You May Not Like This… But You Need to Hear It!

You May Not Like This… But You Need to Hear It!

by Gladys Diaz

I just want to warn yo right off the bat that you might not like what you’re about to hear, but I have to say it anyway because I care entirely way too much about you to not tell you what I see is happening!

I actually had an entirely different message and video ready to send to you today, but I did some heart-and-soul searching, and I decided I needed to send this message instead.

And, like I said, you may not like it. It may upset you. And I’m aware that you may even choose to unsubscribe.

However, I’m practicing what I teach and I’m not going to allow my fear of not being liked or of you getting upset to stop me, because I know that everything I’m saying is coming from a place of pure love!

So, please watch this video and, whatever your reaction is, go ahead and send me an email. I’m a big girl and I’ll be okay! 🙂

Most of all, if it speaks to you and you are highly committed and ready to take action, I want to make sure that you’re at the top of my list!


P.S. If this video upsets you in any way, then know that means we need to talk!  😉






What to Do When Your Are in Relationship Breakdown

What to Do When Your Are in Relationship Breakdown

by Gladys Diaz

If you live in the U.S., I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day!  If you love or know someone who gave his/her life in service of our country, please know that I am grateful beyond words and have said a prayer of thanks today in memory of your loved one!

Today I was offering support to a fellow coach, and I shared with her an exercise that I use myself and with my clients that you can use whenever you are in “relationship breakdown.”  I wanted to share it with you, too, in case you are or find yourself in some sort of relationship breakdown yourself.

A relationship breakdown is anytime that there is a breakdown, or upset, in your relationship with someone else, whether that’s in dating or in an actual committed relationship.  It usually stems from an unmet expectation and can lead to further problems in the relationship, unless you use this simple process to move from breakdown to feeling empowered in the relationship.

You can also use this 4-step process in other relationships, but, since love is my specialty, I focused this short video on what to do if you’re upset and disempowered because you feel something is missing in your romantic relationship.

This short 4-step process could lead to having a HUGE breakthrough in your love life!

Watch the video and let me know what your response to #4 is!
Send your response to


This Almost Cost Me My Marriage

This Almost Cost Me My Marriage

by Gladys Diaz

What to Say to Your Man Banner

I wanted to take a moment to let you know why Michelle and I are so passionate about the “What to Say to Your Man” Bundle that we’re selling for a crazy-low price as part of our Black Friday Sale.

What you need to know is that this is about A LOT MORE than just a Black Friday sale!  

The reason I’m so passionate about the “What to Say to Your Man” Program Bundle is because not knowing what to say or do when I felt emotionally triggered, confronted, or hurt almost cost me my marriage.

When I’d feel triggered, I’d say and do things that I thought were about me “just being honest,” saying how I felt or what I thought, and, in seconds would have us arguing — sometimes for days!

Not knowing what to say or do was having me push my husband further and further away.

This isn’t something that’s easy for me to talk about, but I tell you a little bit more about it in the video below.

Not knowing what to do or say was costing me in terms of peace, happiness, and love in my marriage.

The thing is, it’s costing you, too!

It’s costing you not being in a relationship or ruining the one you’re in now!

So, rather than pay that price, why not pay the crazy-low price of $47 now!

The Black Friday sale ends tonight, Sunday, November 29th at midnight EST. The price will be going up and we won’t offer this program at this price again!

Communication is the KEY to having a happy, peaceful relationship that WORKS.  You simply can’t afford to keep paying the price of not knowing what to say or do when you talk to your man!

Save yourself a lot of bickering, breakups, and heartache by grabbing yours now!

Grab Yours Now Button


Got a Love Question You Need Answered?

Got a Love Question You Need Answered?

by Gladys Diaz



One of our favorite parts of being relationship coaches is being able to help women through some of the difficult situations in their love lives. Many times, we are able to help a woman turn a difficult situation around in just a few minutes by helping her get clear about what is happening, help her set up some action steps, and then hold her accountable for completing those steps! 

That’s why we are hosting a LIVE Love Q&A Call on Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:00pm ET! 


On this call, we will be answering YOUR questions about love, dating, and relationships.

  • What’s causing you the biggest amount of pain right now in your love life?
  • Where do you feel “stuck” and unable to move forward in your love life?
  • What one question do you have that, if you had it answered, would help you move forward?

 Ask us your question now!


It takes courage to allow someone into your heart to help you break through the fear and pain that has been holding you back.  Michelle and I promise to give you real steps that you can take to bust through those barriers and move forward, toward the life and love your heart desires!


To have your question answered on the call, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Register for the call by clicking here.
  2. Type your question in the “Question” boxPlease be clear about the one thing you would like us to answer.
  3. Set a reminder on your phone for Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 9:00pm ET.
  4. Be on the call ready to have a breakthrough!


Don’t have a question, but want to join us and hear the answers anyway?  Click here to reserve your seat!


