How Do I Let Go of a Past Relationship?

by Gladys Diaz

Lately, I’ve been getting emails and and having conversations with women from women around the world who are asking a similar question.

Whenever I receive 3 or more questions on the same topic, I believe it’s because there are many more women out there experiencing the same issue.

The question I keep getting is:

“How do I get over a past relationship so that I can be ready to love again?”

In today’s video, I give you some tips on how to let go of a past relationship so that you can welcome new love into your life.

I also make 2 very important invitations, so make sure you click on the image below to check them out!


Love and happiness beyond your wildest dreams are waiting on the other side of pain and loneliness! Claim them today by RSVPing “YES”

1) Click here to reserve your spot for  the “Ready to Love Again” Webinar!

2) Click here to schedule time to speak with us!


You Deserve Love and Happiness, Too!

You Deserve Love and Happiness, Too!

by Gladys Diaz


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Today is such a happy day!  Ric and I are celebrating our 15th Wedding Anniversary!

This morning, he called me over to the stairs so that we could watch our boys playing together.  I looked over at him and said, “We made that!”  It was such an intimate moment!

He hugged me, and, when we finished hugging, I noticed we were standing in front of our wedding photo.

Looking at how happy we looked in that picture had so many memories start floating through my head!

I remember asking myself that night, “Is this really happening?  Is this dream really coming true?”

See, before meeting Ric, I was flat out heartbroken.  The pain I felt after losing my first husband was so deep and so overwhelming that I could physically feel it at time.

I was so lost in the heartache that I seriously wondered whether I would ever be able to laugh or smile again.

And I honestly believed that I would never be able to stop loving my first husband and open my heart to loving someone again.

To me, he had been my “The One,” and, with him gone, I felt like all of my hopes and dreams, as well as my chances at having a lifetime love had died with him.

I was terrified that I’d feel that pain and loneliness for the rest of my life, and I simply could not bear it!

I was convinced that I would be alone for the rest of my life.

As a smart and intelligent woman, I pride myself on being right a lot of the time, but I have to tell you that I’m so glad I was wrong!

Once I began doing my inner work, dealing powerfully with my fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs, I was able to break through them and attract the most loving, amazing, generous man into my life!

Had I held on to those fears and doubts, I would have stayed stuck in my misery, holding on to my heartache and pain, and cheated myself out of having more love and happiness in my life than I could have ever dreamed was possible!

And, I want the same level of love and heartache-free joy for you, too!

That’s why I am so excited about the the “Ready to Love Again: Moving Beyond Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Webinar Michelle and I are hosting on Monday, July 20th at 9:00pm ET!

In this webinar, we are going to show you how to break free from heartache so that you can welcome love back into your heart and life!

If you’ve been holding onto a past or dead-end relationship, unable to let go of the man you thought was you’re “The One”…

If you’ve been trying to get out there and meet someone but you just can’t seem to find anyone who compares to the man you loved…

And, if you’re tired of feeling lonely and hopeless about your chances of finding the love of your life…

…you need to be there!


In this webinar you will learn:

  • What makes it difficult to move beyond the heartache of a breakup
  • The steps you can take to move beyond your heartache and toward a new future
  • How to begin attracting new love into your life NOW!


To participate, simply click here to register and we’ll send you an email with the webinar details.


If you’re tired of feeling heartbroken and you’re ready to break free from the past and welcome love in, then make sure you attend the “Ready to Love Again: Moving Beyond Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Webinar on Monday, July 20th!


If I hadn’t let go of my heartache, it would have robbed me of the happiness I feel today as I celebrate 15 years of loving, being loved, and being blissfully married to Ric.

You deserve to be this happy, too, and this webinar could be the answer you’ve been hoping and praying for!

So make sure you click here to reserve your spot now!


P.S. I know you’re afraid.  I know you’re doubtful. I’m asking you trust us.

Let us show you how to leave your heartache behind!

Click here to reserve your spot now!

How a Dark Night Turned Into a Dream Come True!

How a Dark Night Turned Into a Dream Come True!

by Gladys Diaz



I was in a very dark place in my life…

16 years ago tonight, I was in a very dark space.

I had finally started getting to the place where I felt I could at least start going out to meet people. I didn’t feel ready to fall in love, but I did want to stop feeling the sadness and loneliness I’d felt since my husband had passed away.

