What if You Knew EXACTLY What to Say to a Man?

What if You Knew EXACTLY What to Say to a Man?

by Gladys Diaz



I’m sure it’s happened to you at least once.


You’re with your guy.

Everything seems to be going perfectly, and then, all of a sudden, it happens!

He says or does something that catches you completely off-guard, sends you in a tailspin, hits all of your triggers, and you have no idea how to respond!


You know you can’t say the first thing that comes to your mind, because that would be way too disrespectful and you don’t want to push him away.

You don’t want not say something because you don’t want to send the message that what he said/did is okay.

So, you sit there – staring back aimlessly – every second seeming like an hour – wondering what the heck to say or do!


What if you knew exactly how to respond to even the most uncomfortable questions, comments or situations?

What if you had all of the answers right at your fingertips?

What if you never had to deal with sticking your foot in your mouth again?

Well, we’ve got good news for you!

We are putting together an easy-to-read, easy-to-use book that is going to give you the words and actions you need to respond to practically any situation that may come up in a relationship!


Whether you are single and dating, in a committed relationship, or married, you will have real-life scripts and steps you can use to help you respond in a way that is empowering, dignified, and feminine to even the most awkward situations!


But to make sure that we are answering YOUR questions, we need your help!


Simply send us an email and complete the statement:

What do I say or do when…


Fill in the blank with as many questions as you like, such as:
What do I say or do when he…

  • makes a weird or inappropriate comment
  • asks me about my past
  • starts talking about his ex
  • sends a strange text message (tell us what he said or asked)
  • starts an inappropriate conversation
  • wants to have sex before I’m ready
  • puts me in an uncomfortable situation
  • gets angry
  • hurts my feelings
  • isn’t romantic anymore


We’re going to jam-pack this book with the answer to every single possible scenario!


So, what’s a burning question you’ve always wanted the answer to?


Send us email.

  1. Complete the sentence: What do I say or do when ________?


We can’t wait to read your questions and give you the perfect answers!


Which Mask Do You Wear in Relationships?

Which Mask Do You Wear in Relationships?

by Gladys Diaz



Today is Halloween and I’m getting ready to decorate our front yard and start putting together my costume so that I can take my little one out trick-or-treating tonight. I love seeing all the little kids in their costumes, getting a chance to pretend that they are their favorite heroes and characters. I remember how exciting it used to be as a kid, myself (almost as exciting as looking forward to eating all of the candy once I got home!)

Coincidentally, this week I participated in a course on relationships, and one of the things we discussed was how people in relationships hide behind their masks. The instructor explained how in life, we are usually wearing either one of two masks:


When you are wearing your first mask, you show the world only who you want them to see. This is the mask that says:

“I’ve got it all together!”

I’m smart, capable, and just fine on my own! Thank you!”


The other mask is the one that hides what you don’t want others to see. It’s the one that says:

“I’m afraid.”

“I don’t know…”

“I don’t want to face this on my own.”


Wearing the first mask gives you a false sense of confidence. It’s the mask you use to seek approval, to look good and avoid looking bad. And, while it probably helps you accomplish many of your goals, it can also be the one that has you pretending to be pretty much perfect. And people – including men – simply can’t connect with perfection. It doesn’t allow others to get close to you and possibly contribute to you because, well, you’ve already got it all together!


Wearing the second mask can feel scary. It’s the one you try avoiding wearing at all costs. It keeps you from being vulnerable, has you praying no one sees your insecurities or imperfections. So, again, this mask can also push people away. When you’re that afraid of being seen, it’s difficult for the other person to get to know you – the real you.

And, as Michelle and I always say:

He can’t fall in love with YOU, if YOU are not there.

So, for today, I invite you to ask yourself:

Where in my relationships am I wearing a mask?

What am I pretending?

What am I hiding?

What is it that you’re afraid others will see?


Remember, being authentic and vulnerable are essential to creating love and intimacy in a relationship.

Consider removing your masks and looking at who the real you is. Who you are is enough. You are already loveable. There’s no need to pretend, shut out, or push away the people who can and want to give you the love you deserve – including the man who wants nothing more than to let you know that he loves and accepts you just as you are!


Questions? Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!

