How to Transform Your Love Story: 24 years of Joy Begins Today!  

How to Transform Your Love Story: 24 years of Joy Begins Today!  

by Gladys Diaz

Today, Ric & I are celebrating our 24th Wedding Anniversary!

“24 years of marriage…”

It feels surreal, especially when I once thought I’d never love again.

What fills my heart with joy is that we’re more in love than ever! 

Here’s what I know – reaching 24 years of marriage, 25 years together, and still being happy, best friends, with love, connection, intimacy, and adventure in our relationship isn’t something that “just happens,” no matter how “perfect” a match seems.

Do you want to know how to break through the patterns that are holding you back in love?

How to move past the fears that are keeping you from the relationship you want?
Are you willing to step outside of your comfort zone so you can create the type of relationship where you have 24, 64, 78 years together!

If you’re ready to transform your love life, then skip the reading, get all the juicy details, and claim your spot here: Join Us LIVE at No Cost this Saturday, July 20th, 2024.

Click the link above, secure your complimentary seat, and embark on your journey to creating a loving, lasting relationship with a high-quality man who will cherish you forever.

During these 3 hours together, you’ll learn how to:

💖 Easily attract a strong, confident man who is inspired and NOT intimidated by a successful woman like you

💖 Naturally become the kind of woman a man can’t help but fall in love with (without changing who you are)

💖 Create a lifelong relationship that adds joy and love to your life, and deepens over time, so you have someone to share all the wonders of life with

Join us for this transformative training and learn how to create the loving, supportive, and fulfilling relationship you want, where you get to experience everything you imagine love to be—and MORE. 🌟

If you’re ready to make your love story extraordinary – then click below to claim your spot NOW! 💖

Click HERE to Register for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

It’s your turn to meet the love of your life and start celebrating year after year of “Meet-a-Versaries,” “Kiss-a-Versaries,” and Wedding Anniversaries!

24 years from now you could be looking back at this Saturday, remembering the transformation you experienced that led to you creating your great love story.

Register for your spot at the Masterclass, and let’s begin writing YOUR story now!


90 Days to True Love: Step-by-Step Guide to Manifest Your Dream Relationship This Summer!

90 Days to True Love: Step-by-Step Guide to Manifest Your Dream Relationship This Summer!

by Gladys Diaz

Are you tired of spending another summer single, watching couples enjoy the warm weather while you sit on the sidelines? 

Imagine what it would feel like to finally manifest the love you’ve always dreamed of in just 90 days. Yes, it’s possible, and we’re here to show you how.

Welcome to the ultimate guide on manifesting your Love Vision – THIS Summer. By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to manifesting a love that aligns perfectly with your vision and values. 

This isn’t about wishful thinking or waiting for fate to intervene. It’s about taking control, making deliberate choices, and attracting the partner who aligns with your deepest values and desires. 

Step 1: Crystalize Your Love Vision

The first step in manifesting your true love is to get crystal clear about what you want. This isn’t a vague list of qualities like “kind” or “funny.” I mean a detailed, vivid picture of your ideal relationship.

Visualize your Love Vision – What you want to experience inside the Relationship of Your Dreams:

What values does your ideal partner hold?

How do you feel when you’re with him? 

What types of activities do you like to do together? 

What are your shared goals and dreams?

Write It Down. Create a vision board or a detailed journal entry that describes your ideal relationship in every detail. 

The more specific you are, the better. This exercise isn’t just about dreaming – it’s about setting a clear intention for what you want to attract.

Step 2: Clear Out Emotional Clutter

You can’t attract true love if you’re carrying around emotional baggage from the past. Toxic emotions like resentment, fear, and doubt act like invisible barriers, blocking you from being able to create the love you desire.

Identify and Release Toxic Emotions:

  • Reflect on past relationships and identify any unresolved emotions.
  • Practice forgiveness – Let go of the past to make room for the future.
  • Replace these negative thoughts with new positive beliefs. Every morning, remind yourself that you are worthy of love and that your ideal partner is on their way to you.

Step 3: Take Inspired Action

Manifestation isn’t about sitting back and waiting for things to happen. It’s about taking inspired action that aligns with your love vision.

