How to INSPIRE Your Man! (The CPAs of Love)

How to INSPIRE Your Man! (The CPAs of Love)

by Gladys Diaz

This past weekend Michelle and I had the honor of speaking at the Women’s Prosperity
Network’s UNConference and sharing with the ladies in the audience the secrets to being an Unstoppable Woman in business and a Simply Irresistible Woman in your love life!gladys-michelle_2016-wpn-unconference_cropped

One of the parts of the talk that most resonated with the women was where we give them “The CPA’s of Love.” No, we’re not accountants, but we can tell you about the things that will either make deposits or withdrawals to the levels of love and intimacy you feel in your relationship and will either INSPIRE your man or push him away!

Well, we got so much positive feedback that I decided to shoot a short video so that you can have that information, too!

Just watch the video below and share in the comments what you’re biggest “a-ha” or take-away is and which action step you are going to take!


Having a wonderful relationship doesn’t have to be “hard.” Follow these simple steps and experience the magic of being a Simply Irresistible Woman!

You CAN Be Successful AND in Love!

You CAN Be Successful AND in Love!

by Gladys Diaz

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“Men are intimidated by successful women.”

I know you’ve probably heard (and possibly even believed) that men are intimidated by powerful, successful women.

This is a very popular and completely FALSE misconception that many successful women have.

I used to feel the same way, too.

I thought that if I was more successful or educated or making more money than the man I was with, he would feel threatened by me in some way.

I thought that if I was further ahead in my career, he would feel like I was out of his league and either resent me or try to hold me back.
I remember trying to avoid talking about my promotions, accomplishments, and accolades thinking that it would somehow make my man feel more comfortable with himself…and me.
Or, I thought that maybe I should just focus on my career, because that was easier for me. I felt accomplished, success came easily to me, and I did not have to depend on anything or anyone else to have the results I wanted.
And, as much as I pride myself in being a smart and successful woman, I am so glad I was wrong!

<<Click here if you want to find out how to be smart, successful, and happy in love!>>

Instead, I attracted a man who is and has been my biggest fan for almost 17 years!

He is proud of me and brags about me, but not just as a successful businesswoman.

He brags about me as his WIFE!

And I’ll tell you right now:

No amount of degrees, recognition, or high-paying positions can ever compare to the feeling I get when my husband tells someone, “She makes it easy for me to love her and inspires me to be the best man I can be.”

So, what did I do to create that kind of relationship?

I figured out the way to have BOTH the successful business and career I want AND the loving, passionate relationship my heart desires!

I learned that I didn’t have to choose between one or the other! I could have it ALL!
So, I get to have a 6-figure business where I have the privilege of serving and supporting amazing, successful women from all over the world AND be loved by a man who supports me in life and in my business.

Just the other week, he was away on a very important business trip, where his days went from morning until late into the evening. While he was gone, my website went down and, since he’s my hot and sexy webmaster, I reached out, knowing he might not see the text for a while.

Just a few minutes later, he sent me a text message saying he’d get to it as soon as he had a break.

I thanked him and got this back:

text from ric

Not bad, after 17 years together, huh? 🙂

And, in less than an hour, my website was up and running again!

That’s true partnership.

That’s what feeling supported in every area of your life looks like!

And that’s what having it ALL can feel like!

The truth is that you don’t have to “dumb down,” downplay your accomplishments, or pretend you’re not as capable as you are.

AND you don’t have to pretend that you don’t want to share your life with a man who loves, supports, and WANTS you to succeed!

You, too, get to have it ALL!

That’s why, on Wednesday, July 6th, and Thursday, July 7th, we’ll be sharing the secrets to having the success you want in life and love in a powerful new webinar: The Secrets to BEing a Simply Successful and Irresistible Woman 2-part Masterclass!

During this interactive masterclass, you’ll learn:

  • How to avoid the common mistakes successful women make that propel them in business but repel love and intimacy
  • How to shift from being unstoppable and invincible at work to being simply irresistible in your love life
  • How to create a life where you have time for your career, your love life and yourself

Learning the secrets to having the life, success and love your heart desires is the KEY to having it all! Join us for this two-part masterclass and let’s get you started on the path to living the life and love of your dreams!

Click here to reserve your spot!


What to Do When You’re “Too Busy” for Love

What to Do When You’re “Too Busy” for Love

by Gladys Diaz

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One of the great things about being a smart and successful woman is that you often have the experience of accomplishing your goals and dreams.

