You Asked for It… You Got It!

You Asked for It… You Got It!

by Gladys Diaz

Genie-Lamp-300x200_bingDuring our Q&A call a few weeks ago, we answered a lot of your questions, but were only able to get to a few of the  questions during the 60-minute call.  Many of you raised your hand when we asked if you’d like us to offer more calls where you could have your questions answered.

You asked for it, you got it! 

To make sure we can answer more of your questions, we’ve scheduled a “Ready for Love” Live Coaching Call for this Saturday, February 22nd!  We’ve extended the time of Saturday’s call to 90 minutes, and, instead of making it just a Q&A format, we’re going to go a little deeper and give you some real coaching on the call!

 Click Here to Register and Receive Call-in Details for the “Ready for Love” Live Coaching Call

Wondering whether a few minutes of coaching can make a difference?

Last Wednesday I spent just a few minutes on the phone with a woman who reached out to me for coaching about her marriage.  She and her husband had been living completely separate lives inside of the same home for years. She felt lonely, abandoned, and afraid that it was too late to change things around.  We looked at some of the fears, limiting beliefs, and habits that were standing in her way of having the relationship she wanted with her husband. She saw where she could make some changes, and I gave her an “assignment” to do that night.

On Friday morning – Valentine’s Day – I received an email from her with a picture of her holding a huge bouquet of roses! I asked her how long it had been since he’d done something like that. She said she couldn’t even remember, but that it had probably been about 8 years! I asked what she felt caused the shift. She responded that she had done the exercise I gave her during that short call.

From living separate lives to sharing precious moments in two short days! 

Still wondering if a few minutes of coaching can make a difference for you?

Not too long ago, I spoke to another woman who had not dated for several years. After a coaching call, she accepted an online date, then another, then another, and she is now enjoying dating while also getting to know really great guys, including one who is really into her and who she is beginning to fall for, too!

Now, while it takes consistency and working with us over time to transform old thoughts, beliefs, and habits into new ones, a laser coaching call can help you see what’s blocking you from attracting love into your life and help you achieve some results now that give you the motivation to continue making the necessary changes!

So, if you’d like to receive some laser coaching on Saturday and/or listen in while other women receive their coaching, just click the link below and register!  You will receive call-in details, as well as information on how to submit your request for coaching.

If there’s one thing you can count on from us is that we listen and we’re here to serve!  

We’re excited about the opportunity to connect with you and make a difference in your life!

Click Here to Register and Receive Call-in Details for the “Ready for Love” Live Coaching Call


End the Loneliness This Valentine’s Day

End the Loneliness This Valentine’s Day

by Gladys Diaz

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We’re sure that by this time today, your Inbox, Facebook, and Twitter feeds are overflowing with “Happy Valentine’s Day” messages!  Well, here’s one more!


For those of us in happy, loving relationships, today is a special day!  We get to celebrate the love we share with the man we’ve chosen to share our lives and hearts with!

For those who are not in a loving relationship, however, it can be a pretty rotten day.  All weekend long (and, here in the U.S., it’s a long weekend), you’re sure to be surrounded by hearts, balloons, proposal announcements, and reminders of everyone else’s love and happiness.

If you were on last night’s “Ready to Love Again” webinar (make sure you check out the replay below!), you heard Michelle and me share our personal stories of heartache.  Spending any holiday alone can be painful, but this one’s especially difficult.

I remember the first Valentine’s Day after my husband died.  All I wanted to do was crawl under a rock and just block out all of the reminders of love and joy that were around me. Everything I saw was a reminder of the love I’d lost and how broken my heart felt.  I felt a little guilty about it, but I couldn’t help it.  I was alone. I was devastated.  And it sucked!

So, if you are feeling angry, sad, or resentful today, we want you to know that it’s understandable.  This doesn’t make you a “bad” person.  It just means you’re feeling sad and lonely. It’s okay.

Now, this doesn’t mean we want you wrap yourself up in a bitter, depressed Snuggy blanket!  The feelings you’re feeling are real and valid.  But we also want you to know that you don’t have to stay in that space.  You don’t have to stay alone.  You can choose to heal your heart and invite love back into your life!