Whether you have a question or not, being on this call will be a powerful experience! You will learn relationship skills that will help you have a breakthrough in love!


Feel free to share this post with your friends so that they can join us, too!


So, what’s your question? 

Send it to us and register for the call now!


P.S. What if one answer is all you need to leave the past behind and move toward the future and the love that are waiting there for you?  Send us your question and register now!

Stop Ignoring the Signs That Your Relationship is in Trouble

by Gladys Diaz

This week my heart has been heavy.  I’ve heard from three different women who have reached out to tell me that their marriages are ending. 
It’s heartbreaking for me to hear news like this.  Marriage is such a sacred, precious union.  When two people choose to join their lives because they love each other, they do it fully expecting the love that they feel for one another to grow stronger over the years.  They do not get married hoping to hurt, disrespect, and kill the love they once felt for one another. 
I’m the first one to admit that having a wonderful marriage takes work. It’s a daily commitment to being my best self so that I can have the love, happiness, and peace in my marriage that envisioned when we first got married. It wasn’t always like this for us. We went through rough patches, just like every other couple.  There were times when I wondered if we’d make it. 
I remember noticing that things were changing between us. I remember asking myself where the love, passion and fun we used to share had gone.  We were arguing more often, rarely having fun together, and I carried my resentment like a badge of honor.  We were not hugging, kissing, or sleeping together as often and there were many nights when I cried myself to sleep. 
Our marriage didn’t get to that point over night.  There were signs along the way.  Things had been getting bad for a while.  And I silently prayed and hoped that things would change. 
One day I decided I couldn’t ignore what was happening any longer. I couldn’t just keep hoping and praying that things would get better.  I knew I had to do something in order to transform who I was being so that I could help turn my marriage around. 
I began doing my inner work, sought out mentors and coaches who would help and hold me accountable, and began experiencing the inner shift that began having a very real effect on my marriage. 
It took some work and it didn’t happen overnight, but soon the constant arguing stopped.  We were holding hands and smiling at each other again.  We began laughing and kissing and making love again.  My transformation helped transform my relationship and I began to see the man I’d fallen in love with in a whole new light! 
If you’re going through a difficult time in your marriage (or you know someone who is), don’t ignore the signs. Don’t pretend you don’t see them, and certainly don’t think that things are just magically going to get better on their own.  They won’t.

In today’s video I do something I rarely do because of how protective I am of the time I have with my family on the weekends.  However, I’m really committed to making a difference, so I’m offering to talk with a few of you who are ready to begin turning your marriage around this weekend.

Now, here’s the deal.

There are thousands of women reading this email right now and I’m only opening a few spots, because I still want to spend time with my husband and kids. I also only have two spots available in my private coaching program. So, I’m asking that you reach out to me only if you are serious about investing in and doing the work you’ll need to do to turn your marriage around before it’s too late.

I’m not giving you the link to my calendar. If you want to speak with me this weekend, send me an email. It will be a first-come-first serve basis and I will let you know the times I have available, which will be mid-morning/early afternoon Eastern time.

I know in my heart that you don’t have to suffer and that by applying certain skills and practices you can transform your marriage. I’ve helped hundreds of women do this and I want to help you, too.

The signs are there and the time is now. If you’re ready to turn things around, hit reply and let’s talk!

Three Key Ingredients to Having it ALL!

Three Key Ingredients to Having it ALL!

by Gladys Diaz

You may have noticed that I’ve been a little “quieter” than usual over the past couple of weeks. There is a very GOOD reason for that!

See, Michelle and I are working on some really great and yummy things for you, all while I was also planning a week-long vacation with my family and family-in-love (my hubby’s brother, sister-in-love, and my mother-in-love)!

As a wife, mother, and entrepreneur, it’s important to me that I build my business around my family.

Do I want to succeed? YES!

Do I want to make a difference in the world? YES!

Do I want to be the best wife and mother I can be? YES!

Now, some people might say that it’s “humanly impossible” to do and succeed in all of these areas at the same time.

I call BS on that!

It IS possible to have BOTH a thriving and successful business/career and a loving, passionate relationship, if that’s your true intention.

Now, is it always “easy” to have it all? NO.

To take this week off and spend as much time playing, laughing, and relaxing with my family, it took some pre-planning, putting things in motion, and being willing to work a little longer than I usually do.

It took reaching out to my coaches and mastermind sisters to get the support and encouragement I needed to believe that I COULD complete my projects AND have time to play with my family.

It took letting my family know that I would be putting in longer hours and be more focused on my work for one week so that I could have fun with them for another.

It took asking for help and support from my team – both Team Diaz and Team Heart’s Desire – and letting go of the things I could not control.

