How to Break Free and Own Your Worth!

How to Break Free and Own Your Worth!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you keep attracting what you know in your heart you don’t  want – but you can’t seem to break through and create something different?

Is there something that always seems to pull you towards what is less than what you want and you know it?

If you answered yes to either of those questions, let us ask you this…

Do you know your own worth?

So many times we hear from women some form of the following statements:

If I was worth everything I think I want then I wouldn’t be single

If I was worth anything, I wouldn’t be divorced.”

I must not be worth it, because no one has chosen me.”

Have you ever had a similar thought?

 We’re here to tell you today that your worthiness is not tied to any of that.

It’s not tied to your relationship status, how much money you have in the bank, how much you get paid, what others say about you – or anything else!

Self-worth can’t come from anything outside of you. Self-worth starts on the inside and is a decision you make.

You choose to believe it and be it!

The thing about having a worthiness conversation with yourself is that you’re probably not aware it’s the thing that’s holding you back in life and love.

And what’s more, is that if you don’t transform this – you will always be at the mercy of it.

If you don’t know, and we mean really know, that you’re worthy of peace, love, joy, success, abundance and so much more – nothing will ever be enough! 

Even if you have all the things in the world – an amazing relationship, a great career, all the money you could want – it won’t make a difference.

It will all sink out of the bottom of the cup if you don’t believe you deserve it. 

You get to break away from that.

You get to have everything you want (and more) because you know you are worthy of it!

But you have to know how to do it. You have to know how to undo the things that have happened in your past so you can shift what you believe.

And here’s something else. 

 Feeling unworthy isn’t the same as self-doubt.

We all doubt ourselves from time to time – that’s part of being human. The thing about self-doubt is you can have that feeling for a moment, but then you can motivate yourself to do the thing anyways. 

You can wonder if you’ll be good enough for the job, but you can motivate yourself to go to the interview anyways. 

 You can feel unsure about posting your dating profile online, but you can motivate yourself to do it anyway and see what happens.

When it comes to feeling unworthy – you can’t motivate yourself to be different.

You must do the HeartWork to transform your beliefs so you can attract and keep everything you want and deserve!

When you transform this you’ll no longer:

  • tolerate disrespect
  • settle for scraps when you know you could have the entire 5-course meal
  • stay in a relationship that’s not everything you want 
  • be blocked from all that you’re meant to be and have


When you know you’re worthy, just because you are, then you’ll attract and keep everything you want and deserve! You will bring men to you that will see your worth because you see it too.

And no one can take that away. 

 Join us for the Unleash Retreat coming up in just a couple of weeks, June 3rd-5th.

This retreat weekend is a very unique and experiential event, unlike anything else we do.

At the Unleash Retreat you’ll do activities that will have you break open your mind and heart to transform the things that are holding you back.

You will become UNLEASHED so you can stop wishing and reacting and start declaring and creating in your life.

You’ll find your voice and you’ll start using it.

You’ll distinguish the self-sabotaging patterns that you’ve created and break through them so you can become truly free! 

You’ll step out of the shadows once and for all because you’ll know your worth.

You’ll become unleashed!

Grab your ticket for the Unleash Retreat

You deserve this!

We can’t wait to see you there!




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How to Stop Meeting Mr. Wrong and Meet Mr. Right, Instead!

How to Stop Meeting Mr. Wrong and Meet Mr. Right, Instead!

by Michelle Roza

Are you ready to meet the RIGHT man? 

The man who’s not only good for you and to you, but also someone who you feel magic with? 

We have found that women who are dating find themselves in one of two scenarios… 

1. You keep attracting men into your life who aren’t good for you. They’re the “bad guys” who don’t  show up, only want sex, aren’t looking for commitment, or ghost you after the first date (if you even make it to a date!).

 There’s chemistry and connection, but, obviously, these interactions  aren’t going anywhere.

The problem with this, is that these women start to believe that all men are like this, and they then lose faith in dating and their ability to attract a different kind of man.