On last night’s webinar, women from all over the world learned why heartache feels real, why it can be difficult to let go of it, and what they could do to begin to move on.  There was healing, love, and transformation present on that call, and we are so excited for the women who accepted the invitation we gave at the end of the presentation and are now on their path to healing and freedom from the past!  We’re excited because we know about the miracles they are about to experience. We know, because we’ve experienced them first-hand in our own lives and in the lives of the women who we’ve coached and worked with over the years.

All we can say is this: Expect miracles, ladies! Your life, as you know it, will never be the same!

For those of you who were unable to join us on the call, we want you to have an opportunity to experience the same type of healing as these ladies, so we’re giving you access to the webinar replay and a chance at receiving the special “Valentine’s Days” prize we offered last night.

Now, here’s the deal:

If you want something to change, then something has to change. And right now, that something is YOU!  

Too many times we allow opportunities to slip right through our hands because we’re too proud, too scared, or too committed to staying stuck in the muck of our lives to draw a line in the sand and say, “This is it! The pain, sadness and loneliness end here and now!”

We’re giving you that opportunity to do that today – to listen to the webinar and make this Valentine’s Day the LAST ONE you spend single and alone!

If you’re not single, but you still feel alone inside of your marriage or relationship, contact us now!  I’m not kidding.  What in the world are you waiting for?

It’s not going to get better on its own.  Things didn’t “just happen” to get bad in your relationship. It happened over time. The love, passion, and romance you once shared were slowly replaced by resentment, regret, and resignation.

But you can turn your relationship around!

And, yes, it is going to take some time, commitment, and the willingness to make changes if you want to transform your relationship back into a loving, peaceful, intimate romance!

This is your life.  It’s your choice. And we’re here to offer you the support, tools, and encouragement you need to finally be happy and have the love your heart desires! And while we know we can help, we can’t want it more than you do.  You’ve got to want it more


So, if you’re single, click below to listen to the “Ready to Love Again” webinar and take the first step toward inviting love back into your life.

And if you’re not single, but you are feeling lonely inside of your relationship, contact us and take the first step toward restoring the love and intimacy in your relationship TODAY!


Click Here to Access the Ready to Love Again Webinar


Together, we can make take the first step and make this Valentine’s Day the one where all of your dreams begin to come true!


Comments? Questions?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!

Celebrating an Extraordinary Love

Celebrating an Extraordinary Love

by Gladys Diaz


Today’s a pretty special day at Heart’s Desire International… It’s Michelle and Arnie’s 3rd Wedding Anniversary!

For those of you who are not blessed enough to know Michelle and Arnie, I can tell you that they are one of the most inspiring, couples in the world!  To see them together is to see what real, unconditional, and extraordinary love looks like!  They love and respect one another, are each other’s biggest fans, and accept one another exactly the way they are and exactly the way they are not!

While their relationship isn’t “perfect,” because neither one of them is, either, the love that they share is as close to perfect as it gets!

Now, you may be wondering how Michelle got so “lucky” to end up with such an amazing relationship and marriage?  You may think that she’s simply one of the lucky ones who just happened to land an amazing guy without having to go through any type of heartache.  And you’d be wrong.

To see her now as a confident, motivational leader who wins one award and recognition after another, and has helped hundreds of women around the world fall in love with themselves and the man of their dreams, you would never guess that just a few years ago she was feeling alone, rejected, and heartbroken.

See, Michelle fell in and got married at a very young age, and her marriage was far from the fairytale romance she lives now.  She and her ex-husband did not get along, did not know how to communicate with one another, and, after 13 years of fighting and chipping away at the love they once had, they divorced.

When she began dating again, Michelle will be the first to tell you that she had no idea what she was doing.  And because her self-esteem was on the floor and she was looking outside of herself for validation, she dated some pretty bad frogs.  At that time, she didn’t honor and love herself, so it was impossible for her to attract a man who would love and cherish her.  She tried to create a relationship with men who were clear they did not want to commit, she stayed in dead-end relationships for longer than she should have, and she allowed men to treat her poorly.

It wasn’t until Michelle began practicing the skills we now teach women world-wide that she began to fall in love with herself. She began to realize that she was worthy of love, that she was loveable, and that she could have and deserved the type of happy, peaceful, loving relationship she had always dreamed of.