If there is one thing that I’ve found to be true about successful women is that we tend to set goals, create a plan of action to reach those goals, and make sure that we hold ourselves accountable to meeting those goals!

Then there is that wonderful feeling of satisfaction that comes with knowing that there was something you wanted and you did everything in your power to have it!


I wonder then, why so many successful women often feel that they are “too busy” for love. It seems as if everything associated with their professional “success” – finishing school, doing well at work, making more money – takes priority over having a happy, loving, fulfilling romantic relationship.

And it’s not only single women, by the way!

I’ve worked with way too many successful women who are either married or in relationships that either work their way right out of their relationships or are barely paying attention to what is happening in their relationships (usually, because the writing is on the wall that things are not going as well at home as they are at work).

Look, I’m not judging.

I’ve fallen into the very same trap where growing my business, finishing a project, or reaching my next goal took precedence over everything, including my relationship. The “busy-ness” of my business and achieving my goals had me choosing to spend more time working than snuggling on the couch with my husband, playing and having fun kids, neglecting to make time for myself, and just taking time to breathe.

And, while, I may have appeared “successful” to everyone around me, the truth is that when things are not working in my relationship or personal life, I don’t feel successful, no matter how much money I’m making, how many clients I’m helping, or how much recognition I get from my colleagues.

To me, real success is about being fulfilled in every area of my life. If even one area is being neglected, then I’m not being truly successful, because I’m sacrificing fulfillment in one area of my life for another.

Here’s what you need to know:

When it comes to being a successful women, there is never going to be a time when you’re not going to be busy or up to something big!

It’s just not who you are.

There is never going to be a time where you’re not growing, expanding yourself, or making a difference.

So, if you’re telling yourself that you have to wait until things calm down, or until you finish your next certification, or until you get your business off the ground, or until you achieve the next goal so that you can have time for dating or to work on your relationship, I hate to break it to you, but:

If you’re single, you’re simply extending the amount of time you’re going to be alone, without the support and love of a man who can champion you and help you during the tough times so that you can celebrate the big wins together!

If you’re in a relationship, by not giving your relationship the time and attention it needs, you’re simply ignoring the fact that things are not going to get better on their own. If things have been slowing fizzling or falling apart, ignoring the real issues is only making things worse.  Wouldn’t you prefer to have your man by your side, cheering you on and supporting you, rather than pulling away from you?

So, what’s the solution?

How do you go about accomplishing what you need to accomplish in your career AND having an extraordinary love life?

Well, think about what you do when you want to achieve one of those ever-present goals in your career or business. What do you usually do?  You create a plan!

Here’s how you create a plan to make your love life and your happiness a priority in the midst of a busy life!

1. First, you set an intention. An intention is set in the present and is aligned with your beliefs and desires.

What is the overarching, ultimate desire of your heart when it comes to your love life or relationship that you desire to have and experience NOW?

2. Second, you set a goal. A goal is a fixed outcome or set of results that you want to achieve in the future.

What is an outcome or result you would like to achieve in the future?

By when will you achieve this result?

How will you know that you have achieved it?

3. Third, you create a plan of action. What steps will you take that are aligned with your intention and the goals you have set.

What clear and specific actions can I take everyday to ensure that I am moving toward achieving my goal?

Any time you faced with making a choice or decision about what you will or will not do, ask yourself:

“Is this moving me closer to or further away from my intention and desired outcome?

4. Fourth, you create a way to hold yourself accountable. Accountability is KEY to achieving any goal. The challenge, however, is that you already know that you are prone to putting your love life on the back burner. It’s your default choice when you get busy. If it were that easy to do it on your own, you’d be doing it already, right?

So, the best solution is to have a coach or mentor – someone who already has the results you want and can help you work through what usually stops and gets in the way of you achieving this goal to help hold you accountable and support you when you feel like quitting or making excuses about how much time you don’t have for your love life.

The bottom line is, if you want to set yourself up for success, you need to make sure that you have an accountability system in place that includes someone who is NOT going to give you agreement that you’re too busy to focus on your love life. Anyone who does that is not standing for you to break through to the other side of this block and is only serving to keep you stuck where you are!

Who is someone who you can work with who will support, but not coddle or give you agreement when you begin making excuses and finding reasons to deviate from your goal and break your commitment to your intention?