The Truth About Your “Trust Issues”

The Truth About Your “Trust Issues”

by Gladys Diaz



I was talking to a client the other day and she was sharing with me how she has a trouble trusting men. When you hear her story, you can understand why she feels that way. A failed marriage, due to infidelity, a failed relationship due to him not fully being over his ex when they got together, and a few other unsuccessful relationships in between. All of this helped reinforce her belief that it was difficult for her to trust men.

As we began to dig deeper into what the patterns in all of these relationships were, we began to uncover the truth about why she was finding it difficult to trust and open her heart to a new man.

Yes, the men she loved gave her reason to not trust them, but the truth was deeper than that.

There was actually a reason she was attracting these men into her life in the first place.

In fact, the real reason she was attracting men who made it difficult for her to trust had very little to do with the men.

It had to do with her.

The person she is really having trouble trusting is herself.

Trusting yourself means that you listen to heart, instead of your head.


I know, I know. You feel that listening to your heart is what’s gotten you burned in the past.

I want to invite you to open your heart and mind and consider something different.

When you don’t trust yourself to make the right choices – the choices that are aligned with your values, your truth, and what you really want – then you will likely allow something else to choose for you: Your fears.

When you allow your fears to make your choices, you always end up disappointed.

Your fear of being alone will have you choose to be with someone who isn’t really right for you.

Your fear of not finding someone else who will love you will have you hold on to a relationship that is toxic and unfulfilling.

Your fear that your partner or husband won’t love you the way he used to will have you pretend that nothing is wrong, even though all of the signs are there that the relationship is slowly (or quickly) falling apart.


On the other hand, when you trust and honor yourself and your truth:

You choose from a place of power.

You make choices that honor who you are and what you value to be true.

You’re not afraid to make these choices and you don’t feel like you have to force or impose those truths on the other person. You realize that the right man will choose to honor what’s true for you because he values who you are.


Allowing your fears to run the show leads to nothing but one disappointing heartache after another.

Learning how to start choosing from a place of power leads to you experiencing the happiness, love, and intimacy your heart truly desires.

If you’re finding it difficult to trust when it comes to relationships, I want you to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do I trust myself to make the choices that are best for me when it comes to relationships?
  2. If not, what is it that has me doubt my ability to make the right choices for myself?
  3. How is this lack of trust impacting my relationships?
  4. How might learning to trust myself give me different results in my relationships?


Being real with yourself and looking at what is standing in your way is the only way to transform and do something about it. It’s like any roadblock: Unless you’re clear about what is standing in your way, there is no way to avoid it and you’ll just keep slamming into it… over and over again!


If you’re ready to shift this dynamic in your life, answer the questions truthfully and then let me know what begins to open up for you. I’d love to support you in creating a real breakthrough in your love life that leads to you having the love you want and deserve!

And, by the way, as you do all of this, be gentle with yourself. Blaming, faulting, and or beating yourself up about the decisions you’ve made in the past doesn’t serve you unless you are committed to making different choices! And when you’re ready for that, get ready for your life to transform!

Why you can’t give up on love!

Why you can’t give up on love!

by Gladys Diaz

“I’m giving up on love. It’s just too hard.”


That’s probably of the most heartbreaking things to hear from my clients.  This usually comes after a bad date, a break-up, or after not having the kind of success they want in dating and relationships.

The sad part is that they don’t say they are giving up on dating or on meeting the right guy… They say,“I’m giving up on having the love I want.”

If you’ve been in that place, you know just how painful it can be. 

The disappointment and disillusion become just too much to bear and the thought of being alone for the rest of your life begins to seem less painful than believing that you can have the love you want and not seeing it happen yet.

This is why, when a client makes a comment like and still trusts us to help her do the work to get to the other side of her pain and resignation, and then reaches out to let us know she just got engaged, we just have to share it with the rest of the world!


So, today, we get to celebrate Kristin’s engagement!


Kristin worked with us as both private client and the Ready to Love Again program.  She experienced the pain of heartache and the empowerment that came with removing the love barriers that were standing in her way so that she could welcome new and extraordinary love into her life!

She met a great guy who loves her as much as she loves him and who wants to spend the rest of his life showing her just that!

When I received the picture of her beautiful ring, all I could do was cry!  There I was, in the middle of my son’s Boy Scouts Car Wash, laughing and crying at the same time!  And I didn’t care!