  1. Scenario Two: You attract good men into your  life – men of integrity and honor. Men who are seeking out the same loving, passionate, committed relationship that you are.


Sounds great right?

It would be except for that you often don’t feel a connection with these men. There’s no chemistry, and even though you’re glad that you’re attracting good men, you  still can’t seem to attract the right one… The man you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with.

Do you see yourself in either of those scenarios?  

Are you tired of meeting man after man, but never having it  turn into the loving, passionate, committed relationship you really want? 

After I got divorced, I went into the dating experience really excited and thought I was finally going to be able to attract the man that was right for me.

Five years later, that excitement had turned into disenchantment, disappointment and resignation. I was thinking, “Maybe I’m meant to be single.” 

Life was pretty good, I was doing great at work, my children were thriving and I thought maybe I should let go of this desire to be in love.

But the truth was that underneath that resignation was the fear that there was something wrong with me, the fear that it simply was never going to happen and the uncertainty of why what I was doing wasn’t working

That’s when I began my journey of doing the HeartWork and getting underneath these fears and patterns to see what it was that I needed to heal and shift within myself. 

I knew that if I could just crack the code to attracting the man that would love me for me and that I would love for him – I would be able to create the extraordinary relationship I had always dreamt of. 

We’re committed to extraordinary love. 

The type of love that feels magical and takes your breath away. 

The type of love that has you feeling on top of the world and like you can do anything. 

The type of love that is just that – extraordinary

It starts with attracting the RIGHT man. And that starts with you. 

If any of this sounds familiar to you, please join us tomorrow for the Attract  the RIGHT Man Webinar, where we’ll be diving into how to break the patterns that are keeping you stuck in dating once and for all! 

In this 3-hour masterclass, you will:

  • Learn what to STOP doing so that you can stop being attracted to and attracting the wrong man into your life
  • Discover what to START doing instead, so that you start attracting the kind of man who wants to create a happy, loving, committed relationship with you
  • Apply the steps and practices that will have you experience dating and relationships differently because you will be attracting and getting to know a completely different kind of man!

Click here to say “YES!” to Attracting the RIGHT Man into Your Life!

Whether you find that you keep attracting and dating “good guys” who are nice enough, but you simply don’t feel a connection with, 


you keep bringing in the same “bad guy” in a different body,  we’re going to show you how to break this pattern and bring in the RIGHT man — the one who will honor you, cherish you, and love you for the rest of your life! 

It’s time for you to attract  the RIGHT  man now!

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How To See the Real, Vulnerable, Inspiring, Authentic, Magnetic, Beautiful YOU!

How To See the Real, Vulnerable, Inspiring, Authentic, Magnetic, Beautiful YOU!

by Gladys Diaz

We’re sure you’ve heard the saying, “Fake it til you make it” right?

Do you ever feel like you’re doing that when you’re on a date, in a job interview, working on a project or meeting someone new?

What if we told you that you never need to feel that way again?! That there’s no need to fake it until you make anything!

We believe the real magic is in the phrase, “Be It and Believe It and then You Will See It!”

What does that mean?

If you’re not in the relationship, job, house (or anything really) of your dreams, there’s something about the authentic you that’s not showing up.

The laws of the universe make it so that when you’re really authentically being you and accepting all of that – your frequency is elevated so high that you naturally attract exactly what you want to you.

When you’re BEing authentically YOU – your vibration is elevated so high that a high quality man that wants exactly who you are is drawn to you!

Well, if that’s true then why aren’t we all walking around being authentically ourselves all the time?

Why do we still sometimes feel like we have to “fake it”?

