance to be coached by Michelle, this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss!
She’s one of the most powerful coaches I’ve ever worked with and was MY coach when Ric and I were having issues in our marriage! Don’t miss out and sign up to speak with her now!
I just finished doing a wonderful meditation that was has really inspired me to take a step I’ve been resisting taking for a while.
It’s not that I didn’t know what step to take. It’s not that I felt I couldn’t or wasn’t capable of taking the step.
The truth is, I was just afraid of taking it.
So, what did I do? I did the fear exercise that we teach in the Ready to Love Again program! I went through it, step by step, and, in just a few minutes, I was in a space where I felt empowered to take the step that had been stopping me!
This exercise is so powerful!
In fact, I just received a testimonial from one of our Ready to Love Again graduates, Kristin, who is now in a very happy, loving relationship after being single for many years and sharing with me on more than one occasion how she questioned if she would ever be able to attract love into her life.
Here’s what Kristin wrote to me:
“Before the program, my dating life was frustrating. I had been doing online dating and no matter how many rewrites I had of my profile, I wasn’t attracting what I wanted. I found myself wanting to cut the guy out of my life the first sign there was a problem. I knew that this would not be appropriate behavior being married, as that’s a very big commitment. I thought that I was definitely ready for love, though.
The fear exercise was huge for me. This is where I saw a lot of my breakthroughs in the program. I actually found out that with the “story” I was telling myself all about my “failures,” I was making myself the victim. (Poor me, poor me.) Instead of looking at the situation and staying in the present: This is what it is. It’s nothing else.
There were several times fears came up, and I did the fear exercise. That would help me stay “present” and be able to let go of my fear. Sometimes I’ve had to do the exercise more than once. Sometimes I had to go deeper and learn what my true triggers are so I can work on that specific trigger.
How am I and this relationship different? For starters, this is the longest relationship I have had in my entire life!
During the program, I was able to make a list of what I wanted to experience during courtship with a man. I will tell you this: I have seen every one of those things I listed with this man!”
Kristin got clear about what her fears were and used the tools in the Ready to Love Again program to help her break through them and attract the relationship she thought she’d never find!
I don’t know what your fears are or what has been stopping you from attracting the love that you want.
What I do know is that Michelle and I can help you break through those fears so that you can have the love that you want and deserve! We’ve helped women around the world do this and we can help you, too!
But you have to let us!
So, here’s the deal:
The Ready to Love Again Webinar replayis only available until Midnight Easter Time tonight, so you only have a few more hours to listen to the incredible information we share about how to let go of the past, break through your fears (like Kristin did), and allow love to enter your life!
I only have 6 more slots available tomorrow (Thursday) to speak with women who are interested in learning about the Ready to Love Again program, and Michelle only has 1 spot left!
You have a choice. You can stay stuck in fear, or you can take a step in the direction of having the love you say you want.
CLICK HEREor on the button you’ll see on the Webinar screen to schedule time to speak with one of us before the spots are all taken! (I’m leaving on vacation on Friday and would hate for you to have to wait to start making your dreams come true!)
I’m telling you, there is nothingmore empowering than knowing that you are no longer allowing fear to stop you and that you’re taking responsibility for creating your happiness into your own hands!
We know you’re scared. What youneed to know is that we’re here for you and we’ll be there for you every step of the way!
Watch the replay, schedule time to speak with one of us, and let’s make your dreams come true!
Nothing makes us happier than when we see one of our clients in a happy, loving relationship – especially when her belief when she started working with was that it would never happen for her!
This is what happened for our client, Melisa! Those of you who were on our list last year may have heard Melisa’s incredible coaching conversation with Michelle. Melisa had gotten out of a painful breakup with her boyfriend who had cheated on her and, a week later, was already with someone else. She was feeling hurt and wondered if anyone would ever really love and accept her fully.
Melisa shared how she had a pattern of ignoring the red flags she saw early in relationships and attracting men who were liars, cheaters, and unavailable to be in a relationship with her, leading her to repeatedly experience heartache and pain.
What Melisa discovered during her session with Michelle was that she was playing a very real and active role in perpetuating this vicious cycle. She uncovered the limiting beliefs that were having her attract men who would not love and accept her, and it all began with the way she saw and was relating to herself because of her physical disability.
During the session, Michelle said the words to Melisa, “The good news is that, if you created all of that, you can create something else… Something authentic, true, and bigger than the disability you were born with, because you are so much more than that!”
Well, we’re happy to say that Melisa listened, not only to Michelle, but to her heart, and, after working with us last year, she is now in a very happy and loving relationship!
Join us on Monday night to hear the steps Melisa took to break free from her old familiar patterns and attract a man who is not only available but loves and accepts her exactly the way she is!
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