The “Secret Sauce” for True Love!

The “Secret Sauce” for True Love!

by Gladys Diaz

Well, you’d have to be blind not to see the signs, because they’re everywhere!

All you have to do is walk into a store and you’re bombarded by the overwhelming amount of pink, red, and chocolate to know that this means Valentine’s Day is almost here!

For many women – both single and in relationships, alike – this can be difficult holiday right on the heels of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s Eve!

Unlike the other holidays, however, this one is specifically about love and relationships, and it can be heartbreaking if you’re not in a happy, loving relationship of your own.

I get it and I’m not going to try to minimize it, because I know it hurts.

However, I certainly don’t want you feeling sad or like you want to avoid thinking about love and relationships for the next several days!

It’s okay to want to be in a relationship.

It’s okay to feel sad if you’re not in one.

What’s not okay is thinking that it’s impossible for things to change for you!

It’s also not okay to think that there is something wrong you because you’re not in a relationship yet!

There are ways to begin shifting your feelings from hopeless to hope-full and from lonely to loved!

The key to creating this shift is to begin a new love affair!

Not with a man, but with yourself!

That’s because falling in love with YOU is the secret sauce for attracting true love!

Think about it!

What would it be like if for the next 21 days all you did was speak loving words to yourself?

What if for the next 21 days, you sent yourself a love or gratitude note for something you truly admire or are grateful for about YOU?

What if for the next 21 days your top priority was doing at least one thing that you find fun, peaceful, and fulfilling?

How might that change the way you see yourself?

How might that change the way others see you?

And, quite frankly, how FUN would that be?!?

If you’re up for a Self-Love Challenge, then you’re in the right place, because we have prepared a 21-day SELF-LOVE FEST especially for YOU!


Learn the Self-Love Secret!

When you join us for The Self-Love Secret, you will learn:

  • The ways you are stopping yourself from having a happy, fulfilling and loving relationship (and how it has nothing to do with the man you’re with!)
  • The exact steps you can take to stop self-sabotaging your happiness and relationships so that you can start attracting more love into your life
  • Real and practical ways to become simply irresistible and draw in the extraordinary levels of love and happiness you want and deserve

Here’s what you get in the Self-Love Secret Bundle:

  • Our eBook 30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU!: A 30-Day Journey to Discovering Self-Love
  • Members-only access to the teleclass “The Self-Love Secret: How Falling In Love with YOU is the Key to Attracting the Love You Want!”
  • An MP3 recording of the teleclass so that you can download and have it whenever you want or need to listen to it
  • 21 Daily Self-Love Challenges to inspire you in your self-love affair
  • A Private Facebook Group where you can receive coaching, connect with us, and share posts and pics of yourself completing your daily self-love challenges
  • A 30-minute Private Love Breakthrough Call so that you can continue your self-love journey beyond the 21 days and manifest the love your heart desires

All together this is a $417 value!

But, you can get it today at our Valentine’s Day Special Price of $47!!!

Here’s the deal:

You can’t expect someone else to fall madly and deeply in love with you if you’re not willing to dedicate 21 days to falling in love with you!

BE the love you want to see and join us for 21 days of fun, life-changing breakthroughs, and more LOVE than you ever imagined was possible!

We already have several women signed up and the journey begins this weekend, so make sure click on the link below and join us now!


Click now to start falling madly, deeply in love with YOU!


Three Steps to Manifest the Love you Want in 2016

Three Steps to Manifest the Love you Want in 2016

by Gladys Diaz


Like many holidays and celebrations, New Year’s Eve can trigger bitter-sweet feelings.

On one hand, it can be disheartening if you’ve gotten to the end of the year without having attained all of the goals you’d set for yourself 12 months ago. This can be particularly true if you are not in the happy, loving relationship you dream of.

On the other hand, it can be exciting and uplifting to know that you have a whole new year ahead of you filled with unlimited possibilities – with one of those real possibilities being to finally have the loving relationship your heart desires.

So, how do we reconcile the disheartening thoughts with the uplifting ones?

You can do it in 3 easy steps!

  1. Breathe. If you’re like most women, you can be pretty hard on yourself. Many times, this is most evident in the things you tell yourself about yourself. If you’ve been putting yourself down, thinking that there must be something “wrong” with you because you haven’t manifested the love you want yet, take a deep breath and allow the love that surrounds you (and, yes, it’s always all around you and within you) to enter into your heart.

If you still don’t feel the love that surrounds you within you,

  • Breathe again…
  • Keep inhaling until you can fill your lungs anymore.
  • Hold it 3 seconds and envision the love filling every part of your being.
  • Allow love to fill you.
  • Do this as many times as you need to until you literally and physically feel love filling your being.

Once you are able to feel the love within you…

  1. Release. As you exhale, release all of those negative thoughts, beliefs and toxic emotions that do not serve you. Breathe out all of the pain, sadness, and feelings of dissatisfaction. Release yourself from the hold that those disempowering thoughts create in your life. Those are the thoughts that keep you holding onto dead-end relationships, stop you from moving on, and keep you repeating dysfunctional patterns in relationships.