Here are 5 ways you may not be being authentic (that you may or may not be aware of): 

  1. Hiding – When you hide part of yourself, keep a mask up, don’t say what you want or that something’s hurting you – those are all examples of hiding and not being authentic


  2. Fighting – Having a “take it or leave it” attitude because of residue from past heartbreak, being reactive because of fear, getting angry when you’re afraid to get vulnerable


  3. Running Away – You stop responding to a guy if you don’t like something he says/does, break something off that you’re still enjoying because you’re afraid to get hurt


  4. Settling – Pretending you’re happy in a relationship when you know it’s not what you want, convincing yourself that you’re in a relationship when you’re actually not, thinking that something is better than nothing
  5. Holding on – Not letting go of something that’s over or that should be over because it’s not everything you/the other person really want

If you’re not being yourself a man simply can’t fall in love with YOU because he can only fall in love with what you’re showing him.

If there’s parts of you that aren’t being 100% yourself then whatever relationship you create is only a reflection of that and will never be complete. 

When you do the HeartWork to develop the type of relationship with yourself that has you know and accept yourself – flaws and all – then your entire experience of life changes and what you attract into your life is a reflection of that!

That’s why you’ve got to join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU 5-Day Challenge next week!

In this challenge we’ll be showing you how to:

  • take off the masks you’re wearing
  • break through the walls you have up
  • take the things you’re doing to sabotage your goals and show you what to do instead

In 5 days you’ll be able to see the vulnerable, inspiring, authentic, magnetic, real beautiful YOU!!

Yes, I’m ready to fall in love with ME!

Here’s your opportunity. You can either keep doing this on your own, or you can do it with a coach by your side. So many women in our community have gotten engaged and married as a result of participating in this challenge – and that can soon be you!

Don’t miss out!

Sign up for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge Now. 


The Secret To Making Life (a lot) Easier

The Secret To Making Life (a lot) Easier

by Gladys Diaz 

Would you like dating to be easier?

Would you like relationships to be more fulfilling?

Would you like things in life to work out with less heartache or frustration?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, we want you to know that the answer is to increase your confidence

When you lack self-confidence you…

… question yourself.

… feel like you can’t trust yourself.

… make decisions that aren’t aligned with what you want to create in your life. 

One of the most important things you can know in life is that the relationship you have with YOU supercedes all the other relationships in your life. 


Because the relationship you have with you determines how all your other relationships will be!
Real confidence is about creating an intimate relationship with you. 

It’s about answering the question: “Who am I and how am I being with ME?

If you find that you: 

– Question yourself

– stay in relationships, jobs, friendships, etc knowing that the experience you’re having is not what you want

– consistently fall in love with potential instead of reality

– make excuses for disrespectful or even abusive behavior

– hold onto something that you know is not for you

– don’t honor your values

… then it’s time to look in and reflect on the relationship you have with you!

You want to ask yourself: 

  1. What am I seeing?
    What experiences do I keep repeating?
    What is the pattern?


  2. What am I creating?
    What actions did I take to create this?
    What did I do that brought this result?


  3. What had me take those actions?
    What thoughts are behind the action? 

The thoughts behind the actions are where you uncover the limiting beliefs that are creating the patterns that are bringing you the results you don’t want!

Looking for patterns in your thoughts, words, actions and results will give you the biggest insight into what’s not working.

And when you’re open to seeing it, and you then you do, – then you have a shot at breaking through those sabotaging patterns so you can increase your confidence!

This is GOLD!

Life gets good when you have enough confidence to receive the feedback life is giving you (whether through the results you’re having or through what others are telling you) and then take action doing the HeartWork to shift these patterns!

It’s not about being perfect.

If you’re human you’re going to make mistakes (and so is he!)

When you learn to trust yourself and know that you have what it takes to do what you need to do and be who you need to be, life (and dating) get easier. 

You know that if you get it wrong (because sometimes you will) it doesn’t have to shake your confidence. You can move forward with grace and take the actions that will make it right for you.

It all comes down to your relationship with you. 

Which is why we’re so excited about the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge that begins next Monday!

This challenge is all about falling in love with you.

In this challenge you will:

  • Remove the mask you hide behind that’s blocking you from the love you want
  • Find your voice and say what you want and feel without being afraid of pushing him away
  • Stop pretending or not honoring your boundaries in order to “get” someone to love you
  • Stop settling for less than you want and deserve in relationships
  • Stop doubting yourself and your ability to attract the right man or the relationship of your dreams

Join the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge NOW!