Put Yourself Out There: 

  • Join social clubs, attend events, and put yourself in situations where you can meet new people.
  • Update your online dating profile to reflect your true self and what you’re looking for.
  • Let people in your life who you know well, that you’re ready to create an incredible relationship if they know anyone that may be a fit for you.

No matter where you meet, be genuine in your interactions. Don’t try to be someone you’re not just to attract a partner. Authenticity attracts authenticity.

Step 4: Cultivate an Abundance Mindset

Love is abundant, and there’s more than enough for everyone – including you. An abundance mindset is crucial for attracting the right partner.

Complaining is one of the most toxic love barriers because it keeps you focused on what you don’t want. When you complain you’re creating more energy of what you don’t want.

Instead of focusing on what you lack, focus on what you have to offer. Celebrate the love you see around you instead of feeling envious.

Incorporate a practice of gratitude. Every day, write down three things you’re grateful for. This practice will help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and attract more of the same.

Step 5: Trust the Process

It’s possible to manifest your Love Vision in the next 90 days! So many of the women in our community who have created real love and are now happily married and in love! 

Trust that the universe is working in your favor, even if you can’t see the results right away.

Keep your thoughts and actions aligned with your love vision, resist the urge to settle for less than what you truly want, and be open to unexpected opportunities. Sometimes, love comes in unexpected ways. Be open to new experiences and people who might not fit your original idea of “the one.”

Success Stories: Proof That It Works

Let’s look at some real-life examples of women who followed this process and found true love:

Jada’s Story

Jada was a successful professional who struggled to find a partner who matched her values. By following these steps, she met Billy, a man who shared her passion for travel and personal growth. Within just a few short months, they were inseparable and just recently got engaged! They just bought a house and are creating a home and family together. 

Emma’s Journey

Emma had almost given up on love after a divorce and series of bad relationships. By clearing out her emotional clutter and taking inspired action, she met Ryan at the gym, they started dating, and just a couple months later knew she’d found the relationship she’d been yearning for. Through working through her self-sabotaging patterns, knowing what she wanted and standing in her Love Vision, she attracted and has created her dream relationship and life. 

YOUR Summer of Love Awaits

This summer doesn’t have to be another season of disappointment and loneliness. By following these steps, you can manifest your true love in just 90 days! 

Remember, it’s about clarity, action, and trust. Your ideal partner is out there, looking for you too.

You  have the opportunity to go even deeper with this in the Manifest Your Love Vision NOW Challenge! 

By the End of the Challenge, You’ll Be Empowered to:  

🌟 Break through the fears, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotaging patterns that have stopped you from having the loving relationship you want

🌟 Create a crystal-clear vision of the loving relationship you want so that you can manifest it with power, grace, and ease

🌟 Develop a step-by-step plan that will enable you to live in the relationship of your dreams this summer and beyond

Don’t wait for another summer to pass you by! In 90 days you can find out what’s in your way, learn how to transform it and manifest your dream man and relationship!  

Register for the Challenge and make this the summer the time you finally manifest your love vision. 

Here’s to a summer of true love and lasting happiness!



Image Used from Canva Library


How to Create Real Love Now! (No Matter Your Age)

How to Create Real Love Now! (No Matter Your Age)

by Gladys Diaz

Are you ready to create the lasting loving relationship that you dream of? 

Whether you’re in your 20’s, 30’s, 50’s or 70’s – you can create love NOW!

In our 30 years of relationship coaching, we’ve heard it all when it comes to why women think and feel they can’t find love. 

  • “I don’t know if now’s the right time for me to focus on love.” 
  • “I’m too old. If love was meant for me it would have happened by now.” 
  • “I’m not ready! There’s so much more of life I want to experience before I settle down and create a relationship.” 
  • “I need to get my own life together first before anyone would want to be a part of it.” 
  • “I’ve been waiting so long. Love must simply not be in the cards for me!” 

Let me ask you – when would there ever be a time when you shouldn’t love and be loved? 

Here’s the truth – There is no deck of cards where love isn’t in the cards for you! It is 100% possible to meet and fall madly in love with someone at any age and at any time.

In the ever-changing circumstances of life, one thing remains constant…

The desire to find love. While sometimes it may feel like you don’t know how it will ever be possible for you, the key to creating love at any age lies in being clear on what you want, breaking through the fears and limiting beliefs keeping you from it, and being open to love finding you at any time! 