If you are having trouble releasing yourself from the negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions,

  • Go back to Step #1, Breathe, and do 2 or 3 more loving breaths.
  • On each exhale, envision yourself releasing all of the pain, sadness, and disempowering thoughts and emotions from your body.
  • With each exhalation, you are releasing what doesn’t work and allowing more love to enter you on the inhalation.
  • It’s okay if you feel like crying. As you do the exercise, the sad tears will turn to tears of gratitude as you allow love to enter, surround, and fill you up!

Once you feel you have released the disempowering thoughts and emotions…

  1. Renew. In this new space, where love is what you are present to, renew your commitment to yourself to create the loving, happy, fulfilling relationship your heart desires. Commit to doing whatever it takes to transform the thoughts, words, and behaviors that have stopped you from experiencing the love you desire and deserve.

Commitment without action is nothing but wishful thinking. This is why so many people get to the end of a year without having reached the goals and dreams they declared at the beginning of the year. It’s only when you are taking consistent action in the direction of your goals and dreams that you are able to manifest them! So, to ensure that 2016 is actually different for you and you are experiencing the love your heart truly desires, follow these steps:

  • Identify the person/people who can teach and help you to create and experience the loving romantic relationship you want.  A happily married relationship coach who can teach you the skills that will have you attract, create, and nurture a healthy romantic relationship is the best option.  And, with us, you get two coaches for the price of one! 🙂
  • With your coach, identify 1-3 action steps you will take to create renewal in your love life.
  • Commit to fulfilling on those actions steps no matter what.

The reason most people do not reach their goals and manifest their dreams is because they quit. They quit on their dreams, in doing so, they give up on themselves.

This is why working with a coach is so important. You have built-in accountability.


Because, left to your own devices, you will do what you you’ve always done. You’ll do what’s comfortable, what you’re familiar with, and those are the same things that have given you the results you have now.

I’m not being negative here. This is what we all do. The results we have are consistent with the actions we’ve taken and those actions are consistent with what we’ve been committed to.

So, if you’re ready to make 2016 THE YEAR of love, intimacy, and romance for yourself, first BREATH, RELEASE, and RENEW.

Then make a real commitment to yourself to do whatever it takes to manifest the love you want.

Have your first action step be to schedule a call with one of us to help you identify your 1-3 action steps that will lead you in the direction of the relationship of your dreams!

Click here to schedule your 2016 Love Breakthrough Call!

We promise we’ll do whatever it takes to support and guide you in making your relationship dream come true.

We will stand for you, hold you accountable, and be there when you need someone to remind you just how worthy you are of having the love your heart desires!

Creating the love you want does not have to be “hard.” It can be easy when you have the right guidance and know exactly which steps to take to create the loving, happy, fulfilling relationship you desire and deserve.

Click here to schedule your 2016 Love Breakthrough Call and get ready to have all of your heart’s desires fulfilled!

Here’s to making 2016 THE YEAR OF LOVE, INTIMACY, ROMANCE, and all of your heart’s desires fulfilled!

What to Say or Do When You’re Emotionally Triggered

by Gladys Diaz

Lately, we’ve been answering your questions about what to say or do when your man says or does something that leaves you, well… speechless!

In today’s video, I talk about three ineffective ways to respond to an emotional trigger and what you can do instead.

The goal?  To have a conversation where you can share and express what you want to say, where you are left feeling heard, and where the conversation leads to a win-win solution!


Have questions of your own?  Put them in the comments section and we’ll answer them right away! 

Or… even better… join us for the What to Say to Your Man Masterclass  on Saturday, December 19th, and jump into our Facebook group that is already live!

Being able to communicate effectively is one of the keys to having a great relationship! Watch the video and let us know what questions you’d like answered!

This Almost Cost Me My Marriage

This Almost Cost Me My Marriage

by Gladys Diaz

What to Say to Your Man Banner

I wanted to take a moment to let you know why Michelle and I are so passionate about the “What to Say to Your Man” Bundle that we’re selling for a crazy-low price as part of our Black Friday Sale.

What you need to know is that this is about A LOT MORE than just a Black Friday sale!  

The reason I’m so passionate about the “What to Say to Your Man” Program Bundle is because not knowing what to say or do when I felt emotionally triggered, confronted, or hurt almost cost me my marriage.

When I’d feel triggered, I’d say and do things that I thought were about me “just being honest,” saying how I felt or what I thought, and, in seconds would have us arguing — sometimes for days!

Not knowing what to say or do was having me push my husband further and further away.

This isn’t something that’s easy for me to talk about, but I tell you a little bit more about it in the video below.

Not knowing what to do or say was costing me in terms of peace, happiness, and love in my marriage.

The thing is, it’s costing you, too!

It’s costing you not being in a relationship or ruining the one you’re in now!

So, rather than pay that price, why not pay the crazy-low price of $47 now!