These 5 days will change your life because when you create the kind of relationship with yourself that gives you the kind of confidence you want to have – your life will go to a whole new level! 

The Do’s (and Don’ts) of Your Online Dating Profile!

The Do’s (and Don’ts) of Your Online Dating Profile!

by Gladys Diaz 

Are you feeling frustrated about your dating profile? 

Do you feel like you’re continually disappointed by the kind (or even lack thereof) of responses online?  

Do you ever feel yourself hesitate when going to open up (insert the online profile of your choice) because you’re afraid of what you’ll find? 

What if you could have a profile that’s brimming with opportunity that you can’t wait to open to see what you’ll find!

The truth is that the majority of people today are finding their partner online. 

So why not create a profile that will make it possible for you too!

The more telling your profile is about the kind of woman you are, the higher chance you have of attracting the relationship and experience of your dreams. 

So what should your profile focus on?

You, of course! Specifically, who you are and the relationship you want to have in a relationship. 

We’ve put together a “Do’s and Don’ts” list for creating an online dating profile that we know will have you attract the type of experience you’re wanting. These recommendations work across the board for all online dating sites. 

When it comes to your online dating profile DO: 

  • Begin with 3 words that describe who you are. 
    • How would your closest friends describe you?
    • What would they say being in a relationship with you is like? 
      • Example: “I’m a happy, intelligent, fun woman! (At least that’s what I’ve been told by my friends. 😉)
  • Create an experience with your profile without trying too hard.
    • Use emojis and playful language to show your personality. 
    • Be authentic.
  • Share some specific things you like to do.
    • If you like to travel, share places you’d like to visit with your future partner. 
    • If you have an adventurous spirit, share some past and future experiences you’ve had and would like to create.
    • If you like to read, share some books that are your favorite. 
  • Express what you would like to experience in a relationship. 
    • In my future marriage, I want to create joy, generosity and love every day of our lives.
    • If you’re looking for marriage – say it! Be bold and be clear about what you want.

When it comes to your online dating profile DON’T: 

  • Only focus on what you like to do
    • This may put off the energy that you don’t know who you are or what you want.
  • Be sarcastic or condescending about men
    • This type of language is like a man repeller! 
  • List specific things you want in a man
    • Example: “I’m looking for a man who’s tall, likes to cook and doesn’t have kids.
  • Tell a man what to do
    • Telling him when you’d like him to text, call or ask you on a date, etc. 

Some of these may sound silly, but we promise you, we’ve seen it all! And with all the work we’ve done with women we simply know that the do’s work and the don’ts well, don’t.

Now when it comes to pictures…


  • Wear Sunglasses
  • Have other people in the picture (even if they’re mostly cut out)
  • Include photos from 5 years ago
  • Show a lot of skin


  • Share pictures of who you are NOW 
    • Be courageous and confident and that energy will come pouring through 
  • Have your first picture be one of you facing forward
  • Smile with teeth showing
    • Smiling says, “I’m happy with my life and I’m available to date!” 
  • Wear red lipstick or a red blouse (studies have shown that men are extremely attracted to red)
  • Share pictures of you doing things you enjoy (ex: kayaking, hiking, yoga)
  • If other things are in the picture (ex: a place that you visited or you and your dog) make sure you’re the focus and what shines through in the photo
  • Look confident and comfortable.

The most important thing is to date in a way that has the experience be fun and exciting for you. The more you’re connected to who you are and what you want and are living your life accordingly, the more you’ll attract men that align! 

Well, there you have it! Everything you need to know to create a rocking online dating profile!
Later this year we’ll be doing our Online Dating Profile Workshop where we go even deeper and give personal feedback on your site and how to update it, but for now… 

Now go and take action! Don’t just read this or save it to your computer for later reference… go update your dating profile now!

Be in action creating what you want to have in your life and it will come to you!