It wasn’t long before she began enjoying dating because she started attracting some really wonderful men into her life who treated her like the princess she is.  She was able to have fun, meet different types of guys and have the really wonderful “problem” of having to choose which of these great guys she wanted to date exclusively!  Arnie was one of those guys.

But their love story wasn’t always smooth sailing.  While dating, Arnie had moments when he wasn’t sure he wanted to be in a committed relationship, so they would stop seeing each other.  But Michelle would not go into a cave and hide until he was ready to tell her that he wanted to be in a relationship with her.  She continued dating, attracting more generous, affectionate men of great character into her life, and, when he did come back, she had the choice of whether or not she would let him back into her life and her heart.  And she did.

Today, she has the experience of waking up and falling asleep in the arms of the man she loves and who loves her with every part of his being.  They laugh, love, grow, and dedicate their lives to empowering people to create the life and love of their dreams!

Michelle can tell this story so much better than I can (and I love hearing it!), so, if you’d like to learn more about how she turned her dating experience from one of pain and tears to one of constant tears of joy, join us tomorrow night, Thursday, February 13th, at 9:00pm ET.  We will be offering a FREE webinar called “Ready to Love Again.”

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What makes it difficult to move beyond the heartache of a breakup
  • The steps you can take to move beyond your heartache and toward a new future filled with LOVE
  • How to begin attracting new love into your life NOW!

 Just click here to register!


Michelle’s love story is beautiful, and yours can be, too!

Let’s start writing the first chapter together tomorrow night, at the “Ready to Love Again” webinar!


Congratulations, Michelle and Arnie!  And thank you for inspiring us with your love and who you are as individuals and as a power couple!


How to Let Go of a Dead-End Relationship

How to Let Go of a Dead-End Relationship

by Gladys Diaz


Recently, I was working with a client who was frustrated about the fact that her long-term boyfriend had not proposed.  Who can blame her?  When you invest a lot of time – months, years, sometimes decades – to a relationship and it doesn’t seem to be moving forward or to be working out, it’s not unusual to begin to feel angry and resentful toward the other person.  And it’s tempting to begin to blame him for the choice you made to stay in the relationship.

While it’s possible that promises were made that had you continue to stay in the relationship – such as him promising that he would propose, and it never happened – the choice to stay inside of a dead-end relationship is completely yours.  You get to decide just how long you are willing to wait.  And you also are the one who decides how long you are willing to put your dreams, your happiness, and your life on hold, waiting for him to pop the question.

I’m not saying that it’s “easy” to walk away from a relationship, especially if you really love the person.  It’s going to take courage to stand for yourself and your dreams.  But if you won’t stand for your dreams, who will?

One mistake women make is to begin to dish out ultimatums, such as:
“If you want to be with me, then you need to propose and give me a ring.”

“If you want us to be together, then we have to go to counseling.”

“If you want us to get back together, then _____.”

 The problem with issuing ultimatums is that they suck the love, romance, and joy right out of the proposal.  Think about it this way: Do you want him to propose because he feels he has to, or because he can’t imagine living his life without you in it?

Issuing ultimatums backs the other person into a corner, and, even if you do get the proposal you want, you will never truly know for sure whether he is marrying you because he really wants to.

And, by the way, this holds true for situations other than proposals.  If you’re trying to get your husband to help you around the house, take you on a vacation, or start a family, and you’re doing that by threatening to leave him, giving him the silent treatment, or withholding sex, you may get what you want, but I promise it won’t be as fulfilling as if you knew that he was doing these things because he wants nothing more than to see you happy.

So, what are the alternatives to issuing ultimatums?

  • Be clear about what you want.  Once you know what it is you want, it’s easy to communicate that to you partner.  Let your partner know that you love him and that, for you to be truly happy, you need to be married.  Let him know that while you would love to spend your life with him, you know that may not be what he wants, but that it is what you want.  Then stop talking. If you don’t, it highly likely that you will slip “convincing mode,” and there will be a temptation to start getting emotional and angry, and issue an ultimatum.


  • Realize that he may not want what you want.  Just because you want to be married doesn’t mean that he wants that, too.  If you’re with a man who loves and wants to take care of you, there’s a high probability that he’ll want to do what he can to please you and that he wants to spend his life with you.  But there’s also a chance that he may want something different, and that doesn’t mean that either one of you is right or wrong.  You simply want something different.