Love is not restricted by age or societal norms. It’s possible to meet and fall madly in love with someone at any age!

1. Be Crystal Clear About What You Want

Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams begins with knowing what you truly want to experience inside that relationship. This begins with knowing your unique individuality and embracing who you are and what you truly want.

Understand your strengths and weaknesses and celebrate the person you are! Cultivate self-love and self-compassion because these things will support you in attracting the relationship that’s right for you! 

Take time to date men and really get to know them! Let go of desperation, fear and scarcity by being committed to creating what you really want. 

2. Break Through and Release the Fears and Limiting Beliefs That Are Keeping You Stuck in Love

Throughout life, you accumulate experiences, some of which may have left emotional wounds and bruises. These scars create the thoughts that fuel your limiting beliefs, fears and dysfunctional patterns in love. 

The secret to finding love lies in letting go of this past baggage! 

Dismantling and replacing these limiting beliefs, fears and dysfunctional patterns are what allow you to heal from past heartbreaks and disappointments, which is essential to make room for new love to flourish! 

Ask yourself, “What am I afraid is or is not going to happen if I love freely?

Getting clear on this question and healing yourself of past wounds is what will allow yourself to be vulnerable again which is the gateway to meaningful connections.

3. Be Open to Love Finding You at Any Time

Creating true love is not confined to a specific age or stage of life. 

Life is dynamic, and love can find you unexpectedly and in the most unexpected places! 

It can also happen fast! 

Embrace change, be open to new experiences and believe that love can happen for you now

Trust in the process, and know that when you know what you want and are committed to creating it – you can (and will) manifest it no matter your age or circumstances!

If you’re tired of living alone and want to be with the man of your dreams inside the relationship you’ve always imagined then you simply must join us for this year’s Irresistible Woman LIVE!  

During this 3-day event we’ll take a wrecking ball to the things that are getting in the way of you having the love that you want, you’ll get 100% crystal clear on what you want to experience in love, and walk away with the tools and support to create it!

Plus – right now (and for a limited time) you can grab a ticket to the Irresistible Woman LIVE along with some incredible bonuses inside the Irresistible Bundle! 

Here’s what you get inside the bundle:

💜 Ticket to the Irresistible Woman LIVE 3-Day Live Virtual Event – September 29th-October 1st, 2023 ($500 Value)

💜 Irresistible Woman Prep for Love Call ($200 Value) 

💜 Attract the RIGHT Man Masterclass Recording ($300 Value)

After you grab your ticket, be ready to have a breakthrough and transform your life!

Click HERE to claim your Irresistible Bundle Now! 

We have sooooo many stories of women who have come to any event and within 3-6 months have met the man they’re going to marry!

Take Elena for example… 

Elena came to an event of ours when she was 66 years old after a 20-year hiatus from dating! She didn’t know if love was still available to her at her age – but the truth was that she deeply desired to experience the joys of loving and being loved deeply. 

Days after the event she met the man she’s now married to! 

Within months they were engaged and now are about to celebrate their 2-year wedding anniversary!

This is what she shared about working with us at the event she attended: 

I would have kept repeating the same results of all my past relationships if they hadn’t lovingly helped me break down and through all my fears, limiting beliefs, dysfunctional patterns and ways of being. These love barriers were deeply ingrained after about 45 years of dating and heartbreaks. I was never married, 66 year old when I met my husband 9 days after the Love Breakthrough  Challenge and was married to him 9 months later. 

If any of you are having doubts about this being possible for you, I am here to tell you to trust and believe that it is. And jump into any program and coaching the Love Twins offer. Miracles do happen!”

In the pursuit of love embracing vulnerability and courage will lead you to profound connections and lasting joy. 

Embrace the secret to finding love at any age by getting clear on what you want, breaking through the fears and limiting beliefs keeping you from creating it, and be open to love finding you at any time!

As you do these things, you may find yourself on a path of love that transcends the limits of time.

Take this opportunity for yourself to overcome the fears that are holding you back in love and relationships and claim your Irresistible Love Bundle now!


Tips For Talking About Religion With A Date.

Tips For Talking About Religion With A Date.

by Gladys Diaz

Does spirituality or religion play an integral role in your life?