There was one guy I knew who I’d been talking on the phone with. We’d gone out with a group once and then went out on a date, but he was very clear that he did not want to be in a relationship. I told him I felt the same way, but, as the weeks went on, I found myself calling him when he didn’t call me and leaving voicemail messages, texting him, and constantly trying to get on his radar (all the mistakes I now teach women to avoid making)!

We were supposed to go out one Friday night (I had asked him out!) and, when I hadn’t heard from him for several days, I decided on Friday morning that I’d been stood up.

All of my fears and insecurities around ever being able to love and be loved again came rushing to the surface. I cried until my eyes hurt and just kept repeating, “This is why it’s just better for me to be alone.”

Thankfully, my best friend was NOT going to leave me in that space, and she invited me to go out dancing that evening.

I decided that dancing with her was better than being in my small apartment alone, so we went out dancing.

Right before we walked in, I decided, “I’m just going to have FUN! I’m not going to think about him or about how hurt I feel. I really just want to have fun!”

And, my goodness, did I have fun!

I danced with everyone who asked me to. I probably danced with at least 12 different guys.

All except the one guy who kept staring at me from the DJ booth.

He was so cute and just kept bobbing his head to the music while holding his Corona.

We kept catching one another’s eyes, smile, and then I’d go back to dancing.

Long story short, right as I was getting ready to leave the bar, our eyes locked and he nodded his head for me to come over.

I was not about to walk across a dance floor to talk to some guy (!), so I mocked him and made the same gesture to him with my head. And he came over!

We talked for several hours and he asked me for my number (I was too scared to give him my cell phone number, so I gave him the number to my work pager number! Oy!)

I gave him a hug as he left and could not stop smiling.

I didn’t know that evening that he would call me the next day one minute after getting out of work.

I didn’t know that evening that we’d go out on our first date a couple of days later.

And I surely didn’t know that night that we’d be married a year later!

All I knew was that I was grateful that I hadn’t let the unhappiness of one moment stop me from allowing myself to experience a fun evening that, had I stayed home, could have resulted in me never having met him!

I don’t know what painful situation you’ve been through or are going through.

I don’t know why you’ve held on to a dead-end relationship or a broken heart for so long.

I don’t know why you won’t do what it takes to break through that pain and fear so that you can experience love again.

What I do know is that, unless something changes, nothing will change! You’ll keep feeling sad, hurt, and hopeless, and, meanwhile, be missing out on the opportunity to experience the love of a lifetime.

I also know that we can help you get to the other side of pain and suffering so that you can begin feeling the love and happiness you desire and deserve.

So, what can you do about it?

  1. Be real with yourself about the fact that, right now, you are the one standing in your own way. Whatever happened in the past has already happened. It is not happening right now. The only thing happening right now is whatever choices you are making that are stopping you from releasing yourself from the past so that you can experience love NOW!


  1. Write down a description of what it is you want to experience in a romantic relationship. And as you write it, believe it! For example: “I want a, fun, loving, passionate relationship where I feel completely loved and accepted for who I am!” Include the words that matter most to you in your description (love, trust, acceptance, honesty, etc.) and be really detailed in describing how you want to feel!


  1. Write down three steps you can take to begin moving in the direction of creating this type of relationship.
  • Do you need to create and post an online profile?
  • Do you need to get out of your house and actually start meeting people?
  • Do you need to apologize to your boyfriend or husband for something you’ve been doing that has been negatively impacting your relationship so that you can begin experiencing love and intimacy again?

Be clear in the action steps you are going to take and then give yourself a deadline on your calendar by when you will take each step.


Now, I get that it’s not always easy to do this kind of work yourself. You may feel like you’re not sure what to write or what’s standing in your way. You also may need someone to help hold you accountable so that you will actually do what you say you’re going to do.

That’s where we come in!

Now, this is my anniversary weekend, so I’m taking the weekend off, but I do have some spots open on my calendar for Monday and Tuesday of next week.

If you’d like to schedule time to talk on either of those days, go ahead and click the link below and schedule a time to talk. (Act fast, my calendar fills up quickly!)

And, since you have to wait a few of days before you can speak to me, I’ll send you a little something you can use between now and our call!

Click here to schedule time to talk!

I had no way of knowing 16 years ago that my life was going to change forever! There was no way I could have known that I was about to enter into my own love story of a lifetime!

I want the same for you! If you’re ready to take the first step toward your love story of a lifetime, click below, and let’s talk!