The Black Friday sale ends tonight, Sunday, November 29th at midnight EST. The price will be going up and we won’t offer this program at this price again!

Communication is the KEY to having a happy, peaceful relationship that WORKS.  You simply can’t afford to keep paying the price of not knowing what to say or do when you talk to your man!

Save yourself a lot of bickering, breakups, and heartache by grabbing yours now!

Grab Yours Now Button


This Almost Cost Me My Marriage

We’re Paying YOU $100!!! [Crazy Black Friday Sale]

What to Say to Your Man Banner

Hope that you had a wonderful day yesterday and that was overflowing with love and gratitude, no matter where you are in the world! 

Michelle and I are heading out for some Black Friday shopping, and we wanted to let you know about the crazy sale we’re having just for you!

A few weeks ago, we asked you to send us your questions about what to say or do when your man says or does something that leaves you… well… speechless!

We read every single one of your questions and we’ve created a program that is going to give you the answers you’ve been waiting for! 


So, in honor of Black Friday, we’re giving you the opportunity to jump in and grab your “What to Say to Your Man” Black Friday Bundle!

This is an AMAZING deal we’re offering so that you can learn EXACTLY what to say to a man in even the most challenging situations so that you can get the love you want!

The “What to Say to Your Man” Black Friday Bundle includes:

  • What to Say to Your Man: 40 Proven Scripts So You Know Exactly What to Say to Get the Love You Want! Ebook, where you’ll get the EXACT words to say and coaching on what to do so that you can say what you want or need and get it!
  • “What to Say to Your Man: EXACTLY What to Say and Do to Get the Love You Want!” 2-hour Masterclass, where we will teach you what to say and how to write your own scripts for responding in any situation!
  • A private Facebook group where you can get direct access to coaching from Gladys & Michelle, as well as interact with other Masterclass participants.
  • The mp3 audio of the Masterclass, so that you can download it and have it with you whenever you want or need it!
  • A 30-minute 1-on-1 Love Breakthrough Coaching Session with one of the Love Twins to answer any questions not covered in the book or masterclass.


Why are we so excited about this? 

Because good communication is KEY in making a relationship work, and if you don’t know what to say (or not say) and how to say it, you’ll experience a lot of stress, arguments, and unnecessary heartache.

But, what if you knew the EXACT words to say, the ones you shouldn’t say, and the steps you should take to get the love your heart desires?

How awesome would that be? 

Just CLICK HERE to get all the details!

The first 10 people who grab the bundle will get a crazy no-brainer bonus:

A $100 Cash Card!  

That’s right!  We’re paying you more than the price you’re paying for the bundle!

(We told you it was crazy! And you’d be crazy to not grab one of the first ten bundles!)

THAT’S how serious we are when we say that we want you to succeed at having the happy, loving relationship your heart desires!

We don’t want you to miss out on the bonus, so make sure to grab yours now!




Which Mask Do You Wear in Relationships?

Which Mask Do You Wear in Relationships?

by Gladys Diaz



Today is Halloween and I’m getting ready to decorate our front yard and start putting together my costume so that I can take my little one out trick-or-treating tonight. I love seeing all the little kids in their costumes, getting a chance to pretend that they are their favorite heroes and characters. I remember how exciting it used to be as a kid, myself (almost as exciting as looking forward to eating all of the candy once I got home!)

Coincidentally, this week I participated in a course on relationships, and one of the things we discussed was how people in relationships hide behind their masks. The instructor explained how in life, we are usually wearing either one of two masks:


When you are wearing your first mask, you show the world only who you want them to see. This is the mask that says:

“I’ve got it all together!”

I’m smart, capable, and just fine on my own! Thank you!”


The other mask is the one that hides what you don’t want others to see. It’s the one that says:

“I’m afraid.”

“I don’t know…”

“I don’t want to face this on my own.”


Wearing the first mask gives you a false sense of confidence. It’s the mask you use to seek approval, to look good and avoid looking bad. And, while it probably helps you accomplish many of your goals, it can also be the one that has you pretending to be pretty much perfect. And people – including men – simply can’t connect with perfection. It doesn’t allow others to get close to you and possibly contribute to you because, well, you’ve already got it all together!


Wearing the second mask can feel scary. It’s the one you try avoiding wearing at all costs. It keeps you from being vulnerable, has you praying no one sees your insecurities or imperfections. So, again, this mask can also push people away. When you’re that afraid of being seen, it’s difficult for the other person to get to know you – the real you.

And, as Michelle and I always say:

He can’t fall in love with YOU, if YOU are not there.

So, for today, I invite you to ask yourself:

Where in my relationships am I wearing a mask?

What am I pretending?

What am I hiding?

What is it that you’re afraid others will see?


Remember, being authentic and vulnerable are essential to creating love and intimacy in a relationship.

Consider removing your masks and looking at who the real you is. Who you are is enough. You are already loveable. There’s no need to pretend, shut out, or push away the people who can and want to give you the love you deserve – including the man who wants nothing more than to let you know that he loves and accepts you just as you are!


Questions? Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!