Some of the questions we often get from our clients about this topic are:

  • When is it appropriate to bring up religion in the dating experience? 
  • What if he doesn’t share my same beliefs? Can a relationship still work? 
  • How much should I share?
  • What if we’re not aligned?
  • What if I can’t ever find someone I’m attracted to that’s in my religion?

So, let’s give you some answers!

If you’re unwilling to date outside of your religion – put it in your dating profile. If this matters to you, trust that you will find someone who is aligned because hiding it or pushing down that desire won’t ever work.

Otherwise, we suggest that you don’t bring it up and allow it to come up naturally in the dating experience.

We recommend not having heavy and significant conversations early on while dating. The beginning of getting to know someone should feel light and fun and exciting!

If the topic comes up naturally, and it’s something that’s important for you to share, then simply be honest and authentic.

This is how it happened for me…

Ric and I met at a dance club and then we spent hours more talking that night. The topic of religion came up naturally because in Ric sharing about his divorce, I shared that my previous husband had passed away.

Ric asked me how I ever got through something like that and my authentic response was, “My faith in God is the only thing that got me through it.

That was authentic and a very natural response for me because my religion was a big part of my life at the time. I was in a Christian band, I was a youth minister, and I went to church every Sunday.

Ric had very different beliefs.

While he was also Catholic, he wasn’t actively practicing. Later in our dating relationship we talked about religion more and he expressed that his main concern was that I would try and convert him.

We decided then that mutual respect and peace were two values that we would always hold in our marriage. We wouldn’t ever feel the need to defend or debate our beliefs.

I expressed that it was important that my children be baptized and that I was married in the church. He didn’t have a problem with either of those things and that’s what happened.

Over 20 years into marriage and that mutual respect has remained. Having differing beliefs has never been a problem.

It can work!

What’s important is that you’re gracious, accepting, authentic, respectful and honest with yourself and with him from the beginning.

Marriage will throw many different balls at you and the fact is, you and your partner aren’t going to always agree. That doesn’t mean that someone has to be wrong.

Respect is what will get you through.

Being clear on who you are and what you want is critical.

The most important thing to remember while dating is that a man can’t fall in love with you if you aren’t there. You get to be authentic and show up fully as you!

Let go of judgments. Be honest. Be authentic.

If you’re ready to be in the relationship of your dreams, want to get crystal clear on who you are and know how to attract that relationship to you before the end of this year then join us at the Irresistible Woman LIVE 2022 in September!

This 3-day virtual event is specifically for smart, successful, strong women who also want to be successful in love.

We have a special offer that includes a ticket going on now and the price is only going to go up.

If you know you want to join us, so yourself a favor and grab your ticket here now!


How to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams NOW!

How to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams NOW!

by Gladys Diaz 

What is standing in your way of creating the relationship of your dreams? 

Are there self-sabotaging tendencies and patterns that are causing your love life to not move forward like you’d like it to? 

If so, are you getting frustrated, angry or hopeless? 

The frustration you feel that things aren’t happening like you’d like can manifest differently for different people. 

Maybe you feel angry – thinking that all men are jerks, dating sucks, and online dating will never lead you to a good man.

Perhaps you feel sad and hopeless – thinking that it’s never really going to happen for you, so why even try? Which leads you to wanting to give up. 

If that’s what you’re currently experiencing, it’s important to look at how often those feelings show up, not just in your love life, but in every aspect of your life, because that’s going to give you the clues to what you need to shift.

So, how do you make the relationship of your dreams happen now

First, you have to get crystal-clear on what you want to experience in that relationship

Notice that we didn’t say, get crystal-clear on what you want the man to be like or what  you want to get out of the relationship.

It’s about the experience you want to have! 

When you focus on what the man is like – if he has kids, what his career is, what he looks like, etc – it causes you to focus outside of you and to give up your power to create what you want It feels like there is this “one specific person that must exist” in order for you to be happy, and that has you giving your power away. 

When you focus on the experience you want to create, it’s not about looking for “one person” so that you can have the relationship you want, it’s about creating something that another person wants to be part of creating with you!

What do you want to experience in the relationship of your dreams?

Do you want to experience….