Click here to schedule time to talk!

How “Comfortable” Are You, Really?

How “Comfortable” Are You, Really?

by Gladys Diaz



This past week has been one of those lesson-learning not-so-comfortable weeks


You know… the kind of week that pretty much changes


Not only was my oldest son was a way at summer camp, several states away from me, for a whole week, but I also could not communicate with him to make sure that he was


As I’ve mentioned before, my son has Autism, so I really had to surrender and have faith that he would be able to deal all of the things that were so far outside of his comfort zone (and mine!), like not knowing what was going to be served for meals, sleeping in a tent during the thunderstorms that came through at night, and facing his fear of spiders and


When I saw my son step out of the bus on Saturday night, it took everything in the world for me not to lose it!  I felt so much joy and relief!  He was in one piece, smiling, looked like he’d matured 5 years, and all he wanted to do was hug


Yes, there were “horror stories” of spiders and bugs and rain and mud, but, overall, he had a good time, he asked for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when he didn’t like the food being served, tried to keep the bugs away from him with repellent, and he said he was so tired he slept through the


As uncomfortable and unfamiliar as it all felt for him, he got through it (and so did


What this week taught me is that, even though things may be scary and uncomfortable – and way out of your comfort zone – it’s only when you step outside of our comfort zone that you can



Think about it.

The results that you have today are the results you’ve been able to produce from inside of your comfort zone.


The relationships you’ve had (or not had) the experiences you’ve created, and the current state of your love life were all produced inside of your comfort zone.

The comfort zone keeps you feeling “safe.”  It has you make predictable choices.  It doesn’t ask you to risk too much, because that would feel uncomfortable.


The truth is, however that the results you really want can’t be produced inside of your comfort zone. 


If you want to change your current situation, you’re going to have to be willing to step beyond what feels safe and comfortable and take a risk.

You’re going to have to be willing to let go of the familiar patterns and behaviors that have been keeping you stuck and feeling hopeless and alone.

You’re going to need to make a change.


And, yes, it’s going to feel scary. 

And, no, there are no guarantees.


On the other hand, the only guarantee inside of your comfort zone is that you’ll continue making the same choices, getting the same results, and having the same painful experiences you’ve been having.


Imagine for a second what you’d be able to do if you stepped outside of your comfort?

What would be possible for you?


If you’re really ready to step outside of your comfort zone, but you’re not sure how, go ahead and click on the link below to set up a time to talk. I’ve got just a few spots available for next week, so make sure you click below and schedule time now!

<<Click here to set up a time to talk>>

On this call I promise to help you create a plan for stepping outside of this comfort zone so that you can begin to move past whatever has been stopping you in having the kind of loving relationship you want!


No more “being comfortable,” but not getting what you want. 

No more pretending you’re okay with the status quo when you know you want more!

It’s time to step outside your comfort zone and get the love you want!

No matter where you are right now, if it’s not where you want to be in terms of being in the loving relationship your heart desires, then I’m going to encourage you to take a step outside of your comfort zone, and click on the link below!

<<Click here to set up a time to talk>>



How can I break through my love barriers and attract new and extraordinary love?

How can I break through my love barriers and attract new and extraordinary love?


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Are you tired of feeling lonely, frustrated, and hopeless about love and relationships? 


What if you could learn the skills to attracting and creating the kind of love and romance your heart truly desires?

If you are ready to break through your love barriers and finally experience the happiness and love you have always dreamed of, click below to listen to how you can end the struggle and suffering around dating and relationships and get ready to love again!


How can I break through my love barriers and attract new and extraordinary love? (Very Special Offer!)

Still have a question you’d like answered?  

Why am I the one responsible for attracting love?

Why am I the one responsible for attracting love?


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Are your unsuccessful experiences with dating and relationships making you want to give up?

Are you beginning to wonder whether there is something wrong with you or the men you keep attracting?

Before you can attract the right person for you, you need to figure out what’s been standing in the way of attracting him into your life. 

If this statement upsets you or makes you ask, “Why am I the one who has to change?  Why is it all up to me?  Isn’t it about the men, too?”  then listen to the clip below, where we explain why the good news is that it is up to you, because that means you’re in 100% control of attracting and creating the relationship of your dream!

How come I’m the one who is attracting the wrong person? Isn’t it about the men, too?

Still have a question you’d like answered?