And you know what? It worked!Gladys & Michelle_on stage-heart_JIG WICL 2015

Everything that needed to get done prior to leaving on vacation got completed, Michelle and I had a WONDERFUL time speaking at the Jazz in the Gardens Women’s Impact Conference and Luncheon, where many women registered to attend The Irresistible Woman Seminar, and our virtual assistant handled all of the behind-the-scenes work for our upcoming virtual event!

When your intention is to have everything your heart desires and you’re willing to do the work to have it be so, you really CAN have it ALL!

Whether you are single and trying to figure out how to continue having a thriving career while also finding time to attract and date the man with whom you will spend your life, or you’re a woman who is married or in a relationship and you want to continue growing your business or career while also growing closer to the man you love, there are steps you can take to ensure that you are experiencing all of the love, success, and happiness you desire.


  1. Set a clear intention. Saying, “I want to be successful,” or “I want to be in a relationship” is not clear enough. You need to clearly define what “successful” and “a relationship” looks and feels like for you.
    1. Career intention: Does “successful” mean having a certain title or income level? Does it mean having an organization of a certain size? How many hours do you want to work? What type of lifestyle (home, vacation time and places, location) do you want to have?


  1. Relationship Intention: What does a successful relationship look like to you? When you close your eyes and envision yourself in the relationship of your dreams, how do you feel? What is the experience of loving and being loved that you want to have every day, for the rest of your life?


  1. Create a plan of action. A dream without a plan is nothing more than a wish. Once you have your clear intention begin planning from the end and work your way back.
    1. Career Plan: If you want to achieve a certain title at work in a year, what where would you need to be 2 months prior? To reach that level, at which level would you need to be 2 months prior to that, and so on. What are the steps you would need to take at each level to reach the next level? Who would you need to help support you? Have your action plan steps be as clear as the intention you set and as closely aligned to your intention as possible.


  1. Relationship Plan for Singles: If you want to be married in a year, and you’re not out there dating, consider that, a year from now you will probably find yourself in the same exact place you find yourself in now. So, if you want to be married in a year, where would you need to be in your relationship 2 months prior to getting engaged? How well would you need to know each other before you’d be willing to commit your life to someone? How long would you like to date him? How often would you like to see and spend time with him? Make your plan clear, allowing for joy of being pleasantly surprised, but get into action, or don’t be surprised if there’s no guy, no relationship, and no proposal a year from now!

Relationship Plan for Girlfriends and Wives: If you’re in a relationship and you’d like to experience more support for your career goals and dreams, as well as more romance and passion in your relationship, what are the things standing in the way of experiencing that now? Are you holding onto resentment, or are you ready to forgive? Are you communicating openly and authentically with your husband or boyfriend? Are you complaining about him not being supportive or inviting him to be part of your dreams? Whatever it is you want to experience in your relationship, be honest with yourself and be willing to take the action steps that will lead you in the direction of your dream!


  1. Get committed. One of the most critical aspects of having it ALL is your level of committed. Saying you want something and being willing to do the work it takes to have it are two completely different things! Remind yourself that this is YOUR life, YOUR dream, and WHY this is important to you.
    1. Career Commitment: Keep in mind that there are probably at least 10 other people in your company or line of work who want to achieve a high level of success. The only thing that separates the people who achieve their goals from the ones who don’t is their level of commitment, which includes persistence and resolve. Anticipate that not everything will go according to your plan, but use each setback as an opportunity to learn and catapult you in the right direction. The only reason you will have for not reaching your goal is if you quit!


  1. Relationship Commitment: Having a loving, passionate, intimate relationship doesn’t have to be hard work, but it does take work. Joining two separate individuals – with all of their past, history, and habits – to create one solid and successful partnership takes patience, understanding, and commitment. Everything won’t always run smoothly. You won’t always see eye-to-eye. There may be times when you wonder whether leaving is a more viable option than staying and doing the work to make your relationship work. However, the only thing that distinguishes relationships that last from those that don’t is the willingness to commit to finding a way to make things work. Assuming the man you are with is good and right for you, don’t be afraid of investing your time and heart in building a solid foundation for a love that will stand the test of time!



Having the time to relax and play with my family without worrying about having to work, check email, and wonder if my projects would get completed in time was a big enough “WHY” for me to set a clear intention about what I wanted to accomplish the past two weeks, to create a plan and put in the extra hours I needed to in order to ensure the work got done, and to commit to following the plan, even when I was tired, even when I thought I was crazy for thinking I could really make this work!


The results?

Family Pic - Legoland Spring Break 2015

Having a blast with my husband and kids, romantic moments with my husband, getting to hold my baby nephew for the first time and smother him with love and kisses, and having fun time with my family-in-love!

Yeah… I’d say it was all well-worth being able to have it ALL!




P.S. If you’re a successful, professional woman who wants to create a life where you can experience success in your career AND a loving, passionate relationship, make sure you join us for The Irresistible Woman Seminar while Early Bird prices and the 2-payment option is still available!