  • Know when it’s time for you to let go.  Before you have this conversation, know how much longer you’re willing to stay in the relationship before moving on. However, don’t share this time frame with him, because then you’ve created a deadline, which means you just issued an ultimatum.  This is your timeline for yourself.

 Once you’ve expressed that you would like to be married without issuing an ultimatum, if there’s still no movement toward marriage after the amount of time that feels right for you, you’re going to have to be courageous enough to let go.  This means it’s time stop putting your life and your happiness on hold, time to move on, and make space for the man who is going to want to commit to spending the rest of his life with you. This does not diminish or lessen any of the love that the two of you shared.  You are simply choosing to stand for your happiness and create space for what you want to come into your life.


In case you’re wondering whether or not this really works.  Remember the client I mentioned at the beginning of the post?

After a few coaching sessions, she had the conversation I described above with her boyfriend.  She waited the amount of time she’d decided she was willing to wait making sure not to keep bringing it up, hinting, or reminding him. What happened? Right before her time frame was up, she got the proposal she had been waiting on for years!

They were married last week and she gets to live the rest of her life knowing that he asked her to marry him because he wanted to, and not because she forced him to!

Here’s to you living the life and love your heart desires!


Questions? Comments?  Let us know below.  We love hearing from you!




How to Get “Unstuck” and Begin Attracting Love NOW!

How to Get “Unstuck” and Begin Attracting Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

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Have you ever felt like you are “stuck” in a particular pattern in dating and relationships?

Perhaps you feel like you keep attracting the same type of man into your life. Perhaps you feel like, no matter who you are in relationship with, the same types of issues and arguments seem to come up.  Maybe you’re in a dead-end relationship that is going nowhere. Or maybe you feel like you and your partner have pulled so far away from one another there’s just no turning back to the way things used to be when you first fell in love.

Regardless of your particular situation, you probably agree that feeling “stuck” can feel be exhausting and depressing.  Being inside of that type of dynamic can feel like it’s no use to try to improve or change things – that what you are experiencing is probably as good as it’s going to get.

The problem with this type of thinking is that it is precisely what is keeping you stuck! The thought that there is nothing you can do to create a shift in yourself that would lead to create a different result is simply born out of fear.  Fear of being disappointed.

Let’s say, for example, you continue attracting men who are unavailable. Perhaps the men you tend to attract are either married, in a relationship with someone else, or they’ve been “getting divorced” for some while now.  If this happens often enough, you might begin to believe that you’re destined to be alone, that there are no good men out there who are capable of being faithful, and that you will never be able to attract a man with whom you can create a loving, intimate relationship.

Or maybe you are in a long-term relationship where your partner will not take the steps to move the relationship to a more committed level or will not propose.  To stay in that relationship, despite the fact that you know how much you want to be married and then blame or make him responsible for not having that in your life that is not only unfair to him (because you are making him responsible for your happiness), but it is unfair to you, because you are cheating yourself out of the opportunity to meet a man who is ready to commit to you forever.

Until you identify and let go of the fears that are creating this situation situation and making you feel like you are stuck there, you will continue to either repeat the same patterns and heartaches over and over again. 

While it can feel terrifying sometimes to make a change, you need to ask yourself just how much longer you are willing to suffer the same consequences before you are ready to stand up for yourself and what you want.

The truth is that no one else is going to stand for you until you choose to stand for yourself.  You teach people how to treat you.  So, when you accept disrespectful or dishonoring behaviors, or settle for less than what you want or deserve, and you don’t put your own happiness and well-being first, then you cannot expect someone else to make you or your happiness a priority.  The love you long to experience begins with loving yourself first.

This is why Michelle and I are hosting a 60-minute Q&A session this Wednesday at 9:00pm ET.  On this call we will be answering your questions about how you can begin letting go of the patterns and behaviors that are keeping you stuck in your very “uncomfortable comfort zone” so that you can begin to attract the type of love you desire and deserve NOW!

To participate in the call, fill in the registration form on our Events page and we’ll send you an email with the call-in details.  If you would like your question answered on the call, simply type in your question in the box provided on the form.

We will be reading and answering your questions LIVE on the call!  Please note that you must be on the line in order for us to answer your question during the call. If you’d like to remain anonymous, just let us know what you’d like to be called on the call when you submit your question.