5. Measure your progress. Measuring and celebrating your progress is what will have you consistently focused on achieving your goal. If you don’t give your love life or relationship daily time, attention and effort, please don’t be surprised when you are either still single by the goal date, or your relationship is in shambles.

You would NEVER leave an important goal or business deal “up to chance,” so don’t self-sabotage yourself and do that in your love life, either. Set yourself up for success and celebrate your successes every step of the way!

At the beginning of each day, set your intention for the day and the actions you will take to achieve your goal. Write them in your Love Journal.

At the end of each day, check to see which of the action steps you actually took.

Put a heart symbol next to each one that you were intentional about doing. Tell yourself, “Today I was 100% committed to having the happy, loving, fulfilling relationship my heart desires!”

Put a question mark next to each action step that you did not do. Ask yourself:

“What fear, action, or decision got in the way of me fulfilling on my heart’s true desire?”

Then move that action step to the next day’s list and hold yourself accountable to actually doing what you say you are committed to doing!

By creating a heart-centered intention to have a happy, loving, fulfilling relationship; setting goals aligned with that intention; designing a plan and taking action steps that are aligned with those goals; and creating a way to hold yourself accountable to fulfilling on your intention, each step you take and every choice you make will be taking another step closer to having the life, career, and LOVE your heart truly desires!

If you’d like support on creating an intention and a plan that will help you achieve the life and relationship of your dreams, click here to schedule time to talk!

Remember, you don’t have to choose between a prosperous and fulfilling career OR having the an extraordinary romantic relationship. With the right plan, support and guidance, you can have EVERYTHING your heart desires and more!


Two Essential Keys to Success in Life and LOVE!

Two Essential Keys to Success in Life and LOVE!

by Gladys Diaz

Last week, I spent three powerful, inspiring, and totally transformational days with my business coach and business buddies at our mastermind, learning how to take our businesses and our lives to entirely new levels.MM-March-Mastermind-2016

 As I sat there, surrounded by some of the most beautiful, successful, and powerful women I know, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude to be counted among such a exceptional group of women, because I know two things for sure:


The results we produce in our lives are determined by two things:

1. The thoughts we choose to honor and allow into and out of our minds

2. The people with whom we choose to surround ourselves

That’s it!

Your level of success, happiness, and fulfillment are not determined by your past – including your parents, your ex, or the not-so-great choices you’ve made.

It has nothing to do with where you went to school, what you’ve chosen to do as a career, where you choose to live, or what your bank account says.

Your success is entirely created by you, your thoughts, and the company you choose to keep!

 And when I talk about your life being a success, let there be no doubt that I’m also referring to your LOVE LIFE!

Still doubting whether this is true?

Ask yourself these questions, especially if you are not where you want to be in your love life:

When you think about your love life and having the kind of happy, loving relationship, that gives you the experience of loving and being loved every single day of your life, what are your first thoughts?  Are you thoughts positive and encouraging, or do you come up with reasons why you don’t think you’ll ever have that? 

When you think about men, are your first thoughts that they are strong, generous, and only want to see women happy, or do your defenses and judgments immediately go up when you think about how men see and treat you?

When you are with your friends, are you bashing men, talking about how there aren’t any good men left, and spending most of your time talking about dating and relationship horror stories, or are you talking about the kind of man you want to attract and the relationship you are creating together?

When you look at where you are investing your time, money, energy, and attention, does it include working with someone who can help you create new thoughts, habits, and patterns that will have you produce the kinds of results you want in your love life, or do you keep making excuses about how it’s not the right time, you can’t afford it, or finding other reasons to stay stuck where you are, rather than making a commitment to finally breakthrough and claim the love that is already waiting for you?

Now, that you’ve asked yourself those questions, you should be able to see clearly that the results you are producing in your love life are consistent with the thoughts you choose to think, which influence the words you choose to speak to yourself and others, and the company you keep!

I make it a very intentional point to guard the thoughts that enter my mind, the words that leave my mouth, and the people who I allow to contribute to me and my life as a member of my Circle of Influence.

While I strive to be loving to and respectful of everyone, I am clear that I only want to surround myself with people who are as committed to creating a settle-for-nothing-less-than-extraordinary life where they are living the life of their dreams and creating the loving relationships their hearts desire!

If this isn’t what you are seeing in your life, I encourage you to take inventory of the kinds of books, TV shows, videos and audios and events in which you are engaging.

Are they adding positive, inspiring, and uplifting value to your life?