Kristin's Engagement Ring1

I remembered just how hurt she had been and how she truly believed that she would not meet the man who would make her dreams come true!  But, thankfully, Kristin was courageous enough to trust her coaches who believed in her and in her dream and weren’t ready to let her give up!  She trusted us, did the work, and attracted the man of her dreams!


In her own words:

During the program, I was able to make a list of what I wanted to experience during courtship with a man.  I will tell you this: I have seen every one of those things I listed with this man!”

I don’t know what comes up for you when you read and hear me say over and over again that you CAN have the love your heart desires.

I don’t know if that makes you shrug your shoulders and roll your eyes in resignation or if it inspires you to believe and step forward in faith.

Here’s what I do know. It IS absolutely true and it IS possible for YOU. It really is.

You just have to be willing to break through your fears, doubts, and resignation and begin learning and practicing the skills that are going to have you attract and create the relationship your heart truly desires. 

And the best part is: You don’t have to do it alone.

As we announced last week, the Ready to Love Again Program is sold out and the doors are closed.  It doesn’t matter why you didn’t choose to join us then. Whatever fears and doubts got in the way are just the ones that are used to winning out over your faith.


Today is a new day, and today you get to choose your dreams over your fears!


If you want to learn more about the Ready to Love Again Program and/or private coaching, just click the link below and set up a time to talk.  During our conversation we’ll listen to what your individual goals are and let you know what we feel is the best next step for you to go in the direction of making your dream a reality!

Click here and let’s talk!


No matter what, promise me and yourself that you won’t give up on your dream of having the loving, passionate, intimate relationship your heart desires. 

There’s a reason that dream and desire is in your heart, and there is a way to make it come true!

It came true for Kristin.  It came true for Michelle and me.  And it CAN come true for you, too!

I know you’re hurt and unsure.  I know you wonder if this is really possible for you.  It is.  Kristin is just one of the hundreds of women we have helped to create the loving relationships of their dreams.  We didn’t let them give up on themselves or their dreams and we won’t give up on you or your dreams either!

Click here and let’s talk!


How to Get Ready to Love Again

by Gladys Diaz


I have to tell you that you have been on my mind constantly lately. 

I keep thinking about how important your love life is for you and how much you want to feel the love, happiness, and intimacy your heart desires.

If you’ve been reading some of our emails lately – which you probably have, if you’re reading this one – then you know that we are about to close the doors to our Ready to Love Again Program.

I really don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to release yourself from the past and all of the Love Barriers that have been blocking love from your life so that you can finally have the love you want and deserve,

Since I haven’t had an opportunity to speak personally with everyone who is interested in creating a radical shift in their love life, I thought that I would shoot a video asking some of the most common questions I’ve been getting during my conversations with women who are wondering, “What do I need to move beyond heartache and get ready to love again?


In this video, I answer questions like:

  1. How can I really let go of the past so that I can move forward in my life?
  2. How do I stop repeating the same patterns in relationships?
  3. How do I know if the Ready to Love Again Program will work for me?
  4. I’ve done a lot of other programs. How is this program different?
  5. What if I still love my ex?

Now, you may have a question that is not answered in this video, so, if you want to ask me a question, you can either send me an email and ask me your question, or you can set up a time for us to talk

But don’t wait, because the program closes at midnight on Monday and I have a few special bonuses for the next 3 women who jump in now!


Watch the video now and I look forward to hearing from you!



Because time is running out and there are so many people wanting to get in before the doors close, there may not be that many sessions available.  If you don’t find a time that works for you, send me and email and we’ll figure something out!  You and your love life are way too important to put this off, so click here to schedule time to talk now!

How Your Thoughts Are Impacting More Than Your Love Life

by Gladys Diaz


Happy weekend!


I’ve been fighting off a bad cold this week, but I wanted to shoot a follow-up video to the one I sent you last week, because we got such great responses from it!

This week, we’re taking a look at how the thoughts that are stopping you from creating the amazing loving relationships you want are the same thoughts that are stopping you from moving forward in the other areas of your life, particularly your career!


Why is that? Watch the video and see!



The truth is that you have an amazing ability to create what it is you want in your life and, once you get to the work of transforming the doubts and limiting beliefs standing in your way, you CAN experience all of the love, happiness, and success your heart desires!

Watch the video and let me know what opens up for you!


Click here to watch Video 1: “What Are You Telling Yourself About Love?”


Click here to schedule time to “Do the Work!”