Keep in mind that we are probably going to get a lot of questions, so make sure to send yours in right away!

This is a great opportunity for you to receive coaching from us and to finally break free of the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back and blocking you from attracting the love you want!  You’ll also be able to benefit from listening to the coaching other women receive!

Again, the call will be on Wednesday, January 29th, at 9:00pm ET.

Remember to register and send us your question right away!

We look forward to speaking with you on Wednesday night!


Image courtesy of

How to Stop Blocking Love

How to Stop Blocking Love

by Gladys Diaz


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As the end of the year fast-approaches, it’s easy to feel either really excited or upset.  If this year has been one where you have realized a lot of the goals you set out to accomplish at the beginning of the year, it can be exciting to look back and see how far you’ve come and look forward to setting new goals that take you even further in the upcoming year.

If you haven’t done many (or any) of the things you committed to doing at the beginning of the year, then it can be a depressing, and you may think that there’s nothing you can do in just two short weeks. This thought process can stop you from wanting to set goals – or dream new dreams – in the upcoming year.

That’s where you’d be wrong!

Think about it.  How many times in your life have you stopped yourself just short of reaching a goal or making a dream come true because you were afraid that it’s too late? That you blew it?  That nothing is going change, anyway?

All of these thoughts are just your brain’s way of doing its job to protect you.  What is it protecting you from?  From your fear of being hurt and disappointed.  And nowhere does this fear show up more than when it comes to the area of love and relationships!

The fear stems from the deep-rooted belief that, while true love may exist, it doesn’t really exist for you.

I don’t often use the word “wrong,” but I have to use it for a second time in this message, especially when it comes to this point!

The truth is that you were created to love and be loved. 

You were not created, not to spend your life alone or feeling unhappy inside of a relationship.

You were created with the primary purpose of living, giving, and experiencing love!

It’s your birthright.

You are not the one person on the planet who was created without that intention.

So, why is it so difficult for you to believe that?

Probably because somewhere in your past – whether it was recently or very long ago – you had the experience of feeling unloved.

So you made a decision.

You decided that you didn’t deserve love.  And you may have even decided that you did deserve the pain you were experiencing.

Inside of that decision, it becomes difficult – almost impossible – for you to ever allow another person to get that close and risk allowing someone else to have that much ability to ever hurt you ever again.

It also becomes very easy to associate love with pain, disappointment, and “suffering,” which could lead to you attracting one heartache after another into your life.

Either way, the result is the same:  You block love.

You resist love. Even when the possibility of having a healthy, happy, intimate relationship presents itself, you won’t see it. You won’t allow yourself to see it.

So, what can you do to begin letting love into your heart?

  • Accept that you deserve love.  This isn’t about “fooling yourself” or telling yourself something to make yourself feel better. It’s about really embracing and accepting the idea that you are love-able: able to love and be loved.
  • Release the past so that you can create a new future.  The stronger you hold on to that pain and disappointment from the past, the thicker the wall between you and experiencing the love you deserve becomes.  It can be scary to let go of the past, simply because you’d have to acknowledge that whatever happened already happened and is no longer happening.  And you’d have to have the courage to accept that something new – something different – is possible for you!
  • If either (or both) of the two points above feel almost impossible for you, then reach out for help. You are not in this alone and you don’t have to do it alone.  Being vulnerable enough to reach out for help is not a sign of weakness.

Reaching out for help is a sign of strength – the type of strength that it takes to transform yourself and your life so that you can finally begin to experience the love and dreams you’ve been longing for.


I think that it goes without saying that we’re here to help you, if you are ready to shed the layers of pain, fear and doubt, and  begin working with someone who has not only been where you are, but who has made it to the other side!

Michelle and I have overcome so much throughout our lives – neglect, poverty, infidelity, divorce, and the loss of a spouse.  And, yet, in spite of those odds, we’ve figured out how to create the type of relationships that once existed only in our dreams!  That’s because we don’t just talk or coach about how to attract and create a great relationship “in theory.” We live what we teach in our lives and our relationships each and every day!  And we’d love for you to have that same type of experience in your own life!

So, whether you are single or already in a relationship, if you’re ready to begin working with a coach who can help you create your dream relationship, set up a time to speak with one of us. We have a few appointment times available around the holidays, and we’d love to save one for you!


Comments?  Questions?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!



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