If not, seriously consider making some changes, as all of these things influence both your conscious and subconscious thoughts!

And, when it comes to your friends and the people with which you are spending the most time,

Are they encouraging, reaffirming, and supporting you in creating a happy, loving, fulfilling romantic relationship with an amazing man who will love and cherish you?

If not, again, it’s time to make some life-changing choices and begin surrounding yourself with women who are as committed as you are to transforming themselves and their lives so that they can have the love they truly want.

The great news for you is that we’ve opened the doors to the Ready to Love Again program, and I can tell you that you won’t find a more inspiring, encouraging, and loving group of women with whom to begin your love journey!  In this program, you will have a safe space in which to learn, share, have breakthroughs, and transform your relationship to yourself, men, and relationships!

It’s our signature program, it’s only offered once a year, and we limit the number of women we allow into the program so that we can be sure to offer the level of support and service we know you want and deserve.

So, if you’re ready to make some real changes and get the kinds of results you want in your love life, schedule some time to speak with me and together we’ll see what your love goals are, what may be standing in the way of you creating the kind of relationship you want, and whether or not the Ready to Love Again program is the right fit for you!

We’d love to be part of your Circle of Influence and have you be part of ours!

Seats for the program are already filling fast, and we sold out last year, so don’t allow your negative, limiting thoughts to talk you into putting off scheduling time to talk.

Click here to schedule a quick call now!

Ready to Quit on Love?

Ready to Quit on Love?

by Gladys Diaz

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It’s hard to believe that we’re already in February. If you’re like me, January went by in a blur. As I was meditating yesterday, I took a look at the goals and intentions I set for this year to hold myself accountable.

There are some goals I am right on-point with. I’ve stuck to my action plan and I feel very proud of myself for moving beyond my comfort zone and sticking to the promises I’ve made to myself.

There are a few, however, where I had to be real with myself.

How intentional have I been about taking an action step every day in the direction of meeting this goal?

Where did I allow my fears and doubts to get in the way?

Am I going to quit or recommit?

That last question is the most powerful one.


Because too often, the reason people do not hit their goals is because they quit – sometimes just centimeters from the finish line they can’t see because their fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs are so much bigger than the faith they have in themselves to actually have what they say they want.

Chances are that if you didn’t bother to set any goals or intentions for 2016, it’s because you have doubt.

You either doubt that you can have what you want, or you doubt that you can do what it takes to achieve it. More than likely, it’s a combination of both.


Self-doubt is what has you not put your heart out there.

You doubt your ability to be able to attract the kind of man you want.

You doubt that you can actually have the kind of relationship you want.

And, if you’re 100% honest with yourself, you doubt this because you either think that what you want is “unrealistic” or “too good to be true.”

That’s just another way of hiding the fact that you doubt that you’re worth having that kind of love.

If you’re in a relationship, you pretend that everything is okay, even though your heart is breaking and things haven’t been remotely close to okay in a long time.

You keep holding onto a broken relationship, not doing anything to change it or yourself for fear that any changes you try to make won’t work.

It’s easier to ignore what’s not working, to keep wishing things (especially him) will change on their own.

Again, this goes back to doubting your ability to have the kind of relationship your heart truly desires.

Staying stuck in the same rut is only going to give you the same results.

Things only change when you make a change.

That’s it. There’s no magic bullet, no secret formula.

If you want to have a different experience and different results in your love life, you need to trust that there IS a way for you to have the love and happiness you want.

Now, I get that you may not know how to do that.

If you did, chances are you probably would have made the changes already, right?

Well, that’s when you need to choose: Do I quit or recommit?

If you’re ready to recommit to yourself and your desire to have a happy, loving, intimate relationship where you get to feel loved and cherished, accepted and adored for the amazing woman you are, then it’s time to recommit to YOU!

And if you’re unsure of how to do that, which steps to take first, and you’d like some support, click the link below to schedule time to talk.

Click here and let’s talk!

Doing nothing is going to give you the same results you have right now.

Choosing to recommit to yourself, your relationship goals and the love your heart desires is how you can make sure that 2016 is the year of making your relationship dreams come true!

By the way… If the little voice of doubt in your head is saying things like, “Why bother?” or “What’s the point?” I want to challenge you to move beyond the safety of listening to that voice — the one that’s kept you stuck right where you are — and click the link below! This is the first step in your love breakthrough!

Click here and let’s talk!