💕 laughing

💕 understanding

💕 calm communication

💕 affection

💕 soul-level intimacy

💕 fun

💕 respect

💕 unconditional love

💕 having a best friend and someone championing you in life

💕 feeling heard

💕 travel the world

💕 adventures

💕 honesty and faithfulness

The second thing you need in order to begin experiencing the relationship of your dreams is to have the skills to create your crystal-clear vision

You may say you want a cheerleader and best friend as a partner in life, but then you spend time protecting yourself and criticizing every man that comes along.

You may say you want to have fun and adventure, but then don’t want to spend time meeting new men on the app.

See the disconnect? Fear is standing in the way of you attracting what you want.

How do you recognize that there’s a fear that’s running you?  

That’s where we come in!  

A coach will tell you when and where you’re sabotaging yourself.
A coach will support you in seeing what you can’t see. 

We will show you the fears you have and the masks you may be wearing that are blocking you from having the love you want. 

AND, we’ll teach you how to get those Love Barriers out of the way so that you can begin experiencing the love, happiness, and intimacy you desire and deserve!

We will cause you to have a breakthrough!

If you’re ready to have a breakthrough so you can actually start experiencing the kind of love  you desire, then join us tomorrow, Saturday, July 17th at 12pm ET for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass! 

In three information-packed hours, you’ll learn exactly how to break through the patterns that have been sabotaging your love life and relationships, tap into your Irresistible Essence, and easily attract and keep the love you want NOW, so that you can create the happy, loving relationship with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!  

PLUS, this masterclass is being offered to you for FREE! What is there to stop you?

Join us at the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

When you don’t have the conscious knowledge of what’s holding you back, all you can do is what you already know to do. And if you keep doing what you’ve always done – all you can hope to experience is what you’ve always had.

This workshop style masterclass will support you getting crystal-clear clarity on what you need to do differently so that you can start moving forward in your love life and really start attracting the man and relationship of your dreams… starting right NOW!!!

How to Be Someone to Be Admired

How to Be Someone to Be Admired

by Gladys Diaz 

Who’s someone you really admire? 

Someone you look up to? Someone who’s made a difference for you?

Who would you  like to be more like? 

What characteristics do they have that you admire? 

Do they show integrity? Are they authentic and real?
Maybe they have high energy that’s contagious.
Are they loving and generous?
Are they dignified and show grace under fire? 

Take Oprah, for example. There is just such an amazing way that she exemplifies grace under fire. She is compassionate while being rigorous. She is kind while being strong. She speaks up and takes a stand without being reactive. She is dignified.

Those are just a few of the things that we look up to in women. 

How about you? 

Oftentimes, we recognize things in others that we’d like to develop more of in ourselves. 

Whether you’re in a relationship or dating, it’s essential to be self-aware. To be able to recognize the places within yourself that are your opportunities for growth.  

We say, “opportunities for growth,” because it’s not that you’re doing anything wrong or that you’re trying to be something you’re not. One of the biggest sources of stress in dating and relationships comes from being inauthentic or trying to be someone you’re not. 

We say “opportunities for growth,” because recognizing the areas in which you’d like to develop are opportunities for higher levels of self-esteem, confidence and more desired experiences. 

And all of those things are highly attractive, right?

It’s like that awesome quote by Sophia Bush says:

“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.” 

You can strive to develop yourself while also exercising self-love and grace and always striving to be your authentic best. 

So what are the ways of being you’d like to embody ?

Here are some ideas from our community: 




Good Listener






Physically Fit





A finisher




Owning a State of Ease

Sense of Humor





Solution Oriented

And those are just a start! 

What is it for you? 

Choose two ways of being that would make the biggest difference for you and for those around you that you can focus on embodying this week. 

And remember to make it fun!

There is a natural human desire to grow. There’s so much fulfillment and satisfaction that comes from recognizing your growth opportunities and doing something about them!

If you’d like help recognizing what some of those opportunities are for you, book a Love Breakthrough Call. That’s what we’re here for!

Sometimes, the thing holding us back is in our blind spot, and all it takes is someone to lovingly point it out, help us remove it and replace it with something else that makes all the difference.  

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

We look forward to hearing the ways in which you’re stretching yourself this week!

YOU can be the woman you most admire when you BE the love you want to see!